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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Tinnitus (constant noises in both ears)

I have been suffering from constant Tinnitus, anxiety, depression for the past 4 months
In brief I can summarise:
March 28th 2005- Start of severe Chicken pox all over body from head to toe
April 2-15 2005 - Given Erythromycin Antibiotic. April 15-30 Feeling weak, palpatations, funny feeling in head and fullness and felt light headness at times also and strange feeling when waking up in morning. All blood tests were
normal, ECG, Was doing closing nostril and blowing air exercise to clear eustachian tube and then
felt lighter and clearer in head.
May 1-24 Slowly started to come to work for short times, did not feel
myself in the mornings after waking up, was eating multivitamins,
fruits, juice, felt weak and very hungry at times. When i woke up in the
mornings I felt weak and had strange feelings in my forehead and eyes.
Felt very sleepy at times. Was told by doctors here to take lot of rest
as this is a major illness in adults.
May 24 - woke up in the morning and had this strange noise in both ears
like summer insects. Showed local GP and they said that some fluid can
be seen behind both ear drums and take cold and flu tablets and
hopefully the noise will settle down.
May 31 - Went to Ear hosptial who said ear drum is a bit sluggish and
precribed Augmentin Forte antibiotic for 10 days.
June 10 - The ear drums were moving crisply, they looked through the
nose with camera, did audiogram and tympanogram and all were OK. They
said that the noises will go away with time.
June 15 - The noises were so annoying that I could not do any work and
searched the web and found that Homeopathhy has the cure. Contacted my
local doctor and my family Homeopathic doctor in Lucknow who told me to
take Causticum 1M (3 doses) and Antipyrinum 3X and Chinnimum Sulph 30 3
time a day.
June 25- After eating the medicines the intense vibrations were very
severe and then was advised to close them down. Was advised by family to change to
very experienced (30 years) doctor in New Delhi. He said to take
Pulsatilla 30 and Kali Mur 3X.
July 15- Was very depressed, suicidal, very stressed, anxious for
relief and just could not bear it. I started on the New Delhi docotor
advise Aurum Met 200 and Conium M 3 from this day every two hours
alternately and still continuing on them. He himself sends his
August 22 - The doctor in New Delhi sent me Tellurium 200 to take at bed
time and also when my sleep is disturbed at 4 am. It sometimes helps in
getting back to sleep, but not sound sleep.
Present situation is that I am not that that depressed and but still very anxious and not happy in life as I am ALL THE TIME hoping to get
relief from the medicines. As you can understand the noise intensity has not changed.After this bout of Tinnitus I had negative thoughts about my future, my families future, will I get back to what I was, how
will I continue to work with this problem as I could not concentrate, will this go away or not(as I was told by a few people at work that they
know of people suffering from this problem for decades). Hence this drove me into a vicious cycle of thoughts and also as you can imagine the annoyance it causes all the time is still there.
Any suggestions on medicines to take most welcome as I am in Melbourne, Australia with young family and trying to find the right medicine. My Indian doctor says that he will change medicine now, but how long should a person have to wait to start seeing some relief.
shobhit chandra
  schandra on 2005-09-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I read your long post.USE PETROLRUM200C AND NATRUM SALICYLICUM 200C alternately and you will be free from this baffling problem for ever.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Read petroleum.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Thanks sajjad for your suggestions. I would like to know how many times in the day should I take them alternately?
I shall contact my local Homeopathic doctor today evening.
schandra last decade
It is better you take one medicine in the morning and other one at night.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Hello Sajjad,
My New Delhi doctor has suggested me taking Theridion Cur 200 and Ignitia 200 alternately 3 times a day. I am just confused and frustated that what to take as nobody can explain how the medicines will work on the problem in the ears/brain. I understand from reading information on Tinnitus that these phantom noises are supposed to be coming from bent cilia in inner ear touching each other and making like an electrical short circuit. They may also be due to Hyperactive brain cells where sound is processed. In the end I do not care where or what I need the problem cured and I will give your medicines also a try if nothing happens in a weeks time.
schandra last decade
Hello sajjad,

Sorry I had the wrong spelling it is Ignatia Amara 200.
schandra last decade
Go ahead with the medicines prescribed by your doctor in Delhi.No objection.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Hello sajjad,
Thanks for your reply. As you understand my desperate situation I would like to know what sort of response time can one expect from the medicines you have told. At the end of the day I have full faith in Homeopathy and I do not care which medicine/s does the cure and who has prescribed it, in the end I want the result. I am happy to stop his medicines and take the ones you have told as I am prepared for anything/everything. Please let me know if I can take the ones you have told without any conflict with the ones I am taking.
With lots of thanks and blessings.
I have seen you are so active in the forum and would like to thank you for the great noble work you are doing for mankind.
I shall report to you any progress which at the moment is not looking any better.
schandra last decade
It is better to stop his medicines and start taking what i said. .In a week time you will feel better.
sajjadakram635 last decade
hello dr sajjad,
Your confidence in the 2 medicines makes me already feel better and I hope that I get rid of this problem which has stopped my life for the past 4 months. With so much of patience I took the words of my doctor that the noises will be gone, that I kept on taking without questioning, but now I am so frustrated that I question anybody who tells me Homeopathic medicines.
Doctor, have you cured with these medicines any Tinnitus patient? All Homeopathic doctors tell me that they have cured Tinnitus patients. I do not know when my turn will come. I shall contact my local Homeopathic doctor asap and get these medicines.
By the way if you do not mind can I ask where are you living on this lovely planet?
With lots of thanks
schandra last decade
I am not hero of homeopathy nor i do any kind of drama or fraud,nor i misguide any one.I suggest what i think better.On this forum clinically proved medicines are suggested due to lack of details.I hope you will get well soon.
I live in the middle of this lovely planet.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Hello sajjad,
Please excuse me for anything I wrote, as I fully respect everyone, especially when we are on such a noble cause forum. I had no doubts on your suggestion and have also told my local Homeopathic doctor last night and he is waiting for a few more days to see the response of his medicines and then we shall definitely try this.
I will definitely keep you posted on my progress and hope that I get well soon.
With thanks
schandra last decade
Have any of the treatments worked?
TonyGerillo last decade
Dear Tony,
I am still suffering though the intensity of noises in both ears has gone down considerably since I contacted the forum.
My conclusion is : You have to find the likely cause which brought your Tinnitus. In my case it could be chicken pox, but more likely 15 days of Erythromycin antibitotic which has been listed as a drug which has this side effect.
No Western medicince doctor will agree but I have consulted my doctors in my family in India and they think it is more likely to be Erythormycin.
In my case all CT scan and MRI of ears and brain are normal, hence we HOPE that only with time it will heal and fade out.
All Homeopahtic doctors I have consulted say that they have cured patients from this problem. It is all your luck how soon from the vast number of Homeopathic medicines which can be given to cure Tinnitus your doctor can give.
I am still taking medicines though they have been changed many times and even though I cannot give a lot of credit (in reducing the intensity) to Homeopathy it did help me come out of my mental depression.
I hope that with time soon it will clear out as all doctors have said.
All the best and keep me posted.
schandra last decade
Is there anyone that has been cured of tinnitus on the site.
Please if anyone has been cured let me know what I should take HELP !!!!
KING7 last decade

