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Posts about Tinnitus

Tinnitus10Reoccurance of UTI with stomach upset and tinnitus1Tinnitus34Chronic Tinnitus3Tinnitus1premature ejaculation, tinnitus12Tinnitus7For Dr Kadwa and other professionals - Post Nasal Drip & Indigestion / Tinnitus3Hypertension and Tinnitus14Tinnitus1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Tinnitus (constant noises in both ears) Page 2 of 4

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Ak,
It seems that you may have some ear infection as they feel plugges and that me the reason for the increased Tinnitus.
Certainly getting mediceal treatment (Western medicine) is the first thing to follow.
Find a local Homeopathic doctor if there is one or else ask for help on the forum.
I can certainly say that with the right Homeopathic medicine the problem will be reduced and maybe fully cured. You will have to be very calma nd with full of patience in the treatment.
All the best
schandra last decade
I've seen two doctors. One said ears look fine and told me to live with it. Another doctor said my ears look fine and prescribed me ativan for sleep, but then referred me to an ent and audiologist. The ent said I have a slight deviated septum, which I always had, even prior to tinnitus. His only suggestions was to get counseling for stress/anxiety and I should have a regular doctor. The audiologist said I have slight hearing loss, but I think I hear everything and my hearing is within normal limits. She told me I can go out of state for TRT, but thats not possible for me, so she suggested listening to white noise in an attempt to habituate. So now, no hope and no insurance and I'm not in a financial position where I can continue seeking out different therapies and treatments. I cant take this. It's taken the life out of me. I can no longer manage my own life and yet I have a child to raise.
ak032 last decade
Hi Ak,

I have been through exactly similar depressed period of time, BUT PATIENCE and somehow tying your best to be with family and friends and listening to background music even when you ae sleeping are the temporary solutions until it gets reduced to a bearable limit.
If you want to I can give you email of my Homeopathic doctor in New Delhi, India. You can send all your symptoms and treatments and the likely cause you think might have aggravated this last month. He can suggest to you medicines which you can buy from your local homeopathic store. Is there any close by where you live. Find this out first?
I had to be patient and my kids are also young, BUT somehow with the blessings of GOD we all can pass this phase. Yes it was very very difficult for me but you have to somehow best manage until soem relief comes. It took me more than 1 year of continous treatment with patience and by staying calm I got the results.
All the best
schandra last decade
Dear Shobhit,

I was recently diagnosed with Tinnitus. Since you have had good experience with Homeopathy I would like to talk to you. Can you please share your email address so I can give you all my details. I am going through the same phase what you have described in your 1st email. I also have a young family and live in the Unites States. I will appreciate if you can share your email address with me
sanraj last decade
Thank you for the reply schandra. I would very much appreciate the e-mail address of your doctor. I'm not too sure about homeopathy places in my area. I think anything available would result in seeing some homeopathic person which I know would result in paying alot. At this point, its extremely hard to cope.. feelings like having panick attacks every waking moment and now having constant migraines. The only thing I know to do now is get on antidepressants. I would like to hear more from you on how you managed the phases of this. Is there a way to communicate with you thru email? I dont know if you got this or anyone else, but it seems the people in our lives become indifferent and unsupportive because they cant understand the misery of this. When I tell them, they seem to withdrawal from me even more.
ak032 last decade
I've been suffring from Tinnitus over a year. First six months tried allopathic medicins but to no avail. Later I switched over to homeopathic and tried chinninum sulphate 3X, Merc IR 3x but problems problem still persists.

My problem started when I join swimming June, 2006, thereafter my both the ears blocked. My doc said the water content has gone inside the ear from my nose. Tried esternal heating therapy no no cure. Slowly, my started hearing buzzing/hissing sound in my left ear especially at the peak when I wake up in the morning or go to bed. During working in my cabin, it increases.

I had a high depression when problem started and though, its end of life since I was not ready to live my life in this way but in due course, I solace myself and accepted the fact. Now I feel, depression has gone out but anxiety still persist giving lot of incomfirt in day to day life.

How about Belladonna 30 and Tellurium 30 would help me.

As Kuldeep suggested tonic water, what is that? I have no idea about this.

