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Tinnitus (constant noises in both ears) Page 4 of 4

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sir thank you for further explaination.today is 14 th day into treatment.as i have said i am happy with the improvement though it is 40%.the left ear prominent ringing is lowered and unniticeable during day while surrounding sound. sleep is improved .but when it is quite or when i close the ear sound is still their.intesity of ringing goes up and down but rarely unlike before.please guide.thank you
rajkumar2831 last decade
There is no need to repeat the remedy until there is a significant relapse. Just wait and watch for another week. A single dose of Nux Vomica 200 may be taken on need.
kadwa last decade
thank you...
i went to sleep late yesterdy and i found in the mornig same intense sound as before when i woke up.for whole day the left side was buzzing so took the single dose in the evening.i am anxious and the day i think i am recovering the buzz worsen...dont know when will i get out of this....
rajkumar2831 last decade
dear kadwaji,
i was troubled with buzz through yesterday as i have given on forum.yestrday night could sleep properly when woke up the ringing was not that much as it was botherable yesterday morning . by now today i am having the buz in left perticular and is noteceable during work even.i have had one dose of nux yestrday.please help.
rajkumar2831 last decade
You should take Nux 200 for five days in a row in the evening and see how that affects.
kadwa last decade
sir please can you tell me if i am responding to nux and this buzz will go finally.i am bit annoyed nd worried.regards
rajkumar2831 last decade
You are responding well.
kadwa last decade
dear kadwaji
even today i had noteceable noise in the ear.had the third day of the dose.regards
rajkumar2831 last decade
Please start taking 2 tablets of Sarivadi Vati in the morning and evening. The tablets may be crushed by teeth and swallowed with water. It may be otherwise crushed and licked with honey. It is available at Swami Ramdev's pharmacy outlets. Take these tablets for 15 days. You may start immediately.
kadwa last decade
thank you sir.will start it today evening.
rajkumar2831 last decade
I developed tinnitus all of a sudden in july'13 one night i was sleeping and i noticed some sharp whisteling noise.
I went to ENT , got tested for spondylytis negative, got the MRI done all fine in it , ENT did the audimetry analysis and said i had high freq. loss in both ears more prominent in right ear and buzzing is also more prominent in right ear,
I was put on some medication which gave relief for as long as i take them ,I catch a cold very easily and almost every 2-3 months i get cold for 10-15 days, Also i am not able to sleep well because of this tinnitus, by blood pressure is also on higher side around 140/90 . Please help
abhi123456 last decade
Dear Hamid,

Please try TRT. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy.
ronaldo81 last decade
I am getting beep sound in left ear and feel some air lock while walk on left ear.

I feel this revert echo beep sound while watch TV and outside noise like press horn and whatever music outside its ever as echo beep sound ever time the noise coming from out side, beep some is not comes while sit in soundless room only it's comes whenever noise come from out side as well feel some thing like air lock while walk.... Doctor prescribed absolut 3G and pirapil... Not sure pirapil will work look like its something different... Advice right I having bp taking medication for it as well vitamin d deficiency and b12 deficiency taking medicine for this too
White1 7 years ago
Dear Dr

I am 67 years now..having Tinnitus for last 6 months.
I did consult Allopathy and Ayurvedic doctor and taken medicines but no improvement at all.

It is like an insect sound which normally can be heard in village area at night. Same sound buzz in both of my ears all the time.

This started one day evening when i was exposed to loud music in a function.

Please help me in getting rid of this problem.

SKB1 7 years ago
Hi ,shobit chandra, read about your problem, your conversation with mr.Sajjad, sorry to know about your conditions, I m also suffering the same problem, I just want to know has it been cured? Feeling better now ? Plz. Share so that we can also be benefited.thx.
Gubbu 7 years ago

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