It's been 2 and a 1/2 months sence you last posted. How is the Tinnitus in your ears now?
Using a scale of 0% to 100% ??
KING7 last decade
Hello King7,
After a change of medicine in June end, I have noticed significant improvement on a scale of nearly 70% from what the intensity was.
I think that you have to be very very patient and a few medicines will have to be tried before the ONE SUITED for your body and problem starts to show results.
The threshold of the intesity has gone down to a level that I can now carry on my day to day life and in the background it is still buuzzing away.
Several homeopathic doctors in India have all assured me that there is CURE and you have to be just patient as this is a nerve damage...and takes time to revert back to normal.
All the best and don't loose hope and keep on taking homeopathic medicines.
schandra last decade
Thnaks schandra,

I took belladonna in the morning 5 drops in tablespoon of water for 4 days Fri. to Mon. and it is next monday now so that would be one week and my tinnitus has reduced about 80% and continues to get better everyday. I know im cured and I thank God and my Lord Jesus Christ for guiding me to the cure.

God Bless
KING7 last decade
Very happy to know you are feeling much better and your problem is soon going to be fully cured.
May i ask can you think of the reason which may have caused it like a viral infection, any medicine, ear problems ,etc
schandra last decade
Listening to loud music is what I believed caused it. It just came on one day while I was out hunting.
KING7 last decade
My boyfriend has the constant ringing in his ears he is in a rock band and i just started the homeopathic way. What do you suggest that i start giving him for his ringing from LOUD ROCK AND ROLL???
rivsmom last decade
I’d like some help with the ringing in my ears. It is driving me crazy. Have had it off and on for years. Lately it is louder. Been this way for months now. Based on other forum conversations I offer this information: I am typically a cold person, occasional sweet tooth mostly related to cycles. Very sensitive to materials on skin and prefer soft cotton, vs wool or even silk. Boiled eggs are ok, rich foods are good but in very small amounts, eyelids are swollen. Not a smoker or much of a drinker. Don’t drink caffeine such as coffee or soda. Lately, if I drink any alcohol my head begins to hurt before I can finish the drink. It has been that way for years with wine , now with beer and hard alcohol. Don’t take any regular medications. Had a hysterectomy in March, full recovery w/ one ovary remaining. Peri- menoposal. Healthy diet includes meat and dairy. Not overweight, no high blood pressure. Any assistance would be appreciated.
tmurray last decade
Very tricky to resolve. We have many unsolved cases here on this forum.

Few medicines may work.

Belladonna 30.

Tellurium 30 (Sure shot if itching is also present in the ear)

My following suggestions have resolved some of the cases:

One drop of tonic water in half empty one liter water bottle. Shake/bang the bottle several times and take just a spoon of it once a day for a week.

Second thing that may work:
Crank Case Oil Remedy may resolve your itching.

All above solutions may resolve the problem or may bring some relief.
kuldeep last decade
hi, i've recently developed tinnitus. i've always gotten occassional ringing throughout my life but as of this past month, its constant, from the time i wake up til i go to sleep. ive been under alot of stress and also been having alot of sinus congestion this winter. at this point i feel completely hopeless and desperate. the ringing is making me so depressed and i dont feel i can go on like this. from all i read, there is no cure. i've yet to see a doctor. i go next week. i have no health insurance and its a low income clinic that i'm going too, which means any help or hope is limited. i cant afford to keep trying different meds and i cant afford any type of continuous therapy. is there anything that really works? theres a constant faint ringing in my head and then at times i hear a more direct/louder ring in my ears as well. my ears feel either partially or totally plugged as tho they need to pop. any ideas? any help? i can't go on like this. thank you

ak032 last decade
Hi Ak,
It seems that you may have some ear infection as they feel plugges and that me the reason for the increased Tinnitus.
Certainly getting mediceal treatment (Western medicine) is the first thing to follow.
Find a local Homeopathic doctor if there is one or else ask for help on the forum.
I can certainly say that with the right Homeopathic medicine the problem will be reduced and maybe fully cured. You will have to be very calma nd with full of patience in the treatment.
All the best
schandra last decade

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