Any suggestion from the forum would highly be appreciated....

bhupi last decade
Dear Sajjad
My wife haa been suffering from tinnitus from the last 1o years. You can well understand the satet of affairs being a proffessional. The short history of this case may be read as that she inflicted cold that time. Some medicines were administered, nay be erythromycin and anti allergics. Shes was cured from the cold, then she stated listening the sounds in her ears. On further treatment she was injected gentamycin, the oondition further worsend. An ENT specialist was consulted who advised prednisolone injections resulting it further deterioration. Later all vitamins & gingko biollova treatments were given, all of no use. Now shes is sufferring from tinnitus as well partial deafness. CT Scan of the brain is normal, the aufiometery tests infers that the nerves have gone weak. Kindly advise.
H Bhushan
oldleo43 last decade
Hi Bhushan,

Please consult an experienced Homeopathic doctor. It will take a bit of time but with patience the condition will improve.
Best wishes
schandra last decade
At about 9yo I was in front of a high powered rifle (about 2 ft) when it was fired. I had a severe head cold for a couple of weeks, from then on, I have had severe tinnitus, with complete loss of most of my higher frequency sounds. I have a lot of trouble hearing everyday conversations and TV unless it is very loud or very low freq. I'm looking for some help, (pleading is more like it!) anything you could do would be appreciated. Thank you, RexIII.
RexIII last decade
Are you guys still active on this forum. It's good to know that some of you have been cured of the Tinnitus problem.

I developed Tinnitus a little more than year ago. I don't know the exact cause but it started with a traumatic event in my life - there was a lot of depression involved. During this period of depression,may be in the second month or so, I first noticed the ringing/buzzing in my ears. I really took it in my stride and kind of living with it for almost an year. But looking back, I think my productivity at my workplace and also as an Engineering student, went down. I could not concetrate much and now it has a reached a stage - where I have to find a cure asap.

So I have been looking up on internet. There are coupla websites, which offer homeopathic medicines, but before going ahead and buying the one which I feel is the best, I though a second opinion from you guys will be very helpful.

I'm hoping to hear from you guys soon. By the end of this week, I should be taking my first step towards getting my life back on track.

Thanks guys
We will all get better with patience and resilience!!

- Sal
sahildua last decade

I'm in US right now, but my parents live in Delhi. Could you provide me with your Doctors phone and address. May be my parents can visit him on my behalf.

sahildua last decade
dear Shobhit,

I am a patient of tinnitus residing in Delhi. I read your recovery on this forum from tinnitus. Can you please suggest me the doctor you saw in delhi for this. Please help me out in this.
jammymails last decade
dear sajjad
u sent a priscription for treatment of tinnitus for my wife who is suffering chronically for the last 10 years . a prationer adviced petrolium etc.
oldleo43 last decade
hi there
a priscription for treatment of tinnitus for my wife who is suffering chronically for the last 10 years was advanced by a good soul at this forum . a prationer adviced petrolium etc.since i could not get the medicine due to non availibility of the medicine of requisite potency as well as combination medicine, i request u to advice afresh.
thanking u
oldleo43 last decade

I too have been suffering from the same, it all started with an ear infection, initially the sound was too much to bear but now after two weeks it is very much negligible. As am from India my parents suggested me one home remedy, since I do not know from which place you are I am not sure if that is available at your place also.

You have to fry and eat a Goats brain along with an egg before dinner and do not take anything else. The rest of the head of the Goat has to be prepared as a soup and drunk before going to sleep, take the soup for 4 days. If you can do this and see if the Tinnitus diminishes. I hope you do know that how to prepare the soup.

ronaldo81 last decade
My name is Mrs. lakshmi Pillai, 39 yrs age. Staying in Mumbai.

, I am suffering from severe kind of allergy due to which I am getting continuous sneezes for the past 26 years.
I am allergic to many things like, sour food, cold food, change of climate, dust, etc.
Majority of fruits I cannot eat due to my sneezing problems. . I can never even dream of eating ice cream, cold drinks, pickles etc.
If I get sneezes, it will remain for 1-2 days & I will be sneezing the full day continuously.

Because of my sneezing regularly, both of my ears have got affected for the past 25 years I am suffering my ear disease

For 12 years from my ears hammering sounds used to come with a gap of 5 mts in both ears.
Then one morning hammering sounds had gone and in its place buzzing sounds in both my ears are coming

buzzing / ringing sounds ( sounds similar to lots of bees make humming sounds ) comes continuously from both of my ears - 24 hours daily for the past 13 years.. This buzzing sound has made my life miserable & disturbing me a lot. I cannot sleep properly. My hearing is also not very clear, there is some percent of deafness also to my ears. I am eating some ayurvedic medicines to contral sneezings hence sneezing is little bit under control , but no improvement in buzzing sounds

I have tried various treatments like, Allopathy, Ayuervedic, Accupressure, Accupuncture, Reiki, etc. but there is absolutely no improvement in my condition. I am very frustrated with my life. Sometimes I feel death is better than my horrible life.

