The ABC Homeopathy Forum
cold sores???
Please, help, I get these few times a year on my lips (never outside). I get one at the time, but sometimes two or even three. Is there any remedy for this?They are irritating, painful if touched and ugly.
PS.I am 34 female, with no major health problems.
nikoletayu on 2014-11-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
fitness last decade
Try 3 doses of nat mur 30c. If after dose one or dose two you
start to see them shrinking and drying up, wait till you feel
the remedy has no more action- then take another dose- again
wait. Mix 3 pills in a couple tablespoons of water and take one
tablespoon as the dose- hold in your mouth for 20 seconds.
Try 3 doses of this with 6 hour gaps. If after 3 tries nothing goes on
then another remedy needs to be chosen. I know quite a few
people who use Nat mur for occasional cold sores and it works
quite well.
When they show up , it is a sign your immune system is stressed,
and you need to eat well, rest enough, etc.
If you are not allergic to dairy, I would incorporate the yogurt
suggestion by Fitness.
You have another post about silica and if someone takes your case
you should be using one remedy at a time, fyi.
[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 08 Nov 2014 01:17:29 GMT]
start to see them shrinking and drying up, wait till you feel
the remedy has no more action- then take another dose- again
wait. Mix 3 pills in a couple tablespoons of water and take one
tablespoon as the dose- hold in your mouth for 20 seconds.
Try 3 doses of this with 6 hour gaps. If after 3 tries nothing goes on
then another remedy needs to be chosen. I know quite a few
people who use Nat mur for occasional cold sores and it works
quite well.
When they show up , it is a sign your immune system is stressed,
and you need to eat well, rest enough, etc.
If you are not allergic to dairy, I would incorporate the yogurt
suggestion by Fitness.
You have another post about silica and if someone takes your case
you should be using one remedy at a time, fyi.
[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 08 Nov 2014 01:17:29 GMT]
♡ simone717 last decade
I read again your other post on Silica.
Did you get these cold sores after taking
the Silica?
Bc if so, the Silica can be acting and
pushing things out of the body that
were suppressed before. If so, then
you do not want to take Nat Mur, you want to let this come out now
and not suppress it.
Also you don't want to be putting the steroid cream on the eczema either.
Did a homeopath advise you on the Silica?
You don't want to be taking any more of that right now either. You need
to be monitored on the action of what you already took.
For Yogurt use homogenized milk from cows that are grass fed with no
chemicals added to their food.
[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 08 Nov 2014 03:41:53 GMT]
I read again your other post on Silica.
Did you get these cold sores after taking
the Silica?
Bc if so, the Silica can be acting and
pushing things out of the body that
were suppressed before. If so, then
you do not want to take Nat Mur, you want to let this come out now
and not suppress it.
Also you don't want to be putting the steroid cream on the eczema either.
Did a homeopath advise you on the Silica?
You don't want to be taking any more of that right now either. You need
to be monitored on the action of what you already took.
For Yogurt use homogenized milk from cows that are grass fed with no
chemicals added to their food.
[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 08 Nov 2014 03:41:53 GMT]
♡ simone717 last decade
Thank you for helping me. I get these cold sores few times a year, but this time I got it week after stopping Silicea. I will not use Nat Mur if cold sores are result of my treatment. Yes, I was advised to use Silicea by homeopath. I think it was good remedy for me, do you thing so too?
nikoletayu last decade
Yes, if it is pushing old things you
used to have out to the surface-
It will probably do that to the eczema
also and that is why you cannot put
creams on it.
You can google 'herings law of cure' that is what homeopaths
look for to see if the remedy is going along a curative path.
When the remedy matches enough of your important
symptoms, it is a 'similar'. The body will not 'allow'
two of the same type things to be there, so it raises your
life force to rebalance you and clear out all that was
The remedy is not doing the work, your life force is. Remedies
are a catalyst for the life force.
This remedy seems to be Active and working- So you do not
need more of it. You wait and watch now what shows up
and leaves. When you feel you are relapsing is when you
take another dose.
Your homeopath should be advising you on this.
used to have out to the surface-
It will probably do that to the eczema
also and that is why you cannot put
creams on it.
You can google 'herings law of cure' that is what homeopaths
look for to see if the remedy is going along a curative path.
When the remedy matches enough of your important
symptoms, it is a 'similar'. The body will not 'allow'
two of the same type things to be there, so it raises your
life force to rebalance you and clear out all that was
The remedy is not doing the work, your life force is. Remedies
are a catalyst for the life force.
