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Chronic FatigueFatigue



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic Fatigue

Hi folks I have Prostate C. stage 4. It's in my lymph nodes groin and chest. My current PSA is 21 . I had the Prostate removed in Aug 14 and Had Radio and Hormone treatment mid 15. My oncologist wanted this year to use Hormone and Chemo as palliative care really. I've refused and decided to go down Alternative route as it seems to me to give a better chance of Quality of Life. At the moment I have a few things going on. I have listed them in priority with 1 being the highest. 1. Unrefreshing sleep 2. eyes sore and sunken 3. Chronic Fatigue - I have no energy or enthusiasm 4. Muscle weakness esp. upper limbs can barely do 5 press ups 5. Get home and all I want to do is go to sleep I feel better in fresh air and when I do cardio . worse from heat and warm room . I drink plenty of water and my diet is improving all the time with fresh veg and fruit
  KcG955 on 2016-07-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I can try to find a suitable remedy for you. Before doing that, please click on my username to know about me & my prescription skills. Once you have done that and are willing to proceed, let me know. You can email me also as the forum notification system is not informing about new posts.

Word of Advice: Be sensible about your health, always click the username of anyone giving advice on this forum to know about them first, instead of blindly following advice which is sometimes reckless & dangerous. Also, read this: http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/506104/
fitness 8 years ago
Hi Fitness ,
I appreciate your advice. To be honest I'm fed up with Homeopathy at the moment. I really appreciate your advice. My first experience with a powerful classical Homeopath was just simply amazing and everything else has been down hill from there. Your advice and post is sound although Dr Bannerji's approach which has altered Homeopathic prescribing does seem to have some merits.... I get on with ABC's tool so doing some reading might help. I think for me it's best to do a sleep and health diary, keep it simple and above all The Methodical and logical approach is critical . All the best and many thanks Kevin
KcG955 8 years ago
Please email me, see my profile for that
fitness 8 years ago
Hi Fitness ,
we are going on Holiday Fri for a week so I'll Email when I get back . Thanks again for advice

KcG955 8 years ago

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