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Posts about Fatigue

Child, dark circles under eye, fatigue1Sneezing with fatigue1Gum problems, and fatigue35Stress , anxiety , indigestion, low libido , fatigue803 week low grade fever and fatigue1Chronic fatigue7Jet Lag Fatigue1Jet Lag Fatigue3Stress , anxiety , indigestion, low libido , fatigue12Chronic fatigue27


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Effects of head injuries cognitively and chronic fatigue syndrome

Hi, I have taken many remedies for treating chronic fatigue and cognitive problems from many head injuries. 10 years ago a homeopath gave me 200c arnica which produced a healing crisis which lasted 24 hours and improvement in cognition. Then the same happened with 30c helleborus daily for 14 days, where the healing crisis lasted only about an hour.

I am still only 50% improved cognitively, and chronic fatigue has not helped at all. I went to a very famous homeopath and we tried many different remedies with no success.
The only remedy that has helped my mood was Stramonium in 200c potency, which I had to take when I had a severe feeling of terror accompanied with a major headache.

I decided 48 hours ago to try homeopathy again for the first time in years. I took the 6c potency of Stramonium because lower potencies may work on the physical plane as well. I have now had a major headache that is still going. I am not sure this is a good healing crisis, or just a wrong remedy? I have taken probably 20 different remedies in the 30c potency like alumina, cannabis indica, hydrogen, lyssin, belladonna, anhalonium with no reaction to name a few. I am very interested, this is the first time a remedy has effected me in any way, and at such a low potency too.
  LifeisMagic on 2023-09-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Wait and watch for a couple of days.

Were Hypericum,Nat Sulph and Cicuta considered y the homeopaths?
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2023-09-23 02:29:50]
anuj srivastava 11 months ago
Thanks for the reply Anuj,

I have dosed nat sulph 30c in water with no effect. I have not been told of hypericum or cicuta.

When a remedy does something to me it has always happened in about an hours time, I guess you could say I am a hypersensitive responder, if a remedy is not a match for me it only takes a day to find out. That is why I quit paying $150 to go to a homeopath once a month
[Edited by LifeisMagic on 2023-09-23 02:55:50]
LifeisMagic 11 months ago
What led you to selection of STRAMONIUM?
anuj srivastava 11 months ago
Hi Anuj,

Ten years ago:

When I first was given a homeopathic it was calc-phos 200c, and it caused a major aggravation that intensified my mental/emotional state. It made me feel like I was in a constant state of terror, losing my mind, about to go crazy. The whole world on the outside was ugly looking, trees etc. It was like living in a nightmare. And then I was also afraid of my own subconscious so much that I was afraid to sleep. If I fell asleep during the day I would wake up in a panic and dark depression. The dark thoughts would come into my conscious mind and I would do everything I could to suppress them. Physically, I had a bad headache too.

I was afraid that the fear was going to fully possess me and I would erupt into terrible violence as an outlet for my own feelings of terror.

When I go to homeopaths its like they dont see the fear in me that is wanting to erupt into a full psychotic breakdown. Im trained in meditation, so people may think that I seem calm, but on the inside I am not. I lost faith in homeopaths, all I want to say to them is Im scared, please help me. Over and over again. Yet they go on and ask me 50 random questions and prescribe me Ayahuasca, which did nothing.

I came to my homeopath on the next appointment after calc-phos wide eyed and afraid and was basically saying please help me I am so afraid, I am terrified. I was given Stramonium 200c and it stopped my headache and gave me great psychological relief, but it did not cure my cognitive problems, depression, or fatigue, it just helped them temporarily.

I have had to redose it a few times when a wrong homeopathic aggravates me so bad I go back to that terrified state. Thats why I stopped dosing anything above 30c.

I got the idea to try it in a lower dosage because maybe it is the right remedy, but I would need to do a daily dosage up to 12c and see if a constant push on my vital force would bring about a full healing of my mental condition and physical.

I am extremely optimistic about a reaction to such a low potency, it feels like that mean it must be the right remedy, or close to it. And it also means that there is hope that homeopathy can help me, I have not really taken a remedy im about 4 years.
[Edited by LifeisMagic on 2023-09-23 03:56:35]
LifeisMagic 11 months ago
In addition you can try FIVE PHOS 6X.

anuj srivastava 11 months ago

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