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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Cold Sores

I hope someone might be able to help. My boyfriend gets cold sores on his lips occasionally... it's chronic though. He's been getting them since he was a young child. They appear both on his upper and lower lip on the right side. He also gets canker sores inside his mouth occasionally when he eats too much citrus and kiwis. Does anyone know of a remedy that may be helpful for him? Thanks.
  cleee02 on 2005-09-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Apthae and herpetic eruptions on the lips are probably best treated with Naturm mur 3x or 6x twuce a day for two weeks

--- BUT at the week end take ONE tablet of potency 10m.

Wait a further 3 weeks to judge results.
walkin last decade
thanks for your response! I'll pass this info on to him.
cleee02 last decade
I get lot's of cold sores probably 4-6 a year and hate them with a passion. I have tried all sorts of solutions and this is what I have come up with:
I have used a product called vygone for the past year and a half. It is a reusable device that I have found to be so effective that when I catch the cold sore early enough it will prevent it from breaking the skin.
Basically you need to go to youtube and watch some reviews and then go to the website and read about it.
beckyboo2 last decade

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