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Corona Virus



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Corona virus and homeopathy Page 3 of 5

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

I am giving a brief pictures with key features for homeopaths, of the remedies that have worked in corona infected patients and showed very good results according to Dr Jeremy Sherr, who presented cases from Japan, China , Italy , US and UK and their further development.

I tried to make it easier for you to work with I hope it helps.
AFFINITY of Covid19

The affinity of the virus is affecting the respiratory system& lungs and the physical pathology developed is pneumonia, fibrosis, odema ,ARDC.


< chill, cold , lying on affected part. 1-2AM
> external heat, moving about,hot drinks, hot applications
Begins with prostration, burning throat, thirst for small amounts of water, high temperature ,restless, chilly and wants to be covered.
Cough after each drink.
Helps severe types of pneumonia and formation of pus. Septic tendency, septic shock.
Respiratory: asthmatic breathing, has to sit or bend forward, fear of suffocation if he lies down, cold sweat. Piercing/stitching pain in the upper right lung

Every MOVEMENT AGGRAVATES her condition and pain.
Slow onset .
Febrile to medium high temperature.
Dry painful cough that hurts head , chest and abdomen, soreness of joints , tired, irritable and desire to be left alone.
Mouth dry, thirsty for large amounts .
Sharp pain in the chest , desire to be curled up like a dog(~Baptisia). Pneumonia. Fibrosis


Thirstless.Blueness, blue lips , cold sweat of the face.
Face pale and sickly.
Drowsiness and lack of reaction.
Loose, coarse , rattling cough as if the chest is full of mucus and bubblings in the chest The condition is one in which the chest is steadily filling up with mucus, and at first he may be able to throw it out; but finally he is suffocating from the filling up of mucus and the inability of the chest and lungs to throw it out. It is a paralytic condition of the lungs. Coldness and cold sweat dryness or a scanty flow of mucus Antimonium tart.

The first few days of the sickness will not point to Antimonium tart and in a few days it will reach a state of weakness.

Such medicines as BRYONIA and IPECAC. come in for the first period, and your impression is, when administering those medicines, that they will be sufficient for the whole case, and they will be, except in those states wherein this weakness is present from the beginning, or where there is lack of ability to react sufficiently from your remedy to recover under it.

Then comes in a second remedy, and that is the time when this medicine begins its operation. The chest is full of mucus and it rattles;but the mucus does not come up, or only a small quantity comes up, but it does not relieve him, he is suffocating and he is really passing away, dying from carbonic acid poisoning due to a lack of expulsive power. In cases of pneumonia; when first coming down with a chill, it may be a very violent attack, such an attack as from its violence produced prostration early, that is, after three or four days.

It is not indicated in the beginning during the chill, and during the high grade of inflammation, but during the stage of exudation. Unlike ACONITE, BELL., IPECAC. and BRY., for they come down with violence—the very opposite is present in Antimonium tart. Little fever, cold sweat, coldness, relaxation, hippocratic aspect. So it is the remedy that closes out the scene with the severe cases of bronchitis, pneumonia; most of these cases die in an Antimonium tart. state.


Patients who do not look sick when they have a cold, are more or less vigorous, who have rattling in the chest, but do not come down with weakness and are not prostrated from it, but keep on rattling, they call for Kali Sulph. Wants to be left alone, extremely irritable when disturbed , looks as if they were sinking, and if they do not get relief soon they certainly will die, dyspnoea, which is steadily increasing. The wings of the nose move as in LYCOPODIUM. LYCOPODIUM competes with it very closely and resembles it very much..


Thirsty for cold drinks
< evening, before midnight, cold air
< Dark, lying on the right side , cold food &drinks, getting warm
Hard, dry , hacking cough< evening and morning and inability to lie on the left , with bloody or rusty colored expectorations .Usually begins in the evening with hoarseness , tight chest. Pain in the chest with cough ameliorating from pressure. Congestion of lungs, burning pain, sharp stitches , respiration quickened, body trembles.


Sudden onset /Anxious look, fearful and restless/ Shrunk pupils/ face red but turns pale on rising /Dry skin/ Dry painful cough/ high fever/ high arterial tension/fear of death/ Exalted sensitivity to light and noise/ Thirsty/ Unbearable pain/ cutting , tearing pains
Convulsive cough . stitches through the chest and side , especially when breathing and cough. Pneumonia with great heat, much thirst , dry cough and great nervous excitability. Constriction and nervous oppression of chest with difficulty breathing .


The Camphor state is one of convulsions or coldness. In the most acute period of the Camphor excitement, the excitability and frenzy of the patient are extreme, or they go into the other extreme, in which the irritability is lost and there is loss of sensation, unconsciousness and coldness. They May go from the extreme of MENTAL EXCITEMENT AND VIOLENCE TO ONE OF PROSTRATION AND EXHAUSTION, IN WHICH THE BODY IS BLUE AND COLD AND YET MUST BE UNCOVERED.
In the mental state there is anxiety and extreme fear; The patient goes into a state not unlike imbecility, and the appearance is as if it had come on slowly.
The mind and memory are gone. They closes the eyes, seemingly asleep, and answers no questions. Delirious with the heat, rage and mania, wants to jump out of bed or out of the window. Screams and calls for help. Anxiety and almost loss of consciousness will indicate Camphora in violent inflammation of organs
The COLDNESS,FRENZY AND THE HEAT VERY OFTEN INTERMINGLE. When the Camphor patient is becoming cold, he has spells of heat which come over them(there are alternating states often found in those infected from Corona with heat followed by freezing cold feeling in which Camph might be useful especially if matches the modalities ) The more violently the patient suffers, the sooner they are cold, and when they are COLD , THEY MUST UNCOVER EVEN IN A COLD ROOM. THE PATIENT IS THE MOST TROUBLESOME PATIENT TO NURSE; NOBODY AND NOTHING SUITS.
The face is cold, blue and shrivelled, without much sweat, in the cases that would make one think of Camphor. here is a desire to drink without thirst. All through the cold stage there is burning. The inside of the body seems to burn,they are prostrated, sinking, have rattling in the chest.

Camph and Ant-t cover advanced stages of pneumonia. In acute complaints there is violent thirst, in chronic complaints thirstlessness.
It is the same in ARSENIC, in the acute thirsty, but in the chronic thirstless. Violent, dry, hacking cough Suffocative dyspnœa.


Chief action is centered upon the nervous system and respiratory organs. Sad, anxious. Discouraged.Aching in temples and forehead. Obstinate acute coryza and influenza with cough. Pain worse motion; GRADUALLY INCREASING AND DECREASING. The STANNUM patient is usually sad and lachrymose,Crying usually makes the patient worse. This low-spiritedness is found in the lung troubles for which Stannum is your remedy. Stannum is indicated is also NERVOUS and WEAK; so nervous, IRRITABLE, and weak is she, that she becomes anxious and has palpitation of the heart, The mucus collects very rapidly in the chest and is quite easily expectorated, with great relief to the patient. The oppression, the weakness, and the tightness of the chest are all relieved when this sputum is raised. The voice which is husky and hoarse, Dyspnoea better after expectoration. The cough is very annoying and teasing. It is worse at night and is excited by talking and walking rapidly. The patient, in addition, complains of that WEAKNESS OF THE CHEST. It seems as if The patient had no strength there whatever. DYSPNEA <EVENING from so little exertion as giving directions The patient does not complain much about walking, but on trying to sit down fairly drops into the chair. Bitter taste (Sep).
These symptoms are often accompanied by pressure on the chest as though the lungs were pushed back to the spine. Hoarse; mucus expelled by forcible cough. Violent, dry cough in evening until midnight. Influenzal cough from noon to midnight with scanty expectoration. Respiration short, oppressive; stitches in left side when breathing and lying on same side.


Remedy suggested by Dr Jeremy Sherr that combines the symptoms of Ars and Ant-t
Found useful in EMPHYSEMA WITH EXCESSIVE DYSPNEA and cough, much mucous secretion. Worse on eating and lying down. Catarrhal pneumonia associated with influenza. Chest inflammations of children, restlessness with thirst and prostration, loose mucous cough, oppression, hurried respiration,


Mental enfeeblement" is the thought that will come into the mind when considering what the Phosphoric acid patient says, does and looks.
The mind seems tired.
When questioned he answers slowly or does not speak, but only looks at the questioner.
He is too tired to talk or even think.
He says: "Don't talk to me; let me alone." This state is found in both acute and chronic diseases. physically, can work, can exercise even violently; but the mind is tired, there is mental apathy, physically, can work, can exercise even violently; but the mind is tired, there is mental apathy, He says he is all right - physically, can work, can exercise even violently; but the mind is tired, there is mental apathy, Weak memory.Ailments from care, grief, sorrow night sweats towards morning; emaciation The patient pines and emaciates, grows weaker and weaker, withered in the face; night sweats; cold sweat down the back; cold sweats on the arms and hands more than on the feet; cold extremities; feeble circulation, feeble heart; catches cold on the slightest provocation and it settles in the chest; dry, hacking cough; catarrhal conditions of the chest; Ailments from care, grief, sorrow, he patient pines and emaciates, grows weaker and weaker, withered in the face; night sweats; cold sweat down the back; cold sweats on the arms and hands more than on the feet; cold extremities; feeble circulation, feeble heart; catches cold on the slightest provocation and it settles in the chest; dry, hacking cough; catarrhal conditions of the chest; Vertigo with ringing in the ears and glassy eyes.Finally comes the muscular weakness He goes into tuberculosis; difficult respiration; coughs and suffers in the chest, and the trouble culminates in structural changes in the lung.
Might be suitable for all medical staff workers at the moment having to face the death , grief, exhausture and fear ( Aconite). Aconite has more of an acute fright, while Ph-ac state is coming gradually after some periods of grief, mental and physical exhaustion. Ph-ac resembles Stannum – so tired , doesn`t want to talk, doesn`t want to answer so weak, at final stage lack of vital reaction but Stann is more irritable while Ph-ac is indifferent and Ph-ac has desire for sour fruits .
< warm , quiet being left alone, having tio answer questions
>.warm, quiet , alone, motion, s


Inflammation of the lungs.
Great mental body debility .
heaviness of head.
Great weakness that comes from the chest .
fainting while walking in open air.
Prone to quarrels Hurts to talk from pain in the chest .
Bursting pain in the back on coughing . Loss of voice.
Hacking cough, cough ends in sneeze. Rattling in the chest .
Exudate in pleura.
<during rest , evening
>walking in open air
Other remedies to think about which have great affinity to lungs are LOBELIA and STICTA PULMONARIA.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2020-04-16 14:06:02]
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Answer to Syria

I faced a similar situation for which I have successfully prescribed Ammonium carbonicum.

In France Boiron can offer 30Ch, 200 K , mK, XmK (the person in France has ordered and obtained BOIRON 200K and XmK through a pharmacy shop)

But start as soon as possible a treatment in liquid dose even with 30K or less if this is the only available dynamization. See my previous messages for explanation on how to prepare liquid dose.

In France genus epidemicus for COVID19 seems strongly to be Ammonium carbonicum.

Has this lady fever?
[Edited by Dynamis on 2020-03-29 06:33:01]
Dynamis 4 years ago
Yes she has fever
syria 4 years ago
Oh my God, i'm having a complete loss of sense of taste and smell as well. I had mild fever and throatache 5 days ago, chills,body aches, I did not takr anything for it. After 24 hours, the fever and sore throat stopped.

Two days ago, mouth and nose became dry, stuffy nose, throat pain back, and yesterday night, i lost sense of smell anf taste. I cannot smell anything, even the strongest essential oil..

I have dry cough coming from chest, and if i breathe in too deeply, or talk too much, it makes me cough.

My case is followed up by dr Maheeru so i'm not sure it's good for me to take any other remedy as i'm alreadt taking something for a problem, but just wanted to share that.

The loss of smell and taste is so scary, it was quite sudden.

Okay so for that lady, should we buy 30c, 200k and 1000k, or just one of them?
[Edited by syria on 2020-03-29 09:48:45]
syria 4 years ago
Buy 200K and 10000K (XmK) but if they are not available buy what is available, for example 30K (and make a command for the others to have them available within two days). Start the préparation of the liquid dose with 200K if possible.

Have you understood how to prepare the liquid dose with one or two globules only ?

The loss of smell and taste confirms COVID19.
[Edited by Dynamis on 2020-03-29 10:35:22]
Dynamis 4 years ago
Should I also take Ammonium Carb??

Yes i know how to make liquid dose.

Once the liquid dose with 30C or 200K is ready, what's the dosage?

Is it 30C or 30K that we have to buy?
syria 4 years ago
Oh Yes take Ammonium carb ! For me it has far better action than Bryonia, Arsenicum (especially in France ! You know that genus epidemicus varies according geography and certainly virus natural variations). It seems that Camphora was may be more suitable for the epidemy of Iran for example. I had cases improved but not cleared with Bryonia, Arsenicum and cured with Ammonium carbonicum.
Dynamis 4 years ago
.Dr Sujata Naik , MD( homeo) and Team

........................* The global corona pandemic has set off panic in every part of the world with more than half of it in shutdown mode As a homeopath having been into practice for over 3 decades and having witnessed and treated several thousand patients during past epidemics ,, I would like to share some pertinent observations about the current situation -

1) We , as homeopaths have not succeeded as a cohesive body in asserting the potential role of homeopathy in the current epidemic . The discordant notes and conflicting opinions from renowned homeopaths regarding the genus epidemicus ( or whether homeo prophylaxis is true at all ) reduced credibility , confusing the public and health authorities too .

2) Unsubstantiated claims about effective homeopathic remedies to combat corona virus should have been discouraged .We must realize that covid19 is a novel corona virus ,the virulence of which has come as a shock to the medical world. .

None of the scientists , researchers , practitioners of conventional medicine have yet claimed any substantive solution to the corona flu . All they suggest are supportive and auxiliary methods .

Homeopaths should have jumped at this golden opportunity by stating that since homeopathy is a science of symptomatology , homeopathic medicines can be given to alleviate signs and symptoms of the self limiting infection thus reducing recovery time and minimizing need for antibiotics , analgesics ,anti inflammatory drugs in turn reducing load on tertiary health care system which includes hospitals.

4) Reports from senior homeopathic practitioners to collect data about individual experiences in tackling viral infections would have been a useful indicator to draw a consensus and send a unified signal regarding homeopathic treatment for the pandemic.

5) While supporting the CCRH declaration of Arsenic album 30 c as THE remedy for corona virus , a disclaimer stating homeopathy as an individualistic therapy and remedy could vary on demographic , racial and genetic factors ,would have gone a long way in justifying the variation in remedy prescription .

*Our experience -*
At least a hundred fever and URTI cases have been treated at our clinics in the month of March . The protocol we followed

!) Fever ( 99-100 degrees) , frontal headache , mild , dry cough with tiredness and desires rest - Bryonia alba

2) Mild to moderate fever with dry, constant rasping cough - Rumex

3) High fever with restlessness , anxiety , tiredness ,cough incessant in sleep ,around middle of the night - Arsenic album 30 c

4).Mild to moderate fever with total loss of muscular strength and occipital headache - Gelsemium

5) High fever , loose., rattling cough ,intense headache ,severe soreness all over body especially back . - Eupatorium perfoliatum

6)Chills followed by high fever ,with severe throbbing headache , cough with vomiting and tremendous weakness .- China

Of the above cases , in almost 60% , Bryonia was the front line remedy followed by Arsenic album (25%) , Eupatorium (7%) ,Gelsemium ( 5%) , Rumex ( 2%) and China(1%)

What is interesting to note is that Bryonia and to some extent Arsenic album have almost been stand alone remedies, and remedies like Gels , Eupatorium and Rumex were given for specific indication and almost always followed the former . eg , extreme dullness - gels ,dry cough , not settling Rumex or intense body ache - Eupatorium.

*Inference -*
1) Homeopathy has great potential.in viral infections and their use should be allowed freely .

2) It is the well proven , time tested , polychrests of our Materia Medica which always act during epidemics and on a mass scale and they being 'ordinary ' , 'obvious 'and 'common ' should never be a deterrent .Exotic , uncommon remedies can be thought of through individual,constitutional.prescribing , only when the obvious remedy fails to act .

3) In acute cases , particularly in viral epidemics good symptomatic support and monitoring to prevent secondary complications is the need of the hour , which homeopaths could do effectively .

Let us propagate homeopathy as primary treatment protocol for first stage of viral epidemics rather than begging to be included to treat serious , hospitalized cases , potentially which homeopaths could treat , yet may not be permitted to , for a host of reasons , 'ethical' and otherwise Homeopaths all over the world can prescribe remedies for patients in the first stage who are still being treated at home. .Every homeopath is doing a great job individually and has perhaps treated corona flu without knowing he did . What ought to emerge is that for every covid 19 fever that ends in hospital , homeopaths would have aborted a hundred !
-- .Dr Sujata Naik , MD( homeo) and Team
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2020-04-16 14:04:10]
anuj srivastava 4 years ago

DR Maheeru follows my case but he will be away.

I have symptoms of Corona since 5-6 days.

I'm a man, 30, in France.

Day 1 : fever, cold hands and feet, hot head, thirstless, chills, throat pain.

Day 2 : no more fever no more chills no more throat pain but extreme fatigue and leg and arm pain.

Day 3 : fatigued, leg and arm pain.

Day 4 and 5 : no more symotoms.

Day 6 : dry nose, dry mouth, throat pain is back, dry cough from lungs which doesnt hurt. Difficulty speaking long sentences as it makes me cough. Dyspnea. Dyspnea has been going on for 5-6 months but only when i laughed, since yesterday it's chronic.

Dr Maheeru has been putting me on calc carb 30 and 200, took the last dose last week.

I have a syphilis chancre on anus right now also, and a positive VDRL for syphilis, for which dr Maheeru was supposed to advise something, but he will now be away.

Between syphilis and corona, i think the priority is definitely the corona right now, so please if you could advise something.
[Edited by syria on 2020-03-29 12:07:46]
syria 4 years ago
It is difficult to imagine that one unique genus epidemicus exists adressing all the situations in all part of the world.

For example I am not sure that the loss/modification of taste and/or smell was experienced in China at least at the level it is experienced in Europe.

One shame for the homeopathic community is the declaration of BOIRON saying that homeopathy can do nothing for this epidemy. I think that this declaration was made in order to protect BOIRON from lawyers in USA market. But BOIRON has shown here its felony towards the commitment of Hahnemann writen at the beginning of his Organon.
[Edited by Dynamis on 2020-03-29 12:18:27]
Dynamis 4 years ago
Dynamis, are you a doctor, or a homeopath?
syria 4 years ago
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Homöopathie wirkt

Informationen zu wissenschaftlichen Studien und Evidenz der Homöopathie

Influenza, cough and COVID19.

Are there any indications for a Genius epidemicus? Can homeopathy, which we therapists use responsibly, help when conventional medicine reaches its limits?

:Antimonium-arsenicosum, Asphyxia, case of pneumonia, Corona-Virus, cough, COVID19, homeopathic treatment, Influenza,

Ipecacanha-case, pneumonia, shortness of breath Influenza, cough and COVID19.

Are there any indications for a Genius epidemicus? Can homeopathy, which we therapists use responsibly, help when conventional medicine reaches its limits?

This platform is not intended as a treatment recommendation for patients – but only for exchange among colleagues! [Recommendations and measures of therapy for patients see below]

Update 29.3.20

A possible Genius Epidemicus

As indicated by several case reports, Lob-p may have the ability to positively influence symptoms such as shortness of breath (with the feeling that there is not enough air in the chest) of COVID19 infection. The experienced homeopathic doctor Farokh Master also refers to this remedy as a possible indicated adjuvant homeopathic remedy for dramatic courses of COVID19 infection (which, however, do not yet justify inpatient or ICU-treatment).

A final assessment of whether Lob-p has the ability to develop into the genius epidemicus can only be derived from the observation of further, directly and clearly positively influenced disease courses.

Update 23.3.20

Jeremy Sherr´s suggestions for additional homeopathic treatment in COVID 19-cases:

Prophylaxis with Acon. can be useful from the point of view when the psychological constellation can definitely lead to an Aconite state Acon. appears to be indicated most likely at the beginning of the disease

Therapy must immediately follow the course of the disease, which means that more frequent changes of Remedies may be indicated.

There will probably not be „a panacea“ for the entire course of the disease

There will be no „waiting“ to let a remedy „develop“, the effect must be immediately readable or noticeable. There is no time to waste.

