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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

anal fissure

I am battling with an anal fissure, It scares the liveing daylights out of me, I am a healthy person otherwise, I saw my doctor, and he wants to do a colonoscopy, but I feel like it needs to heal first. He prescribed a laxative, and after a week of taking it it healed, but when i ran out, the fissure returned, well when he prescribed more lax, it still hasn't healed, I am in so much pain!!!!!!, I sced. another appt. with a dif. doctor, because I want something to help heal, my previous doctor prescribed anti hemmoroid meds, not wkg! I am at a loss, I need some releif
  katincbus on 2005-10-11
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in order to prescribe the best matching homeopathic remedy for you,we need your complete symptoms,below is the addresses where a questionnaire is given ,fill it and submit it,you will get the prescription.
drsajid last decade
Nitric Acid should take care of it.

Buy Nitric Acid 30,1 drachm tincture(liquid medicine). Put 1 drop in 1 ounce of distilled water/non-medicinal spring water(boiled)/rain water(collected after it has rained for a few minutes)/drinking water(boiled) and shake it vigorously at least 10 times. Out of this, use 1/2 tea-spoonful as a dose.

Take next dose when the improvement from the previous dose starts wearring off. Shake,as before, every time, just before taking the next dose.

Keep reporting regularly. Avoid un-natural causative factor, if any.
sahai last decade
Thank you, I will try this, but not sure where to get Nitric Acid from.
katincbus last decade
Mail order from this site
new2town last decade
In which country are you?
It is homeopathic medicine and not the usual industrial acid.
Take one spoon of the mixture as a dose.
sahai last decade
I am in U.S.A. I have asked around at the usual homeopathy stores, and no sign of it. I will order from this site. Thank you so much.
katincbus last decade
I ordered Nitric Acid from this site, but they are sending me liquid form??? How do I take this? Tincture is not available.
katincbus last decade

What they are sending is o.k.
I have given the method of taking it in my posting dt.11th.Oct.05,above.
sahai last decade
Thank you Sahai, Which country are you in ? I will report regularly.
katincbus last decade
sahai last decade
I have just started the Nitric Acid, I dropped 10 drops into 1 oz. of distilled water. I shook it vigorously , then I took 1/2 tsp. as a dose, Where I am confused is how often should I be taking my dose?
katincbus last decade
Why did you take 10 drops when I had advised 1 drop? 10 will not harm you but 1 will be more effective as per homeopathic principles.

In my posting dt 12th.Oct05,I have mentioned that you can take 1 tea spoonful. Any way, as long as your mouth is clean, even 1/2 will work.

Take 3 times daily for 3 days as long as the medicine does not show any improvement. After that report for further advice. If there is improvement do as I have already advised before.

By the way, which country are you in?
sahai last decade
I'm sorry, I misunderstood. I will change that. I think I already see an improvement. It seems to be healing. Thank you for you're advice. I am in U.S.A., In Tx.
katincbus last decade
Since you have already made the medicine, why waste it.
I am also in USA/CA. My brother is in Houston.
sahai last decade

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