This remedy seems to be Active and working- So you do not
need more of it. You wait and watch now what shows up
and leaves. When you feel you are relapsing is when you
take another dose.
Your homeopath should be advising you on this.
♡ simone717 last decade
Just one more question please. How long should I wait before I take another dose if my body feels freezing and not getting better?
[message edited by nikoletayu on Sun, 16 Nov 2014 19:47:42 GMT]
[message edited by nikoletayu on Sun, 16 Nov 2014 19:47:42 GMT]
nikoletayu last decade
If the homeopath advised you silica - he knows your case-
you should direct the question to him -
one has to know your case to know when and if you need
another dose.
you should direct the question to him -
one has to know your case to know when and if you need
another dose.
♡ simone717 last decade
nikoletayu last decade
That makes it pretty difficult. Without knowing why they prescribed it, or what they were expecting, it is hard to know how to proceed. Was it even the correct remedy? Are the symptoms moving in the right direction? What were the symptoms that appeared originally and how have they changed? We need to be able to see the case to make proper decisions about what to do next. Continuing with the wrong remedy can have serious repercussions for you.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Silica has worked great for me in mental ways.
Here is my original post:
I am 34 year old woman. I have been advised to use Silica 200c for five days in the morning and in the evening (two pills). This helped me A LOT with my social anxiety, I am also more calmed, more confident. Should I take more of the silicea or not, since I still have these problems:
- I am always cold (especially hands and feet that are also clamy)
- my nails are soft and peeling, my hair is fine, not much volume though
- I have cellulite on my legs and upper arms (even though I am slim, not fat)
- lately my menstrual periods start with few drops, then nothing for day or two and then continues to flow normally
- I have low muscle amount on my body
- mild eczema on hands(since I was 14) Looks like tiny bubbles that don't itch much. After applying corticosteroids they dry and scale off
About me:
- I am almost always in good mood
- I am slim, people also say I look fragile, due to my smaller bone structure.
- pale skin, dark eyes, light brown hair
- Used to be nervous and always seeking something to do (before I started Silica)
I used to have back pain when I was under stress, like a spazam
- used to have panic fear of speaking in public(I don't know if I still have this since I was not in opportunity to be in one)
- I am creative and love to fix things, especially phisical work
- I am intellectual, like to read, imaginative
- I sleep like dead
- I am almost never in pain (no headaches, good eyes, normal bowel movement)
- I eat well
- I crave chocolate
- there is no food that I hate
- I dislike too hot and cold weather
- I have strong concentration, but bad memory
- I have normal sexual desire.
- Don't like to take showers because I feel cold
- I am A positive blood type
- I don't sweat much
- I don't drink much water at all
- Inside of my nose is always a bit swollen restricting the air that comes in.
- my sense of smell is not very good
- used to have pollen allergy (swollen nose paths with itching and sneezing), but it has been better last few years
- inability to digest garlic. The smell stays with me forever
PS. while taking silica my breasts were sore. Not much, but I wonder why?
Here is my original post:
I am 34 year old woman. I have been advised to use Silica 200c for five days in the morning and in the evening (two pills). This helped me A LOT with my social anxiety, I am also more calmed, more confident. Should I take more of the silicea or not, since I still have these problems:
- I am always cold (especially hands and feet that are also clamy)
- my nails are soft and peeling, my hair is fine, not much volume though
- I have cellulite on my legs and upper arms (even though I am slim, not fat)
- lately my menstrual periods start with few drops, then nothing for day or two and then continues to flow normally
- I have low muscle amount on my body
- mild eczema on hands(since I was 14) Looks like tiny bubbles that don't itch much. After applying corticosteroids they dry and scale off
About me:
- I am almost always in good mood
- I am slim, people also say I look fragile, due to my smaller bone structure.
- pale skin, dark eyes, light brown hair
- Used to be nervous and always seeking something to do (before I started Silica)
I used to have back pain when I was under stress, like a spazam
- used to have panic fear of speaking in public(I don't know if I still have this since I was not in opportunity to be in one)
- I am creative and love to fix things, especially phisical work
- I am intellectual, like to read, imaginative
- I sleep like dead
- I am almost never in pain (no headaches, good eyes, normal bowel movement)
- I eat well
- I crave chocolate
- there is no food that I hate
- I dislike too hot and cold weather
- I have strong concentration, but bad memory
- I have normal sexual desire.
- Don't like to take showers because I feel cold
- I am A positive blood type
- I don't sweat much
- I don't drink much water at all
- Inside of my nose is always a bit swollen restricting the air that comes in.