The question of whether a mixture of GE-Remedies can/must be given if the picture is unclear, is answered pragmatically with: Yes, the individual will probably resonate with the most appropriate Remedy and ignore the others.
Which potentiation? Very pragmatic, the one at hand, also the highest potentiation levels

Probably the most important remedies for dramatic courses: Ant-a., Ant-ars., Sticta, Phos., Bry., Lob., Lob-p

Update 22.3.20

The search for the Genius Epidemicus (GE) We are currently in the stage of the feverish (!) search for the genius epidemicus (GE), that means the remedy which covers most of the cases specially of the dramatic course of COVID 19. Previous recommendations from various well-regarded homeopaths must be viewed as irresponsible attempts to profile themselves and produce false hopes. So far, no clear GE has been extracted from the symptom constellations, and there are no clear cases of healing of pulmonary complications (by one or a group of remedies) that have been repeatedly observed by means. Even the extensive collection of COVID 19 cases from all over the world and their detailed analysis by Jeremy Sherr (which he demonstrates in his online seminar) only gave vague indications of a group of possible remedies (according to the stage) that could be considered for the GE. As already partially listed below, he gives references to Acon., Gels. Phos. and Bry. for the initial stage of the disease, Merc-s (viv.), Phos. and Ant-t. for the so-called II. stage and Ant-t., Phos., Stann., Lob-i., Senega, Croton-t., Crot-h., Mur-ac., Samb. for the serious courses to consider.

Discussion-Question to Jeremy Sherr: 21. März 2020, 23:33 What about Lob-purpurascens? If we read the picture, it resembles very much the symptoms of COVID 19 (Clarke, Boericke). Prof. Resch from Austria says, he had success in two cases.

Dr. Heinrich Hümmer Herrsching Germany

Answer: this is a good suggestion I am using Lob inflata which comes out very important, but I like the look of Lobelia Pur
If you have cases or other info please send Best Jeremy

Update 19.3.20

Leading Austrian homeopaths are currently drawing attention to a homeopathic remedy, the image of which bears striking similarity to all stages of the disease of the corona infection and in which snake bites are also given as the cause [see below considerations for the use of snake products]: Lobelia purpurescens

Rubrics from MacRepertory: Complete 4.5 with additions of A. Saine to LOBELIA PURPURASCENS:

VERTIGO; HEADACHE; during (164) *
HEAD PAIN; GENERAL; influenza, with (4) *
HEAD PAIN; LOCALIZATION; Forehead; eyebrows, between (2) *
EYE; OPEN lids; hard to keep open (15) *
STOMACH; NAUSEA; headache; during (187) *

CHEST; PARALYSIS; Lung (67) **
GENERALITIES; CONVALESCENCE, ailments during; influenza, after (40) *
GENERALITIES; SEPTICEMIA, blood poisoning, pyemia (118) *

GENERALITIES; WEAKNESS, enervation, exhaustion, prostration, infirmity (765) *

GENERALITIES; WEAKNESS, enervation, exhaustion, prostration, infirmity; disease;
acute, in (51) *

GENERALITIES; WEAKNESS, enervation, exhaustion, prostration, infirmity; influenza,
after (26) *

Böricke MM:

Profound prostration of all the vital forces and of the nervous system; RESPIRATORY


Drowsiness; dizzy headache between eyebrows; cannot keep eyes open; tongue white feel paralyzed as also do the heart and lungs; intense prostration of all vital, forces; deadly chill, without shivering; useful for the low, nervous prostration of

Confused and depressed. Headache with nausea, vertigo; especially between eyebrows.Cannot keep eyes open; spasmodic closure of lids.

Superficial respiration; heart and lungs feel paralyzed; respiration slow. Heart beats sound
to him like boom of a drum.


Lobelia purpurascens [Lob-p.]
Clinical: Influenza, breaks out in hot weather, prostration, a deadly chill without shivering but that overpowers the whole system, giddy, headache, and often a sickening stupor, worse motion. Teeth decay, in persons who are nervous, liable to boils, of hasty disposition and who sweat copiously.

From KONKORDANZ OF MATERIA MEDICA: Causa: Snake bites. Blood poisoning.

Outstanding Interview with Dr. Paul Herscue to epidemics in common and specially Corona to sse at unitedtoheal
Update 17.3.20:

New insights into the dramatic course of corona infection
In addition to the age of the patient, the SOFA index and D-dimer concentration provide important information on the prognosis of a COVID-19 disease, medical doctors from China report in the Lancet (2020; doi: 10.1016 / S0140-6736 (20) 30566-3) . (from Ärzteblatt 10.3.20)

This study and the findings from other recent studies show that both the so-called „cytokine storm“, i.e. the overreactions of the immune system as well as coagulation disorders and cardiovascular reactions contribute to the life-threatening complications of corona infections.

So in all considerations regarding adjuvant homeopathic therapy, those Remedies must be taken into account (in addition to those listed below) whose medicinal picture describes pneumonia as well as sepsis-like and cardiovascular complications and coagulation disorders, e.g. Crot-h., Cenchr., Elaps, Lach., Well, Vip., Both. and all snake remedies.
Update 7.3.20:

Reports in Lancet and Lancet and Lancet on corona virus infection in bronchopulmonary exacerbation with differentiation of the observed symptoms
Update 3.3.20:

Ant-ars-Picture especially for (viral) lung diseases (certainly still incomplete) (see below)
Update 29.2.20:

Coronavirus COVID-19:

What can we do (prophylactic ally) to possibly reduce the susceptibility and hyper reactivity of the bronchial system and lung tissue? Without claiming to be complete and with reference to the precautions below, the following can be recommended:

Zinc 20 mg / d: There is evidence that zinc intake reduces susceptibility to bronchiopulmonary infections
Vit D: Scientific studies indicate that an optimal level of Vit D can provide some protection against bronchopulmonary infections.

Curcuma: Inhibition of the expression of so-called TMPRSS2, an oncogene that the corona virus needs to penetrate the cells.
Lactobacilli to stabilize the intestinal microbiome and thus the immune competence of the intestinal mucosa.
Acetcylcysteine ​​200: In addition to the positive effect on the liquefaction of the bronchial secretion, the antioxidant may protect the bronchopulmonary mucosa from the feared hyperreactivity

Homeopathic prophylaxis against viral infections cannot exist from the basic idea of ​​homeopathy [treat the like with the like, without symptoms no homeopathic remedy],i.e. Recommendations for „prophylaxis“ with e.g. Oscillococcinum should therefore be used with great caution.

It can be doubted whether cistus as tea or lozenges is an effective or sufficient prophylaxis, but taking the phenol-like ingredients that obviously have an immunomodulating effect is certainly not wrong

Homeopathic (accompanying) therapy, especially in the case of acute bronchopulmonary disease, should be reserved in addition to medical supervision by therapists experienced in homeopathy, since in addition to the cliché recommendations made in many places, a large number of other (sometimes less well-known) remedies such as e.g. Ant-ars. must be included in the considerations.

The following case is intended to demonstrate that homeopathic (accompanying) therapy can be very valuable and effective and may therefore provide additional protection against the dramatic course of the disease:
A current exemplary case:

On October 24, 2019, the then 55-year-old patient felt a sore throat for the first time, which would go away again in the next few days. On October 27th suddenly raging limb pain, headache, violent nausea and stomach pain with a fever of 39.5. The next day, the right side of the lungs hurts to breathe and continues to have a fever up to 39.9. Because of constant right-thoracic pain without a clear auscultatory finding, instruction for inpatient diagnosis and therapy is given. There shows a tachycardia around 100 bpm, a noticeable hypotension down to RR 70/50 and a drop in oxygen saturation down to SpO2 90%.

After an X-ray examination of the lungs confirms the inflammatory infiltration of the right lower lobe of the lungs, the patient receives combined antibiosis with oral roxithromycin and ampicillin / sulbactam by infusion from the same evening, since a maximum increased CRP (max. 402 on October 30) and also a clearest increased procalcitonin (max. 31, 9 on October 29) indicate a bacterial cause.

With ongoing antibiosis and despite high-dose fever and pain medication with Novalgin (novamine sulfone), the patient continues to have significant pain in the right breast as well as most severe headache, the fever can only be lowered slightly. On October 31st, the body aches and pains disappear, but there is increasing nausea and disgust before eating. The shortness of breath increases despite the addition of oxygen and, although she spends the whole night standing by the window, the patient has the greatest difficulty in breathing, which triggers fear of death.

When the frightening symptoms continue unabated the next day (1.11.) with throbbing headache, the patient calls from the hospital in understandable fear and asks for „additional“ help, since the nurses and doctors are obviously at a loss as to the antibiosis that is already going on and give oxygen. According to the (accompanying) complaints Carbo-vegetabilis C 30 and Belladonna C 30 is brought to the patient, but this has no effect.

On the following day (2.11.) she complains about the same constant nausea, shortness of breath and headache when talking on the phone. The homeopathic analysis of the symptoms is repeated, which now results in the possible simile Ipecacuanha. Immediately (within a quarter of an hour) after Ipecacuanha C 30 is given to her, the nausea disappears, the abdominal pain increases intermittently and the headache disappears after one hour. The shortness of breath improves significantly. The transaminases, which were still within the normal range at the time of admission, are now found to be significantly increased.

On Sunday the 3.11. all pain has disappeared, the appetite is better again and the shortness of breath continues to decrease.

On November 4th the patient feels physically „on the ascending branch“ again, sleep is possible without interruption and shortness of breath, although the night sweats are still there. There is still shortness of breath at low loads.

What can this case teach us?

We can count ourselves lucky that we live in an age of (still) effective antibiotics Antibiotics act exclusively on bacteria, the local tissue reactions triggered by them (or also by viruses) and the accompanying symptoms in the whole body have a natural dynamic that is not affected by the antibiotic (or the bacteria), for which the so-called scientific medicine (except maybe Cortisone and other anti-inflammatory medication with moderate success) has no handle.

We can count ourselves lucky that homeopathy can influence such a physical reaction.

Homeopathic remedies can and must (at least in the case of acute illnesses) immediately have clearly positive effects if they have been selected “appropriately”.
A placebo effect is extremely unlikely with a process as described above.

So far (still) inexplicably, homeopathic remedies work in potentizations of C 30 and higher.

Since viral diseases such as influenza and the like do not respond to antibiotics, we can count ourselves lucky if we have other therapy options as a tool….
And how did it go on?

Even after dismissal from the hospital, the patient was still in a significantly reduced general condition with shortness of breath at exertion, which persisted unimpressed by several homeopathic remedies and only improved immediately after administration of Tuberculin um C 200, but then immediately and clearly.

How can homeopathy support us with influenza (with cough), bacterial and especially viral pneumonia in case of COVID 19 infection?especially when antibiotics are ineffective [virus] or do not respond adequately on their own [lack of improvement in clinical condition despite antibiotic treatment being tested]?

Does effective further adjuvant help exist?

Probably yes, if you are targeting homeopathic treatment, but always observing the limits of homeopathic therapy, close monitoring of success and, if necessary, adding conventional therapy options such as antibiotics if there is evidence of bacterial super infection or insufficient immediate [!] Response to homeopathic remedies.

In the following I would like to give a few handouts for selected (mainly organotropic for the respiratory tract and the acute case) homeopathic remedies that have proven themselves clinically (and especially in personal experience, market with* or bold ). However, these are not exhaustive!

[All of the recommendations below, especially in the case of serious courses of influenza or pneumonia, do not replace medical advice, examination and monitoring and should only be done on the homeopathic side under the guidance of experienced therapists who carefully observe the limits of homeopathic treatment]

One of the most important criteria for the selection of homeopathic remedies for cough is the time of the beginning of the cough (especially at night), provided that it has a noticeable regularity.

Cough, aggravated

When lying down in bed in the evening, you have to get up / sit up again to cough up, then there is rest the rest of the night; Con. [noticeable in women, as a hormonal factor may be involved]

11 p.m .: Bell, Coc-c, Ant-t,

1 o’clock: Coc-c *, Ars, Ars-i, Ant-ars ?, * own, multiple experience with unbearable tickling cough deep down in the windpipe

2 a.m .: Kal-c, Kal-n, Kal-bi, Kal-ars,

3 a.m .: Kal-c, Kal-ar,

4 a.m .: Nux-v, Ant-t, Kal-c, Phos,

5 a.m .: Rumx, Kal-i, Kal-c,
to cough

deep-seated, bubbling, with a moderately loose expectoration: Ant-t

moist cold air aggravated: Rumx

with a salty-tasting sputum: Phos

mainly located on the larynx and upper trachea: Iod., Brom.

Pneumonia (only adjuvant if antibiosis is required):
general: Acon, Ant-t, Ant-ars *, Ars, Bry, Carbo-veg, Chel, Ferr-p, Hep, Lyc, Merc-s, Phos, Puls, Rhus-tox, Sep, Sulf,
Right lung: Bell, Brom, Bry, Chel, Elaps, Iodine, Kal-c, Lyc, Merc-s, Phos, Sang, Stram, Tub

right lower lobe: Merc-s, Kal-c, Phos, Chel

right upper lobe: Chel, Elaps, Sang,

left lung: Tub, Phos, Lach, Sang,

with persistent, pronounced nausea and severe headache: Ipec,

with a pronounced need for fresh air (wants to have fanned air): Carbo-veg

delayed clinical improvement under or after antibiosis with persistent shortness of breath and signs of delayed regression of pneumonic infiltrations or persistent interstitial infiltration: Ant-ars *

Influenza pneumonia: Ant-ars *, Ars-i, Ars, Tub, (only Tuberculinum bov. Is mentioned in the Repertory Synthesis, but this will certainly not be the only possible means (so this section is certainly still incomplete there) -> two better / more complete sections:

Breast inflammation-lungs-viral, due to virus attack: ……… ..
Breast inflammation-lungs-catarrhal: ………………………
…. “… .- …… ..“ ……… ..- …… “…… – ……….“….: Accompanied by influenza: Ant-ar*

* Ant-ars is a very underrepresented agent in the repertories, but this has proven particularly useful for interstitial infiltrations [which can persist after pneumonia]:

* Antimonium arsenicosum: „Found useful in EMPHYSEMA WITH EXCESSIVE DYSPNEA and cough, much mucous secretion. Worse on eating and lying down. Catarrhal pneumonia associated with influenza. Myocarditis and cardiac weakness. Pleurisy especially of left side, WITH EXUDATION, and pericarditis, with effusion. Sense of weakness. Inflammation of eyes and edema of face.

Chest inflammations of children, restlessness with thirst and prostration, loose mucous cough, oppression, hurried respiration, crepitant rales.“ (See also MM Stauffer, Singh, Boericke, Schlegel, Imhäuser, Choudhuri, Grandgeorge, Dewey)

The recommendation of Arsenicum album as the only homeopathic therapeutic agent for corona virus disease must certainly be condemned as a completely irresponsible whoever launched it.


general: Acon, Bry, … ..

right: Bry, (section still incomplete)

left: Ant-ars, Kali-i, Tub, (section still incomplete)

As already mentioned above, these (incomplete) lists (which will be supplemented) are specifically intended for homeopathic therapists, who can ask for possible confirmatory symptoms for the respective remedies and can assess the severity of the clinical picture and, if necessary, initiate the further other therapy requirements become.

2.Update 1.3.20:

Description of the symptoms of a healed corona patient from Wuhan who had developed acute viral pneumonia (theguardian):

On 17 January my muscles became sore all over […] By 21 January my body was still aching all over. The CT results came back showing patchy shadows on the lower sides of both of my lungs. I started to take some prescription medicine and Chinese medicine capsules prescribed by the hospital. […] On 25 January I had a checkup. I had begun to cough. It was a very dry cough with a little yellow phlegm. The results showed that my situation was worsening, with the infection spreading to my entire lungs.[…] By 26 January getting up had become extremely difficult and I was shivering with cold. I felt I was having a high fever, and I was: 39C. Reports later said that the situation could develop extremely fast in the middle stage, but before I knew it, by that evening the fever was gone. It felt like having been to hell and back. That period from 21 January to the 26th was the worst time. I coughed so bad my stomach was hurting and my back ached. Those were some of the worst days in my life.[…] I had another re-exam on 28 January, which showed both my lungs were getting better. After a medical consultation between the doctors, they decided I was qualified for being tested for the coronavirus….

I would also like to hear from others of impressive and clear or reproducible, immediately drastic improvements in subjective and objective clinical findings (especially in the case of respiratory infections), so that we can complete the strength and the homeopathic tools for the upcoming challenges through concrete, understandable experiences and bundle them synergistically.

Dr. Heinrich Hümmer, Herrsching

[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2020-04-16 09:48:35]
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Petr Zachariáš

Woman 38 y.o. with a confirmed COVID-19 infection. She has no fever or suffocating cough, but 2 weeks ago when these complaints started, she developed coryza and lost her taste and smell completely.

She had severe leg pains and night sweats one day, but afterwards, these symptoms did not occur again.

The main problem is the obstructed nose and the loss of smell and taste that persists. Initially, she had a runny nose for a few days while now the nose is dry and obstructed.

From the first day she has an urge to drink small amounts of water every 30 minutes. She had never had such a thirst before!
Conclusion: watery coryza with scanty discharge and loss of smell and taste + thirst for small quantities of water often are keynotes of Arsenicum album.

Prescription: Arsenicum album 200C 4x3 balls daily for 3 days
48 hours follow-up of homoeopathic treatment
SMS from the patient: "Yesterday evening I was happy to smell again. I prepared my husband's food and enjoyed the smell of it very much. It is much better, but not 100%. I can say about 70% better.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2020-04-16 09:46:31]
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
So what are the general winners?

I don't know about France, but Switzerland advises Bryonia 30c if you get infected.
syria 4 years ago
Interesting thread! Im surprised why the homeopaths around the world are not stepping in at this time of crisis. We people can only pray, but you know you can help, you know you have the cure in hand still you guys are silent! The whole world is in need of some desperate measures and nothing can be done? I'm sure there must be something you can do to help? Sad :(
gudiyachettu 4 years ago
Dr. Ajit Kulkarni is interviewed by homeopath Roma Bushimensky about the COVID-19 Pandemic and its homeopathic approach. Analysis based on the pathology, course of the disease, miasmatic influences and likely remedies for prophylaxis and for treatment are discussed.

DAY-BY-DAY PROGRESSION OF COVID-19 (from symptomatic point of view)

Day 1-3

Cold and flu like symptoms
Mild or no throat pain
Day 4

Increased throat pain
Sore voice
Fever 36.5 degree centigrade
Mild headache and diarrhoea or cramps
Day 5

Throat pain very severe, worse eating or drinking
Soreness of voice increases
Dry cough
Joint pains worse motion
Day 6

Increase in fever, 37 degree centigrade
All above symptoms increase in intensity
Nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea increase
Starts feeling shortness of breath in a mild way
Body ache or pain from joints extends to fingers
Increase in weakness
Day 7

Intensity of fever increases 38 degree centigrade
Excessive coughing with sputum
All above symptoms worsen
Day 8

Cough worsens, usually dry
Severe difficulty in breathing
Heaviness and pain in chest
All above symptoms further worsen
Toxic appearance of the patient
Fever, intense, above 38 degree centigrade
Day 9

All the symptoms become much worse
Kidney failure
Respiratory failure
Multi-organ failure
This is not a strict pattern though many patients follow it. Understanding the day wise evolution will help a homeopath to assess the situation from a miasmatic diagnosis, remedy diagnosis and overall management.

CLINICAL CLASSIFICATION (from Pathological point of view)

Mild to moderate cases

Fever, nasal congestion, dry cough, fatigue, sputum formation, shortness of breath, sore throat, headache, body ache, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, loss of smell and taste etc.
This constitute 80% of patients.
The difference in mild and moderate cases is that the above symptoms are mild in the former and there is no pneumonia while in the latter the symptoms are more intense and manifestations of pneumonia are seen in imaging.
Severe cases

Adults who meet any of the following criteria: respiratory rate; > 30 breaths/min; oxygen saturations; 93% at a resting state; arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2)/oxygen concentration (FiO2); < 300 mmHg. Patients with > 50% lesions progression within 24 to 48 hours in lung imaging should be treated as severe cases.
Pneumonia with fluid accumulation
This constitutes 14% of patients.
Critical cases

Extensive pneumonia
Meeting any of the following criteria: occurrence of respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation; presence of shock; other organ failure that requires monitoring and treatment in the ICU.
This constitutes 6% patients.

A fact to be noted is that not all people go through all the stages of infection. There may jumping from a mild variety to critical in a rapid way. This jumping is a tubercular miasmatic characteristic and you must think to intervene with Tuberculinum at this stage. Rather, every patient who has recovered from COVID-10 must be given a dose of Tubeculinum 1M in order to prevent the relapse. More doses of Tuberculinum can be thought of relevant to the individual instance.

Do you regard COVID-19 as another kind of Influenza?

Both spread in similar ways and share many of the same symptoms, but the flu and the corona virus have key differences.

Corona virus is a completely novel virus and humans have a zero pre-existing immunity to it; hence, every person is vulnerable.
COVID-19 is caused by one virus, SARS-CoV-2 while flu is caused by any of several different types and strains of influenza viruses.

COVID-19 patients may not express a runny nose or sneezing, but these are common symptoms of common influenza. Shortness of breath is very rare in flu cases.

COVID-19 might be spread through the airborne route (meaning that tiny droplets remaining in the air could cause disease in others even after the ill person is no longer near) though both can be spread from person to person through droplets in the air.

In COVID-19, fever appears on an average of 5-6 days after infection. However, incubation period (the time between exposure and first symptoms) can extend up to 14 days. This period may be extended in the future depending upon the behaviour of the virus.

