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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Teeth grinding - 3 year old

Hello doc, my son 3 year old has grinding teeth in sleep. He is shy in nature and has anxiety issue too. Can u suggest some medicine for him please
  Jaustin on 2018-04-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give her Chamomilla 30 thrice a day for 3 days.
If this doesn't help give him Calcarea Carbonica 30 in the same way.

In addition to the above remedies also purchase Belladonna 30.

One dose means -

Just boiled the water and wait till it comes to normal temperature. Add one drop to half cup of water and stir well. Two drops of this water means one dose. You can make fresh doses every time instead of using old medicated water.
HealthyWorld 6 years ago

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