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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

seek classical homeopath

seek classical homeopath to suggest me the treatment

1. Name Rajiv Bakshi
2. 56 years old
3. Male
4. Married for 26 years blessed with 2 daughters
5. Approx. Weight 100 kg
6. Approx. 5 ft 10 in
7. Born in India but travelling a lot
8. Variable climate (Not quite sure how to answer appropriately), Four seasons. Extreme. I hate summers. Need to cool myself immediately. Enjoy monsoon and winters. Enjoy natural cool breeze.
9. List of complaints and since how long -
a. high blood pressure: 27 years
b. enlarged prostate: 2 years
c. cervical spondylosis: 5 years
d. Obesity: 10 years
e. knee pain: 5 years
f. uric acid: recent
g. cholesterol: 10 years
h. Claustrophobia: since childhood. Even my mom had.
i. fear darkness
j. don’t like sweating out. Enjoy indoors, sleeping, etc. Anything related to physical effort has to be avoided. Stay away from NO PAIN NO GAIN. I want no pain and yet gain.
k. medicine dependent any type
l. palpitation: since 27 years
m. Average Self-Esteem: childhood
n. bowl not cleaning in one single go: child hood
o. warts: 10 years
p. gas formation: child hood
q. excess wax in ear: childhood
r. cramps: past 6 years
s. cervical spondylitis with spur formation
t.numbness in right hand finger and hands when i wake up

10. Non-Diabetic: hopefully. Will get it checked before we meet.

11. Food Desires - like salted foods, rich foods, tea and dairy products. I also tend to eat sweets or crave them. I desire more. I'm also vegetarian, in case that's important and eat almost everything. Enjoy home cooked food more than outside. But I control whenever needed!

12. Thirst - I do not crave cold soft (fizzy) drinks. I like lemon water. Am not very thirsty and drink water in low qtys. Often.

13. Tongue and Taste: I'm not sure if anything stands out for me in regards to this, although I do enjoy rich, mild chilly and sour foods.

14. Current Blood Pressure: with medicine 120/80 without medicine I do not know. I regularly take medicine for High Blood Pressure.

15. Few situations that had a big effect on me
These are things I feel stand out during my life, although the events in between are the most prominent and the things I feel like I can't let go of or move past the most.
-parents always controlled me and I wanted to be a free bird to peruse my own interests.
-elder brother was mentally retarded and I loved him a lot.
-that’s left me to be less social. His responsibility was there on every member of the family and everyone took good care of him equally.
- I did not get admission in engineering and then later in MBA.
- I had a very strong headed boss where I worked who always looked at my negative sides and ensured that I failed at every step, which prompted me to be careful and today also I dream fearing him.
- Twice have been taken for a sweet ride by my friends and made to undergo heavy financial loss.
- So I am introvert, shy, fearful yet happy, bold, adventurous in phases.

16. Current and previous remedies/medicines I am taking or took in the past?
I follow all pathes. For any disease I would visit a allopathy doctor, a homeopath and a ayurved doctor, simultaneously. In every field of cure I have very close doctor friends. My simple view is to get cured fast. I fear diseases a lot and then after these three pathies are started, I forget about the disease…
I wish I had been treated by a classical homeopath because my father in law was a classical homeopath and have seen letters and heard stories about cures. I have never met him but hold him in very high respect.

17. Educational Qualification
I would say I was an average student academically speaking, I was a quiet student and always tried to please. I loved team sports. I was good in languages, science and maths. Since I was not permitted to challenges I lost all interest and motivation.
I went to college for the heck of it. I was adventurous by nature but had no motivation and this was also when I feel my depression started and I closed myself. But whenever I desired I would study smart and pass out with flying colors.
Am M.Sc. in drugs chemistry and then did several organizational sponsored management and leadership courses for top management, looking at my leadership qualities.

Am a slow learner for anything in life but work with compassion to and steadfastness to master it.

18. Nature of work.
I am currently a BUSINESS GROWTH ADVISOR for small and medium enterprises. Its more of mental work. Requires lots of travelling, thinking, reading, alone time. Whenever there is work I am very active but whenever there is no work then I it requires effort to come out of the bed and do any work.

I was a strong leader when I was employed due to my coaching, excellent bosses, team and my adventurous nature. I now feel I have lost the cutting edge.

I am very cautious now. Though risk taking is my second nature.

19. Vigour and Vitality: low.

20. Mind-behavior: anger, irritability, hurry, impatient, slow in decision, deep thinker, unorganized, want others to do my work, vary of non-productive jobs, love my work and less of domestic work. Oflate I have become very social after my mom passed away and my dad is aged.
I am kind hearted and never cheat anyone. On the contrary go a step ahead to help anyone even if he/she is not known to me.

Money doesn’t have much importance in my life. I consider ease in life more important than money. Have very basic needs and not very ambitious anymore for more for money but yes for fame and recognition.

I have very sharp memory and always want to look good so dress up very decent. I wish to have a wonderful body.

Trust others easily and expect to trust me too equally.

21. How am I different from other persons? I am good at public speaking. I am decently behavioral, and has loads of love and affection for family, friends, and relatives. Medium in confidence.