The coronavirus is more insidious and more contagious in comparison to common flu. It is said that COVID-19 kills 2.3 percent of patients, meaning it is currently 23 times more fatal than the seasonal flu.

The coronavirus can last up to six weeks in some severe and critical cases.

Comments regarding homeopathy:
For a homeopath, it is not only the label of COVID-19 or influenza. During the virus infection, host factors trigger an immune response against the virus. However, immunopathogenesis is associated with an immune response that goes out of control, and results in pulmonary tissue damage, functional impairment, and reduced lung capacity. Apart from the above host factor, the host i.e. the individual is the most pivotal point in homeopathic philosophical and practical thinking.

COVID-19 is deeper and destructive and it has its specific syndrome, unlike common influenza. A homeopath, therefore, should not focus on Influenzinum or Oscillococcinum. They are the nosodes for common flu and in view of changes in mutation of the virus, we need a change in the nosode. The symptoms and the pathology are different and we must address the situation which is prevailing now if we want to apply the Law of Similars in an appropriate way. We must accept the destructive potential of coronavirus. Miasmatic assessment will be different, here, in COVID-19. A homeopath doesn’t prescribe on the basis of the name of the disease but on the totality of symptoms and signs as represented by the sick individuals.Please discuss pneumonia in a COVID-19 patient.Development of pneumonia is a danger signal for COVID-19 patients.What is your criteria for the selection of a remedy for Genus Epidemicus of the corona pandemic?

There are two distinct divisions: GE as a preventive remedy and the use of homeopathic remedies for the sake of treatment of the disease. If a patient is diagnosed for corona, the role of GE is finished for that individual. Now this patient needs homeopathic remedies according to his presenting totality. However, it is the usual experience that the GE remedy helps in the first stage of the disease as a treatment remedy.

If we want to find GE, we must build up the totality of an evolutionary order from Day 1 onwards and see the pivotal points as the essence of the totality. The long exercise which I have presented above is for this purpose. I have a frank opinion that we shouldn’t use only conceptual and imaginative thinking to select GE. It must be based on hard facts and clinical co-relation. Why am I focusing on evolution and pathology etc.? For us homeopaths, it is very important to understand the course and behaviour of the disease that lead the body through this. This understanding will lead us to the right remedy in both divisions of GE and actual treatment.We can select appropriate remedies according to the types of coronavirus disease and it will be of great help for both clinic and hospital cases as a part of treatment.

Note that the recommendation for GE may change in the future in view of the changing scenario. GE fits only for masses where time is a crucial issue. Treatment of COVID-19 is a specific individual targeted approach.

How will you select GE? Do you want to give it to everyone?

We have already defined five stages of the corona pandemic.

Cases mostly imported from affected countries
Local transmission from positive cases
Disease spreads in the community, large areas get affected
Disease takes the shape of an epidemic with no clear endpoint

Resolution stage
GE should not be given to everyone on the planet. It should be given to those who are exposed and those that are positive and related to stage I and II. GE should be given to all people who have an exposure, and are in an incubation period (which may be for 14 days) and are asymptomatic. In the third stage, naturally GE must be given to a large community in which Corona has become widespread. In the fourth stage, there is no discrimination. Everyone should be given GE (like Italy at present). The whole idea of GE is to save the people as much as possible from the corona outbreak.

GE is not a universal cure for all COVID-19 patients. It is for prophylaxis.

GE can’t assume the status of Simillimum. Simillimum is where there is an individualized treatment. There is no life-long immunity for corona and hence, even after resolution stage, GE should be given to prevent further onslaught of COVID-19. Such cases need Tuberculinum as an anti-miasmatic remedy to boost the immunity.

I have interacted with many Corona positive cases and tried to elicit the data. Unfortunately, there are few PQRS symptoms and these are not available in all cases.

The remedy of GE must cover

Affinity for respiratory tract, both upper and lower; esp. lungs
The remedy must cover the typical pneumonia in its pathogenesis
The action must be of destructive character
The remedy must have sepsis in its pathogenesis
The remedy must cover tubercular and syphilitic miasmatic states
The remedy must cover the evolution of COVID-19 as a single spectrum in its pathogenesis
The remedy must cover the onset and the speed with which the march of the disease occurs
There are ‘n’ number of remedies and you will find patchy similarity with many remedies in one way or other. For GE, we need a synthetic approach and not a fragmentary one. We should not be driven by imaginations. Otherwise, many remedies will crop up as GE and it will cause only confusion.

It is here that I endorse the views of George Vithoulkas. An attempt is made in my work to evaluate the process of finding out GE in a serious way. There is affinity for the right side of the lung in pneumonia with COVID-19 patients. But as the disease progresses, bilateral affection of the lungs occurs and the whole lung is filled with fluid, debris and pus.

Some authors have given importance to ‘winter’ and ‘days are hot and nights are cold’ as causative modalities. As the corona virus spreads, it is not influenced by weather (it has spread in Iran, Dubai etc. which have hot climates, but the virus has survived and is multiplying). Hence, to select GE on the basis of a certain kind of weather has a limited scope.

The GE which is based on the totality of the current outbreak may be changed if the symptoms change. See the instructions for the prevention of Corona given by WHO and other wise people. They are very important, and everyone must follow them.

Many homeopaths have suggested remedies such as ANTIM TART, Bryonia, Camphor, Eucalyptus globulus, Eupatorium perfoliatum. Gelsemium, Justicia adhatoda, Merc-sol etc. Do you agree with these suggestions?

The physicians who have suggested these are highly respected and we must salute them for their studies. I think the above remedies are more for the sake of treatment than GE.

Let us begin with Antim-tart. It is slower in onset. Borland gives the pattern of response, “ You expect to find the symptoms of Antim-tart cropping up late in a pneumonia, you do not usually get them in the early stages and by the time the patients have gone on to an Antimony tart state, they are seriously ill”. Coarse, loose rattling cough is characteristic of Ant-tart and most of the patients of COVID-19 have dry cough and the Ant-tart, cough grows less frequent as disease advances and the patient shows signs of ‘carbonised blood’. Further, corona patients are found to > with warm drinks while Ant-tart has cough < warm drinks.

Bryonia matches well at many levels. But it has fibrinous or exudative inflammation. It lacks a pyemic or septic state; the debris and pus with fluid accumulation is not a part of Bryonia action. Bryonia can be a remedy for mild to moderate types when pneumonia has set in and there are joint pains < motion. When the state becomes severe and critical, Bryonia gets ruled out. Bryonia has both incubation and deterioration occurring slowly. Note that Bryonia doesn’t cover the collapse i.e. the failure state of the economy.Bronchoscopic manifestations of COVID-19: bronchial mucosa swelling and congestion; large amounts of mucus secretions in the lumen (Courtesy Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment)

We can’t give importance to dry cough only and that there are mucus secretions inside. The same can be said about other remedies. They are more indicated at some stage of COVID-19 as a part of treatment rather than GE. GE is a broader and different idea. Gelsemium is dull and sycotic and lacks the septic state and destructiveness. Gelsemium is touching the initial phase of the disease when the state is a mild one.

Eucalyptus globulus covers the miasmatic fevers i.e. caused by polluted environment. It has toxaemia but rarely pyemia and typifies a congestive-catarrhal state. Fever is usually of low type with subnormal temperature. Eucalyptus lacks the gravity with which corona sweeps the economy of the individual and social health. Eucalyptus has more ‘aspiration pneumonia’.

Camphor is an interesting entry. It corresponds to the critical stage when collapse has occurred and there is complete arrest of breathing. Violent dry cough is also covered well. However, the pathogenetic action of Camphor is not that of pus, decomposition and debris that occur as a part of violent destructive inflammation in COVID-19. Rather than for GE, I would prefer to keep it for treatment of the class of severe and critical patients. Camphor is primarily an erethistic remedy (as represented by clonic spasms, convulsions, asthmatic spasm etc.) where the system goes into the abnormal state of irritability leading then secondarily to arrested respiration. It is necessary to perceive the process, the phenomenon behind the result and it is different in each remedy.

Justicia adhatoda is a known immunity booster and it has been suggested in crude form. In Ayurveda, there are many immune boosters. Merc sol has also been suggested as GE. Merc sol is mostly needed when there is severe pain in the throat and there is a big and active battle going on in the throat not to allow the virus to go down into the lungs. Here I will prefer Merc-cyn.

Calc-carb has also been suggested. Calc-carb has a prolonged sycotic phase and a little tubercular phase where we get glandular affections. Calc-c has no intense fever and the type of evolution of a destructive type is not the cup of tea of Calc-c.

Can you give prominent indications of some remedies you think for Genus Epidemicus?

Four remedies come up for consideration: Arsenic album, Carbolic acid, Phosphorus and Sulphur. Three nosodes come up Hippozaeninum, Tuberculinum and Corona virus nosode.


A profoundly acting remedy on every organ and tissue. The action is that of organic decay; it destroys the entire machinery of life.
Ailments from crowded close places and also from meat; agg.; spoiled, bad.
Nose: Thin, watery, excoriating discharge. Feels stopped up. Sneezing; profound; without relief.
High temperature.
Collapsed stage of a pneumonic crisis. Complete sinking of vital forces. Multi-organ failure.
Rapidly progressing violent inflammations. Sudden intense effects. Sudden, rapid decline. The system goes downhill in spite of well selected remedies.
Syncope; almost unconscious, cold sweat, dizzy, complains of thirst, anguish; rattling mucus.
Acute respiratory distress syndrome leading to death.
Covers the range from mild to critical variety of COVID-19.
On the top of what is written, fear and anxiety injected in the minds of the population correspond well with Ars-alb.
It is said that corona outbreak occurred after eating animals. We have a rubric, Generalities; food and drinks; meat; agg.; spoiled, bad and we have remedies such as ARS BELL BRY camph carb-an CARB-V CROT-H LACH PYROG VERAT

Sulphur doesn’t cover the above rubric though it has meat < and this is one of the reasons to emphasise Ars-alb as GE.
New information of loss of taste and smell is also covered by Ars-alb.

My colleague from Moscow is collecting symptoms from COVID-19 patients and she found that most of the symptoms develop suddenly.


A blood poisoning remedy like –Echi.–Pyrog., but with a slant for tissue destruction, like Ars. or Sec. A homoeopathic antibiotic against infections, zymotic states, toxemias, esp. intestinal (Bapt., Eucal.).

Low resistance. Low vitality. Lack of repair. Old age.

Diseases especially when there is a tendency to generalized destruction of tissues. Breaking off (Crot-h. breaking down) of tissues: incomplete tissue disintegration. Sloughing.

Coryza with watery discharge. Influenza and resulting debility.
Fever high at onset, sudden and rapid rise, rapid prostration; pulse rapid and feeble; tending to malignancy and collapse.
Pneumonia: Circumscribed pneumonia. Double basal pneumonia. Necropneumonia. Septic pneumonia (, Pyrog.). Pneumonia of right base. Gangrene of lungs.

Gasping for breath, unable to lie down, wants hands held. Takes long inspirations, with yawning. Stertor (). Impending respiratory paralysis.

Both temperature and pathology develop rapidly.
For the critical stage when there is extensive pneumonia, septic shock and failure of the system.


Action on both upper and lower respiratory tract.
Usually the speed with which the disease process evolves is rapid, though a few cases can be with insidious onset. Suddenness of symptoms is a strong feature.
Violent inflammation which shifts rapidly to other parts of the body.
Cough: Dry, choking, short, with hoarseness, violent, tormenting, hacking, hoarse, barking, dry.
Hemoptysis is usually a symptom of pneumonia.
Destructive and disintegrating processes.
The system is overactive though seriously weak.
Respiration quickened, oppressed, short, laboured.
Complete solidification of lung tissue with dullness of percussion.
Third stage of pneumonia: Cheesy degeneration of lungs; purulent infiltration and abscess. “When Bry. and Rhus-t. are insufficient in catarrhal and pneumonic states.”
Pleurisy: Dry, high fever; late stages; heart dilated; purulent infiltration.


Everything is dirty: eating of dirty animals, the patient looks dirty and smells horribly offensive.
Destruction and decomposition as central pathology. Tendency to suppurate.
Action: Absorbs infiltration and prevents suppuration.
Continued high grade fever.
Violent, fluent coryza and frequent sneezing; profuse discharge of purulent mucus
Dry, violent cough, hoarseness, with choking and watery coryza. Scanty sputum.
Shortness of breath from talking or walking; intense oppressed feeling; severe dyspnoea.
Neglected influenza and Pleuritis. The patient is definitely going to be worse.
Pneumonia: Neglected, badly treated; hepatization or abscess; hectic fever; slow solidification; fibrous pleuro-pneumonia; with severe weakness. Extensive dirt has accumulated in the lungs.
Acute air hunger, great respiratory distress. Asphyxia, death apparent. Collapse.
Weakness, lack of reaction.



Auto-infection, with pyemia (Bufo) (without blood poisoning, unlike Echi.); suppurations low,.
Purulent inflammations of serous membranes, esp. of linings about joints. Purulent infiltrations.
abscesses in lungs.
Putrescence: Destructive tendency to tissue decomposition.
Collapse. Repair processes lag behind.
Descending catarrh beginning in nose.
Pneumonia: Specific process. Nodules larger, forming isolated grey hepatizations and abscesses, Pneumonia malleola.

Rapid and complete physical break-down; after contacting acute infections such as pneumonia, influenza etc., no signs of vital reaction, declining, a running down state.
Affinity for respiratory tract esp. lungs
Frank inflammatory processes (not mere congestion), in the lungs, pleura or vital organs.
Viral infections in patients with tubercular taint (, Eucal., Calc-c.); progressing even to septic condition (cp. Pyrog.).
Active proliferations occur to an intense degree causing extensive damage and disintegration of tissues.
Sporadic influenza is an outburst of latent tubercular diathesis, says H. C. Allen.

Pneumonia: Bronchopneumonia. With symptoms of Ant-t, Bry and Zinc. A clearing up remedy in delayed resolution with lack of response, septic foci, or caseous hepatization appearing.
Septic conditions, abscesses; pus copious, thick, greenish. Leucocytosis.
is the best general antidote to the chronic effects of influenza toxin.
When the well-selected remedies fail, as an intercurrent remedy.


Corona virus nosode is an interesting idea and definitely better than Influenzinum. The isopathic principle is followed when one uses the same biological product which is the cause of the disease.

The current circulating Coronavirus Nosode is a homeopathic nosode that is made from the current circulating strain that started in late 2019 (now named “COVID-19”).
There is no proving data or clinically confirmed data yet, but it can be given on the basis of isopathy.
Can you discuss your Miasmatic assessment of COVID-19 cases?

If we study the coronavirus disease in evolutionary totality, it is possible to see the cleavage. We can split the day wise data, analyse the pathology which is supervening and assess the miasmatic state. This will help us figure out the remedies.

Psoric manifestations

Mild symptoms such as fever, cold, throat pain, sore voice, headache, diarrhoea etc. Return to baseline of health is early and easy. Immunity good. Good response to the treatment. No complications. COVID-19 is limited to upper respiratory tract. Psora applies to Day 1-4.

Sycotic manifestations

The mild symptoms in psora become intense and constant. Lingering response. Weakness and dullness. Fever becomes constant and heaviness of head. Dry cough in bouts, often with expectoration; thick, yellow-greenish. Soreness of voice increases. Joint pains. Yet COVID-19 is limited to URT. Sycotic miasm is mostly for Day-5 status of the patients. 80% mild to moderate cases will be under the dominance of psoric and sycotic miasms.

Tubercular manifestations

There are two types of patterns of response: 1. Acute, sudden onset and rapid pace of the disease. 2. Slow, then rapid pattern. COVID-19 usually follows the second pattern. It is from the Day 6 that we are able to see the tubercular miasmatic dominance and up to day 8.

This phase is characterized by high grade and persistent fever, intense throat pain and development of pneumonia and pleural effusion. Intense heaviness in chest, breathlessness, increased respiration, low oxygen saturation, enteritis, profound debility and toxic appearance are on the screen.

The type of severe disease of 14% of patients is due to the dominance by the tubercular miasm. Day 6-8 needs careful monitoring and a remedy selected on the basis of totality and that covers the miasmatic state, if given in the right posology is able to help the system from the clutches of death. There are three signals that indicate the increasing influence of tubercular miasm. Very severe throat pain (probably a last-ditch effort on the part of the organism (through throat) to prevent the virus to go down in the lungs), pneumonia which is rapidly increasing and lymphopenia (a critical factor associated with disease severity and mortality).

The three stages of pneumonia represent the tubercular miasm. Don’t misunderstand that the first stage is psoric. It is not only replication but rapid changes of destruction (tubercular miasm is a blend of hyperreactivity of psora and destruction of syphilis).

Syphilitic manifestations

No response to treatment. Disease progresses with high pace. Complications à, hemodynamic state poor. Cyanosis. Kidney failure. Collapse. Comatose condition. Respiratory collapse. Multi-organ failure.

The above miasmatic criteria should be applied to all cases of pandemic COVID-19 for preventive and treatment modality. If we take into account the clinical features of COVID-19 in totality, the tubercular miasm is preponderant over the system right from the Day-4, and if the clinical condition becomes worse, it progresses to the syphilitic miasm.

The most common cause of death is respiratory failure. Other causes of death are pneumonia (leading to sepsis), high fever (leading to neurological problems), dehydration and electrolyte imbalance (from excessive vomiting and diarrhea).

Can you be precise in miasmatic categorization?

Mild to moderate cases: Psoric3. Sycotic1. Tubercular1.

Severe cases: Tubercular3. Syphilitic2.

Critical cases: Syphilitic3.This type of analysis is interesting and deep. Which rubrics you will select for repertorization?

I want to focus on the evolution of COVID-19 and the typical pathology it develops. I don’t want to take common mental symptoms as rubrics. This is not a psycho-somatic case. It’s a contagious disease and fear and anxiety in view of social issues and media hype are common.

I would prefer to perform two types of repertorization, one covering the quantity of rubrics that are related to the disease so that we will have a wide panorama to lay hands on and the another one from the exclusive point of view where I will focus on crucial and determinant rubrics.

Also, note that selection of GE only on the basis of rubrics is not an adequate idea. Let us take an example. The rubric Respiration; arrest, arrested’ contains 244 remedies. Many remedies do possess functional symptoms only. I mean, a rubric assumes importance in strong pathology developing contagious disease like COVOD-19, only if the remedy has the pathogenesis of pathology. Can we apply the same thinking to Ignatia and to Hydrocyanic acid? The rubrics are pieces of documents given by the advocates but the final decision has to be taken by the judge of the supreme court which is Materia medica.


Generalities; violent complaints
Generalities; progressive diseases:
Generalities; reaction; lack of
Generalities; vitality decreasing
Fever, heat; insidious fever
Fever, heat; slow
Throat; pain; fever, during
Throat; pain; influenza, from
Chest; inflammation; lungs, pneumonia; influenza, in or after
Stomach; nausea; pneumonia, in
Stomach; vomiting; pneumonia, in
Rectum; diarrhea; pneumonia, in
Chest; inflammation; lungs, pneumonia; apex, upper; right
Chest; inflammation; lungs, pneumonia; collapse, with
Chest; inflammation; lungs, pneumonia; destruction of tissue, cavities, with
Chest; inflammation; lungs, pneumonia; resolution, with delayed
Chest; inflammation; lungs, pneumonia; weakness, with
Chest; inflammation; lungs, pneumonia; pleura-pneumonia
Chest; inflammation; lungs, pneumonia; collapse, with
Generalities; collapse:
Generalities; blueness of parts, cyanosis:
Chest; nodules; lungs: hippoz
Clinical; asphyxia, death apparent; paralysis of lungs, in threatening
New information

New signs for detecting COVID-19 in patients

The British Association of Otorhinolaryngology (ENT UK) says asymptomatic patients – ones who do not have a fever or a cough – could show a loss of smell or taste as symptoms after contracting coronavirus.
Addition of two rubrics

Smell; loss of, wanting
Taste; wanting, lost
Small set of rubrics

Respiration; arrest, arrested
Chest; lungs; right
Chest; inflammation; lungs, pneumonia; old people
Chest; inflammation; lungs, pneumonia; apex, upper; right
Chest; inflammation; lungs, pneumonia; pleura-pneumonia
Chest; inflammation; acute; lungs
Fever, heat; insidious fever
Fever, heat; intense heat, 39+ c., 102+f
Generalities; collapse
Generalities; reaction; lack of
Generalities; violent complaint

Dr. Kulkarni, what is your final selection for GE?

There is a tussle between Arsenic album and Sulphur. My mind is also thinking of Carbolic acid and Hippozaeninum as both covering the range from cold to severe pneumonia and septic shock.

But yet as GE, I suggest ARSENICUM ALBUM as a homeopathic prophylactic remedy for the COVID-19 outbreak.
The AYUSH Ministry of India has already announced Arsenicum album as a homeopathic prophylactic remedy for COVID-19 infection.

