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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Save me from allergy problems

I am a man with multiple problems. Allergy problem is one such that poses tremendous occupational hazards.Since my childhood I have a problem of coughing and get my voice choked.I tried many allopathic drugs but in vain. In sheer desperation I take refuge in this forum with keen expectations that someone must lead me the way to total recovery.
1. Age 58
2. Male or Female or other-male
3. Single/Married -married
4. weight-67 kgs
5. Height-5'5 inches
6. country-India
7. climate-hot
8. List of your complaints- a.anxiety
c. hypertension
d. fatty liver
e. high uric acid
f. osteoarthritis

9. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint
a.anxiety 25 years
b.indigestion 30 years
c. hypertension 18 years
d. fatty liver 10 years
e. high uric acid 2 years
f. osteoarthritis 5 years

10. Diabetic or non-Diabetic- non diabetic
11. Desire sweets/sour/salt- all three
12. Thirst- not so prominent
13. Tongue and Taste- tip and edges red, a white patch is there. Taste general.
14. Current Blood Pressure (without medicine and with medicine)135/90 without medications; sometimes 125/87. Fluctuates.

15. One situation that had a
big effect on you? - Death of my father and to be amid acute poverty.

16. Important Question.
Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?
current medicines-
Pari 20
Maxgalin ER 75
Atenolol- 25mg

In the past I took many anti-depressants. PPIs. Once I had severe cough almost 10 years back; I was prescribed two inhalers, antibiotics and cough syrups.

17. Educational Qualifications of the patient- Masters in English Literature and Journalism & Mass Communications.
18. Nature of work, what do you do for living? Teaching

19. Important Question.
Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry,
impatient…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not, you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.
In the early part of my career I had to go through tough situations. I was badly jeopardized by my employers. I was not happy with my work then. Later on I switched to some new jobs. I am a man of pleasing personality.Amiable, friendly, polite, gentle, curious to know everything under the Sun.I am a very popular figure among all, inwardly and outwardly. Highly interested in creative works. The moment I am thwarted I lose temper otherwise I am very cool. I am a good listener too.It may be a little braggadocio but to be frank I am actually a jack of all trades.Highly sentimental, when someone tells something with love tears come out, sympathizing too makes me cry. I wish to stand against the injustice prevalent in this mundane world. I can't. I have no other way than to bleed as an obvious result.

I love everyone. Even a man who has treated badly with me if expresses his/her fault I am ready to shake hands with the person.

I have spiritual bend of mind.

20. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g
Pus, urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.

urine- white
stool- mud colored
sputum- sticky whitish, foamy occasionally,
saliva- sticky sometimes
  ProfessorM on 2016-12-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Two threads - FYI for anyone reading.

Prof M please stay on this one.
One must look at your totality.

1. At what age did your father pass away?
2. Example of your daily diet?
3. Do you exercise ?
4. Have you tried any herbs or homeo meds ? If so, what were they
And result?
simone717 8 years ago
Hi Simone717

I am new on this forum hence am not quite well versed in posting threads. Anyway, I am trying to focus on your questionnaire catering specific answers.

1. At what age did your father pass away? Around 24/25

2. Example of your daily diet?Fish, veg soup, rice at lunch and dinner, roti or hand-made bread in breakfast.Dairy products don't suit.Milk Tea is taken thrice, coffee occasionally, chicken too.No red meat.
3. Do you exercise ? I was an all round sportsman , won accolades. I was quite fit then. But the moment I had to brood over my career and stop playing outdoor games like football, cricket, badminton, volley I became a victim of various ailments.Even six years back I could play volleyball quite confidently competeing with those younger guys.But woe to me! Osteoporosis cast its spell and I had no other way than to bid good buy to outdoor sports.
Today too, my heart aches when I see the youngsters rocking the meadow. If my legs cooperate with me even at this age I can still play with them. Outdoor games were my passion so to say.

For the last few years I had been trying to walk on a brisk pace for an hour. But the pain in the legs threw cold water on my endeavor.

I try but can't walk for a long time.I cry in despair watching my wretched state.

Even it is very hard to climb the stairs. When I reach my classes on the fifth floor I am totally gone. Sometimes classes are arranged for me in the ground floor.
4. Have you tried any herbs or homeo meds ? If so, what were they
And result?
about 4 years back i first visited a homeopath. He prescribed me Causticum 1m consecutively. Along with it he prescribed too Ledum and Guaicum in mother tincture form. It seemed Causticum could play the key role. But again woe to me! I tried to bid good bye to Anx drugs and was totally thrown in the court of the psychiatrist for a few months. The psychiatrist rebuked me for taking homeopathy drugs. I did not know -why.

Two years back I coined courage and visited another one- a well known homeopath. He prescribed me Carcinocin 1m,, Guaicum and Guatteria Gaumeri. The problems intensified thereafter. I don't know the reason.Lots of problems were created or came to the spotlight so to say. That was the last time.

All the best
[message edited by ProfessorM on Fri, 16 Dec 2016 04:35:15 UTC]
ProfessorM 8 years ago
Dear Prof M,
Will reply tomorrow.

simone717 8 years ago
Professor M

Just see what was the oldest issue or the first issue that you faced. It was upset stomach. That is when diseases start as per ayurveda.

