The ABC Homeopathy Forum
thin penis PE please help me
hi sirI am 23 male, i am from andhra pradesh, India.
my height 5feet 2' slim body.
my problem is my penis is:-
very thin and small(3'or 3.2 lentg when eract).
premature ejaculation(when I doing sex or masturbation sperm ejaculating in 15-30 seconds).
soft erections.
Lack of energy.
and my penis bending left side.
my girl not satisfying my performance
i am addicted masturbation and porn videos at my age 14 years.
i am presently using penis enlarge herbal capsules and PE homeopathic medicine but i have no results.
(i am purchased in medicine on online shopping.)
Please help me i need long and thick penis.
Last longer erections.
Please help me.
[message edited by T.vinodkumar on Sun, 20 Jul 2014 13:36:31 BST]
[message edited by T.vinodkumar on Sun, 20 Jul 2014 13:39:26 BST]
T.vinodkumar on 2014-07-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pl take Thuja 200(one single dose of 6pills) and report after 7 days
bapu4 last decade
Read this to educate yourself:
I don't think Thuja is your remedy.
I don't think Thuja is your remedy.
fitness last decade
sir is this THUJA OCCIDENTALIS200c?
can you tell me how many doses per day
and how many days use this medicine
thank you
[message edited by T.vinodkumar on Tue, 22 Jul 2014 13:26:49 BST]
sir is this THUJA OCCIDENTALIS200c?
can you tell me how many doses per day
and how many days use this medicine
thank you
[message edited by T.vinodkumar on Tue, 22 Jul 2014 13:26:49 BST]
T.vinodkumar last decade
Thanx-pl see the related rubrics in Repertory-Mind-Delusion.
I have told him single dose for the removal of his delusion.
If it doesnt help you please take over.
[message edited by bapu4 on Wed, 23 Jul 2014 07:39:04 BST]
Pl read my prescription (one single dose of 6pills)
yes you are correct about the name
[message edited by bapu4 on Wed, 23 Jul 2014 07:41:11 BST]
[message edited by bapu4 on Wed, 23 Jul 2014 07:41:51 BST]
I have told him single dose for the removal of his delusion.
If it doesnt help you please take over.
[message edited by bapu4 on Wed, 23 Jul 2014 07:39:04 BST]
Pl read my prescription (one single dose of 6pills)
yes you are correct about the name
[message edited by bapu4 on Wed, 23 Jul 2014 07:41:11 BST]
[message edited by bapu4 on Wed, 23 Jul 2014 07:41:51 BST]
bapu4 last decade
Sir I am all ready using premature ejculation homoeopatic medicene can I continew this pe medicine
Sir I am all ready using premature ejculation homoeopatic medicene can I continew this pe medicine
T.vinodkumar last decade
Sir I am purchased medicine in snap medicine name is homeopathy international. Premature ejaculation ( ingredient names not given in the bottles)
T.vinodkumar last decade
To fitness,
Thanx sir!!
To Vinodkumar,
Pl stop those meds for a week,
taking both will confuse us.
[message edited by bapu4 on Thu, 24 Jul 2014 05:35:34 BST]
Thanx sir!!
To Vinodkumar,
Pl stop those meds for a week,
taking both will confuse us.
[message edited by bapu4 on Thu, 24 Jul 2014 05:35:34 BST]
bapu4 last decade
T.vinodkumar last decade
pl hit the Bottom of bottle of Thuja 200 ten times on the table. and have another dose.One ONLY !!
[message edited by ubuntu1234 on Wed, 30 Jul 2014 13:01:25 BST]
[message edited by ubuntu1234 on Wed, 30 Jul 2014 13:01:25 BST]
ubuntu1234 last decade
T.vinodkumar last decade
pl. wait for 4 days if no improvement then take Thuja 1M
bapu4 last decade
fitness last decade
ok. let him try Thuja 1m then,bc this is the only one remedy that is there in polony's repertory when i repertorised for this particular symptom
[message edited by bapu4 on Sun, 03 Aug 2014 18:13:27 BST]
[message edited by bapu4 on Sun, 03 Aug 2014 18:13:27 BST]
bapu4 last decade
T.vinodkumar last decade
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