I am happy that my independent study and analysis, based on symptoms, signs, pathology, evolution of COVID-19 etc. has come to the same conclusion of Arsenic album. The very meaning of GE is that with concerted efforts of all investigators and researchers, we arrive at the same conclusion. This is in line with the Hahnemannian approach.

I endorse the views of AYUSH and Central Council for Research in Homeopathy (CCRH). I hope that reading my interview and CCRH ‘Homeopathic perspectives in COVID-10 Coronavirus infection, Fact sheet’ will be interesting reading.

What are your reasons for selection of Arsenic-album?

Apart from the homeopathic data obtained through proving and clinical confirmation (indications have been given elsewhere), we have to focus also on toxicological data.

On the respiratory tract, Arsenic poisoning causes

Irritation of nasal mucosa, pharynx, larynx, and bronchi
Pulmonary edema
Severe and very severe pneumonia
Pulmonary insufficiency
Cough and dyspnoea
Reynolds’s observation: Arsenic might play a role in the etiology of many viral diseases as the immunity is depressed with Arsenic poisoning.

A new study confirms that exposure to low to moderate amounts of arsenic can impair lung function.
“Restrictive lung defects, in those exposed to Arsenic, are usually progressive and irreversible,” said Habibul Ahsan, MD.
Acute severe Arsenic poisoning causes acute respiratory failure.

A new link between cystic fibrosis and Arsenic poisoning has been found out.

In short, a strong similarity exists at the pathological level between Coronavirus disease and Arsenic poisoning and this point shifts in favour of Ars-alb as a prophylactic remedy.
That the coronavirus pandemic resulted from human consumption of animals is a point of debate. Many viruses, bacteria and parasites that have caused major diseases in the past have been zoonotic, (meaning they had their origin in animals). This causative modality is also covered by Ars-alb.
Profound weakness as experienced by COVID-19 patients points to Ars-alb.
Many patients develop restlessness and agitation, and these are classical indications of Ars-alb.


I have more to offer. While I was finishing the interview, I came across the Military Medical Research Journal, China which has presented seven clinical stages. We are getting some “homeopathic symptoms” here.

Stage 1

Early-stage. Clinical manifestations: Aversion to cold without sweating, headache and generalized heaviness, limb pain, glomus and fullness in the chest and diaphragm, thirst with no desire to drink, ungratifying loose stool, yellow urine, frequent micturition.

Stage 2

Early-stage. Clinical manifestations: Aversion to cold with or without fever, dry cough, dry throat, fatigue and hypodynamia, oppression in chest, epigastric fullness, or nausea, loose stool. Tongue: Pale or reddish; fur slimy white. Soggy pulse.

Stage 3

Middle-stage. Clinical manifestations: Persistent fever or alternating cold and heat, cough with less phlegm, or yellow phlegm, abdominal distension and constipation; oppression in chest with shortness of breath, cough with wheezes, panting on exertion; or red tongue, slimy yellow fur or yellow dry fur, slippery and rapid pulse.

Stage 4

Severe stage. Clinical manifestations: High fever, oppression in chest with shortness of breath, purple-black facial complexion, lips dark and swollen, obnubilation, crimson tongue, yellow dry fur, surging and fine rapid string like pulse.

Stage 5

Severe-stage: Clinical manifestations: Dyspnea, panting on exertion or need assisted ventilation, accompanied by coma, and agitation, cold limbs with cold sweating, dark purple tongue, thick or dry thick tongue fur, floating and rootless pulse.

Stage 6

Recovery-stage. Clinical manifestations: Shortness of breath, fatigue and hypodynamia, anorexia, nausea and vomiting, glomus and fullness, weak stools, ungratifying loose stool, pale tender-soft enlarged tongue, slimy white tongue fur.

Stage 7

Recovery-stage. Clinical manifestations: Generalized heat with sweating, chest heat vexation, retching and vomiting, shortness of breath and lassitude, red tongue and thin tongue fur, vacuous pulse.
his third reportorial filter also points to Arsenicum album in a far more qualitative way.

What is next strategy if Ars-alb fails as GE?

One of the reasons why India is able to contain the spread of virus may be consumption of Ars-alb. by a large number of people, and sincere homeopaths are distributing Ars-alb since the announcement of it as a preventive drug by AYUSH. However, if the spread is alarming, I will recommend Carbolicum acidum.

Will you suggest some remedies for the treatment of COVID-19 patients?

See, when you enter into treatment part of COVID-19, there are many remedies to be discussed. But any remedy you give must augment the immune response towards inhibition of the virus replication, promotion of the virus clearance, induction of the tissue repair and triggering of the adaptive mechanisms. I reiterate, GE is for prophylaxis and it has its limited time zone, though it is extremely important.

When you decide to venture upon actual treatment of corona patients, you have to apply the fundamental principles of case taking, data processing, LSMC (Location, Sensation and Pathology, Modalities and Concomitants) cleavage with due value to the clinical and pathological realm, the stage in which the patient is and the application of the Law of Similars for the selection of a remedy. Nothing can replace an adequate and accurate case taking. I suggest only the list of prominent remedies.

Mild to moderate cases

Ars-alb, Bryonia alba, Chelidonium, Eup-perp, Ferrum-phos, Gelsemium, Hepar, Merc-sol, Merc-cy.
Severe cases

Apis mel, Ars-alb, Bry, Camphor, kali c, Kali-i, Lyc, Phos, Pyrog, Sulph, Tub
Critical cases

Ars-alb, Antim-tart, Camph, Carb-ac, Carb-an, Carb-v, Hippoz, Kali-c, Kali-iod, Sulph, Ver-alb.
Can you give us more tips for the treatment of pneumonia?

If you want to treat pneumonia in COVID-19 patients, you must ponder over ‘Pneumonias’, a classic and practical book by Borland. Borland classified pneumonia under the following categories:

Incipient stage: Aconite, Belladonna, Ferrum phos and Ipecacuanha
Frankly developed pneumonia: Bryonia, Phosphorus, Veratrum viride, Chelidonium
Complicated pneumonia: Baptisia, Pyrogen, Lachesis, Merc-sol, Hepar-sulph, Rhus-tox
Creeping/Definite Bronchopneumonia in adult: Natrum-sulph, Pulsatilla, Senega, Lobelia
Late pneumonia: Antim-tart, Carbo-veg, Kali-carb, Lycopodium, Arsenic-album, Sulphur
Let us integrate the above classification with the modern classification of COVID-19 cases. The mild to moderate variety fits in well with incipient and frankly developed stages, while severe and critical types correspond well with the remaining three types as mentioned by Borland.

On the third day of the infection, when consolidation is developing and there is high fever, Borland advocated the use of Ferrum-phos in high potency (1M or 10M) given repeatedly which has the capacity to abort the course of pneumonia.

Let us take Carbo-veg. It’s a remedy for the critical stage where the patient is on his deathbed. There is cyanosis, and oxygen saturation is poor. There is intense air hunger and icy cold sweat with a horrible sense of a weight on the chest and the patient literally gasps for the breath. This data is enough to know the seriousness of the condition. The failing lung (and the heart) and the patient if put on oxygen respond astonishingly well to the administration of Carbo-veg. When the lung is filled with debris, and pus and the patient is in shock, Carb-veg is indicated.

You see, carbons are between living and dying. Hence it is not only Carb-veg that comes, Carboneum sulphuratum also has coryza, loss of smell and taste, collapse, debris and lack of reaction. The same can be said about Kreosote or Naphthalinum.

We have seen that in COVId-19, the lung is filled with fluid and here you must think of Kali carb. Here you get violent chest pains with dry cough. Kali remedies have very little or no fever. Apis mellifica should also find entry here.

Viral myocarditis is a serious complication of COVID-19 and it appears it is developed after pneumonia.

Under the rubric, Heart & circulation; inflammation; heart, carditis; myocardium, myocarditis; influenza, after: crat cur dig. Digitalis can be a big choice as it has broncho-pneumonis; senile pneumonia with dry cough, cyanosis, cold extremities; kidney failure; dropsy; cardiac failure after influenza or pneumonia and most markedly bradycardia. It must be compared with Camphor.

Curare (Arrow poison) is a little understood and a neglected remedy. It is multi-phasic remedy and a cocktail of Bapt, Bell, Bry, Carbn-s, Dulc, Eucal and Gels. Curare has also miasmatic (polluted environment) fever; toxic; septic.

When do you want to intervene with Hippozaeninum or Tuberculinum?

I will use them when well indicated remedies will do only lip-service. I have already provided the indications.

What posology you will advise for COVID-19 patients as a part of treatment?

I will prefer 1M and more in a frequent repetition schedule, say every three or four hours. In critical condition, I may repeat every 15 minutes too.

Can you suggest any treatment plan?

Yes, it is possible to give a gross treatment plan. It is based on the evolution and totality of symptoms as gathered after innumerable sources.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2020-04-16 05:05:44]
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Dr. Massimo Mangialavori shares clinical symptoms of three remedies that he used recently in treating COVID-19. He presents this very preliminary information in the hope that it may be helpful to others during this difficult time.

You know well that in Italy we are not allowed to deal with more serious cases, and we do not have access to hospitals. The best we can do today is to try to help patients in the first phase of the “disease” overcome it better, and as quickly as possible.

I decided to hypothesize an observation that I felt duty bound to share with those of you who may be interested. I am already gathering some positive feedback in Italy and abroad, but I want to clarify that there are other groups of colleagues who are doing the same job and with good results in other parts of the world.

Above all I want to clarify, WITHOUT ANY SHADOW OF DOUBT, that I am not suggesting a protocol, let alone claim to have enough material to consider a therapy for Coronavirus in progress.

I am attaching the letter I sent this afternoon to some of you, hopeful that you will spread it, make good use of it, and not pass me off as the stupid homeopath who claims to have found the Covid-19 homeopathic therapy.

Below is what I send to everybody in order to start to inform you about my initial work. I’m saying this because I think that all this information needs to be confirmed. You know me; I don’t like to confound facts with ideas and theories.

I am presenting here my limited experiences with less than 100 coronavirus patients in quarantine, in the hope that it may be helpful to others during this difficult time. These individuals, not previously known to me, were treated following a genus epidemicus approach. By contrast, my long-term patients who had contracted COVID-19 were treated constitutionally first, as is my usual protocol, and only given an acute remedy if the response to the constitutional proved insufficient.

It is not an easy task to scour the literature of our vast pharmacopeia to select the very best remedies for a particular disease. Obviously, different homeopaths may form their own hypotheses.

I do not want to write too much about the following 3 remedies: Chininum muriaticum, Grindelia and Camphora. Hopefully, this simple categorization, based on the most common clinical symptoms, will suffice.

As of March 22, 2020, I have had telephone and video-conference contacts with 84 patients. 64 of these overcame their symptoms in no more than 3-4 days, followed by spontaneous declaration of clear improvement and no subsequent relapses.

Chininum muriaticum has been my first choice. The clinical symptoms are as follows:

Fever with temperature rising in the early afternoon, resistant to common antipyretics.

Weakness more evident in the evening.

Frontal headache with painful pressure accompanied by (more or less) intense eye pain—in some with the characteristics of a neuralgia.

Dry and irritated cough, perceived only as a discomfort in the upper respiratory tract.

Poor appetite and little thirst, despite the fever. Preference for salty foods. Preference for hot drinks as opposed to water.

Victim attitude, without any difficulty in expressing anger towards those who attend to the “other managers” of their pathology. Patient believes he did all one could to not become infected. Puts the blame for the state of one’s condition on others for not paying adequate attention.

Grindelia robusta has been my second choice. The clinical symptoms are as follows:

Fever with sudden increases in temperature (poussée de fièvre) 2-3 times within 24 hours.

Weakness more evident in the early morning.

Throbbing headache, predominantly occipital, that improves by sitting—possibly with a desire to lie down, the pain however disallowing one to do so.

Dry cough with the feeling that one must expectorate even in the absence of phlegm—insistence on getting rid of insignificantly small amounts of mucus (which, despite little objective change, brings a subjective sense of relief).

Paroxysms of an apparently suffocating cough.

Aware of anxiety, unable to distinguish between objective breathing difficulty and a subjective feeling of an inability to breathe, with the fear that he must go quickly to the hospital.

Worried about falling asleep and not being able to breathe during sleep, may want to sleep with the light on.

Conjunctivitis that affects one eye first and then the other.

Joint pains especially in the lower limbs.

More fearful attitude than with Chininum muriaticum.

Tends to deny symptoms to family members for fear of having inadequate resources.

Aware of hypochondria—alarmed that she cannot distinguish between objective and subjective symptoms.

Camphora (Cinnamomun camphora) has been my third choice. The clinical symptoms are as follows:

Continuous fever with no obvious changes during the day—accompanied by sweating, chill, and a sense of incipient fatigue which worsens with continued sweating.

The headache has a feeling of pressure from the inside to the outside—attempts to contain this sensation by exerting external pressure with something that tightly binds the head.

Cough less evident than in the previous two remedies which nevertheless seems to tire the patient. The cough appears with deep inhalation, meanwhile superficial breaths seem insufficient and cause worry, leading to more deep breathing and more coughing.

Dyspnea with minimal exertion, despite the fact that objective oxygen saturation may be adequate

Watery and persistent rhinorrea (post-nasal drip).

Diarrhea without abdominal pain.

Oliguria (scantiness of urine) perceived with alarm as more serious than it is.

Confusion and concern about being dangerous to one’s family members.

Convinced that during this illness one is having a momentous experience relative to the overall course of one’s life.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2020-04-16 05:01:07]
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Dr Amarsina Nikam shares some thoughts on the genus epidemicus of COVID -19, including basic principles of homeopathy and some potential remedies in treatment.  
The pandemic of COVID-19 expands aggressively all over and the impact can also be seen through the daily increasing number of infected patients around us. All the medical services have been trying hard to overcome this mishap, but nobody has achieved the desirable outcome.

The natural and gentle way of homoeopathic healing helps the individual to recover his health without any side effects or harm. Homoeopathy can prove very helpful in a such pandemic crisis.

Confusion about Genus Epidemicus

Now we are going through a time, when different stalwarts are recommending different remedies, so there is a lot of confusion in all homoeopaths about the Genus epidemicus.

During the epidemic of scarlet fever, after treating numerous patients Dr. Samuel Hahnemann observed patients with similar clinical presentations. After analysing the symptoms, he found ‘Belladonna’ useful in curing those patients. According to Dr Hahnemann this remedy could not only cure those patients but could also be used as an effective prophylactic medicine.  Thereafter he termed this the ‘Genus epidemicus’ in that epidemic situation.

The knowledge which is essential for enabling us to choose a most suitable homoeopathic remedy can only be obtained by a complete survey of the disease picture, not only of a single patient, but deducing it from a number of patients.

After a thoroughly individualized examination of each patient, only then can a homeopath, succeed in finding a suitable homoeopathic remedy. Thus, the Genus Epidemicus can only be identified after closely studying the symptom picture of the outbreak.

In the present scenario, the WHO has declared COVID-19 a pandemic disease.

Even though homoeopathy can treat and control such a viral outbreak, the homoeopathic fraternity is lacking in clinical trials for treating COVID-19.

Specifically in India with very few confirmed cases.) So as of now we can’t declare any remedy as a Genus epidemicus.How Homeopathy Can HelpAs per the current available data on the manifestation of corona virus, we can give homoeopathic treatment and homeoprophylaxis for it.

The symptoms of COVID-19 are:
• Dry cough
• Shortness of breath
• Fever
• Sore throat
• Headache
• Body ache and pain
• Diarrhea
• Runny or stuffy noseComplications:– Pneumonia
– Kidney Failure
– Sepsis

The above symptoms and complications clearly tell us about the severity and acute emergency nature of the disease. So, we should select the remedy which covers the similar pathophysiological state of disease.Treatment in Homeopathy
As per my experience considering the totality of COVID-19, the most probable remedy is Napthalinum 30. (Ref. Clarke’s Materia Medica) (Note: It is not a Genus epidemicus.)Acute High grade fever with cough.

• Respiration: labored and irregular
• Cough in incessant paroxysms almost arresting breath
• Night cough preventing sleep
• Cough with blue or purple face
• Expectoration: free, thick, tenacious, almost absent
• Cough in violent paroxysms compelling the patient to hold his head from the pain
• Fever: Sudden onset of fever

• Headache Homeopathic Prophylaxis According to the principles of Homoeopathy, it works on maintaining the immunity of the individual, so it can be used as an effective prophylactic medicine.

Homoeopathic prophylaxis includes selection of an individualized remedy by considering the peculiar characters of a person. Some general characteristics which should not missed during remedy selection are:Thermals, Thirst, Modalities, Sleep, Food aggr, Desires, Aversions Home remedies which can be considered are:Aconite, Antim.Tart, Arsenic, Ars. Iod, Belladonna, Bryonia, Camphora, Carb.Veg,coccus cacti,  Chelidonium,Dulcamara, Drosera, Gelsemium, Hep.Sul, Kali.Bich, Kali.Carb, Mephitis, Merc group , Merc I.F., Nux Vom, Phos, Puls,Pyrogen, Rhus Tox, Rumex, Spongia, Stan.Met.Potency Selection:

Selection of potency should depend upon these factors:

– Suitable for all age groups
– Works in all susceptibilities
– Does not provoke homoeopathic aggravation.
– Has the capacity to work on severe acute conditions.So, considering these few things, as per our experience, the 30c potency, which is a medium potency, covers all possibilities. 

(Note: The remedy should be taken under the guidance and observation of a homoeopathic physician.)Together we can and we will –As there is no proper treatment for Covid-19, I request the WHO to extend their research include all modalities.Homeopathy is a science and art, so there is the possibility of differences in remedy choices by different homoeopaths. But to conquer this worldwide crisis we as a fraternity need to come together. We must keep a record of our treatments with proper evidence. And we should discuss this, and take the opinion of other homeopaths about it, which will help us for further research to find a prophylaxis and treatments. Let the world know, Homoeopathy can be an effective treatment for such crisis.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2020-04-15 13:47:21]
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
ivermectin- drug for lice and scabies found to kill
The corona virus in Petri dish tests.
They are starting to do human testing which will
Take a few weeks - to find safe dosage.
simone717 4 years ago
Update 4.4.20: Influenza, cough and COVID19. Suggestions for Genius Epidemicus. Can homeopathy, which we therapists use responsibly, help when conventional medicine reaches its limits?

Verfasst vonhehuhe4. April 2020Veröffentlicht inAllgemeinSchlagwörter:Antimonium-arsenicosum, Asphyxia, case of COVID19 infection, case of pneumonia, Corona-Virus, cough, COVID19, Genius epidemicus, homeopathic treatment, Influenza, Ipecacanha-case, Lobelia purpurascens, pneumonia, shortness of breath

Update 4.4.20: Influenza, cough and COVID19. Suggestion for Genius Epidemicus. Can homeopathy, which we therapists use responsibly, help when conventional medicine reaches its limits?

