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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I have a 14 month old daughter who has low muscle tone and has genetic disorder. She cant stand, crawl or roll from back to tummy. Is there any homeopathic medicine for strengthening muscles???
  reena3 on 2017-09-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
yes there are homeopathic biochemic cell salts and ayurvedic herbs.
0antivirus0 6 years ago
please suggest with their pros and usage.
reena3 6 years ago
Multiple vaccination on the same day must be entirely avoided. Also the child must be very healthy before giving any vaccination (for example, tired or suffering from cold etc are not a good time for vaccination, even if you have an appointment with your doctor)

Children react to vaccination differently and they can be very prone for similar problem.

The first strategy is to eliminate any residues of the past vaccination. This can best be done with Kali Mur.

Please buy Kali Mur 30 in Homeopathic pills form and give 2 pills in the morning on alternate days only. Once you give for 2 weeks, please write back.
Reva V 6 years ago

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