22. Mood :
-really low mood, numb feeling, often no interest or energy to do anything, indifferent to everything.
- easily do not get angry, but when continuously haunted then can’t control the aggravated anger within me, easily startled, anxious
- sudden noises set off anxiety e.g. car doors slamming, people shouting/screaming
-I also will feel anxious in anticipation for things, for example if I know something's being delivered to my house that day I will feel anxious all day or in anticipation that something can go wrong.
-I feel intense pressure to be perfect, and to do everything perfectly. I feel extreme responsibility to keep family safe and happy. I do not trust anyone else to care for my things like I do.
-I find it difficult to focus on things, if I'm concentrating on something but there's other things going on around me or someone's trying to talk to me then I can get very irritated.
-anxiety symptoms: weak heavy feeling in pit of my stomach, and sometimes in the anus area. Trembling. Heart Palpitations. Mind feels like it's racing but I am not able to focus on anything or recall anything I was thinking during that time. I often feel exhausted if I've had a particularly anxious day. I feel anxious just thinking about situations that have or would make me feel anxious.
-My mind is on overdrive constantly, I am going over all of the negative things that have happened to me in the past no matter how long ago. And no sooner I realise I easily let it go.
- I like to dance and sing hindi melodies and ghazals.
- I like comic, suspense and martial art movies a lot

-I used to be angry about past experiences and hold resentment towards people who have caused me pain, no matter how small. But not now.

23. Dreams: not many but usually of fear, negativity and depressing.

24. Fear: snakes, darkness, closed areas.

25. Any surgery: anal fissure in 2001 and appendicitis in 2015. Now I am told that prostate will have to be removed, which I do not want to.

26. Enjoy: swimming, water, trekking – feel low now when I can’t play them due to knee problem and palpitation.

27. Excretions - I sweat a lot. At the slightest exertion I sweat. And I don’t like it. Urine quantity is good, clear

28: Like: meditation, non-invasive or alternate health therapies, dark clouds, getting wet in rain, spiritual, religious and motivational talks, interacting with leaders and intellectual people. Play safe.

29. Sleep: is sound, but I of late take medication for claustrophobia while sleeping. It is these disturbed to enlarged prostate since I have to go for urination several times. Usually I like to go to sleep around 9:30 pm and wake up at 6: 00 am.

30. Physical exercise: whenever I can I love to go for swimming if the pool is neat and clean, otherwise I do want to but don’t like.

31. Avoid: confrontation, gossip, boasting and listening to people who boast, talk a lot, crowd, going out.

Additional points:
1. Large stomach area.
2. Can’t wear very tight clothes.
3. Not spend thrift but not even miser too.
4. If I stand longer then my legs go numb from hips downwards.
5. My mother was heavy and she had border range diabetes. My dad is stout and sturdy.
6. Nose dries up often these days and breathing becomes difficulty during sleep.
7. These days I get tired fast. While lying on the bed or sofa if I get up immediately, there is strong giddiness
  Niiev161 on 2017-07-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Will come back
Zady101 7 years ago
Ok i have got fair bit of idea. Give me a day. You will get relief soon
Zady101 7 years ago
Zady101 said Ok i have got fair bit of idea. Give me a day. You will get relief soon⚠Please tick why you are reporting this post:Duplicate postArgumentative / Attack on another memberContains explicit or inappropriate contentPrescriber requesting offline contactPost is trying to sell somethingPosted under a false (duplicate) user name.Off topic for this thread.   Report Post     👍Endorsing posts shows your approval of this forum member and this particular post. We're not yet displaying this information but plan to when we have sufficient endorsements.Endorse Post  

Niiev161 7 years ago
Before I start the treatment, I have a suggestion: do not take Ayurvedic side by side unless it is some emergency
Zady101 7 years ago
Zady101 said Before I start the treatment, I have a suggestion: do not take Ayurvedic side by side unless it is some emergency⚠Please tick why you are reporting this post:Duplicate postArgumentative / Attack on another memberContains explicit or inappropriate contentPrescriber requesting offline contactPost is trying to sell somethingPosted under a false (duplicate) user name.Off topic for this thread.   Report Post     👍Endorsing posts shows your approval of this forum member and this particular post. We're not yet displaying this information but plan to when we have sufficient endorsements.Endorse Post  


Niiev161 7 years ago
Please talk about these problems in detail:

1) cervical spondylitis with spur formation
2) numbness in right hand finger and hands when i wake up
3) prostrate (psa?)

How long you have been suffering from them and how do they affect you?
Pls provide detailed info
Zady101 7 years ago
Zady101 said Please talk about these problems in detail:

1) cervical spondylitis with spur formation
2) numbness in right hand finger and hands when i wake up
3) prostrate (psa?)

How long you have been suffering from them and how do they affect you?
Pls provide detailed info⚠Please tick why you are reporting this post:Duplicate postArgumentative / Attack on another memberContains explicit or inappropriate contentPrescriber requesting offline contactPost is trying to sell somethingPosted under a false (duplicate) user name.Off topic for this thread.   Report Post     👍Endorsing posts shows your approval of this forum member and this particular post. We're not yet displaying this information but plan to when we have sufficient endorsements.Endorse Post  

Cervical Spondylitis with spur formation was detected two months ago in the xray when i had severe pain in my neck.