This platform is not intended as a treatment recommendation for patients – but only for exchange among colleagues! [Recommendations and measures of therapy for patients see below]

Update 4.4.2

A possible homeopathic rubric for COVID19: GENERALITIES; COVID-19 (22) : 3Ars.2160, bapt.2160, bell.2160, 2beryl.2160, 3Bry.2160, 3Camph.2160, carb-v.2160, chin-ar.2160, chin-m.2160, 2eup-per.2160, 3Gels.2160, just.2160, lach.2160, 3Lob-p.2160, lyc.2160, op.2160, ph-ac.2160, phos.2160, puls.2160, pyrog.2160, stict.2160, tub-a.2160 (quotes from Christoph Abermann)

An exemplary COVID19 Case

Corona case 2 40 years, female, no permanent diagnoses or previous illnesses (self-presentation)

Headache, Arsenicum album [self-medication], malaise 0.5


Headache, limp, nausea in the evening, Arsenicum album [self-medication], feeling of illness 1


Headache, limp, Arsenicum album [self-medication], malaise 0.5


flabby headache, furry coating in the mouth and throat,

Feeling sick 1.5


limp tired, sore throat, furry coating in the mouth and throat, no taste and

Sense of smell, slight fever in the evening 38.3, feeling of illness 5


limp tired, sore throat, furry coating in the mouth and throat, no taste and

Sense of smell, slight fever 38.5, enema, then hardly any fever 37.5, Feeling sick 4


limp tired, sore throat, furry coating in the mouth and throat, no taste and

Sense of smell, no fever 37.5, feeling of illness 4


limp tired, sore throat, furry coating in the mouth and throat, no taste and Sense of smell, mild dry cough, mild fever 38.7,, imupret, at night woke up with slight shortness of breath, feeling sick in the morning 4, at night 6


limp tired, headache, sore throat, furry coating in the mouth and throat, none Taste and sense of smell, slight dry cough, pressure and tightness in the chest, light Fever 38.4, 1xBryonia, [self-medication], noon test on Covid 19, at night no Shortness of breath, feeling sick in the morning 6, evening 5


limp tired, headache, sore throat, furry coating in the mouth and throat, none Taste and sense of smell, dry cough, pressure, tightness and stinging in the chest, light Fever 38.2, 1xBryonia, [self-medication] woke up at night with difficulty breathing, Chest tightness and stinging, palpitations, circulatory problems, dizziness, diarrhea, panic, Bryonia and Belladonna [self-medication] a little better after about 1 hour, then with the upper body a little higher up, that helped a little, feeling sick during the day 5-6, at night 8-9, after Bryonia and Belladonna 6-7


extreme circulatory problems, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, extremely limp, Headache, sore throat, furry coating in the mouth and throat subsides, taste andSense of smell slowly comes back, slight dry cough, pressure and stinging in the chest,

Back pain, no fever 36.7, feeling of illness 8,

around 14:00 Elaps corallinum C200 [self-medication], nausea and dizziness somewhat better, feeling of illness 7

around 6:00 p.m. Lobelia purpurascens C 30,

circulatory problems better, makes you very calm, makes your chest “open up”, relaxation, there is some strength again, the remedy has everything I had taken best helped, feeling sick 6

about 20:00 acupressure lung meridian and colon points and circulation, further improvement in Chest sickness 6, no shortness of breath at night, with the upper body helps to sleep a little higher up


very weak, weak circulation, but much better than the day before, slight headache, furry coating in the mouth and throat continues to subside, slight dry cough, some pressure in the Chest, no more stinging, can breathe deeply, no fever 36.9, RKT acupressure points for lung and reservoir Chest sickness 6, woke up at night due to slight shortness of breath,

Lobelia purpurascens C 30,

was able to continue sleeping, slept a bit with the upper body raised


very weak, weak circulation, but again better than the day before, slight headache, furry coating in the mouth and throat subsides, hardly any dry cough, some pressure in the Chest, no more stinging, can take a deep breath, no fever 36.6-37

acupressure pulmonary points and reservoir on the abdomen and Kidney points foot-knee

Illness 5. In the night towards tomorrow again chest tightness and circulatory problems, with the Upper body sleeping a little higher helps, sickness at night 6


very weak, weak circulation, as on the previous day, slight headache, furry coating in the Mouth and throat better than the day before, tongue less covered, 1/3 less dry cough, some chest pressure, no fever 37.1

acupressure pulmonary points, circulation

feeling sick in the morning 6,

Lobelia purpurascens C 200, –> then grade 5


[Feedback: I’m better, I’m over the hill, got Lobelia purp C200 again yesterday morning taken, the circulation is still weak, the lungs are still a little tight, but all symptoms are better than yesterday.]

Update 29.3.20

A possible Genius Epidemicus
As indicated by several case reports, Lob-p may have the ability to positively influence symptoms such as shortness of breath (with the feeling that there is not enough air in the chest) of COVID19 infection. The experienced homeopathic doctor Farokh Master also refers to this remedy as a possible indicated adjuvant homeopathic remedy for dramatic courses of COVID19 infection (which, however, do not yet justify inpatient or ICU-treatment). A final assessment of whether Lob-p has the ability to develop into the genius epidemicus can only be derived from the observation of further, directly and clearly positively influenced disease courses.
Update 23.3.20

Jeremy Sherr´s suggestions for additional homeopathic treatment in COVID 19-cases:
Prophylaxis with Acon. can be useful from the point of view when the psychological constellation can definitely lead to an Aconite state
Acon. appears to be indicated most likely at the beginning of the disease
Therapy must immediately follow the course of the disease, which means that more frequent changes of Remedies may be indicated.
There will probably not be „a panacea“ for the entire course of the disease
There will be no „waiting“ to let a remedy „develop“, the effect must be immediately readable or noticeable. There is no time to waste.
The question of whether a mixture of GE-Remedies can/must be given if the picture is unclear, is answered pragmatically with: Yes, the individual will probably resonate with the most appropriate Remedy and ignore the others.
Which potentiation? Very pragmatic, the one at hand, also the highest potentiation levels
Probably the most important remedies for dramatic courses: Ant-t., Ant-ars., Sticta, Phos., Bry., Lob., Lob-p
Update 22.3.20

The search for the Genius Epidemicus (GE) We are currently in the stage of the feverish (!) search for the genius epidemicus (GE), that means the remedy which covers most of the cases specially of the dramatic course of COVID 19. Previous recommendations from various well-regarded homeopaths must be viewed as irresponsible attempts to profile themselves and produce false hopes. So far, no clear GE has been extracted from the symptom constellations, and there are no clear cases of healing of pulmonary complications (by one or a group of remedies) that have been repeatedly observed by means. Even the extensive collection of COVID 19 cases from all over the world and their detailed analysis by Jeremy Sherr (which he demonstrates in his online seminar) only gave vague indications of a group of possible remedies (according to the stage) that could be considered for the GE. As already partially listed below, he gives references to Acon., Gels. Phos. and Bry. for the initial stage of the disease, Merc-s (viv.), Phos. and Ant-t. for the so-called II. stage and Ant-t., Phos., Stann., Lob-i., Senega, Croton-t., Crot-h., Mur-ac., Samb. for the serious courses to consider.
Discussion-Question to Jeremy Sherr: 21. März 2020, 23:33 What about Lob-purpurascens? If we read the picture, it resembles very much the symtoms of COVID 19 (Clarke, Boericke). Prof. Resch from Austria says, he had success in two cases. Dr. Heinrich Hümmer Herrsching Germany
Answer: this is a good suggestion I am using Lob inflata which comes out very important, but I like the look of Lobelia Pur
If you have cases or other info please send Best Jeremy

Update 19.3.20

Leading Austrian homeopaths are currently drawing attention to a homeopathic remedy, the image of which bears striking similarity to all stages of the disease of the corona infection and in which snake bites are also given as the cause [see below considerations for the use of snake products]: Lobelia purpurescens
Rubrics from MacRepertory: Complete 4.5 with
additions of A. Saine to LOBELIA

VERTIGO; HEADACHE; during (164) *
HEAD PAIN; GENERAL; influenza, with (4) *
HEAD PAIN; LOCALIZATION; Forehead; eyebrows, between (2) *
EYE; OPEN lids; hard to keep open (15) *
STOMACH; NAUSEA; headache; during (187) *

CHEST; PARALYSIS; Lung (67) **
GENERALITIES; CONVALESCENCE, ailments during; influenza, after (40) *
GENERALITIES; SEPTICEMIA, blood poisoning, pyemia (118) *

GENERALITIES; WEAKNESS, enervation, exhaustion, prostration, infirmity (765) *

GENERALITIES; WEAKNESS, enervation, exhaustion, prostration, infirmity; disease;
acute, in (51) *

GENERALITIES; WEAKNESS, enervation, exhaustion, prostration, infirmity; influenza,
after (26) *

Böricke MM:

Profound prostration of all the vital forces and of the nervous system; RESPIRATORY

Drowsiness; dizzy headache between eyebrows; cannot keep eyes open; tongue white feels
paralyzed as also do the heart and lungs; intense prostration of all vital
forces; deadly chill, without shivering; useful for the low, nervous prostration of

Confused and depressed. Headache with nausea, vertigo; especially between eyebrows.
Cannot keep eyes open; spasmodic closure of lids.

Superficial respiration; heart and lungs feel paralyzed; respiration slow. Heart beats sound
to him like boom of a drum.


Lobelia purpurascens [Lob-p.]
Clinical: Influenza, breaks out in hot weather, prostration, a deadly chill without shivering
but that overpowers the whole system, giddy, headache, and often a sickening

stupor, worse motion. Teeth decay, in persons who are nervous, liable to boils, of
hasty disposition and who sweat copiously.

From KONKORDANZ OF MATERIA MEDICA: Causa: Snake bites. Blood poisoning.

Outstanding Interview with Dr. Paul Herscue to epidemics in common and specially Corona to sse at unitedtoheal
Update 17.3.20:

New insights into the dramatic course of corona infection
In addition to the age of the patient, the SOFA index and D-dimer concentration provide important information on the prognosis of a COVID-19 disease, medical doctors from China report in the Lancet (2020; doi: 10.1016 / S0140-6736 (20) 30566-3) . (from Ärzteblatt 10.3.20)
This study and the findings from other recent studies show that both the so-called „cytokine storm“, i.e. the overreactions of the immune system as well as coagulation disorders and cardiovascular reactions contribute to the life-threatening complications of corona infections.
So in all considerations regarding adjuvant homeopathic therapy, those Remedies must be taken into account (in addition to those listed below) whose medicinal picture describes pneumonia as well as sepsis-like and cardiovascular complications and coagulation disorders, e.g. Crot-h., Cenchr., Elaps, Lach., Well, Vip., Both. and all snake remedies.
Update 7.3.20:

Reports in Lancet and Lancet and Lancet on corona virus infection in bronchopulmonary exacerbation with differentiation of the observed symptoms
Update 3.3.20:

Ant-ars-Picture especially for (viral) lung diseases (certainly still incomplete) (see below)
Update 29.2.20:

Coronavirus COVID-19:

What can we do (prophylactically) to possibly reduce the susceptibility and hyperreactivity of the bronchial system and lung tissue? Without claiming to be complete and with reference to the precautions below, the following can be recommended:

Zinc 20 mg / d: There is evidence that zinc intake reduces susceptibility to bronchiopulmonary infections
Vit D: Scientific studies indicate that an optimal level of Vit D can provide some protection against bronchopulmonary infections.
Curcuma: Inhibition of the expression of so-called TMPRSS2, an oncogene that the corona virus needs to penetrate the cells.
Lactobacilli to stabilize the intestinal microbiome and thus the immune competence of the intestinal mucosa.
Acetcylcysteine ​​200: In addition to the positive effect on the liquefaction of the bronchial secretion, the antioxidant may protect the bronchopulmonary mucosa from the feared hyperreactivity
Homeopathic prophylaxis against viral infections cannot exist from the basic idea of ​​homeopathy [treat the like with the like, without symptoms no homeopathic remedy],i.e. Recommendations for „prophylaxis“ with e.g. Oscillococcinum should therefore be used with great caution.
It can be doubted whether cistus as tea or lozenges is an effective or sufficient prophylaxis, but taking the phenol-like ingredients that obviously have an immunomodulating effect is certainly not wrong
Homeopathic (accompanying) therapy, especially in the case of acute bronchopulmonary disease, should be reserved in addition to medical supervision by therapists experienced in homeopathy, since in addition to the cliché recommendations made in many places, a large number of other (sometimes less well-known) remedies such as e.g. Ant-ars. must be included in the considerations.
The following case is intended to demonstrate that homeopathic (accompanying) therapy can be very valuable and effective and may therefore provide additional protection against the dramatic course of the disease:
A current exemplary case:

On October 24, 2019, the then 55-year-old patient felt a sore throat for the first time, which would go away again in the next few days. On October 27th suddenly raging limb pain, headache, violent nausea and stomach pain with a fever of 39.5. The next day, the right side of the lungs hurts to breathe and continues to have a fever up to 39.9. Because of constant right-thoracic pain without a clear auscultatory finding, instruction for inpatient diagnosis and therapy is given. There shows a tachycardia around 100 bpm, a noticeable hypotension down to RR 70/50 and a drop in oxygen saturation down to SpO2 90%.

After an X-ray examination of the lungs confirms the inflammatory infiltration of the right lower lobe of the lungs, the patient receives combined antibiosis with oral roxithromycin and ampicillin / sulbactam by infusion from the same evening, since a maximum increased CRP (max. 402 on October 30) and also a clearest increased procalcitonin (max. 31, 9 on October 29) indicate a bacterial cause.

With ongoing antibiosis and despite high-dose fever and pain medication with Novalgin (novamine sulfone), the patient continues to have significant pain in the right breast as well as most severe headache, the fever can only be lowered slightly. On October 31st, the body aches and pains disappear, but there is increasing nausea and disgust before eating. The shortness of breath increases despite the addition of oxygen and, although she spends the whole night standing by the window, the patient has the greatest difficulty in breathing, which triggers fear of death.

When the frightening symptoms continue unabated the next day (1.11.) with throbbing headache, the patient calls from the hospital in understandable fear and asks for „additional“ help, since the nurses and doctors are obviously at a loss as to the antibiosis that is already going on and give oxygen. According to the (accompanying) complaints Carbo-vegetabilis C 30 and Belladonna C 30 is brought to the patient, but this has no effect.

On the following day (2.11.) she compains about the same constant nausea, shortness of breath and headache when talking on the phone. The homeopathic analysis of the symptoms is repeated, which now results in the possible simile Ipecacuanha. Immediately (within a quarter of an hour) after Ipecacuanha C 30 is given to her, the nausea disappears, the abdominal pain increases intermittently and the headache disappears after one hour. The shortness of breath improves significantly. The transaminases, which were still within the normal range at the time of admission, are now found to be significantly increased.

On Sunday the 3.11. all pain has disappeared, the appetite is better again and the shortness of breath continues to decrease.

On November 4th the patient feels physically „on the ascending branch“ again, sleep is possible without interruption and shortness of breath, although the night sweats are still there. There is still shortness of breath at low loads.

What can this case teach us?

we can count ourselves lucky that we live in an age of (still) effective antibiotics
Antibiotics act exclusively on bacteria, the local tissue reactions triggered by them (or also by viruses) and the accompanying symptoms in the whole body have a natural dynamic that is not affected by the antibiotic (or the bacteria), for which the so-called scientific medicine (except maybe Cortisone and other anti-inflammatory medication with moderate success) has no handle.
We can count ourselves lucky that homeopathy can influence such a physical reaction.
Homeopathic remedies can and must (at least in the case of acute illnesses) immediately have clearly positive effects if they have been selected “appropriately”.
A placebo effect is extremely unlikely with a process as described above.
So far (still) inexplicably, homeopathic remedies work in potentization of C 30 and higher.
Since viral diseases such as influenza and the like do not respond to antibiotics, we can count ourselves lucky if we have other therapy options as a tool….
And how did it go on?

Even after dismissal from the hospital, the patient was still in a significantly reduced general condition with shortness of breath at exertion, which persisted unimpressed by several homeopathic remedies and only improved immediately after administration of Tuberculinum C 200, but then immediately and clearly.

How can homeopathy support us with influenza (with cough), bacterial and especially viral pneumonia in case of COVID 19 infection?
especially when antibiotics are ineffective [virus] or do not respond adequately on their own [lack of improvement in clinical condition despite antibiotic treatment being tested]?
Does effective further adjuvant help exist?
Probably yes, if you are targeting homeopathic treatment, but always observing the limits of homeopathic therapy, close monitoring of success and, if necessary, adding conventional therapy options such as antibiotics if there is evidence of bacterial superinfection or insufficient immediate [!] Response to homeopathic remedies.

In the following I would like to give a few handouts for selected (mainly organotropic for the respiratory tract and the acute case) homeopathic remedies that have proven themselves clinically (and especially in personal experience, market with* or bold ). However, these are not exhaustive!

[All of the recommendations below, especially in the case of serious courses of influenza or pneumonia, do not replace medical advice, examination and monitoring and should only be done on the homeopathic side under the guidance of experienced therapists who carefully observe the limits of homeopathic treatment]

One of the most important criteria for the selection of homeopathic remedies for cough is the time of the beginning of the cough (especially at night), provided that it has a noticeable regularity.

Cough, aggravated

When lying down in bed in the evening, you have to get up / sit up again to cough up, then there is rest the rest of the night; Con. [noticeable in women, as a hormonal factor may be involved]
11 p.m .: Bell, Coc-c, Ant-t,
1 o’clock: Coc-c *, Ars, Ars-i, Ant-ars ?, * own, multiple experience with unbearable tickling cough deep down in the windpipe
2 a.m .: Kal-c, Kal-n, Kal-bi, Kal-ars,
3 a.m .: Kal-c, Kal-ar,
4 a.m .: Nux-v, Ant-t, Kal-c, Phos,
5 a.m .: Rumx, Kal-i, Kal-c,
to cough

deep-seated, bubbling, with a moderately loose expectoration: Ant-t
moist cold air aggravated: Rumx
with a salty-tasting sputum: Phos
mainly located on the larynx and upper trachea: Iod., Brom.
Pneumonia (only adjuvant if antibiosis is required):
general: Acon, Ant-t, Ant-ars *, Ars, Bry, Carbo-veg, Chel, Ferr-p, Hep, Lyc, Merc-s, Phos, Puls, Rhus-tox, Sep, Sulf,
Right lung: Bell, Brom, Bry, Chel, Elaps, Iodine, Kal-c, Lyc, Merc-s, Phos, Sang, Stram, Tub
right lower lobe: Merc-s, Kal-c, Phos, Chel
right upper lobe: Chel, Elaps, Sang,
left lung: Tub, Phos, Lach, Sang,
with persistent, pronounced nausea and severe headache: Ipec,
with a pronounced need for fresh air (wants to have fanned air): Carbo-veg
delayed clinical improvement under or after antibiosis with persistent shortness of breath and signs of delayed regression of pneumonic infiltrations or persistent interstitial infiltration: Ant-ars *
Influenza pneumonia: Ant-ars *, Ars-i, Ars, Tub, (only Tuberculinum bov. Is mentioned in the Repertory Synthesis, but this will certainly not be the only possible means (so this section is certainly still incomplete there) -> two better / more complete sections:
Breast inflammation-lungs-viral, due to virus attack: ……… ..
Breast inflammation-lungs-catarrhal: ………………………
…. “… .- …… ..“ ……… ..- …… “…… – ……….“….: Accompanied by influenza: Ant-ar*
* Ant-ars is a very underrepresented agent in the repertories, but this has proven particularly useful for interstitial infiltrations [which can persist after pneumonia]:

* Antimonium arsenicosum: „Found useful in EMPHYSEMA WITH EXCESSIVE DYSPNEA and cough, much mucous secretion. Worse on eating and lying down. Catarrhal pneumonia associated with influenza. Myocarditis and cardiac weakness. Pleurisy especially of left side, WITH EXUDATION, and pericarditis, with effusion. Sense of weakness. Inflammation of eyes and edema of face.

Chest inflammations of children, restlessness with thirst and prostration, loose mucous cough, oppression, hurried respiration, crepitant rales.“ (See also MM Stauffer, Singh, Boericke, Schlegel, Imhäuser, Choudhuri, Grandgeorge, Dewey)

The recommendation of Arsenicum album as the only homeopathic therapeutic agent for corona virus disease must certainly be condemned as a completely irresponsible whoever launched it.


general: Acon, Bry, … ..
right: Bry, (section still incomplete)
left: Ant-ars, Kali-i, Tub, (section still incomplete)
As already mentioned above, these (incomplete) lists (which will be supplemented) are specifically intended for homeopathic therapists, who can ask for possible confirmatory symptoms for the respective remedies and can assess the severity of the clinical picture and, if necessary, initiate the further other therapy requirements become.

2.Update 1.3.20:

Description of the symptoms of a healed corona patient from Wuhan who had developed acute viral pneumonia (theguardian):

On 17 January my muscles became sore all over […] By 21 January my body was still aching all over. The CT results came back showing patchy shadows on the lower sides of both of my lungs. I started to take some prescription medicine and Chinese medicine capsules prescribed by the hospital. […] On 25 January I had a checkup. I had begun to cough. It was a very dry cough with a little yellow phlegm. The results showed that my situation was worsening, with the infection spreading to my entire lungs.[…] By 26 January getting up had become extremely difficult and I was shivering with cold. I felt I was having a high fever, and I was: 39C. Reports later said that the situation could develop extremely fast in the middle stage, but before I knew it, by that evening the fever was gone. It felt like having been to hell and back. That period from 21 January to the 26th was the worst time. I coughed so bad my stomach was hurting and my back ached. Those were some of the worst days in my life.[…] I had another re-exam on 28 January, which showed both my lungs were getting better. After a medical consultation between the doctors, they decided I was qualified for being tested for the coronavirus….

I would also like to hear from others of impressive and clear or reproducible, immediately drastic improvements in subjective and objective clinical findings (especially in the case of respiratory infections), so that we can complete the strength and the homeopathic tools for the upcoming challenges through concrete, understandable experiences and bundle them synergistically.

Dr. Heinrich Hümmer, Herrsching

[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2020-04-15 13:45:13]
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Hungarian homeopath, Bóna László, writes about the actual phase of the Corona virus epidemic in Hungary and about a possible view and practice regarding the prevention of this disease – and also influenza – in this phase.

These days what we experience in our environment is not the picture of the corona virus disease but most probably the state prior to the breakout of the acute disease epidemic.

1. The difference between chronic and acute diseases (from the aspect of corona virus disease prophylaxis)
The homeopathic remedies that have appeared in different internet forums, recommended by internationally appreciated homeopaths or institutions, were identified based on the symptoms of coronavirus patients. They were based on the specific symptoms that seriously ill patients had and on the patients’ condition who were in different stages of the virus infection. It is interesting that these remedies are mainly the ones that have been clinically used by homeopathy for acute influenza and pneumonia cases for centuries (i.e. Arsenicum album, Bryonia, Gelsemium, Eupatorium, Phosphorus, Carbo vegatabilis).

