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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thanks sir...
Niiev161 7 years ago
Dear Sir,

As suggested by your esteemedself, I took Sulphur 200C 1 dose on the 16th.

1] Usually wake up with tingling or ants moving sensation in the first finger and thumb of both the hands.
2] Light but continuous pain in the neck.
3] There is often a sensation of ants moving in my first finger and thumb if i hold certain things for a longer time.
4] Yes, I perspire less these days. Could it be because there is no heat here. Its raining...I was feeling hot and needed AC on.
5] There is revived vitality for sure.

Sir, what do you recommend for tingling or ants moving sensation in the first finger and thumb.

Best regards.
Niiev161 7 years ago
Got your mail.You are slightly sensitive to homeopathic remedies, that's why I wanted to give 30th potency.

Please wait for 1 wk and update me. Do not take any other homeopathic med alongside.
Zady101 7 years ago
noted sir...
Niiev161 7 years ago
Morning Sir.

Its almost one week now. My feedback is as under:
1] Whenever I have to work more while sitting on computer, there is acute pain in the neck and slight tingling sensation in the first finger of Right hand.
2] These days I sleep around 9 pm till 7 am. Usually my sleep timings were anytime between 9 to 10 pm and wake up around 5:30 am.
3] Once I am home after work I don't feel like going out. Though my work is mental and not at all physical.
4] The numbness which was there till recently has receded now. Feel ok these days.
5] I want to be active, loose weight and get rid of this neck pain.
6] Another thing I have observed is that though I am afraid of death, I love watching Air crash and accident investigation serials on Nat Geo.

Best regards.
Niiev161 7 years ago
Please wait 3-4 days more
Zady101 7 years ago
Points number 2, 3 ,5 and 6 hold true.

I could not monitor my blood pressure, but at the slightest exertion my pulse goes up.

Niiev161 7 years ago
Please repeat Sulphur ONCE
Zady101 7 years ago

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