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Hypotonia Treatment.... 1193 years old with hypotonia 5hypotonia 3


The ABC Homeopathy Forum


My Baby Girl is of 2.8 years and she is suffering with Hypononia..

At the time of her birth her hands and legs where having no strength but there is progresses. We are giving her Physiotherapy.

Now she is able to sit but she is not able to stand and there is not strength in her Hands and Legs Joint.

But still we are not satisfy we required your help and guidance for their fast recurs of her health.

Pls. suggest any treatment.
  obraut on 2014-11-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Can you answer the following questions about your baby girl?

1. Describe her mental nature, her food cravings, thermal presefences, her behavior with parents, siblings and visitors?

2. Describe her general symptoms like hunger, thirst, sweat, stool and urination?

3.Give the full history of pregnancy and delivery if there was any abnormality in mother's health, moods etc. while carrying.

4.Does she feel any sensation or pain in her limbs? What are the modalities of the pain, if at all?
rishimba 9 years ago
She is normal. Having good memory, Very Polite nature, caring. She Speaks very well with others than family members. Eats proper food.

Other than her joints she is normal. Hunger, thirst very normal.

Everything was very normal till delivery of baby. Even doctors were aware of this till delivery. After 2 day of birth we observe that baby is not normal, her joints having some problem. Delivery was done surgery. Doctors told that water in mothers bladder was less.

At time of birth there was problem in Limbs. But after we are taking her regularly to Physiotherapy. Also we made some belts for Limbs and legs so that she can keep her limbs and Legs in correctly. She is also trying to walk with help of Chair, Wall, Waker...

Pls. help....
obraut 9 years ago
Does she talk of any pain in the joints?

What makes her better and what makes her worse?

What other mental or physical symptom does she have?

After two day of her birth when you noticed she was not normal, what exactly did you notice about her - please describe.

Is the problem related to lack of strength in muscles or stiffness of joints as in gout?

Does non-medical treatments like rubbing, pressing, heat application or cold application have any effect on relieving her symptoms?
rishimba 9 years ago

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