The symptoms caused by coronavirus, in terms of their intensity, are different than that of the previous influenza epidemics but their characteristics are the same. It means that the coronavirus patients do not show significantly different symptoms from patients in the previous epidemics, so this coronavirus epidemic would not require new special homeopathic remedies.

The remedies which were listed earlier were recommended on the basis of the general symptoms of the disease. Nevertheless, any of these remedies could work well in coronavirus disease just as they already worked well in influenza or pneumonia cases so far. The same applies to those rarely used remedies for influenza and pneumonia that, based on specific symptoms, were recommended by well-known homeopaths. For example Camphora (that was recommended by Rajan Sankaran) or Justicia adhatoda (that was recommended by Farokh Master).

I am emphasizing the expression of acute disease because, in the homeopathic and professional sense, these remedies can only be effective when we indeed apply them to acute diseases. In those cases when the given patient is already suffering from a chronic disease and the acute disease appears on the terrain of this chronic disease – based on the homeopathic principles – we should proceed with a case taking that is in line with the rules of the acute stage appearing in chronic disease. I’ll explain simply what that means:

if the symptoms of the acute condition cover the symptoms of the chronic disease then, indeed, we have to choose the remedy in accordance with the acute totality;
if it does not cover and the patient’s symptoms of the chronic disease are also present along with the symptoms of the acute disease, then we have to choose the homeopathic remedy in accordance with the chronic totality. That is, in choosing the remedy we have to take into consideration the symptoms of the given patient together with the acute coronavirus symptoms.

Otherwise there is no chance for healing the patient in the homeopathic sense. And we can assume that those patients who have got into a life-threatening condition or died can/could also fall into this category. Therefore the recommended homeopathic remedies can only bring homeopathic healing if they are given to patients who are suffering from acute disease. And in this respect it does not matter whether those symptoms are of the coronavirus or other traditional influenza virus. For the homeopathic cure of coronavirus patients who are also suffering from some chronic disease, experienced homeopaths would be needed who can take into consideration the totality of the symptoms and the individuality.

2. Relationship between two similar diseases (with respect to homeopathic prophylaxis)

It has been an obvious truth since Hahnemann that two similar diseases cannot be present at the same time in an organism. Two diseases are similar if they cause similar symptoms in the same organ systems. In this case the stronger similar disease annihilates the weaker similar disease. Homeopathy is based on this principle of nature, meaning that if a disease, caused by an artificial medicine is similar to the original disease and stronger (meaning that it is more dynamic), then it can cure the original disease by replacing it. And when the medicine’s disease passes away then both diseases heal. (Hahnemann: Organon, 6th edition, Similar diseases 43-51. §)

In the case of two dissimilar diseases, the stronger disease temporarily suspends the former disease, however the latter disease having been healed, the original disease returns more vigorously than before. This is what we call suppression. (Hahnemann: Organon, 6th edition, The dissimilar diseases 35-42. §)

The acute diseases caused by ‘classical influenza’, pneumonia and coronavirus are similar to each other, therefore coronavirus, if stronger, is able to cure the ‘classical influenza’ by replacing it. Then the patient is not going to have influenza, ‘only’ coronavirus disease. So it means if we treat somebody’s symptoms similar to the ‘classical influenza’ symptoms, with those homeopathic remedies that have already been effective in influenza diseases, then this homeopathic remedy disease will be the strongest similar disease.

This way, even if the patient had influenza he is not getting coronavirus disease and if he did not have any of these diseases he may not get any of these diseases (coronavirus and influenza) with the help of the same remedies. That is because the two diseases, influenza and coronavirus, are similar to each other. So the patient who has already had influenza disease or the influenza disease is still ongoing or any kind of weaker form and is treated with homeopathic remedies in accordance with his complaints and symptoms, there is a high chance that he does not get infected with coronavirus.

Now it is understandable why it is a realistic recommendation by homeopaths that to cure coronavirus disease, we use the most suitable remedies that have often been used for influenza. So if any kind of influenza-like illness is acquired by somebody, like cold, influenza, commencing pneumonia, since they are all similar diseases, the effective homeopathic remedy can have preventative impact on the coronavirus disease. It is possible that we did not even realize that we had it or did not have it, or we would have it or we would not have it.

If we treat the coronavirus disease with a remedy that would cause a disease dissimilar to coronavirus – so that we supress the disease – then we temporarily suppress the symptoms of coronavirus disease, but later on a disease may come forward, a disease similar to coronavirus but much stronger. It can occur inexactly the same way as it has happened in the history of different kinds of influenza epidemics.

3. The state of the world before the coronavirus disease
Let’s return to the opening thought: what we currently experience around us (in Hungary) is a state prior to the outbreak of the symptoms of an acute disease. And this state is the impact of acute coronavirus disease spreading ‘backwards’. Namely, whatever was caused by the virus (i.e. seriously ill patients, quarantine, deaths, chain reaction-like unstoppable spreading of the virus, a fate that seems un-escapable, centralised power measures, etc.) they are all the impacts of the virus upon people who are not yet infected and are forced to change their everyday lives, actions and habits in this globally changed world. All these changed habits, emotions, thoughts, this common mental state, are also the impacts of the virus, most of the time without any acute body symptoms or instead of acute body symptoms, or prior body symptoms.

A homeopathic remedy that is in line with this state could be a good preventive homeopathic remedy because by curing this actual state it would reduce the susceptibility to this disease.

I would like to emphasize that I would not like to come up with a new prophylaxis homeopathic remedy. I am simply writing this because I strongly believe that in line with these thoughts, we can get a deeper understanding of the coronavirus with the help of homeopathy.

I have listed the most significant mind symptoms and themes of the current state of the globe (not yet the picture of the acute disease!): responsibility, anxiety about family, anticipation, people’s fear of infection, avoiding going to any community, avoiding touch, wanting to stay at home, always wanting to wash hands, fear about money matters, anxiety for the future, can only see a dark future, feeling of being isolated, repeated ritual actions, fearful thoughts all the time, and cannot stop these thoughts. To my understanding these are the symptoms that can best picture the current state and what we can actually observe in ourselves and in the environment.

Setting the repertorization program to ‘small remedies small rubrics’, the first remedy that appears in the list is Carcinosinum.Knowing the homeopathic remedies and the theory of miasms, this repertorization can help to understand the core idea of the whole epidemic. And it can help to understand why this epidemic could become global. It is connected with the fact that today the most significant common general disease predisposition in the world is the susceptibility to incurable disease.

.Indeed, the coronavirus enthrones the failure of the curing strategies for the epidemics by suppressions that have been applied so far. This epidemic has been evolving on the terrain of the global suppression, just creating metastases exactly as the metastasis commences from the primary center of the tumour.

Even now the whole world is anxious to have vaccination as soon as possible. It seems that in terms of ideology there is no difference whether we are scientific, rational or esoteric or spiritual. The situation currently is directly life-threatening and when we have to save lives immediately, there is no other concept and no other chance. The world can only imagine solving the problem with suppression and the world is expecting the help of science – while for a homeopath this global epidemic indicates the total failure of such an approach. The world does not recognize the failure, and in this dangerous situation, being helpless, cannot do anything else. So far there is no new, consensus-based, efficient concept in healthcare and in any other global issues. Due to the lack of such a concept we can only envisage a one-way emergency scenario.

The increasingly worse global epidemics convey a message about the necessity for an urgent, radical change for those who understand that. The world, the public and science urge us to make the vaccine as the only solution, as soon as possible. But for homeopaths it is increasingly evident that this exactly leads to a new global epidemic disaster.

Homeopaths should look for cooperation with healers who have new solutions, concepts and should look for cooperation with scientific researchers’ new concepts, and with those people who can recommend other kind solutions. And due to the fact that conventional medicine does not have any solution to this current global situation, homeopaths should act immediately. Homeopaths should believe in the validity of their own concept and offer that concept whenever it is possible. The coronavirus creates a special state that is prior to the outbreak of its acute phase and this state – which is clearly visible by homeopathic observation – is the same as the ----- predisposition. This is the general, intellectual, mental and physical state of the world, independent from ideology and culture. A model disease can make us understand the state on which terrain a global epidemic can evolve that is similar to it. The spreading of this virus and its ‘combat manner’ is similar to that of the invasive DISEASE that is spreading unstopping through metastasis. Starting from the declaration of the diagnosis of DISEASE, it means an undoubtedly direct and unstoppable route to death, and the fact that it cannot be stopped and can diffuse without limit, is bursting out from the depth of the current state and it defines our relation to the coronavirus.

The emergency condition and the measures of governments are similar to our imagination about the working of our immune system, meaning that we can only slow down our downfall, but we cannot escape it.The expression of chain-reaction is very meaningful in this case. In earlier times our lives could be more expanding, revolving, restarting, expansive in a spiral way or ascending, sinking later on then dashing. Now in a chain-reaction-like manner, the world and the inseparable individuals are relentlessly moving towards a kind of termination. The individual cannot do anything, he is swept up by history, by the power, by profit, by the economy, by the global money market, by the pharmaceutical industry, by the food industry, by the educational system, by the oil industry, by the electric and the atomic energy industries. It is not by chance that the TUMOR patient receives radiotherapy. It is not by chance that contemporary homeopaths, such as Jan Scholten and Jeremy Sherr in relation to this epidemic, say that remedies now and in the future will be made from radioactive materials, atomic elements. This is the global mental state and its belief system that make mankind globally susceptible to acute epidemics similar to INCURABLE DISEASE.

Treating this state with anything that does not suppress this state but heals it, can make a difference, since this is the chronic and miasmatic terrain on which this acute disease can become an epidemic.4. Diseases similar to the prior state of the coronavirus acute disease If we repertorise the most important mental symptoms in this state prior to the acute phase of the coronavirus infection, we find some other remedies besides Carcinosinum. If we apply a different analysis method, we find Arsenicum album among the most important remedies.

That is why it is understandable that some homeopaths recommend this remedy for prevention, because this remedy covers the symptoms of both the acute disease and the prior mental state of the disease.Bryonia and, Calcium carbonicum are also recommended for the same reason for both prophylaxis and treatment when somebody is already infected. Arsenicum album, along with Carcinosinum, covers exactly all the behavioural patterns that are related to mortal fear and anxiety, resulting in compulsive disorders. Bryonia and Calcium carbonicum mirror the state of lost security when the patient wants to stay at home, to lock the door, to conserve food and money, which is also characteristic of compulsive disorders.

If we concentrate on the small remedies and individual symptoms in our repertorisation then a small remedy, Cuprum aceticum will come forward, next to Carcinosinum. We can also consider Carcinosinum cum Cuprum , which remedy is regarded by Tinus Smithas as the most relevant remedy of our current world.

Cuprum metallicum is one of the homeopathic remedies for compulsive disorders and it can work well many of the cases. This remedy is used for unstoppable, chain-reaction-like actions that later on turn into convulsive body complaints (i.e. unstoppable vomiting, diarrhoea and suffocative cough).

The earth, our everyday environment reveals a state that is similar to a patient who has serious compulsive neurosis symptoms. And because it is similar, in the homeopathic sense, we can efficiently cure it with a remedy that is in line with this state.

Again and again we have to check our actions to see whether we have cleaned the door handle, whether we have touched the handrail, the button of the elevator, whether we have touched the tap after having washed our hands. Because if we touched the tap after we washed our hands we have to wash our hands again, then we dry our hands with the towel and we have to wash our hands again because we dried it with the towel that might be infected, but before that we throw the towel into the washing machine, because if we did it after washing our hands we would have to do it again.

We know people who already act like this, namely, they did not leave their houses because they were afraid of the infection. When they got home they immediately disinfected themselves, they regarded the whole world as an infected area, they constantly and consistently thought only the same themes, and they could not get rid of the thought of infection. Whoever they met they did not shake hands or washed their hands immediately afterwards, if at all they dared to go out. So far these people have been treated with serious psychiatric medicines, regarding them as having lost their connection with reality.

But now when this kind of behaviour has become the behaviour of the masses, this has turned into the reality of the whole world. And then while this has become the reality of the whole world this behaviour has turned into the norm of the whole community, accepted by everyone.

In the background of the compulsive neurosis, diagnosed by psychiatry, there is the unspoken fear of death, regarded as unrealistic by others. Now, when most of us live in mortal fear, all of this has turned into reality.

The behaviour that is similar to that of the compulsive neurosis, has become real and not only accepted but desired as well. And indeed, we cannot have any objection and it is not ethical at all to question the reality of this tragic situation. The question is not that mortal fear is justifiable or not, or to what scale panic, terror and worries are justifiable but the reality is that the characteristic symptoms of the general behaviour are similar to that of the symptoms of a psychiatric disorder. And because homeopathic remedies heal on the basis of similarity, by applying remedies that cause similar symptoms to the original ones, remedies for this psychiatric disorder can be suitable to heal the global mental state prior to the acute stage of the epidemic. And by doing so the susceptibility can be reduced.

Having performed the repertorisation of the symptoms recognized in these behaviors, another homeopathic remedy is turning up, Veratrum album. This remedy can be considered in the latter acute stage of the disease, especially in those cases (along with lung-related symptoms like suffocation) when the patient’s significant characteristics are vomiting, diarrhea, weakness together with trembling. We have already heard about these symptoms, in connection with the latter phase of the disease. The fact that this remedy has already appeared when we did the repertorisation of the symptoms applicable in the prior state of the disease, we can presume what direction the disease, caused by the coronavirus, can possibly move towards, if at all.

Actually, this remedy can be suitable for acute cases infected by coronavirus. The remedy can also indicate a characteristic psychological state that is prior to the acute case. For quite some time Veratrum album has been a well-known in homeopathy for bipolar states, maniac depression or cases when anorexia alternates with bulimia. And indeed, there are patients who are not ill yet, but still struggling with the state surrounding them, living their everyday lives in extreme duality. They want to accumulate and be prudent with their reserves.

The world is breathing again, the atmosphere is purifying, dolphins are playing in the lagoons of Venice, mankind is becoming conscious and is waking up, learning lessons to change for the better. Through mortal fear the virus has taught people that real change is necessary, and the planet can be saved by awakening individual responsibility.

Stay at home, look after your beloved ones, realize what really is important in life. Beside many salvation stories, we find on the other pole, apocalyptic visions projecting the global ending hour of mankind. There are salvation stories and damning stories at the same time. It is changing from hour to hour, from minute to minute.

5. Influenza diseases which are similar to each other
For two decades I have been paying attention to influenza epidemics which last for one to two months each year. At the Association of Homeopathic Medical Art in Hungary, we receive many letters about homeopathic healings.

If we follow Hahnemann’s concept about the interpretation of epidemics, then we can say that a great number of people are becoming subjected to different kinds of influenza viruses. It appears that every year we can witness a great dimension of ’influenza virus. If we interpret this phenomenon in line with classical homeopathic proving protocols, then we can say that every year a great number of people demonstrate symptoms which are very similar to each other.

Nevertheless, there are also a few people who show peculiar symptoms at the same time of the influenza epidemic. And these peculiar symptoms are similar to each other. However, they are not similar to the influenza’s usual symptoms. Since these symptoms are not similar to the influenza symptoms, the only reason we could relate them to each other is that those symptoms appear at the same time of the influenza epidemic.

I am compiling example cases. A few years ago, during the usual influenza epidemic season in January and February, a great number of men, who were not in connection with each other at all, demonstrated lumbago and sciatica symptoms. Those men never had such symptoms before, nor had those ever since. (We share cases with the members of our homeopathic Association, and I can say that other healers, doctors and patients, independently from each other, observed such interesting incidents.)

Of course, it can be a simple coincidence, but we can consider that, every year, there is a large population which does not demonstrate the general symptoms of influenza, but only the specific symptoms. And from this picture we do not even know that these symptoms could belong to the influenza. We can only assume that they are influenza symptoms, because they appear simultaneously with the influenza, and, in spite of the fact they belong to a smaller population of patients it points toward a kind of coexistence.

In the same token, in another year, during the course of the annual influenza epidemic, a large population of patients had suffocative cough for months and months, without having any fever or pain in their limbs.

Anther time, during the usual annual influenza epidemic, while the majority of the population suffered from the ’traditional’ and general symptoms of the influenza, some other people did not get sick with symptoms similar to that of the influenza but, in parallel with each other (but not connected with each other, and living at different locations), indicated that they were suffering from severe diarrhoea, together with increased susceptibility but not any fever.

These conditions which accompany influenza epidemics and come out at the same time as the epidemic then vanish when the epidemic passes away, can be regarded as coincidence, but we can consider them peculiar symptoms of the given year’s influenza epidemic.

In the same way, Hahnemann found, during provings of homeopathic remedies, participants, whose reactions to the remedy were peculiar, demonstrating totally different symptoms to that of the majority of the participants.

If we regard the different kinds of influenza as an annual common proving, when a large portion of the population experience the virus as a common influence, then a significant number of people will have similar general symptoms. This means that we can see the symptom portraits of the influenza that are similar to each other (i.e. high fever, throat pain, cough, headache, discharges as well as muscle pains and pains in the bones).

Nevertheless, there will always be groups that are distinct from each other in the given epidemic, demonstrating other specific individual symptoms, different from the majority of the population, but similar to that of the patients in the same group.

We can also say that these symptoms, that are peculiar, and indicated by only a small number of people, belong to the characteristics of the epidemic and belong to the epidemic. We can, therefore draw the conclusion that influenza has a wide spectrum of portrait, from which in every year the similar and general symptoms are becoming obvious, but these do not demonstrate the whole spectrum of the influenza symptoms, but only the symptoms typical of the whole population. But there are always groups which, instead of the influenza’s typical symptom spectrum in a given year, show only a fraction of the influenza’s symptom spectrum, the symptoms that are not present within the majority of the population.

That is why it is possible that every year the majority of the influenza patients can be treated with the same homeopathic remedies for centuries (e.g Gelsemium, Eupatorium, Bryonia, Arsenicum album).

Due to the fact that there are patients who have those atypical symptoms of influenza, we have observed that most of the time one specific remedy emerges each year. This is how Rhus toxicodendron emerged in the epidemics of the previous years (when a group of people ’only’ experienced lumbago-like pains), or Carbo vegetabilis (when some part of the population had long-lasting, suffocative cough), or Baptisia (when long- lasting throat inflammation was the main characteristic, with no pain as well as increased susceptibility without indicating any influenza symptoms), or Aloe or Podophyllum (when the dominating symptom was the unstoppable diarrhoea with no other influenza symptom), or Arnica was the good remedy (when some people only had muscle pain without fever or upper respiratory tract symptoms during influenza epidemic).

I wonder why somebody has all the general symptoms of influenza or only has some portion of them. Based on different experiences there can be different answers to this question. For this we also have to consider what I wrote about in the beginning of this study. Namely, the difference is that some people are infected with influenza as an acute disease, others are infected by it on the terrain of a chronic disease.

Consequently, if somebody has a relatively strong immune system so the influenza infection is not able to cause the general acute influenza symptoms, then only the partial symptoms may appear in him during the influenza epidemic.

It is also possible that influenza cannot infect healthy people, however, temporarily it can cause complaints of a few organ systems that are weak. For instance, if during an influenza epidemic, somebody is infected by influenza virus who has a weaker spine, then he will temporarily have sciatica. Or those people who have a weaker digestve system, will temporarily have diarrhoea, which symptom is not similar to that of the influenza disease but to that of a food poisoning.

It is possible that influenza infection is demonstrated by the most general symptoms, with those people who have chronic disease, and, furthermore, these people would also have individual symptoms of their basic chronic disease. And it is also possible that patients are being treated for their chronic disease and their medicines suppress the manifestation of the influenza, and instead, during influenza epidemic, their symptoms of chronic disease are strengthening.

For years similar effects could be noticed with those people who had been vaccinated against influenza. Our homeopathic Association has been receiving related observations for more than two decades, and these observations indicate that those people do not have symptoms typical of the influenza disease, but they appear in parallel with the influenza epidemic. They have unexplained complaints such as symptoms of the urinary tract, we find severe, weakening diarrhoea in patients who did not use to have such symptoms and cannot tell the reason for its happening.

Some people have incomprehensible muscle pain that appears suddenly and disappeara a few days later. (In these cases, the remedies that homeopathy could offer for symptoms occurring after vaccination helped: Thuja, Arnica or Silicea. And because these remedies have been working well as general remedies after vaccination, and had no specific symptoms, we can conclude that these complaints belong to the symptoms of the relevant influenza epidemic and we cannot see the influenza because the vaccination suppresses the general symptoms of influenza. (With this statement I do not intend to stand for or open up a discussion about the necessity or not of vaccination, I simply want to share my observations.)

What do we understand from influenza that has a larger spectrum of symptoms, larger than what we normally observe in an epidemic? At this point, the theory I mentioned about the extinguishing or overriding effect of the similar diseases in the beginning of this study makes sense. Influenzas are similar diseases to each other, they are alike year by year, and they are also similar to the diseases that are caused by different kinds of influenza viruses that are spreading at the same time. (It means that the influenza viruses are similar to each other in a synchronic and diachronic way as well.)

