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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Hello - this is a fabulous website! On reading some of the other forums, I am putting up a list of my own health details in the hope that someone can provide advice as I am in chronic pain and am desperate to find a remedy that works (as I have tried quite a few now from other practitioners in Australia)

1. Name: MAL
2. Age: 39
3. Sex: F
4. Married
5. weight: 60kg
6. Height: 5'6"
7. country: Australia
8. climate: varied but mediterranean supposedly
9. List of your complaint first 1.gallstone pain 2.irritability. 3 lethargy
10. non Diabetic
11. Desire sweets
12. Thirst - look for water at night
13. Tongue
14. Current BP : normal/good
15. What exactly is happening ? I want my life back! I am sick of being in chronic pain and not being able to eat without discomfort.
16. How do you feel ? Old and sometimes I wonder if I am dying from this problem (that I may have a terminal illness..)
17. How does this affect you ? It's depressing and frustrating
18. How does it feel like ? I have constant pain in my stomach, gallbladder, spleen area and generally my back
19. What comes to your mind ? That the problem is getting worse quickly
20. One situation that had a big effect on you ? The death of my Father in 1999 and awful things that follwed that event
21. How did that feel like ? Depressed and angry
22. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?Frustration and anger
23. What are you showing by that gesture of your : I bite my nails still
24. current medicine you are taking: homeopathic well-being tonic (not sure what is in it), nat sulph (for a day or two), nux vomica
25. family back ground: australian
26. qualification of patient: student
27. Nature of working: own business
28. desire and aversion of food: eggs, chocolate, battered fish, chips and salad
29. angry, irritable, hurried, impatient, confident(public speaking), cannot handle injustice, love my husband and children, pets,like time alone, having my own interests
30. Aggravation: constant & Amelioration: unsure, not eating?

Re: Hail Loss. Help! From nbrar [Log on to view profile] on 2006-03-21
Ok, here are the answers to your questions:

1. Name:N B
2. Age: 24
3. Sex: F
4. Unmarried
5. weight: 110 to 115 LBS or 55kg
6. Height …. 5'4'
7. country: Canada, currently in Australia, symptoms started in Australaia.
8. climate: varied
9. List of your complain first 1. Thinning hair, bald spots on my top of my head
10. non Diabetic
11. I like sweets
12. I drink lots of juice and water, cut down on coke
14. BP is normal
15. What exactly is happening ? Hair thinning very rapidly?
16. How do you feel ? stressed because of school
17. How does this affect you ? depressed and stressed
20. One situation that had a big effect on you ? Living in australia for the first time without my family
24. current medicine you are taking: just taking vitamins
25. family back ground: East Indian, Punjabi
26. qualification of patient: student
27. Nature of working: student teacher
28. desire and aversion of food: I eat a lot of carbs
29. Mind-behavior: I get angerly very easily, and I am very impatient
  aussiegal on 2006-04-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Many apologies - please ignore the Re Hair Loss item as I just cut and pasted the questions for wase of putting in my own replies!!.
I also forgot to add that I have a bitter, foul taste in my mouth often and generally, chills up my spine..
aussiegal last decade
You have entitled your post as "Gallstones" and stated:
"I have constant pain in my stomach, gallbladder, spleen area and generally my back"

The question I would like you to answer is:
How did you diagnose your problem to be due to Gallstones ?

Did you consult any doctors and were tests carried out to confirm this diagnosis ?

Do you suffer from fullness or any burning sensation in your stomach after meals especially after dinner ?
Are you constipated usually ?

I shall try to help you after you reply these questions.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi many thanks for your reply. I had an ultrasound scan in Septemebr 2005 which showed multiple stones - largest being 12mm in size and there were at least two of these.
I was unable to eat much for many months - my stomach often felt a burning or heated sensation and I often felt that I could not stand any tightness from clothes on and around my abdomen. My bowel movements had gone from being a daily occurence to a weekly or bi-weekly occurence. However, I have had a bit of relief from all symptoms since trying radish juice in the last week but would very much appreciate your thoughts on this. Thanks:)
aussiegal last decade
It is with regret that I have to inform you that the only remedy for your gallstones which you state are multiple with the largest at 12mm, is to have they surgically removed. And the sooner the better. It may be possible to use laparoscopic surgery but there may be a problem due to the size of the stones.

I would doubt very much that Homeopathy can help you.

After surgery it is very likely that you will experience problems in the digestion of your food for a few months and you can then consider using Nat Phos 6x (biochemic) tablets as they will help the digestive process.

You may also consider using 3 doses of Arnica 30c prior to surgery and you can use this same remedy (2 pellets) every 2 hours immediately after surgery for the first day and every 3 hours on the second day and for a few days after as this helps in the recovery process.

You may like to know that Arnica obviated the need to use morphine which is commonly used to treat the pain after major surgery.
Joe De Livera last decade
My friend, you may use Dr. Reckeweg R series R7 for liver and gallblsdder probelms. For stomach you may try R5 and for inflammation use R1. I have gallstones as well and i am using all these remedies and i have a relief. Try to drink a lot of apple juice. To instantly get a relief from the pain, put one spoon of apple cider vinegar in unfiltered one glass of apple juice and drink it. Hope this will help.

M Malik last decade
My age is 31 years. I have a single stone of 15mm in my gallbladder, confirmed by ultrasound report. I feel light pain if I eat oily food. No pus. Liver and pancreas are normal. Please suggest a homeopathic remedy.
rajdewaan last decade
During gallstones one of the symptoms is constipation and bloating, having 5 glasses of apple juice or 5 fruits a day will make one more constipated, in that case what has to be done?
samur420 last decade
Dear Samur
eat 4-5 apples a day or 3-4 glasses of apple juice.you can use apple cider vinegar as well.And use epsom salt, olive oil plus lemon juice remedy to get rid of stones.
shaistazeb last decade

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