The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Looking for HELP for my dog
I'm trying to find a natural cure for one of my dogs. According to the homeopathic vet I took him to when he hyperextended his back left leg, he somehow injured a nerve. She gave him some deer velvet supplements, but they didn't help and it's all been downhill from there. She also did a chiropractic adjustment on him and shortly after that he lost the use of that leg. Took him back to her when the foot/leg began to swell and she said it was edema from lack of use.Then the other foot began to swell, and he's gradually losing the use of it as well. He's basically walking on his 2 front legs and using the third leg for balance, but he's dragging/walking on the toes of that leg most of the time now.
A fellow student in my animal communications classes said she has had a similar issue with one of her dogs, and her vet diagnosed it as fibrotic myopathy, though she said not all the vets she has been to agree on this. I looked at the symptoms given on a free dictionary website that I couldn't post here, and it sure sounds like what my guy has going on. I really don't want to take him back to the vet again, because she didn't do anything to help him the first two times and I spent a lot of money for the "privilege".
His stool is dark and runny, and he poos on his legs a lot, I have to clean him up before he comes back in the house. It's like he doesn't feel what's going on, he's standing on the toes of both back feet as he's peeing and pooing.
I couldn't find any match on this site for myopathy, so I'm hoping someone knows of something that can help us. I've sent for a human remedy that I'm going to try, the ingredients are all natural (B-complex vitamins plus one to help nerve pain).
Any help would be appreciated!
millerp on 2018-06-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give Causticum 200c, two pills, on alternate days for 4 days and write back with the changes. We will try three or four top remedies for his complains and pray the almighty to help with him.
If you live in India or USA, I can ship the medicines from the retailers (like Amazon in USA or Reckweg in India) to your address. Please let me know.
If you live in India or USA, I can ship the medicines from the retailers (like Amazon in USA or Reckweg in India) to your address. Please let me know.
♡ Reva V 6 years ago
What is your price w/shipping? I am currently giving him nux vomica 3 times/day per instructions on bottle. Started yesterday, so only 2 days, no changes noted yet. Should I continue this or discontinue?
millerp 6 years ago
Please stop Nux Vom and start with Causticum. Please make sure that you give once a day, but only on alternate days (not daily)
It was offered for my satisfaction to help a dog that you care, not for money.
[Edited by Reva V on 2018-06-29 05:03:46]
It was offered for my satisfaction to help a dog that you care, not for money.
[Edited by Reva V on 2018-06-29 05:03:46]
♡ Reva V 6 years ago
Reva, I will take you up on your very kind offer, with much gratitude. Are you on Facebook, I can message you my address. Would prefer not to post it here.
I will stop Nux Vom.
I will stop Nux Vom.
millerp 6 years ago
Please email your address and you will get the medicine asap. You can click my name to see the profile and you will see the email address.
It is reva AT mail DOT com
It is reva AT mail DOT com
♡ Reva V 6 years ago
Hi Reva,
I gave Cooper his 4th dose of Causticum today as you instructed. I noticed yesterday that the swelling in his back legs appears to be going down somewhat. I don't think it's my imagination. Today some of his stool is more solid than it's been in quite a while. He continues to eat pretty well most of the time.
What are your instructions for going forward?
Thank you.
I gave Cooper his 4th dose of Causticum today as you instructed. I noticed yesterday that the swelling in his back legs appears to be going down somewhat. I don't think it's my imagination. Today some of his stool is more solid than it's been in quite a while. He continues to eat pretty well most of the time.
What are your instructions for going forward?
Thank you.
millerp 6 years ago
Please wait a week or so, before any more medicine is given to Cooper. Please write if there any changes in this one week. Thanks
♡ Reva V 6 years ago
An addition to my last update: I just figured out where all the liquid is coming from on the floor where he lays all the time. It's soaking wet all the way through the carpet, and it wasn't until I replaced the runner to dry it out and clean it and replaced it with a rubber bath mat that the light bulb came on. His legs are oozing a clear liquid (water?), which is probably how the swelling is going down, right? The injured leg is still pretty swollen, but the other one is definitely going down as of this morning. I will continue with the Causticum again today unless I hear differently from you before then.
millerp 6 years ago
I just now saw this update from you. It wasn't here when I posted my update a couple hours ago. I will hold off on the Causticum.
Thank you.
Thank you.
millerp 6 years ago
Thanks. Can you please send the picture of the injured leg. You can either attach it here in the forum or email me. Thanks
♡ Reva V 6 years ago
Just taken. Injured leg is the one on top, on the left in the picture. Other leg was just as swollen, shows how much it has gone down.
millerp 6 years ago
Thanks for the picture. It helps to understand better
Please give Causticum 200, once a day (daily) for 3 days, then once in 2 days for 4 more days and write back. You can always write, if you have any question.