And if they are similar, then the homeopathic treatment of any kind of its modification can prevent the coming out of any other type of influenza. The significance of this phenomenon is that all those individuals and peculiar symptoms that are present with some people (without having the usual and obvious symptoms of influenza), could be treated by homeopathy. And this is the real way of preventing the coming out of influenza. Namely, if we interpret all symptoms as part of the influenza symptom spectrum during an influenza, that appears in a person who does not have chronic disease – an experienced homeopath can recommend a remedy when any symptom, that is seemingly independent of the epidemic, appears.

For instance if we know that usually lumbago appears in parallel with the epidemic, most probably it can also be an expression of the epidemic. Then, if somebody has pain in the back for no reason, we know Rhus toxicodendron will be good not only against backache but also for the prevention of a serious influenza disease. If the person receives this remedy in time, from an experienced homeopath, then we do not even know what was prevented by the remedy. Simply, there is a great chance, that the influenza avoids this person. Or it is also possible that influenza will happen on a smaller scale, moderately.

If we took notice of the symptoms that were apparent with some people, prior to the outburst of the epidemic on a larger scale, then by treating these conditions, most probably, the serious or life-threatening illness would be avoidable or the course of the influenza would be moderate.

In the severe stage of the illness the remedy choice should already be made on the basis of individual symptoms which are present – for this reason, in the previous days, internationally recognised homeopaths have made recommendations for homeopathic remedies. However, these remedies can only work when the trouble is serious, and the majority of the patients need life-saving hospitalisation.

So this condition has to be prevented. This, therefore, means that the initial, hardly noticeable symptoms are worth being treated, which are seemingly independent of the epidemic. In this case it does not matter whether these symptoms are simply cold or indigestion or muscle strain or moderate influenza or the latent symptoms of coronavirus. These symptoms, if they come forward, without any special reason, are the different kind of individual appearances of a common state, part of a symptom spectrum, irrespective of what we call this disease. It’s an influence which affects all of us at the same time. symptoms that break to the surface at the periphery of the epidemic, at same time as the corona virus.

6. Symptoms that surface at the periphery of the epidemic, simultaneously with the coronavirus disease
Since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic lots of people have become sick from traditional influenza, many of them have fever, cough or simple cold, they blow their nose, and many people have strange and peculiar symptoms, for no special reason (not knowing that other people also have those symptoms) simultaneously with the corona virus disease. In the recent weeks we, at the Association, have been receiving mails highlighting a few peculiar symptoms.

A great number of people suffered from serious neck pain, without any additional complaints. This symptom turns up on one side of their body, similar to the pain when somebody lays down on their neck, or is exposed to a draft, but these complaints seem unreasonable and are getting more painful as time passes. Somebody may even have strong pain or stiffness in the neck. In these cases Rhus toxicodendron or Dulcamara are working well.

There were people who reported strong muscle pains, like they had muscle strains with strong weakening affect. This symptom also seemed unexplained because the patients had not done anything that could justify those muscle strains. The condition is not attached to any other complaints. This condition can quickly be treated by Arnica.

Others reported chest oppression, and long-lasting cough that shook their whole body without having any fever nor any other symptoms. This condition can be healed by Bryonia, or when these symptoms are together with suffocation then it can be cured with Carbo vegetabilis.

Some had nerve pain, lasting for days, located in their arm and shoulder, and it originated in a certain point between their scapulae, and the pain was extremely paralysing. By taking Magnesium phosphoricum these complaints could be relieved.

Others reported severe diarrhoea. The stool is sudden, unstoppable and forcible. In this case heavy flatus also wants to pass together with the stool. They never had these complaints before. The homeopathic remedies Aloe or Podophyllium treated these complaints quickly and efficiently. (It is worth noting that the mental characteristics of Aloe are ‘being excluded’, a state when the person is isolated from his family or society. This remedy belongs to the Liloflorae plant family just like Veratrum album, which was mentioned earlier on in this study. This remedy feels that he/she is losing his/her status in the society. It is characteristic of Podophyllum’s mental state that the patient cannot accommodate quickly to the changed situation. All of these mental states describe well the current global situation we have.

Some people reported that they began having moderate fever, throat ache, cough and these symptoms disappeared and returned after a few days in a more severe condition. This sort of action is typical to Ferrum poisoning. By continuously giving someone Ferrum dose by dose, moderate symptoms break out then disappear entirely, however the symptoms reappear in a more severe manner. In most of these cases Ferrum phosphoricum could help significantly.

There were people who already have fever, mostly intermittent fever, meaning that exactly at the same time fever increases then decreases then stops then increases again, following this pattern systematically for days. In these cases China, the remedy for malaria, the remedy of the intermittent fever could work well. (It is interesting that the science of medicine is just examining the possible effect of a malaria medicine for coronavirus.)

The above cases are only examples. Other homeopaths can, of course, have different experiences. I am writing about these cases with no intention to urge anybody to start taking any homeopathic remedy without control. It is only important to me to show, that with the help of homeopathy, those patients can be helped who are in a state similar to that of influenza, or those who already have some moderate symptoms, could avoid the severe impact of coronavirus. There are many people who have some kinds of symptoms and they do not attribute them to coronavirus, but they could also be helped, based on these symptoms, so that they cannot get seriously ill. This would be the professional responsibility of experienced homeopaths.

For me it is not important to come up with remedies. I can recommend, like so many homeopaths have done. Homeopathy gives us the possibility to understand the correspondences of the globe that is currently burdened by the coronavirus. For me homeopathy is a way of observing phenomenon via the order of the nature. It is because I believe that comprehending is partly healing as well. The mental process of understanding a given state is a contribution to health.

László Bóna
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2020-04-15 11:32:57]
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Dr. Manish Bhatia provides an in-depth analysis of the recorded symptom-set of patients of Coronavirus Covid-19 infection with an analysis of the possible group of indicated homeopathic remedies for treatment and prophylaxis.

Coronavirus Covid-19 – Analysis of symptoms from confirmed cases with an assessment of possible homeopathic remedies for treatment and prophylaxis
Dr. Manish Bhatia
Alert: New important information added in Postscript at the end of the article! Last update: 31st March 2020.

The current epidemic (2019-2020) of Coronavirus Covid-19 that started in Wuhan, China, has created a state of panic, which is disproportionate to the mortality rate of this infection. Along with the rising alarm, people in cities where new cases are being discovered, are stocking up on essential medicines, food, masks and sanitizers, creating a shortage in the market for those who really need these products.

People have been promoting alternative cures and prophylaxis too and homeopathy seems to be the most promising and most actively circulated prophylaxis through Facebook, Whatsapp and other social media. The most commonly recommended homeopathic medicines are Arsenicum album, Gelsemium, Influenzinum, Mercurius and Argentum nitricum. The Government of India has officially announced Arsenicum album as a likely prophylactic for Coronavirus infection (I have been told that CCRH did consider symptoms published in The Lancet before recommending Ars-alb).[i]

The problem with most of these recommendations is that they are not based on actual symptoms of the affected patients. Fortunately, now we have a lot of epidemiological, clinical and laboratory data available and published in peer-reviewed journals, which can be used to draw reasonable conclusions about the group of homeopathic medicines that will work in this infection.

This article will provide an in-depth analysis of the recorded symptom-set of patients of Coronavirus infection and then analyze them using the principles of Organon and tools of Repertory and Materia Medica, to reach the desired groups of remedies in a scientific manner.

However, before that we need to establish some facts and dispel some myths to reduce this unusual state of global anxiety.

Myth. Cornonavirus is a fatal infection for everyone.

No. If you look at the mortality rate of recent epidemics and even the usual flu, you will realize that Covid-19 is not a life-threatening infection for most people.

Infection/Epidemic Mortality (Death Rate)
Ebola 25-90%
Bird Flu – H5N1 50%
SARS 9.6%
Dengue 1%
Coronavirus Covid-19 1-2%
H1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu) .03-.06%
Measles .2%
Seasonal Flu .01%

In China, the mortality rate is around 2.5% for Covid-19 but as the diagnosis and awareness is improving, so is the management and prognosis. Most people who are succumbing to this infection are over 50 years of age or have some associated comorbidity (illness) like asthma, COPD, diabetes etc. For reasons that we do not understand yet, Covid-19 is usually NOT affecting children below the age of 18 and the children who are getting infected are only developing mild flu-like illness.[ii] So parents of young children can reduce their parental anxiety.

cough and fever and pneumonia symptoms of coronavirus

Known Symptoms of Coronavirus Covid-19 Infection.

According to W.H.O.[ii]:

cough fever and pneumonia are symptoms of covid-19Symptoms of COVID-19 are non-specific and the disease presentation can range from no symptoms (asymptomatic) to severe pneumonia and death. As of 20 February 2020 and based on 55924 laboratory confirmed cases, typical signs and symptoms include: fever (87.9%), dry cough (67.7%), fatigue (38.1%), sputum production (33.4%), shortness of breath (18.6%), sore throat (13.9%), headache (13.6%), myalgia or arthralgia (14.8%), chills (11.4%), nausea or vomiting (5.0%), nasal congestion (4.8%), diarrhea (3.7%), and hemoptysis (0.9%), and conjunctival congestion (0.8%).

People with COVID-19 generally develop signs and symptoms, including mild respiratory symptoms and fever, on an average of 5-6 days after infection (mean incubation period 5-6 days, range 1-14 days).

Most people infected with COVID-19 virus have mild disease and recover. Approximately 80% of laboratory confirmed patients have had mild to moderate disease, which includes non-pneumonia and pneumonia cases, 13.8% have severe disease (dyspnea, respiratory frequency 30/minute, blood oxygen saturation 93%, PaO2/FiO2 ratio <300, and/or lung infiltrates >50% of the lung field within 24-48 hours) and 6.1% are critical (respiratory failure, septic shock, and/or multiple organ dysfunction/failure).

One study showed the most common symptoms at onset were fever (59 [73%] patients) and dry cough (48 [59%]). Other non-specific symptoms included dizziness (two [2%] patients), diarrhoea (three [4%]), vomiting (four [5%]), headache (five [6%]), and generalised weakness (seven [9%]).vi

Another study showed that the most common symptoms were fever (98%), cough (77%), and dyspnoea (63•5%). Among 52 critically ill patients, six (11%) did not experience fever until 2–8 days after the onset of symptoms related to SARS-CoV-2 infection. The median duration from onset of symptoms to radiological confirmation of pneumonia was 5 (IQR 3–7) days. The median duration from onset of symptoms to ICU admission was 9•5 (7•0–12•5) days.[iii]

Fever 51 (98%)
Cough 40 (77%)
Dyspnoea 33 (63•5%)
Myalgia 6 (11•5%)
Malaise 18 (35%)
Rhinorrhoea 3 (6%)
Arthralgia 1 (2%)
Chest pain 1 (2%)
Headache 3 (6%)
Vomiting 2 (4%)

Another study showed, patients had clinical manifestations of fever (82 [83%] patients), cough (81 [82%] patients), shortness of breath (31 [31%] patients), muscle ache (11 [11%] patients), confusion (nine [9%] patients), headache (eight [8%] patients), sore throat (five [5%] patients), rhinorrhoea (four [4%] patients), chest pain (two [2%] patients), diarrhoea (two [2%] patients), and nausea and vomiting (one [1%] patient). According to imaging examination, 74 (75%) patients showed bilateral pneumonia, 14 (14%) patients showed multiple mottling and ground-glass opacity, and one (1%) patient had pneumothorax. 17 (17%) patients developed acute respiratory distress syndrome and, among them, 11 (11%) patients worsened in a short period of time and died of multiple organ failure.[iv]

It seems to start with a fever, followed by a dry cough.

After a week, it can lead to shortness of breath, with about 20% of patients requiring hospital treatment.

Notably, the COVID-19 infection rarely seems to cause a runny nose, sneezing, or sore throat (these symptoms have been observed in only about 5% of patients).[v]

Pathological findings from Patients of Coronavirus Covid-19

Most patients have showed bilateral lung involvement, with lesions mainly located peripherally and subpleurally with diffuse distribution.

The predominant pattern of abnormality observed was bilateral (64 [79%] patients), peripheral (44 [54%]), ill-defined (66 [81%]), and ground-glass opacification (53 [65%]), mainly involving the right lower lobes (225 [27%] of 849 affected segments).[vi]

Leukocytosis was detected in 26 (32%) patients and lymphocytosis in 54 (67%) patients. Concentrations of C-reactive protein and serum amyloid A protein were elevated in most patients.[v]

Homeopathy for Coronavirus Covid-19 Infection

best homeopathic medicine for treatment of coronavirus Homeopathy treatment is based on the principle that a drug will prove curative in a condition, if it can produce similar signs and symptoms in a healthy human being during a drug trial.

In case of epidemics, a general remedy is selected on the basis of the symptoms of the existing patients and that remedy, known as Genus Epidemicus, can be given to the affected population group for that particular epidemic. The Genus epidemicus will change from year to year if the presenting symptoms change. Not just the symptoms, but also the sequence and intensity of specific symptoms can change the indicated homeopathic remedy.

Based on the epidemiological and clinical studies done so far, we know the following symptoms, which our homeopathic remedy should cover:

Dry Cough
Shortness of breath
Tightness of chest
The sections below about steps for identifying the Genus epidemicus are technical. Non-medical people can skip the sections below and jump to the section ‘So what homeopathic remedy should I take for Coronavirus?’

Order of symptoms

The ideal remedy should be indicated for dry cough with fever. We have many remedies that cover dry cough, which remains after an acute cold. Such remedies will not be indicated. Other remedies which are known to be effective in allergic dry cough are also unlikely to work.

Absent Symptoms

We see the Nasal Discharge is absent in most patients or is a late and minor symptom. Hence our indicated homeopathic remedy should not have a presenting picture with acute runny colds.

Based on the CT findings

The CT findings suggest that usually the lower lobe of lungs are getting affected; most lesions are peripheral, near pleura and there is predilection for the right side.

So we need a remedy which is right sided, symptoms evolve from right to left, is known to affect lower lobes and cause pleuro-pneumonia.

The CT findings have also revealed absence of lung cavitations and hemorrhage in most patients, so remedies known to cover such symptoms are less likely to be indicated.

Converting the Symptoms into Repertorial Rubrics

Some of the possible rubrics from the Complete Repertory:

[Complete ] [Chest]Inflammation:Lungs, pneumonia:Weakness, with:

[Complete ] [Cough]Dry:Fever:During:

[Complete ] [Chest]Constriction:

[Complete ] [Chill, Chilliness]Heat:With:

[Complete ] [Chest]Inflammation:Lungs, pneumonia:Base, lower:

[Complete ] [Chest]Inflammation:Lungs, pneumonia:Pleura-pneumonia:

[Complete ] [Chest]Inflammation:Lungs, pneumonia:Right:

[Complete ] [Generalities]Right:Left, then:

There is a possibility to add slightly different rubrics and more rubrics but the aim of repertorisation is to just reach a probable group of remedies. After that we have to use our knowledge of materia medica to filter out the right ones.

Another possible criticism could be that most of the symptoms are ‘common’ while homeopathic prescriptions are usually based on the ‘uncommon’ symptoms. To this I would say that a true simillimum usually covers both the common as well as uncommon symptoms. Many diverse common symptoms and their specific combination is itself unique, which can be used to reach the desired  group of remedies.

Repertorisation Results:

homeopathic medicine for corona virus

Remedy List

homeopathic remedy to prevent corona virus infection

We see the most likely homeopathy remedies are Phosphorus, Bryonia alba, Lycopodium, Arsenic alb, Sulphur, Iodium, Belladonna, Kali carb, Mercurius, China, Lachesis, ANTIM TART, Chelidonium, Gelsemium etc.

Now we need to apply our knowledge of Materia Medica to filter out the remedies that match the sequence and pace of symptoms.

The remedies that have dry cough with fever are our primary candidates. These include:

Aconite, Bryonia, Ipecac, Kali-carb, Phosphorus, Arsenic, Nux vomica, Sabadilla, Lycopodium, Sulphur, Carbo veg, Lachesis, Pulsatilla etc.

In this epidemic, the symptoms are taking time to evolve, so we need to remove remedies that have rapid pace like Aconite, Belladonna, Nux vomica, Arsenic alb etc. We also need to remove remedies that tend to produce runny colds as initial symptoms.

After this filtering, we are left with the following remedies from our reportorial results:

Bryonia, Phosphorus, Lycopodium, Mercurius, kali carb

that seem to cover the laterality, sequence and pace of symptoms reasonably well.

bryonia homeopathy remedyPhosphorus may be ruled out because it is known to be indicated in hemorrhages and pneumonia with cavitations. It is the primary remedy for

[Complete ] [Chest]Inflammation:Lungs, pneumonia:Destruction of tissue, cavities, with:
[Complete ] [Chest]Inflammation:Lungs, pneumonia:Infiltration of parenchym, with bloody:

It still might be indicated in a few cases, when the symptoms agree.

Out of these, the remedy that covers the initial symptoms better is Bryonia alba and I believe, this remedy will work well as prophylactic too.

The season also now favours Bryonia because it is known to work well when the days are warm and nights are cold, the kind of weather transition after winter we are currently in.

The remedy that covers the later symptoms best is Lycopodium and could be expected to help a large majority of people who develop Pneumonia.

In Iran, there seems to be a picture of sudden collapse and Dr. Sankaran has recommended Camphora 1M for such patients. If the symptoms picture in your country is showing sudden collapse in many patients, you may consider Camphora.

Respiratory Symptoms of Bryonia from Phatak’s Materia Medica

Cough; DRY, HARD, VERY PAINFUL, at night as of from stomach, must sit up worse eating and drinking. Wants to take deep breath, but cannot or it excites cough. Expectoration; rusty blood streaked or tough. Bronchitis. Asthma. Pneumonia. SHARP STITCHES IN CHEST or at right scapula, worse deep breathing and coughing. Pleurisy. Coming into warm room excites cough. Holds chest, or presses the sternum when coughing.

Keynotes: Motion aggravates + Bursting/Stitching Pains + Dryness of Mucous membranes + Thirsty + Talks of business even while sick + Irritable and cross + Desire to be alone

Lycopodium homeopathy medicine for pneumoniaRespiratory Symptoms of Lycopodium from Phatak’s Materia Medica

Craves air but is chilled by it. Short, rattling breathing worse lying on back. Cough; dry, tickling, teasing; in puny boys with emaciation; day and night; deep hollow; as from sulphur fumes, worse on descending; with emaciation; worse on empty swallowing, stretching the throat; deep breathing. Salty greenish-yellow, lumpy or foul expectoration. Unresolved pneumonia. Brown yellow spots on chest. Abscess of the lungs, tuberculosis. Difficult respiration due to hydrothorax or / and hydropericardium, with flapping of alae nasi. Feeling of tightness in chest with burning.

Lycopodium is also complementary (drug relation) to Bryonia.

Keynotes: Right side + Slow onset + Flatulence + Old people/intellectually keen, physically week + Hurried + Evening aggravation, esp 4-8 PM.

Respiratory Symptoms of Phosphorus

Oppressive breathing; worse least motion. Tight suffocative breathing; worse cough. Larynx; raw, sore, furry; painful on speaking. Voice; low; hoarse worse morning and evening; croupy, then bronchitis. Cough; hard, wheezing; dry, violent, painful, tickling, hacking, exhausting; with retching; causes pain in abdomen; burning in air passages and trembling, worse reading aloud; change of weather; before strangers, laughing, exertion, singing. Sputum; easy, frothy, rusty bluish, salty, sour, sweetish, or cold. Pneumonia; of left lower lung, secondary, with sopor. Chest; full; heavy; pains into throat or right arm; or alternating sides; stitches, in left upper chest; rattling worse cold drinks. Dry hot feeling in chest; with cough; at first dry then loose. Asthma after cough. Repeated haemoptysis. Tuberculosis, in tall; slender, rapidly growing persons. Congestion in lungs. As if skin in larynx.

Keynotes: Inflammation of mucous membranes and nerves + Desires Cold drinks, Salt, Fruits, Chocolate + Hemorrhages + Left side + Suddenness of symptoms + Desires company and consolation + Sensitive to all physical or emotional impressions

Respiratory Symptoms of Kali carbonicum

Catarrhal aphonia; with violent sneezing. Breathing difficult, asthmatic worse least motion or walking; alternating with diarrhoea; with vertigo. Incessant, hard retching or choking, futile cough; then vomiting. Whooping cough. Lungs seem to stick to the ribs. Stabbing chest pains. Hydrothorax. Whole chest very sensitive, during coughing. Cough with relaxed uvula. Coldness of chest. Expectoration; difficult, or small round balls come flying from the mouth without effort; salty, thick, bloody, yellowish, greenish, offensive and profuse; taste sour or pungent.

Keynotes: Prostration + Sharp Stitching pains + Chilly + Irritable + Anxious and Fearful + 2-4 AM aggravates + Combination of sweating, backache & weakness + Tendency to withhold symptoms

Respiratory Symptoms of Mercurius

Hoarse rough voice. Cough; in double bouts; dry at night; yellow green sputum by day. Respiration difficult worse lying on left side but cough worse lying on right side. Stitches from lower right chest to back worse sneezing or coughing. Sensation of bubbles or as of a hot steam in chest. Epistaxis during whooping cough. Cough worse by smoking. Jaundice; in pneumonia. Shortness of breath on going upstairs or walking quickly Asthma better tobacco smoke and cold air.