Pl suggest me medicines to get relief from this buzzing problem
padmadharmar last decade
Laxmi, even I have Tinnitus and it has obviously not been easy (especially because I'm so young and have a long way to go).
What has helped me, beyond everything, is faith. I will suggest you the same, have faith and move on.

As far as medicines are concerned, there are many treatments. But we have to be patient with them. I have heard of cases like you - who have tried everything. But out of no where, they try something new (like homeopathy or allopathy treatment) and stay patient with it - it has helped them tremendously. Infact many cases, Tinnitus has gone completely.

So I will say have faith and patience - it will go one day. Till then we have to live with it, people have much much tougher problems then Tinnitus.
sahildua last decade
Kind Attn Dr Sajjad
My name is Mrs. lakshmi Pillai, 39 yrs age. Staying in Mumbai.

, I am suffering from severe kind of fallergy due to which I am getting continuous sneezes for the past 26 years.

I am allergic to many things like, sour food, cold food, change of climate, dust, etc.

Majority of fruits I cannot eat due to my sneezing problems. . I can never even dream of eating ice cream, cold drinks, pickles etc.

If I get sneezes, it will remain for 1-2 days & I will be sneezing the full day continuously.

with 5 mts gap

Because of my sneezing regularly, both of my ears have got affected for the past 25 years I am suffering my ear disease

For nearly 12 years , from my ears hammering sounds used to come with a gap of 5 mts in both ears.

Then one morning hammering sounds had gone and in its place buzzing sounds in both my ears are coming nonstop

buzzing / ringing sounds ( sounds similar to lots of bees make humming sounds ) comes continuously from both of my ears - 24 hours daily for the past 13 years.. This buzzing sound has made my life miserable & disturbing me a lot. I cannot sleep properly. My hearing is also not very clear, there is some percent of deafness also to my ears. I am eating some ayurvedic medicines to control sneezings hence sneezing is little bit under control , but no improvement in buzzing sounds at all

I have tried various treatments like, Allopathy, Ayuervedic, Accupressure, Accupuncture, Reiki, etc. but there is absolutely no improvement in my condition. I am very frustrated with my life. Sometimes I feel death is better than my horrible life.

Pl be kind enough to suggest me suitable medicines to get relief from this nonstop buzzing problem in both ears. i will be highly obliged.

padmadharmar last decade
Dear forum users,
The name of the doctor in New Delhi is Dr.Kalyan Banerjee.
schandra last decade
Dear Forum users

if anybody knows the correct homeo doctor in mumbai who can treat my tinnitus in both ears which i am suffering for 25 years, pl infrm me

regds lakshmi
padmadharmar last decade
Please give the contact no of Dr. Kalyan Banerjee who is based in Delhi so that the patients can contact him and seek an appointment and similarly the Doctor can give references of other Doctors who are not based in Delhi who can treat patients suffering from Tinnitus.
ronaldo81 last decade
Hi King 7. Has your t. Gone away completely with the belladonna? If not can you please discribe how it idle these days? I pray it has gone completely.

Hi Schandra, have you found any relief with the meds you have tried?

Best wishes for healing for all and many blessings.

Vineyardseeker last decade
Hi Chandra,

Are you cured of your tinnitus now after taking homeopathy???
magsworldz last decade
Hello any one
my name is hamid Iam 56 it's 5 month I'm sufferring tinnitus with the following specifications:
Steam escaping like on and off approximately 2-3 days on 1-2 days off
it arrives in right ear but occupies the head totally after intensification
Ihave taken 4 doses of causticom c30 several doses of magpho (6x,36x, 30c) and beladonna (6x 36 x and 200c) i can say that all of them have been effective but none ended the story
after 2-3 days of each of them the probleme restarts i take alperazolam and zolpidem one night after another in order to sleep
can any body help?
tinnitus90 last decade
Try TRT Tinnitus Retraining Therapy, there is a website where you can hear various kinds of noises related to tinnitus. Hearing the same sound related to the one you are suffering may sometimes give signal to the brain and heal the same.
ronaldo81 last decade
i have undergone something similar to you.i had pneumonia last year 28 dec 12.was putup on antibiotics for 15 days like livoflox.azeethromycin.got out of it.for next one month feeling week no proper sleep.uninterested etc.than in month of feb first weak 2012 i experienced summer insect sound in both ears it is more in left ear.seen ENTs had different medicenes no relief.i than saw a homeopethic doc near me had given pills and i am on this treatment for last one month.so pls pls can any one help me to get out of this .
rajkumar2831 last decade

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