If anxiety was/is your biggest issue then constipation/worsen by dry cold food and weather will be there.Confirm.

Thus constipation could be root cause.
Teupne 8 years ago
I spent some time thinking on your situation. This is not a forum case as it requires a lot of expert monitoring
And my suggestion is :
'Google dr leela D'Souza. See her phone number on the homoeo times link. She is affliated with the holy family hospital in Mumbai. She partners online with a USA clinic.

She is a specialist in emergency homeopathy. I think even tho you are not in emergency mode, that there are many layers and much going on at same time which emergency expertise has to know how to handle
Many things at once and many layers.

It would be worth it to consult with her
And if you do I would first make a timeline of all your ailments.
Then another timeline of all you have taken, homeo and allopathic.

And then write up what is now present. And your meds.

This gives a birds eye view , easier to
Assess. See what she advises.
She is well known and has a very good reputation.

I don't know if you have tried Ayurvedic approach but am sure you can find the real experts there.

I think leela can help you if you stick with it.


[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 17 Dec 2016 01:33:30 UTC]
simone717 8 years ago
Dear Simone717

Thanks a lot that you have reverted. Anyway, if you think, ( I too in the deep cavern of my mind think so too that it is the stomach problem for which the liver has played a treacherous role for it made me confined to hospital bed leading to JAUNDICE. I was a mere school boy then and challenged the frowns. I did not take bed rest for 2 months. Rather when my parents enjoyed noon time nap I used to go to the play ground to play football. It may be so that my childish playfulness led to the catastrophe the result of which is seen inflicting in this older part of life ).

I hope if the liver becomes steady, the problems ensuing may be averted. Let's first go for liver treatment.

It's just a suggestion from my part. Can't you help me prescribing a liver remedy that suits me homeopathically.

All the best
ProfessorM 8 years ago
Can you post the liver test results?

You may have to stop the reflux medicine. And as you know everything gets processed thru the liver including the other medicine.

I am going to ask another homeopath
Dr on here by email what he thinks.

Your case is similar to a chef cooking
A complex meal with many dishes that need to be attended to all at the same time.
simone717 8 years ago
I am personally dismayed at the fact that taking allopathic drugs lifetime has become a norm and that it has become the first resort.It would be far better if correct healing is initiated at the outset. Offcouse health awareness and info is limited .

For stomach ailments/liver issues modern doctors hardly have anything on offer.
Several of Indian ones regularly prescribe liv 52 formulation and likes which buttresses my above point.

And they have galls to decry ayurveda/homeopathy as placebos.

I call that perversion of knowledge.
Teupne 8 years ago
Sorry, no liver function tests were made. USG report revealed the problem of fatty liver.So far no liver tests were initiated. A test was made a few years back that revealed normal liver functioning. My GP told so.

I never have smoked nor taken alcohol. Take tea thrice, occasionally coffee.

Right now I even take no Reflex Medicines.

A few months back a friend of mine advised me to take Reckeweg Kali Phos 30C and R89 for hypertension. The remedies are there at home yet to be used.

Have a nice time
ProfessorM 8 years ago
What are the medicines you are taking at this time?
simone717 8 years ago
Paroxetine 20mg, Pregabalin ER 75 mg, Atenolol 25 mg, that's all I take daily.
ProfessorM 8 years ago

Let me explain how the homeo meds work.
If you take a homeo med for your liver and your liver function is fine?
The med will have nothing to do and will cause a problem with your liver.

Homeopathic meds are prescribed to
Match your totality. Your mental, emotional, physical ,better by, worse by,never well since by,etc.

When the remedy is a good match,
It is similar to the totality enough that you could say it is a second similar
Disease. A fact of human bodies is
The body willNOT allow 2 of same DIseases.

This is why homeopathy is called"like cures like."

The remedy is highly diluted,the energy sig of remedy is retained tho.
If a good match, then the body sees it as SImilar...it reacts to clear it. As it clears it by raising your life force, the vital force also clears the FIRST disease.

The path of clearing is to have recent issues come up briefly and release.
And then keeping going back in time
And having those issues show up
AGAIN and then release. Everything that was suppressed by drugs will show up again.

In your case doing the one remedy
May be a bad way to start. Dr may want to get your bp right, then move
On to something for anxiety WHILE you are reducing doses.after doses
Are eliminated, then symptoms and mental states that are HIDDEN right now can show up and then a correct
Remedy can be matched.

If I were you, first thing I would do is get a physical, get the CBC complete blood test,and liver enzyme test .

Call up dr leela. Google her she is a well qualified general homeo md
And has heart specialty and ER

You can work with herONLINE like she does with USA patients.
She will have a plan-you need a well thought out plan and an expert to work with if you want to use homeo meds.

Your present meds all have fatigue and tiredness side effects,plus the preg has trouble walking side,
Here in USA your first med is paxil,
Second one lyrica. On tv ads here all the time.

Good luck and please attempt anything with a real expert if you want real success.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 18 Dec 2016 17:40:38 UTC]
simone717 8 years ago

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