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Stress , anxiety , indigestion, low libido , fatigue Page 2 of 4

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You mentioned "whenever you took a dose". does this mean, you felt gas or indigestion when you took this medicine each time? or this was seen only in the last dose?

Your well being is a pre-requisite before you treat ED.

List the symptoms that you first had and explain what has improved and what has not improved after Sulphuric Acid 30. ED should be last in the list, as you need physical and mental strength built for permanent ED results. If you need ED first, please look else where, not in this thread.
Reva V 5 years ago
Hello Dr Reva

My apologies , i wont consider ED As a priority from now onward
I noticed indigestion after taking last 2 doses and headache and increased allergy as well , this can be a co incidence if not related .

Fatigue has reduced
Stress i try to avoid as much as possible but with my work it does comes sometimes
Anxiety is also there when i am stressed .

For indigestion i took antacid but not on the day of dose
For allergy i dint take anything on the day of dose but i took an anti-allergic the next day

When in suffer from allergy i get chilly and feel cold and end up with a headache more of a frontal sinus headache
[Edited by amandeepsingh on 2018-09-30 15:32:58]
amandeepsingh 5 years ago
Please stop taking Sulphuric Acid. Start taking Cod Liver Oil (Seven seas in India is good) and start with one tablet a day , immediately after lunch. If everything goes well you can take after breakfast and lunch. Report after a week.
[Edited by Reva V on 2018-10-01 05:00:20]
Reva V 5 years ago
Noted dr reva i will do and report after a week
amandeepsingh 5 years ago
Have you started Cod liver. What difference you noticed after
Reva V 5 years ago
As directed by you to take 1 pill after lunch i am taking it since 3 days after lunch
I haven't noticed anything yet but i do get a bit of heartburn that is may be because it is either difficult to digest or my body needs to adjust digesting which it will in few days .
i will continue taking it
amandeepsingh 5 years ago
Antimonium Crud 30, One dose, one day only, in the morning. Please see how is the heart burn after this.
Reva V 5 years ago
Notes Dr reva i will take the dose and report back
Please note and may it be fish oil or cod liver oil they seem difficult for me to digest i tried them in past as well what happens is they increase heat in digestive system which sometimes lead to pain while passing stool ( where stools are not hard ) or sometimes bleeding which go away in 3-4 days as soon as i stop them.

I tried this with few other things which are hot in nature (temprament) like ashwagansha powder and somehow i am not able to digest them despite evident that i need an adaptogenic in my case .

I will take Antim Crud 30 one dose and report back .
I do get white coating on tongue on days when the bowel movement are not proper and satisfactory.
amandeepsingh 5 years ago
This could explain why you are not able to build the needed strength. This has to digest comfortably.

You can stop Cod liver oil until you get Antimonium crud. Resume after taking a dose of Antim Crud. If you still have any problem write
Reva V 5 years ago
Noted dr reva
I will do as directed .
amandeepsingh 5 years ago
Dr.reva ,

I took one dose of Antim Crud 30 first thing in the morning and observed relief in digestive issues had better bowel movement for 2 days .
Haven’t started cod liver oil yet ,let me know how to move ahead .
amandeepsingh 5 years ago
Please resume cod liver oil. If digestion problem recurs, repeat Antimonium Crud as often as needed (daily dose is ok)
Reva V 5 years ago
Thanks i will do that
Does Antim Crud 30 dose need to be taken in morning?
amandeepsingh 5 years ago
Any time to your convenience. Some agrees more in the morning and others in the evening. Try to find a good one for you.
Reva V 5 years ago
Thanks dr. Reva i will stick to morning dose
amandeepsingh 5 years ago
How are you doing after starting Cod Liver oil? Is Antimonium Crud helping after you start cod liver oil?
Reva V 5 years ago
Hello Dr. Reva

I have taken 4 doses of Antim Crud 30 till date and yes it helps for the day when i take the dose.
i am still finding hard time digesting Cod liver oil it gives anal discomfort and the generic issue below shows up repeatedly.

Either acidity/gas increase or bowel movement gets unsatisfactory .
The day bowel movement is not proper i don't feel proper appetite, if bowel movement is not proper for 2-3 days i get mouth ulcers .

I will keep taking cod liver oil and antim crud 30 as per your suggestion
amandeepsingh 5 years ago
Better stop Cod liver Oil, if Antimonium fails to resolve it entirely

For mouth ulcer, Nilavembu powder (Tamil name) works with permanent results. Please take any capsule, empty and fill Nilavembu powder and take one at bed time every day for three days. If you ever get mouth ulcer after this let me know.

Continue Antimonium
Reva V 5 years ago
Thanks Dr.Reva
I will continue Antimonium and will give Cod liver oil a break for few days
I have ordered Nilavembu powder which i will get in few days .
This mouth ulcer thing is old ailment i suffer since teenage .
I would be really grateful if this can be cured .
amandeepsingh 5 years ago
Hello Dr .Reva ,

I used Nilavembu powder for 3 days and it improves digestion as well , I have a lot left if you suggest i can keep using it until rest is finished .

Had a viral flu for a week so dint take Antim Crud for this week .
Nilavembu helped in flu and cold as well .

Please suggest next course of medicine .
amandeepsingh 5 years ago
Do you see a difference in mouth ulcer
Reva V 5 years ago
Mouth ulcers are still there , remain for a week and then go away.
amandeepsingh 5 years ago
So you say you have mouth ulcer today, after taking for three days
Reva V 5 years ago
yes i took for 3 days and the ulcers went away .
then when i stopped taking they returned again .
amandeepsingh 5 years ago
Hello Dr. Reva

Please advice what should i use next , i have high hopes and can keep on using nilavembu powder for longer time if you suggest that .
amandeepsingh 5 years ago
OK. Please take Nilavembu for one week and write back.
Reva V 5 years ago

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