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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

52 yr old male hypertension 190/114 no meds

My husband has battled high blood pressure for 3 yrs. No allopathic medication. Uses tincture from ND to bring it down but it's working less and less and he's using it as a bandaid. Before Christmas it went this high and he had severe headache, nausea, vomitting and was going to sleep it off! I got really really angry at him and yelled at him to go to the hospital. They gave him IV pain meds and a BP lowering prescription which he did not fill. He hates taking any medication, not even aspirin. Knows he can lower it with diet but if he can't do it long term this yo yo approach and stressful diet is so hard on his heart n my opinion :-(

Today's read 3 weeks later is 135/90 no tincture in days, no meds, just clean diet and juicing, magnesium, niacin.

When he juice fasts it will go to 117/80!!

When he eats a vegan diet it will go to 120/80 and stay there but if he eats oil or meat it goes back up.

Seems simple just stay vegan. BUT Difficult for him to stay on raw or vegan diet unless I do it all for him which I resent doing all this work if he's going to cheat on the road. He Travels on road in remote places for many miles per week,management for telecommunication towers . Eats in small towns at diners. Very very High stress his business he started 8 yrs ago just fell apart because of a major job site accident (no injuries) and he's now had to go to work for another company !!

Does not smoke anymore (quit 18 yrs ago)
Does not drink alcohol anymore
Does not drink coffee
Drinks chaga mushroom tea or black tea and cream
Does not drink pop or soda
Rarely eats fast food unless on road
BUt he DOES cheat when he is away for work ..eats in restaurants , LOVES salt, meat, bread, potatoes, fat,peanut butter, butter, some chocolate.
Never complains or whines about life
He is a "suck it up and just get the job done" kind of guy.
Has no fear but is not a daredevil either.
Can be 300' up on a tower and feel no fear, no excitement, just meh.
Not overly motivated though
Rarely excitable
Rarely laughs anymore - depressed?
HATES the sun, heat etc. Always tries to find shade
Can go outside in cold or snow half dressed and NOT get cold or care
Works all the time away from home
Doesn't get overly excited about anything
Swears at employees but Does not fly off the handle or have rage
Keeps everything inside, doesn't talk about stress
Kind - can't say no to people, he will help everyone and not complain (but takes months or years to do stuff at home that needs to get done )
PROCRASTINTAOR and forgetful
Doesn't cry, rarely gets really angry
Just works away and pays bills, worrying about money!
Does NOT exercise, sits a lot at home on computer, likes to hide and watch TV to cope with stress
Huffs and puffs after climbing stairs or trying to put shoes on
35-40 overweight
Has sleep apnea and snoring unless fasting or raw food diet then it vanishes .
always sleeps great
Falls asleep easily , even in a chair and stays asleep
Can sleep through anything
Vision rapidly deteriorated last 2 years, hair turned gray and white
Frequent night urination
Left elbow tennis elbow
Loose stools frequent during day(more on raw diet)
Poor circulation in feet

MD Tests one year ago show no blockages, low testosterone, low D

At home I only cook meals from scratch, millet, quinoa, oats, organic beef and chicken, potatoes, veggies, fruits, no sugar, no cookies, cakes, breads, treats, or junk food. No pop, chips, commercial juice etc

He lived a very destructive lifestyle until he met me copious amounts of milk, , eating greasy take out fast foods, crap, drinking alcohol , smoking, drugs. Gave most of all that 16 plus years ago.

Got buried alive in a ditch 13 years ago but they got his face uncovered and dug him out. Broken collar bone and ribs. Never talked about it, just recovered and carried on.

Cut knee open with chainsaw, 7 yrs ago...6 weeks recovery, severe sciatica for a year, just kept trying to working.

I have been researching online and wondering about aurumn met, not mur?

Was hoping for an experienced opinion on this if someone has time please ?
  wendypape on 2017-01-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Look up medicines which have aggravation from heat. (Sulphur, Pulsatilla, Fluoric acid etc).
Considering the history of smoking, alcohol and drugs I feel he may be either Sulphur or Fluoric acid.
Aurum metallicum is severely depressed and always think of suicide. Natrum mur craves salt and is constipated.
Sulphur does not like to take bath, does not care about what he wears, feels hungry at 11AM, has red orifices. Fluoric acid has problems relating to nails and bones. It also has holes on soles of feet. It is also one of the few medicines that can go out in the cold without proper clothing(Iodine, Kali iod).
telescope 8 years ago
Please note high blood pressure can lead to many other more dangerous diseases. Not to take allopathy medicine and you dont have an alternate working theraphy is like suicide.
[message edited by Drquest on Wed, 15 Feb 2017 18:31:18 UTC]
[message edited by Drquest on Wed, 15 Feb 2017 20:33:41 UTC]
Drquest 8 years ago

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