Numbness....wake up: is there since last three months. it is still there as type this note. Sometimes there is tingling sensation. Two months i had a severe pain starting from shoulder to arm and hands. Even i could not sleep on my back. With physiotherapy it has reduced to my first finger of RH.

Prostate Enlargement: for last two years. i take allopathy medicine and sabalserrataQ at night few drops.
Niiev161 7 years ago
Thank you for your patience. Pls give me a day more
Zady101 7 years ago
Zady101 said Thank you for your patience. Pls give me a day more⚠Please tick why you are reporting this post:Duplicate postArgumentative / Attack on another memberContains explicit or inappropriate contentPrescriber requesting offline contactPost is trying to sell somethingPosted under a false (duplicate) user name.Off topic for this thread.   Report Post     👍Endorsing posts shows your approval of this forum member and this particular post. We're not yet displaying this information but plan to when we have sufficient endorsements.Endorse Post  
Niiev161 7 years ago
Kalmia Lat 30

Dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times. Take 1st tablespoon, wait 15 minutes, take 2nd tablespoon, wait 15 minutes, take 3rd and last tablespoon.

update after 3 days
Zady101 7 years ago
sure sir...
Niiev161 7 years ago
I followed your instructions to the dot on I.

At the outset I must thank you.

First day evening around 7pm to 7:30pm I finished the 3 doses. The pain severely aggravated from shoulder to the entire arm to the fingers and I could not sleep whole night. Sometimes it was non bearable and at other times it was just irritating. This seemed sure sign of medicine working.

Next day I went to a acupressurist cum physiotherapist. They suggested to continue homeo medication since theirs was a non invasive therapy.

He pressed one point between the first two fingers for 30 secs each and suggested me to press them 3 times a day plus to keep a rolled towel under my neck,always while sleeping.

I am sure all of it [your right medication plus acupressure and rolled towel under the neck] worked positively and my pain and tingling sensation has vanished.

What next sir? Which medication to take and how?

Best regards.
Niiev161 7 years ago
By the way my Lipid profile, Blood sugar and PSA reports are normal.

I am taking allopathic medicines for cholestrol, enlarged prostrate and high blood pressure. All of them are of bare minimum strength. However I want to totally shift on Homeopathic. Please study and get me my constitutional remedy sir,if possible.

I am not taking any ayurvedic medicines.

Hope you won't mind any non invasive medication like physiotherapy, acupressure, yoga etc.

Thanks again sir.

Best regards.
Niiev161 7 years ago
Respected Sir,

I am awaiting your further response.

Sir, I have to leave for Africa on Monday and will return on the 15th August.

Thus I am in need of your help.

Warm regards.
Niiev161 7 years ago
ok what's the current status? Has pain come back?
Zady101 7 years ago
Good Morning sir.

There is no pain, now.

I am not taking any medicine except for my allopathy for prostate, High BP, Cholestrol and Uric acid.

I continue keeping a rolled towel under my neck while sleeping. And i am comfortable with it.

What do you recommend next sir?

Warm regards.
Niiev161 7 years ago
Can you explain - " I hate summers. Need to cool myself immediately"

When do you have weak heavy feeling in pit of my stomach? At what time
[Edited by Zady101 on 2017-08-12 19:34:03]
Zady101 7 years ago

I hate summers. Need to cool myself immediately - summers is the season i hate the most. i am always wanting to be in the cool area. I would live with AC only. I am always looking forward to be in cool zone. Secondly,I perspire a lot,which i hate the most. Even that is the reason that i hate summers.

When do you have weak heavy feeling in pit of my stomach? At what time - When i am tensed up or there is even slight anxiety. it could be anytime; its just that i am anxious that this feeling begins and remains.

Even I am overweight and i don't know how to reduce my weight. i try whatever anyone suggests and leave it midway. I want to reach my ideal weight between 75 to -80 kg. Today i am 95 kg.

Moreover i am too lazy and weak willed.

Sir, can you suggest my CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDY?

Best regards.
Niiev161 7 years ago
If you are cured, nothing better. If you need help please tell your main problem FIRST.And exactly.
jawahar 7 years ago
Jawahar Sir,

Well noted your suggestion with due respects and will follow it!

Warm regards.
Niiev161 7 years ago
Sulphur 30

Dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink.
Do this once only

One dose once only

Update after 4-5. Days
Zady101 7 years ago
sure sir...

Niiev161 7 years ago
Respected Sir,

I have just returned today. On checking I found Sulphur 6c and 200 c at home in globules form.

Should I buy Sulphur 30 C liquid or you would suggest from the available at home?

If you feel that i should buy Sulphur 30 c, i won't mind going by your suggestion.

best regards.
Niiev161 7 years ago
Sulphur 200C

One dose ONLY
Zady101 7 years ago
Thanks sir...
Niiev161 7 years ago

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