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Hypotonia Treatment....

Please let me know some medicine for Hypotonia my baby is 4 yrs old & 2.5 yrs old. My 2 daughters are suffering from hypotonia and both are in very bad condition physically and mentally. Physiotherapy is going on but no improvement.

Still she is not walking, talking & crawling.

At the time of birth they both got fits till 4 months but it's controlled now but physical and mental development is very slow. She is very shy person make eye contact and smile know 2 to 3 words till now and doesn't remember things a lot. She cries a lot while doing physiotherapy and massage. Sleeps well and her stomach gets constipated very regularly. She is thin and very tall in height.

My second daughter who is also 2.5yr old also having same problem she doesn't like to drink water I am in great problem not getting any solution in allopathy and lot of money is been getting wasted here and there in physiotherapies and tests. Please give me some solution to it Dr's.
  Inpehowst on 2021-12-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You can give Baryta Carb 30 one dose to both the girls.
Do not repeat medicine.
Do not use any other medicine.
Do not give them sour things to eat or drink.
Report every two days.
It may take several months for complete cure.
telescope 2 years ago
Hi Sir can u help my daughters

Name -Nida Ansari 6 year old not sitting both daughters having same issue Nisa Ansari is 4 years not

Nida is not well and getting thin day by day and fever also every few months.

We are in Nalgonda district in India.

Physiotherapy is going on everyday when they are well.

After c section in 1-3 days they got fits and still now first daughter after fever she gets a episodes of fits after few month we showed to dr he told suffering from hypotonia.

They get little improvement after physiotherapy, then fever comes, then they go back drastically first daughter after 10 days of fever got very thin not able to eat as may be throat muscle has got weak getting lot of problem to swallow.

Please see the pics below it is latest do something or suggest we both as family is getting in stress as there health is deteriorating day by day.
vafiansari2014 last month
Please give Sulphur 30 one dose to each of the girls in the morning.
Not a doc1 last month
One dose means?

sorry I am new in this field...
vafiansari2014 last month
You can buy them as doses from the pharmacy or you can buy a sealed bottle of the medicine from a reputed brand like DrReckeweg Or SBL, Hapco. Use two or three drops in half a cup of mineral water (do not use tap water) and stir well. Give one teaspoon to each of the girls.
Not a doc1 last month
Will buy it today and will give them tomorrow morning and will let you know for the next step.
vafiansari2014 last month
Given 1 dose of Sulphur 30 today.
vafiansari2014 last month
Give 1 dose of Sulphur 30 today morning three drops in half a cup of mineral water anything specific to be done tomorrow morning kindly waiting for your reply.

Given these 3 drops https://www.1mg.com/otc/dr.-reckeweg-sul...
vafiansari2014 last month
No medicine for three days. Observe if there is any change. Meanwhile please collect Calcarea carb 30 for the next step.
Not a doc1 last month
Big Daughter Nida ansari she has got red rashes on forehead nose ears and near eyes and was crying a lot in the night. Please see the pic attached

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vafiansari2014 last month
It is good for the patient to have skin eruptions after homeopathic medicine especially Sulphur. It means that the body is responding and throwing out poisons through the skin. If Sulphur were her constitutional medicine than administration of another medicine would only serve to defeat our purpose. However in this case Sulphur was given to arouse the reaction of the body before administration of the main medicine Calcarea carb. You may now collect Calcarea carb 30 and give it to her in the same way as Sulphur today itself.
Give only one dose and do not repeat for any reason. Do not give her anything sour to eat or drink as they may antidote medicine.
Not a doc1 last month
Today not possible as it is 5.30 am here homeopathy shops will not open wil give tomorrow morning

What to do for second baby Nisa then?Wait for three days or give her also?
vafiansari2014 last month
You can give Calcarea carb any time of the day. So you can buy it when the shops open and give it to her. For the other daughter you can give either today or three days later if there is no problem. (Sometimes there is a delay in setting up of reaction if the patient is weak for some reason or the other).
Not a doc1 last month
Given Calcarea Carb 30 to big daughter Nida same dose as Sulphur.

Small daughter Nisa is having cold and from nose water is coming and fever of 99 can we put cold and paracetamol medicine to her and cal carb to her now or wait.
vafiansari2014 last month
You can give her Calcarea carb one dose. Do not use Paracetamol.
Not a doc1 last month
We waited a lot for the reply as the fever was not coming down it was showing 100.5 we have put paracetamol 3 hrs back 4ml and she was crying a lot and was irritating
our neurologist dr told us once due to high fever they can get fits so control it

Please tell me dos and dont in emergency
[Edited by vafiansari2014 on 2024-07-13 22:28:31]
vafiansari2014 last month
Please keep Belladonna 30 and Rhus tox 30 for emergencies. If there is high fever give Belladonna maximum three doses at three hour interval. For other problems like cough and cold or upset stomach use Rhustox in the same way. You can also keep Arnica 30 for injury related problems from falls or blunt objects.
You can give her Calcarea carb now if not given.
How is the elder daughter?
Not a doc1 last month
Nida elder daughter - lot of yellow mucus coming out, looking like chest is full, little breathlessness/shortness of breath as she has this issue in every weather change and as her neck muscle is weak not able to cough correctly pneumonia happens to her mainly in cold conditions.If we put blanket she get full.wet if fan is open she get cold in lot of issues in cold

Nisa - we have put calceria to her but fever 99 and cold is there
Just got rhus tox and belladonna putting now same dose.
She is sleeping now.

Both doesnt sleep good in night every 3-4 hrs they wake up in night and.sleep.in morning or afternoon they sleep but when whenever she wakes up in incomplete sleep they get small Jerks.
vafiansari2014 last month
Old problems reappear after administration of constitutional medicine. This is the order of cure. Other medicines should not be used as the one already given will effect a cure in time. If other medicines are used they will interfere with the action of the main medicine and there will be no cure.
You can use Belladonna or Rhustox as temporary measure to tide over acute conditions when the main medicine is not acting.
Every medicine has a duration of action which depends upon the potency. Duration of action of Calcarea carb 30 is around 7 days. During this period no other medicine should be administered or it repeated.
If you have given Calcarea to Nisa do not give Belladonna or Rhustox unless there is some real emergency. The fever should subside by tomorrow morning.
You can update upto 0930 at night.
Not a doc1 last month
Nisa small daughter is alright now no fever no cold.

Nida elder daughter is getting wheezing sound from the chest as its raining very cold condition here
vafiansari2014 last month
Happy to know that the younger one is ok now.
Keep the elder one warm. Do not let her be exposed to cold.
Update daily till the acute problems are there.
Not a doc1 last month
Just want to update not giving any homeopathic medicine today?
Physiotherapy will be done in evening today.
vafiansari2014 last month
No medicine today.
Not a doc1 last month
Elder daughter nida Ansari got fever with the 99.7 degree.

What to do?
vafiansari2014 last month
Give her Belladonna one dose. If the fever goes away do not repeat. If it doesnt go away in three hours give another dose. However if she falls asleep do not wake her to give medicine.
Not a doc1 last month

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