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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I had allergy when i am 14 year old .now again it came after 9 year.i am taking allium cepa 200 at 5 am once in day but not complete cure even after 2 monts.i donot drink tea etc.i have alternate nose block early morning before taking allium cepa.
ALSO HAVE PRESSURE FEEL IN RIGHT EAR from one month when i use pillow.nothing else no pus but high wax and heat in ear.

I am cuttoff from socity.donot use buttermilk beause it increage allergy.

Have itching in nose.
Want to remain alone.donot feel much happiness and sadness.
When first time take allium cepa i feel a laughing feeling.
Strong desire for sex and studying books all the time when free which are not useful for my study.like space sports and autobio..

Family history my mom have allergy and my father have ear probem from early his childhood.
Age 23
Weight 58
Height 5 .7"
[message edited by msdfan on Tue, 30 Aug 2016 10:42:29 UTC]
  msdfan on 2016-08-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take Natrum Mure 1M 3 doses in 3 days as one dose per day at morning 30 min before breakfast. report me after 10 days.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav 8 years ago
Not working sir now i have red eye with itching fullness of ears and itching in throt also after stoping allium cepa and take natrum mur 3 days on 5 day all coming.... what to do
msdfan 8 years ago
take phosphorous 10m for 3days daily single dose
nisha301 8 years ago
i want to add something

I am very strong will power man like to be alone donot commit mistakes again which commited before.

Born low weight. Remain healthy except this allergy i donot have any problem untill now.

Donot feel love or hate towards anybody ;thinks it is their nature

Donot belive anyone not even doctor.friends because i can feel they are laying for self promotions.

Til now only once i visit a homoepathic doc never go any allopathic doctor because of my mother and good health she remain ill most of time .she has bp low itching skin allergy headaches weak bones back pain etc never remain healthy in her life so i hate doctors.


I Have very irr. Feeling towards allergy beause i even try yoga meditation gym but nothing cure it . It happens when a small change in temp. Even by if i sleep outside house in field ,because i like to sleep where no one else me for miles.

I feel it happens only due to temp change and acidic food .

Main problem is itching tip of nose with seezing like water; alternate nose blocked just same direction i sleep ;eyes red and itch ;eares heat and itch pressure feels ;in mouth plate itch after every sleep. You can now how it feels. usually avoid suger and chilly food.feel very sad only when see a ill person,because thinks with allergy i am horrible how others can live with it.

Please suggest i search on internet but nothing matches my .....
msdfan 8 years ago
msdfan 8 years ago
If no one is taking your case I may take up only on your request.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Ok i request you i want to get rid from it
msdfan 8 years ago
Tell me what imformation i need to post
msdfan 8 years ago
You have given better info as compared to many others. We need maximum and thorough info in homeopathy. Whatever more you may like to tell about yourself, your life, emotions, likes, dislikes, relations, etc may be writen now only because once I prescribe and you keep adding info it becomes difficult to treat you.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
So now i add complete past and present. Please read which i post befor also.
Most of things i written which i think useful i already provide.so i start with

Born low weight. Remain normal weigh after that.but always wants to gain weight never gain it.now in age of 23 its approx 58 .

Mind- very good in study untill my 12th class. In collage very bad 2 years of b.tech failed most of time but in 2 last year manage most of it.skip study course books but most of study spritual because of my failed conditions in b.tech.
Not belive in god neither disbelive it
Weak english because of village education .
Fear of speak untill 12 th class.
Nose -always itch tip of my nose after wake up.
Water like discharge when session change.it is two time in every sessson at start and end.but not always.
Low blocked nose always after wake up even when afternoon.
Swelling of tip of nose only when sessional allergy at peak.

Eye-red eye with use of shop always of at least 30 min.use LUX shop
Sand like feeling with swelling and tears of eyes at starting point of sessional allergy but end of session only red eye and tears.at peak problem with light also but not too much.
Very good vision.
Face-avrage face but dark than other part of body even hands.
Very high dark circle from 17-21 but now its not look on face but still there very low .dark circle visible on allergy at peak.

Ear-pressure feel in ear when discharge from nose also itching not always .like in rain session with allergy only.

Mouth- only one problem i always have itching feeling of roof of my mouth after every wake up. my small tounge always feel some suger like feeling .no bad breath.good teeth.

Stemina- run two km sometimes no problem . Clear 5 km run in 22 min for up police this year.

Food habit-eat only hot food within 30 min.no problem last vomit happen when i was 12-13 years old.

Can't eat chilly food .not eat vegitables untill i go out for study after 12th.avoid suger.

