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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

please help with gallstones

I am very happy to read this forum tonight because I have gallstones and I have to do a surgury to remove, but before I do that surgury I would like to know if I can use homeopathy for that, my friend told me that there are homeopathy for soften and remove gallstones, I saw that you suggest check up for gallstones to some body, please let me know, I have an appointment for surgury to remove gallstones for friday nov. 25th,, is there anything to avoid that!!!
  roberta on 2005-11-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Gallstones can be eased out and even dissolved but it just depends on how large they are and where exactly they are located.

If they are multiple the best method is surgery, preferably laparoscopic surgery, as recovery is very fast.

Since you are already scheduled for surgery shortly, I would suggest that you continue with your program and you may use Arnica both prior to and after surgery for quick and painless recovery without recourse to Morphine and other analgesics.
Joe De Livera last decade
My friend, you may use Dr. Reckeweg R series R7 for liver and gallblsdder probelms. For stomach you may try R5 and for inflammation use R1. I have gallstones as well and i am using all these remedies and i have a relief. Try to drink a lot of apple juice. To instantly get a relief from the pain, put one spoon of apple cider vinegar in unfiltered one glass of apple juice and drink it. Hope this will help.
M Malik last decade
Dont go for gallbladder surgery.there is an effective alternative.just search olive oil and lemon juice.
shaistazeb last decade

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