Please give Causticum 200, once a day (daily) for 3 days, then once in 2 days for 4 more days and write back. You can always write, if you have any question.
♡ Reva V 6 years ago
Hi Reva,
Just finished Cooper's 4th day of every other day as you instructed. His legs continue to ooze clear liquid, the swelling seems to go down on days when I give him the pills, and swell back up on days in between. His stool is a little more solid than it has been. What do you suggest now? Are you familiar with Scalar energy treatments? I'm thinking of trying some of those for him.
Just finished Cooper's 4th day of every other day as you instructed. His legs continue to ooze clear liquid, the swelling seems to go down on days when I give him the pills, and swell back up on days in between. His stool is a little more solid than it has been. What do you suggest now? Are you familiar with Scalar energy treatments? I'm thinking of trying some of those for him.
millerp 6 years ago
Please give Bryonia 30c, three times in a day, one or two pills, (
dissolved in water or direct pills) and write again after two or three days. This is available in natural groceries and vitammine shoppe, if one is near your home. I can ship, if it is helpful.
dissolved in water or direct pills) and write again after two or three days. This is available in natural groceries and vitammine shoppe, if one is near your home. I can ship, if it is helpful.
♡ Reva V 6 years ago
millerp 6 years ago
Today is day 3 on Bryonia. Cooper's had 2 of his 3 for the day. I gave 3 on first day, tried 2 pills 3X on second day, went back to 1X 3 today. He's been shaking off and on all day, the liquid coming out of his legs is now brownish in color, and it looks like the swelling of the leg he can still sort of use has increased. No real positive results to report.
millerp 6 years ago
Can you please clarify:
he can still sort of use has increased
This means, Cooper is trying to use the legs now more, after you give Bryonia?
Please wash gently (in the oozing areas) with diluted Hydrogen Peroxide.
Give Bryonia 30, once a day, every day
he can still sort of use has increased
This means, Cooper is trying to use the legs now more, after you give Bryonia?
Please wash gently (in the oozing areas) with diluted Hydrogen Peroxide.
Give Bryonia 30, once a day, every day
♡ Reva V 6 years ago
No, use of the leg has not increased, unfortunately. Some days he does better than others. Some days I have to carry him to his couch after he goes outside to potty.
He licks the oozing legs quite often. The peroxide won't hurt him? Dilute by how much? Continue Bryonia for how many days, or just continue until gone?
Thank you.
He licks the oozing legs quite often. The peroxide won't hurt him? Dilute by how much? Continue Bryonia for how many days, or just continue until gone?
Thank you.
millerp 6 years ago
Bryonia 30 is given to improve his liver, so that he can stand subsequent treatment well.
3% hydrogen peroxide are sold in pharmacy and other stores. You can add 4 times water to one portion of this 3% hydrogen peroxide. It is ok if he licks, as it can be of help if given internally (Gerson protocol recommends Hyrogen peroxide taken by all their patients)
Now, pleas stop Bryonia 30. Start with Causticum 200
This time, please use wet dose. Wet dose is prepared by taking 4 oz of water and add 4 pills of Causticum 200 in it. Now shake hard and save this water for daily use. This can be kept outside and do not refrigerate. Use 1 teaspoon of this water, given every morning. If he tolerates (improves), you can give even twice a day. Shake the bottle hard, before giving the medicine.
Please report after starting the medicine.
3% hydrogen peroxide are sold in pharmacy and other stores. You can add 4 times water to one portion of this 3% hydrogen peroxide. It is ok if he licks, as it can be of help if given internally (Gerson protocol recommends Hyrogen peroxide taken by all their patients)
Now, pleas stop Bryonia 30. Start with Causticum 200
This time, please use wet dose. Wet dose is prepared by taking 4 oz of water and add 4 pills of Causticum 200 in it. Now shake hard and save this water for daily use. This can be kept outside and do not refrigerate. Use 1 teaspoon of this water, given every morning. If he tolerates (improves), you can give even twice a day. Shake the bottle hard, before giving the medicine.
Please report after starting the medicine.
♡ Reva V 6 years ago
Second day on the wet dose of Causticum 200. No improvement noticed. Cooper connected with one of my animal communication teachers yesterday and told her he is done here and wants to continue on his journey in the non-physical. So tomorrow we are going to the vet to help him with that request, unless he decides to do it on his own tonight. He's really not doing well.
I want to thank you for all your help in this situation, Reva. I'm just sorry nothing helped him.
I want to thank you for all your help in this situation, Reva. I'm just sorry nothing helped him.
millerp 6 years ago
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