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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Tooth decay - Root Canal /Crowning

I have three tooth decay , doctor advised to do root canal and Capping . I want to delay for few years (financial prob) . I have mild pain and sometime gum swelling .Overall I have receding gums .

Any help on this to maintain it till I do Root canal .
  rks0202 on 2019-06-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Unfortunately, once the tooth nerve starts to
Die , homeopathy cannot help . The tooth will continue to die,
Where there is infection and pain. Then the tooth
Will fall out as it has no internal root structure.

There have been many on here trying to do what
You are asking and it never works. Options
Are get the teeth extracted and get bridge work done
After you can afford it. Three years of having
This problem is too long and the dying process
Drains your energy because the body is fighting
The infection going on.
simone717 5 years ago

When there has been a necessity for root canal, I have used Staphysagria medicine in some people with good success to put off the root canal. A few people say they have not done it even after ten years. Not sure this would improve the tooth health itself. Only lucky people with additional measures can look forward to actual improvement of tooth health.

You could try staphysagria in 6c as a start whenever you feel pain and see if this helps. If for a time period this helps and stops helping in future, you can move to 12c.
maheeru 5 years ago
Rks, hope this works for you. Just as a caution,
I have known people who needed a root canal/
And or extraction because of a failed root canal
And had no idea they needed something done.
Pain was hardly there, what was there was
Extreme low energy . The low energy was causing
Depression and anxiety. They thought they had
A mental health problem. Once they became
Aware of the teeth issue - and handled it at dentist,
They felt fine.
simone717 5 years ago
Yes RKS, Like simone says teeth infection could trouble in different disguises including neuralgia, anxiety and pain somewhere else etc. Low energy could have come from hidden infection. Once a patient had facial neuralgia(initially diagnosed as tri facial neuralgia) and nerve pain remedies did not work well, then after working with a dentist we knew the nerve pain came on due to the tooth infection spreading to blood stream. Later Mercurius solved the whole problem.

So Staphy. can help with infection and putting off root canal. But what I meant by other measures is to include things like maintaining oral hygiene+brushing before going to bed at night+brushing post non-vegetarian food+using a quality fluoride tooth paste; also constitutional treatment; if nothing is working heeding to dentist advice and there is a new evolving technique to start tooth healing---exposing affected teeth to plenty of oxygen. This technique is already employed by sports specialists to heal bone injuries quickly in top sports personnel.

Note: Once root canal is done, the tooth becomes almost dead in terms of revival. May be the pain will go down and the attrition will slow down but it'll remain dead because the piece of nerve is taken out. Without this nerve, alternative therapies can not touch this tooth.
[Edited by maheeru on 2019-06-03 20:00:16]
maheeru 5 years ago

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