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Premature Ejaculation



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sexual Problem Premature Ejaculation

Hello Doctors,
Sir I am married & 36 Years old. My height is 5fit 9 inches, Our married life almost 3 years, we have one child.
My main problem is premature ejaculating.
when I doing sex with partner, within 1 minutes I discharge. Nowadays I don't enjoy sex with my partner,
Therefore she becomes unhappy. Now reduced the amount of semen and is much thinner.
When I was age of 17 I started masturbation, almost last three years I stooped this.
My sexual excitement is too much. I suffering mental depression. I don't smoke & don't drink alcohol.

Your guidance and help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
[message edited by Minhaz on Tue, 15 Dec 2015 13:56:31 UTC]
  Minhaz on 2015-12-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
will work in it.. wait for my next post
sabkamalik1 9 years ago
Ok I'm waiting for your suggetion
Minhaz 9 years ago

you case input was good so I can prescribe you a remedy now..

plesse take

caladium Seguinum 30c

one dose in morning
one dose in night

one dose means 6 globules take directly on tounge or 4 drops of liquid mix with 1 tea spoonfull mineral water sip slowly

take it for 10 days.

and report me the errection level..

after that will go for premature ejaculation treatment may be it can work wonder in PE
sabkamalik1 9 years ago
Ok thank you Sir, thank you so much for valuable suggetion, Definitely I will let you know after 10 days.
Minhaz 9 years ago
good luck
sabkamalik1 9 years ago
Me and my husband had sexual problems, we try different family psychologists but it didn't help up and we found an amazing thing - professional kegel exerciser, probably we bought it here anykegel. com ...yes, here!
[message edited by Julie Walles on Wed, 16 Dec 2015 15:04:49 UTC]
Julie Walles 9 years ago
good advertising post
sabkamalik1 9 years ago
hi Doc, i think i have same problem here. but a bit deifferent i think.
im 28 5feet 9 inches. in relationship not yet married.
i do masturbate also but occasionaly only. but stop already this lately.

and here the problem.i think it started 2 years ago. I saw adds, a pills that can make it bigger and last longer. i tried it. and i think since that time i feel i doing sex wihtin 1or 2 - 5 mins top. but im not quite sure if my problem from that medicine. (beofre i dont have sex problem)

my guessing is stress factor. why.. cos im doing bruxism also which is cos by stress also.
and also im guessing, since i doing sex within 1 - 2 mins, that thought keep running in my head so it always like that.

and also i think maybe my penis's head too sensitive.

for now i tried already graphites 30c for 1 weeks now. dosage 1 cup of the bottle (small bottle)
after 1 week i try again graphites 6c. dosage
2 pills twice. now i stop..

Your guidance and help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.

add info : i quite smoking 1 year already, sleeps min 6-7 hours.

sorry for my bad english.
[message edited by risris on Thu, 17 Dec 2015 08:35:17 UTC]
risris 9 years ago
you are taking advise from Dr kadwa in another post.. let him reply..

in future if u want my attention create a new thread and update me i may look your case

this thread is created by other so it will be confusion for all
sabkamalik1 9 years ago
sorry. thank for ur advice.
ill make a new 1

done Doc.
the tittle "please help.. PE Problem"
please take a look. thanks in advance.
[message edited by risris on Thu, 17 Dec 2015 14:18:39 UTC]
risris 9 years ago
Last 10 days I am taking your medicine Caladium Seguinum 30c. Tomorrow is the last day so, Please what is your next advice for me.
[message edited by Minhaz on Fri, 01 Jan 2016 15:23:23 UTC]
Minhaz 9 years ago
I think I have got some improvement.
Minhaz 9 years ago
please continue for more 10 days and update me
sabkamalik1 9 years ago
Ok thank you so much
Minhaz 9 years ago
Sir as per your recomendation today is the last day. I am taking Caladium Seguinum 30c from last 10 days.
Please what is your next advice for me.
Minhaz 9 years ago
I think I increased the amount of semen, But I have no improve the premature ejaculation problems and my penis activities is not strong when I doing the sexual activity. My sexual excitement is too much, and erection condition is ok.
Please Sir give me proper remedy.
Minhaz 9 years ago


acid phos 30c

one dose everyday for 10 days then report me

dont drink coffee, wine

one dose means 6 globules or 4 drops of liquid
sabkamalik1 9 years ago
When I will take dose?
I mean morning or night & before or after eat?
Minhaz 9 years ago
morning. 30 minutes before breakfast
sabkamalik1 9 years ago

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