- my sense of smell is not very good
- used to have pollen allergy (swollen nose paths with itching and sneezing), but it has been better last few years
- inability to digest garlic. The smell stays with me forever
PS. while taking silica my breasts were sore. Not much, but I wonder why?
nikoletayu last decade
When did you take the Silicea?
Are any these symptoms worse than they were before? (prior to the Silicea)
Are any of these symptoms better than they were before? (prior to the Silicea)
Are any of these symptoms new to you? (since the Silicea)
Did any of these symptoms appear after the silicea, but are actually old symptoms for you?
Are any these symptoms worse than they were before? (prior to the Silicea)
Are any of these symptoms better than they were before? (prior to the Silicea)
Are any of these symptoms new to you? (since the Silicea)
Did any of these symptoms appear after the silicea, but are actually old symptoms for you?
♡ Evocationer last decade
I took silica about a month ago.
Most noticeable was mental improvement.
My social anxiety is much better (I am even getting of my anti-anxiety medicine now). I feel more confident, more relaxed, not scared at all.
My eczema got BAD after silica for a few weeks. Now it is gone.
I got more cold sores then ever before in my life. I usually used to get one or two, after silica I got two, then right after two more and after this two more!! These last ones are gone few days ago and my lips are fine now:)
No new issues appeared.
But I am still cold, my nose still doesn't work well and other listed minor problem are still here.
This is why I am confused. I think that silica was good, but was it enough?
Most noticeable was mental improvement.
My social anxiety is much better (I am even getting of my anti-anxiety medicine now). I feel more confident, more relaxed, not scared at all.
My eczema got BAD after silica for a few weeks. Now it is gone.
I got more cold sores then ever before in my life. I usually used to get one or two, after silica I got two, then right after two more and after this two more!! These last ones are gone few days ago and my lips are fine now:)
No new issues appeared.
But I am still cold, my nose still doesn't work well and other listed minor problem are still here.
This is why I am confused. I think that silica was good, but was it enough?
nikoletayu last decade
No it is good from the sound of it. Continuing waiting. The cold sores are part of the healing crisis - the disease moving from within outwards.
Wait longer. That is your best course of action. When symptoms start to relapse, or your symptoms change significantly in their nature, then something would need to be done. What happens at that point would determine the course of action.
Wait longer. That is your best course of action. When symptoms start to relapse, or your symptoms change significantly in their nature, then something would need to be done. What happens at that point would determine the course of action.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Hi, I did not have any new issues, good or bad. I think I need more of the Silicea, but since I am not an expert, I would need you to tell me what to do next.
I am still cold all the time and my panic attacks related to social situations are better, but they are still there.
My eczema is gone for now (hopefully for ever)
I am still not liking bathing because I feel cold.
Thank you for your input!
I am still cold all the time and my panic attacks related to social situations are better, but they are still there.
My eczema is gone for now (hopefully for ever)
I am still not liking bathing because I feel cold.
Thank you for your input!
nikoletayu last decade
Firstly, you need to make a liquid dose of this remedy rather than continuing to use the dry pillules/pellets.
You will need a small bottle and a dropper to make your own liquid dose. Mix water and alcohol into this small bottle to the ratio of 5:1. Dissolve 3 pillules/pellets into this bottle. All doses will be made from this bottle.
If you already have a liquid dose just start from step 1.
1. Hit the bottle 5 times firmly against the palm of the hand
2. Place 3 drops into 100mls of clean fresh water
3. Stir very thoroughly
4. Take 2 teaspoons out into the mouth and hold for 20 seconds, then swallow.
This is one dose.
Try doing this once and see what happens.
You will need a small bottle and a dropper to make your own liquid dose. Mix water and alcohol into this small bottle to the ratio of 5:1. Dissolve 3 pillules/pellets into this bottle. All doses will be made from this bottle.
If you already have a liquid dose just start from step 1.
1. Hit the bottle 5 times firmly against the palm of the hand
2. Place 3 drops into 100mls of clean fresh water
3. Stir very thoroughly
4. Take 2 teaspoons out into the mouth and hold for 20 seconds, then swallow.
This is one dose.
Try doing this once and see what happens.
♡ Evocationer last decade
is there any food or beverage restrictions while taking Nat Mur?
Any restriction on Sugar? Soda? Hot tea, Coffee, Speciy food? or starchy food?
Any restriction on Sugar? Soda? Hot tea, Coffee, Speciy food? or starchy food?
aamirshah2008 8 years ago
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