Urine-water like . Yellow only just after eating meal.always unrinate during bath.
Kidney- very low feel pain 3 years back remain for 2-3 hours visit aurvedic man he say it may be due to kidney stone becaue i use bad water when i live out my hometown for b.tech after 1st year i get this. He gave me PAAN no pain yet.i change my life style after it use filter water for reaming years. I feel i have too much urine those days.no cheakup so not sure but no problem now.

I feel headaches during my school days when i donot eat food or eat food may be due to very long time .i go 6am-3 pm
Or 9am-5 pm because i have my school approx 4 km no bus they have in those time. We get bus in 11th class in that school .study in same school. Untill 8 th class.

Problem start in 9th class when i change school i donot like that school of city get 60%in ninth.lowest in all i read till 12th. Comeback same school but with this problem of one year of my parents move to city remanin always.teachers of city school are bad not like my village they are lovely people .so i 10 to 12 same school again .improve everthing but not allergy.
I strugle from materbation for 17-21 but i get rid from it .i materbate every 2-3 days in those time.but thanks of my guru and meditation yoga i am free it and good in health except allergy.1st year of this time very bad. It take approx 2 year cure. No night fall.no bad dreams.i donot have fearful dreams i am the hero of my dreams.I have thought to kill myself in those days.i always feel ashemed for those days when i remember . But because of that low feeling I LEFT MY HOME AND GO for search of god.and i find a guru who guide me and send me home .he changed my life direction .i always meditate once in day as he say anytime before taking food.most of time morning.i came back after 22 days but i left my house after saying my father .My father is a wonderful person he permitt me for go out without care of my study..and say to came back when you feel.In those days i live outside my hometown for study and alone so no problem happen.my mother knows nothing about it.

Med-i take allium cepa 200 3 times for 2 days after reading about it but only effective once. When this time end of session it not work .beause this time only red eye itching of roof of mouth and seezing.

Take silica 30c for seven days once in day after reading on internet for heat and acne on my back and forehead . This changed my look acne gone in one month time dark circle and black face changed. I take this in last winter.i feel very good after it no lazy feeling after it. Now i can wake up 5 am in morning without problem.

One problem which i have to mention i have to go for stool after eating food everytime usually 3-4 times in day .may be due to this i donot get weight.

When i have allergy at peak u cannot look at sky sun ,warm place where very low air flow it get worse by it.Also cannot eat acid food like lemon in that time.

I donot get cold and viral fever of secondary stage. Because allery come between and save me but it also create problem for 9 -10 days. I donot get cough in last 3 years. But due to this pressure in ear happen.

I have two small white dot on my nails but nails looks very healthy.i may be due to calcium.
One thing i want to get rid that pillow but without it i cannot sleep.but only by this when allergy at peak the ear problem happen. I know it is the problem of ears. I donot have any discharge from ear but once when i was i a marriage at very high sound DJ cross me and my ear start feeling like a used speaker.but after pressing it it donot happen again because i avoid where high sound plays its role.

I copy my fathers style look sitting in tension or thinking something.eatting hurry.anger. but i look at myself and slowly get rid from it.my father have both ear problem.one cured this year summer after surgery in age of 48. But another left side still have problem in this rain . My mother with allergy but not as fast as me. So i cannot change some of problem which i get from my parents yet.

After taking silicea i become fan of homeopathy.
msdfan 8 years ago
Please read 2 days as two months
msdfan 8 years ago
If you want more imformation than please post what else i can tell u.
msdfan 8 years ago
OK. You have given nice detailed history. Give me some time. I have to read it all at once.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Good. You have given good health details.

Please start with following prescription:
1. Anacardium orientale 10M, pills (buy minimum qty available at the shop), take 6 pills (for one dose) at 6hourly interval x 2 doses on same day only. (No more than 2 doses).
Nothing else to eat or drink 1 hour before and 1 hour after the doses.
2. Kali-phos 6x, tabs (buy about 25-30grams), take 2 tabs 12hourly (twice) daily.
Nothing to eat or drink 10 minute before or after the doses.

Do’s & don’ts:
1. Stay away from coffee, even its smell.
2. Do not touch medicines or spill them. Use the cap of container (of same medicine) to transfer the medicines.
3. Place the prescribed dose under the tongue and let it dissolve. Keep the dose for at least 2 minutes in mouth.
4. Keep medicine containers airtight, away from direct sunlight, heat, any smell and children.
5. Avoid strong smells and odors AFAP.
6. Do not take any other medicines for any health problems. Most symptoms go as they come within 24-72 hours.
7. Report any problems & seek appropriate advice.

Caution msdfan:
As you have habit of coming to conclusions I wish to caution you that some of your old complaints may reappear but just have patience. Do not quit these medicines or take any other ones.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago

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