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Severe generalized hyperhidrosis 6



Posts about Hyperhidrosis

Child w/ Hyperhidrosis9Hyperhidrosis57Hyperhidrosis16Palmar and Plantar hyperhidrosis12Palmoplantar Hyperhidrosis1hyperhidrosis8Severe generalized hyperhidrosis6Excessive facial sweating hyperhidrosis14Hyperhidrosis6hyperhidrosis1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Generalized Hyperhidrosis

Hi all. Seeking some advice for my hyperhidrosis :)

1. Name

2. Age
33 (Hyperhidrosis since teenhood, not getting better, probably worse).

3. Sex

4. country

5. climate
Mild in winter, very hot during summer.

6. What exactly is happening ?
My HH started during teenhood. It's strange but it used to be mostly on hands, underarms and groin. It is now generalized and more important on face and forehead, back, groin.

7. Which side and where your perspire more ?
Righ now as said above, all over the body but especially craniofacial (the most embarrassing), back, groin.

8. How do you feel ?
Well if we admit that I don't quite remember what it feels to be 'dry' in ones clothes fine on a physical basis. But self-esteem and moral are starting to dive, I've always had some social difficulties and issues due to HH. It's getting worse since it's craniofacial which can't be hidden.

9. How does this affect you ?
Trouble in social situations which I do my best in but moral and self-esteem are very low. It's a great inconvenient in moderne society (but there are plenty of worse things out there don't get me wrong).

10. How does it feel like ?
As stated above.

11. What comes to your mind ?
I'm kind of running out of solutions to try out and thinking that there probably isn't one.

12. One situation that had a big effect on you ?
Well the anxiety that is now related to sweating in general and mostly the facial sweating gets me in very bad shape during public speaking for example. Probably some of my worst memories.

13. How did that feel like ?
Real bad.

14. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?
I'd like to disappear in that situation.

15. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand. ?
Don't quite get the question doc...

16. current medicine you are taking

17. family back ground
I think my grandmother had some sort of hyperhidrosis, but obviously less than me. One of my brothers sweats more than average (still way less than me).

18. qualification of patient

19. Nature of working

20. desire and aversion of food
Nothing particular, I love foods of all kinds. Maybe a little less sweat than the rest.

21. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behavior, love and affection. If any secret thing or can not want to discus at forum then you can share your talk directly to email by clicking on your any forum doctor. For a good prescription mental detail is must be and try to email of photographs of the diseases part.(if required)

Used to be a very confident person. That's gone right now with this abundant perspiration. Public speaking and social relations with people I don't know very well are difficult. I'm not very patient and tend to get upset very quickly at the moment. Very anxious obviously. I was and still am a very determined person thought, don't know if that helps.

22. When increases/Decreases(Aggravation & Amelioration), mention time,duration/season ……etc.

It's better in winter. Everything that makes one normally sweat makes me sweat A LOT. That means fear / anxiety, exercice and just heat. So obviously it's better in winter. As soon as the temperature gets over 23/24°C, the sweating gets worse for all reasons. I find relief in an open space especially if some air is flowing. As soon as I'm in a closed room during the hot season, my entire skin (all of my body) becomes moist.

Other information:

I get cold and blue hands during winter, cold feet even when it's warm inside, I've been told Reynaud's syndrome. Not as bad as it was when I was younger but still there. I seem to have my ears that turn bright red sometimes for no reason (one or both) and feel extremeley hot = red ear syndrom) and I get a lot of facial blushing. All this stuff wasn't to hard to deal with before my HH got worse.
  Hfive on 2015-06-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
take one dose Sulphur 200 . it will take time to cure this problem. update every week. do not repeat medicine.
telescope 9 years ago
Dear telescope,

Thank you for your reply. When you say Sulphur 200, you mean 200CH?

I think those are 80 pellets. Do I take them all at once?

Best regards,
Hfive 9 years ago
sulphur 200 is sometimes written as 200c. I am not acquainted with CH . I do not know whether 200 and 200CH are same. one dose would be 4 or 5 pellets. you are to take one dose only.
telescope 9 years ago
Dear Telescope,

Today I've taken a second dose 200c Sulphur on the start of this second week (cause I bought two).

I must admit that things look like they're improving, but better not count the chickens before they are hatched.

How would you suggest I go on from here. Should I continue same dose for a month, or change?

Best regards,

Hfive 9 years ago
do not take Med every week. sulphur 200 will work for nearly three weeks. homeopathic remedies should not be repeated before time.
telescope 9 years ago
Ok. So in three weeks time I'll take again. Do I stick on 200c?
Hfive 9 years ago
yes. you can use sulphur 200.
telescope 9 years ago

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