Keynotes: Profuse mucous discharges + Profuse sweat + Tendency to ulcerate + Hemorrhages + Night aggravates + Lying on right side agg. + Restless + Desire for travel + Thirst for cold drinks

Respiratory Symptoms of Arsenic album

SHORTNESS OF BREATH; unable to lie down, must sit up; worse odours, laughing, ascending, turning in bed, or receding eruptions, better coffee or sweet water. Whistling, wheezing breathing. Asthma, worse taking cold, in mid summer. Cough alternating dry and loose, dry at night better sitting up worse drinking. Expectoration scanty, frothy. Great dyspnoea; in nose; face cyanotic, covered with cold sweat, great anxiety. Aphonia. Emphysema. Pulmonary oedema. Burning or coldness in chest. Cough excited by smoking. Sensation as of vapours of sulphur in larynx. Cough, with bloody sputum. Haemoptysis; burning all over or with pain between scapulae; in drunkards; suppressed menses. Gangrene of the lungs. Darting pain through upper third of the right lung. Yellowish spots on chest.

Keynotes: Burning pains + Restlessness and Anxious + Acrid thin discharges + Prostration + Putrid discharges + Midday-Midnight Aggravation

For more detail symptoms of all these remedies, refer to Hering’s Guiding Symptoms.

All these remedies are polychrest and other individualizing symptoms must be taken note of before prescribing.

Further reading

Pneumonia from Homeopathic Therapeutics by Liliental, S

Concise Materia Medica by S.R. Phatak

So what homeopathic remedy should I take for Coronavirus?
If you are living in an area which is not yet affected by Coronavirus, you should not be taking any remedy for now.

Based on the analysis above, I believe Bryonia alba 6CH or 30CH, can serve as a prophylactic.

It can be given (only to affected population) once a day, till days become warmer and the epidemic subsides (hopefully). People are mobile in endemic or epidemic areas should take the medicine daily. People who are in self quarantine and not having social contact, can take it for 3-5 days and then take it if and when they venture out. If a patient has flu-like symptoms, you can take the same remedy in 6 or 30 potency, 6 hourly. If the vitality is very low, more freuent repetition may be required. Also consider Camphora in such a case.

If a patient develops tightness in chest and shortness of breath, Lycopodium 30CH is likely to help.

The remedy suggestions are based on the available data. Homeopathy needs much deeper individualization, and clinical experience of treating Coronavirus Covid-19 patients with homeopathy, may bring up a different group of remedies.

Some recent data from Iran shows that many patients are showing sudden collapse. Dr. Rajan Sakaran as well as Dr. Sunirmal Sarkar have suggested that Camphora be considered as a medicine and prophylactic there. So if Covid-19 patients in your country are showing signs of sudden collapse with respiratory distress, vertigo and cold sweat, you may consider Camphora.

I do not recommend self-medication. You can show this article to your homeopath for a better clinical judgment that he/she will make for you.

If you suspect yourself to have Corona virus infection, please consult the concerned medical authorities in your country immediately.

If you have a flu-like illness and wish to take homeopathic treatment, please consult a qualified homeopathy doctor in person.


After publishing this article, I have received some feedback from Hong Kong and Macau, where homeopaths have found Bryonia, Gelsemium and Eupatroium perf useful.  One case from Spain was successfully treated with Argentum nitricum 9 CH, Rumex crispus 5 CH and Alliun cepa 9 CH. These are the only data that I have received from the Coronavirus affected areas so far.

Postscript 2

I just received a very useful paper from Dana Ullman [vii]. The paper is from Chinese Pharmaceutical Association and is meant for hospital pharmacists. It has lot of first hand data and clinical details of the actual cases from China. The clinical picture/cases in this paper have been divided in four groups. [comments in braces my suggestion]

Group A: Mild  – with no respiratory symptoms. [remedies like Gelsemium, Eupatorium and Bryonia seem indicated]

Group B: Moderate – with respiratory symptoms like cough and Fever. One characteristic symptom from this document is that patients have pale or pale-red tongue. Also cough is either dry or has little yellow sputum. There is dry throat too. [remedies like Bryonia, Antim tart, Ars-alb and Phosphorus seem indicated]

Group C: Heavy – with respiratory distress. One characteristic symptom from this document is that patients have red-tongue or yellow-furry at this stage. Patient gasps on movement. [remedies like Lycopodium, Pyrogenium, Lachesis, Bryonia and Arsenic-alb seem indicated]

Group D: Critical – with respiratory failure, cyanosis and collapse. One characteristic symptom from this document is that patients have purple-tongue at this stage. Movement aggravates, there is agitation and sweating with cold limbs [remedies like Merc-sol, Lachesis, Arsenic, Hydrocyanic acid,  Camphora,  Antim-ars, Carbo-veg may be useful at this stage]

Postscript 3

I have received some information from Iran and it seems that the symptom picture in Iran is a bit different. Many patients are complaining of headache with fever, esp frontal headache. For this scenario Dr Sunirmal Sarkar suggests Polyporus pinicola. Many patients in Iran seem to be succumbing suddenly without many symptoms. I know of two internationally renowned homeopaths who are helping our colleagues in Iran treat Covid-19 cases. Both have independently found Camphora to be the most suitable remedy in Iran. We will hopefully see much more data from our esteemed colleagues soon.

Respiratory Symptoms of Camphora

Hoarse, squeaking voice. Cold breath. Suspended respiration. Violent attacks of dry cough.

Fever: Shaking chill with cold skin; wants covers during the hot stage only. Sudden inflammatory fevers, with rapid alternation of heat and cold; followed by rapid prostration.

Keynotes: Cramps and convulsions + Mental anguish; Feels is about to die + Icy cold, yet averse to covers + Burning pains + Sudden collapse + Cold perspiration + Blueness of mucous membranes

Postscript 4

Jiuan Heng wrote in and shared some useful ideas about dealing with the scare related to the Coronavirus pandemic. In homeopathy treatment, the mental state of the patient is paramount and the following points can be considered for treating the patients as well as people with extreme anxiety and panic regarding this disease:

Fear of contagion — health authorities are giving advice on how to minimize risk by not touching elevator buttons directly with the fingers. In the US, we are told to avoid touching our faces. Is it safe to travel? Is it safe to go to the office? At a restaurant in Singapore, we were sprayed with antibacterial hand sanitizers before we could be seated.

Hoarding — in Singapore, I saw photos of empty supermarket shelves coming from Hong Kong and China. Now, clients tell me they see cars lining up the street to go to the big box stores like Cosco on the weekend, and of supermarket shelves emptying fast. I hear the same thing when I visited Chinatown last weekend, from waitresses who had the time to chat because the tables were empty.
Moreover, the supplies that were most in demand and often out of stock were : face masks, disinfectants, antibacterial wipes, alcohol, thermometer covers, Dettol.
(Mind, Desires, more than she needs: Ars, Bryonia,etc)

Suspicion — is the person who is coughing on the bus a carrier? Are my classmates who just returned from their spring vacation carrying the virus? [They no longer talk about where they went!] There are anecdotal reports of people moving away from anyone who coughs and sneezes.

Racial backlash — I’m not sure how to find this in the repertory. This epidemic has unleashed much of the anger and seething resentment that has been simmering has resulted in public assaults on Chinese/Chinese-looking Asians.

Conspiracy — you must have heard many stories yourself. They develop from a sense of isolation, of being siloed.

Fear of poverty —the knee jerk reaction in East Asia is “How is this going to affect the economy? How is it going to affect my job/business?” The memory of the financial impact of SARS is vivid, and the people who are now in positions of power in business and politics were young adults in/looking for their first jobs when SARS hit Asia 17 years ago. It ripples across the globe, and throughout industries, and we are just seeing the first wave in the U.S.
Based on these mental symptoms and the affinity for the lungs and possibly the stomach, I suggest that Arsenicum Album should be given serious consideration, along with Bryonia as the genus epidemicus.

Postscript 5

Stephen Gallagher has brought to the notice that a very similar flu-like epidemic has happened in 1833, the details of which are given in the book “Homoeopathic practice of medicine” (Jacob Jeanes M.D.):

Another kind of catarrhal fever is the grippe which was prevalent in the beginning of the year 1833, which exhibited far greater differences in its appearances than influenza, and also far more dangerous sequelar diseases ; for, where disease of the chest was present, after an attack of the grippe a phthisis was almost inevitable, and the patient could but seldom calculate on recovery. In most instances its attacks were sudden, but in a few cases it developed itself gradually, and an uncommon debility accompanying the catarrhal symptoms, with a heaviness and soreness of the limbs, particularly of the lower extremities, distinguished the disease, with the greatest certainty, from every other kind. This condition of the limbs was frequently associated with headache and a disposition to vomit, and frequently with sore throat and some hoarseness. The obstruction of the nares was soon very severe and combined with violent tearing pains in the forehead and in the bones of the face, with a sensation of pressure in the rest of the head, vertigo, tearing pains in the ears, &c.

The disease moreover possessed many peculiarities, for example, it awakened, in those who were not perfectly healthy, old, slumbering symptoms of disease, and rendered their cure difficult; it attacked the same subject repeatedly, but always in a new form; it frequently continued for a long time with apparently unimportant symptoms, which might be removed by proper remedies but reappeared after the slightest irregularities of diet, often even on the next day; it also readily complicated itself with other diseases, modified their course, and aggravated the evil.

Frequent smelling of Camphora on the first appearance of the symptoms would suppress the disease, but after a couple of days it still came to complete development. When inflammation of the thoracic viscera was present, Nux v., after previously administered Aconit., always proved useful. Mercurius when repeated every or every other day, was the most adapted to remove the disease or even to destroy it in the germ, especially when, with severe affection of the head, throat and breast, there was a dry, shattering, slowly loosening cough. When the trachea was much irritated or inflamed, so that the acute and violent pain almost prevented speech, and the voice was very much changed, frequent smelling of Phosphorus 30 was of service.

Postscript 6

I have received several inputs from Europe that after some days of dry cough, it leads to a loss of olfactory and gustatory sense for 2 or 3 days. You can consider the following remedies for such cases:

[Complete ] [Smell]Wanting, lost:Taste, with loss of:
Total Drugs :13

3 Pulsatilla Nigricans
2 Kali Bichromicum
1 Amygdalus Persica
1 Antimonium Tartaricums
1 Chloroformum
1 Hyoscyamus Niger
1 Justicia Adhatoda
1 Lemna Minor
1 Magnesia Muriatica
1 Natrum Muriaticum
1 Rhododendron Ferrugineum
1 Sticta Pulmonaria
1 Teucrium Marum Verum

For ‘Loss of smell, with cough‘, Knerr lists only Anacardium

and ‘Smell, wanting, influenza after‘, lists only Mag-mur.

Postscript 7

We seem to be witnessing two forms of this disease. In some parts like Wuhan, Iran and Italy, the disease has been severe with lot of patients complaining of respiratory distress and collapse. In most other parts of the world, the disease seems to be milder. In India, for e.g., a large number of patients seem to be asymptomatic or are developing very mild symptoms.

I have received reports from many parts that homeopaths around the world are finding Bryonia and Arsenic album most commonly indicated, in that order.

Massimo Mangilavori has found China, China mur and Grindelia more indicated in Italy.

In areas where the cases are largely mild, it will not be possible to find a single Genus epidemicus because when the disease is mild, the individual state is usually dominant. We will then have to individualize from a possible group of remedies, which will include –

Bryonia, Gelsemium, Arsenic-alb, China, China-mur, Grindelia, Nux vomica, Eupatorium perf, Natrum mur, Mercurius, Sulphur etc.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2020-04-14 18:53:26]
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
A MUST READ : Here's Some Extraordinary Proof The Globally Renowned Indian Homeopath, Dr.Rajan Sankaran, Is Placing Before Us While Making A Humble Appeal To The Indian Government To Permit Homeopathy Treat Covid - 19 Patients.

Dr.Rajan Sankaran had personally mailed me the following info which will help everyone understand that, in the given scenario, Homeopathy is the only strong solution to the clueless Pandemic, Covid - 19, to which Allopathic Medicine is not able to provide any concrete solution.

How long will we keep on trying and testing..?? How long will the world survive this lock down.. ?? How far can we run away from this problem.. ?? Can the Global Economy afford this prolonged lock down..?? Can the poor survive this extension after extension of lock down..??
God forbid, but, am still afraid the world may have to witness a large scale starvation deaths, more number of suicides due to depression or non availability of Liquor.. We are already reading many reports..

In such a grave scenario, what's wrong in trying a medicine, that has documented proof in treating Epidemics, than abiding by the WHO Protocol or the guidelines of the ICMR.. And why are we still following the Epidemic Rules, 1897.. When Indian Constitution can be amended, why not this..??

Now, Read On Dr.Rajan's Heart Touching Write Up

In Homoeopathy there is the concept of ‘Genus Epidemicus’ which means there is one remedy or a set of a few remedies that can cover an epidemic.

The way this remedy is chosen is by taking the case histories of several people affected by the disease and finding out the special symptoms and nature of that disease and then making a study to find the exact Homoeopathic remedy or remdies that matches it.

In the past it has been found that such a remedy not only helps in treating the disease but also acts as a preventive for the disease.

Homeopathy was 98% successful in treating the Spanish flu epidemic in 1918. Dr. T. A. Mccann, from Dayton, Ohio, reported that 24,000 cases of flu treated allopathically had a mortality rate of 28.2% while 26,000 cases of flu treated homeopathically had a mortality rate of 1.05%.

This last figure was supported by Dean W.A. Pearson of Philadelphia (Hahnemann College) who collected 26,795 cases of flu treated with homeopathy with the above result.
Of the fifteen hundred cases reported at the homeopathic medical society of District of Columbia, there were only fifteen deaths.

Recoveries in the National Homeopathic hospital were 100%. In Ohio, of 1,000 cases of influenza, Dr. T. A. Mccann, MD, Dayton, Ohio reported no deaths. In Connecticut, 6,602 cases were reported, with 55 deaths, less than 1%.

Leptospirosis (also known as Weil's Disease) is an infectious disease carried by rats and caused by bacteria called spirochetes usually found in contaminated water. It is common in tropical countries such as Cuba, especially after heavy rain.

In late 2007, after a period of particularly heavy rainfall, Cuba faced a potential epidemic of Leptospirosis but only had enough vaccine to treat 15,000 high-risk people.
The government therefore decided to treat the entire population over one year of age (around 2.3 million) in the province worst affected with a homeopathic medicine prepared from the inactivated causative organism by the Cuban National Vaccine Institute.

Within a few weeks, the number of cases of Leptospirosis had fallen from the forecast 38 to 4 cases per 100,000 per week, significantly lower than could have been predicted from previous years’ figures.

The 8.8 million population of the other provinces did not receive homeopathic treatment and the incidence of the illness was as forecast.

Moreover, the effect seemed to last: there was an 84% reduction in infection in the population who had received the homeopathic treatment region in the following year when, for the first time, incidence did not correlate with rainfall, while the incidence in the untreated region increased by 22%.

The Cuban experience with Homeopathy has become widely known, and is totally unique in that it has mainly been undertaken by doctors and scientists from a scientific institute that researched and sold vaccines.
It gave a level of credibility that was often denied to research by lay homeopaths. It also described the use of Homeopathic Prophylaxis in literally millions of people as well as in smaller settings.

Dr Aditya Kasariyans from Iran under my guidance had treated Covid 19 cases in Iran .Till Date for a number of 30 Covid cases Homeopathic remedy is prescribed. All of them were symptomatic cases and most were hospitalized. Most cases have either positive Lab Test/ Corona test or positive CT scan.

Homeopathy was administered side by side with conventional treatment in most cases. 5 out of 30 patients were/are on Homeopathy only and were referred on the first day or the first days that their symptoms commenced or diagnosis took place.

Almost without exception, there was a dramatic response to Homeopathy considering the general energy level, extreme prostration and nausea; body aches and soreness; breathlessness and cough happened within the first 24 hours; in 25 patients;

This includes a genuine and significant lift in the state of health and energy and an increase in O2 Saturation level in the ones with more severe condition. Generally the symptoms improved by 40% the least within the first 24-30 first hours of prescription.

The recovery time for almost all cases (irrespective of the health situation they started homeopathic treatment with has been between 5-6 days.
Homeopathy as a preventive was administered to 90 people. Among these there are people who are in a high-risk environments like a bank in which few were hospitalized due to Covid 19.

Several elderly house residents and staff were also covered and we also included the family members of the patients who were in direct contact with the patients.

The earliest prophylaxis prescription dates back to almost 5 weeks ago. Among these people we have not seen any new case.

We hear from colleagues all over the world of the success of homeopathy in Covid19 . From the USA Dr Paul Herscu reports that he has treated 168 cases purely on Homeopathy with no one needing hospitalisation and no fatality..

Dr Massimo Mangialavori from Italy reports the treatment of 90 cases with similar results. Many other similar results are coming in. We are appealing for a Randomized double blind study in India.

Such a study has been approved by the Central Council of Research in Homeopathy and also approved by the Ministry of AYUSH, the Govt of India.

We are seeking for approval by the Indian Council For Medical Research ( ICMR ) or any other way in which Hospitals will cooperate in such a study . If this happens we can conduct a trial of Homeopathy officially in Hospitals.

We will treat each case individually and study if a common pattern is emerging. We can find out what are the best suited remedies for the epidemic in India. We think this is the time to harness the potential of Homeopathy and to prove its efficacy and also for its wider use in this pandemic as a treatment and a preventive.

We are not asking for a blind inclusion of Homeopathy in the treatment or prophylaxis protocol, but for a unbiased controlled study. An expert committee of two or three of the most experienced practitioners should be set up. They should have access to the patients in the hospitals.

They can conduct the interview via telephone of about 30 or 40 patients, study the symptoms and then come to a consensus about what the best remedies are. These can be tried out on patients who are willing by a Randomized Controlled Trial and evaluating the results with the cooperation of the doctors in the hospital.

The results will be known in 2 weeks. This trial does not mean stopping any of their treatment. In any case it is widely acknowledged even by the establishment that Homeopathy has no side effect.

If this study provides positive results, should it be taken further and applied on a much larger scale.. There is absolutely no downside in conducting such a trial while its potential is tremendous.
Dr.Rajan Sankaran
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2020-04-15 11:24:06]
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
A Case Of Suspected Corona Treated Successfully With Homeopathy

Homeopathy having great history of prevention of many epidemics since 220 years, ~ why not in corona?

As We all know well, the effectiveness of homeopathy in different epidemics and pandemics in the past, with great successes...

(Aphorism 101&241)

The carefully observing physician can, however, from the examination of even the first and second patients, often arrive so nearly at a knowledge of the true state as to have in his mind a characteristic portrait of it, and even to succeed in finding a suitable, homoeopathically adapted remedy for it.

§ 241

Epidemics of intermittent fever, in situations where none are endemic, are of the nature of chronic diseases, composed of single acute paroxysms; each single epidemic is of a peculiar, uniform character common to all the individuals attacked, and when this character is found in the totality of the symptoms common to all, it guides us to the discovery of the homoeopathic (specific) remedy suitable for all the cases, which is almost universally serviceable in those patients who enjoyed tolerable health before the occurrence of the epidemic, that is to say, who were not chronic sufferers from developed psora.


Here are four situations…

We can discuss, what is the procedure to be followed in each situation?

Also we can think which principle of Hahnemann was followed for each case?

*Situation 1*

Person who is healthy (i.e. he/she does not have visible corona virus symptoms) and also does not have any psoric symptoms.

In above situation, are preventive remedies required. If yes, what is the preventive remedy to be given


Write yours… Then Check with right answer mentioned at the end of this article.

*Situation 2*

Person who is healthy (i.e. he/ she does not have corona virus symptoms), but has one or more psoric symptoms.

In this situtation, what should be the treatment approach. Can preventive medicine still be adminstered in this situtaion?

If answer is yes, which are the preventive remedies?

If answer is no, then what will be the remedies in this situation and in what order should these remedies be administered?

*Situation 3*

Who is suffering with corona virus symptoms, but does not have a history of psoric symptoms.

In this situation, what should be the treatment approach? Will you still give preventive remedies?

If no, then what will be the remedies in this situation, and in what order should these remedies be administered?

*Situation 4*

Person who is suffering with corona virus symptoms, and also has a history of psoric symptoms.

In this situation, what should be the treatment approach?

What will be the remedies in this situation and in what order should these remedies be administered?

Answers for each individual situations are here…

Situation 1

If there is exposure give medicine.

Situation 2

Give preventive medicine if there is exposure.

We are sure at this time Ars. alb. LM1 medicine can be used successfully.

Situation 3

Treat the person who is sick by using the presenting symptoms.

(Individual similimum)

Situation 4

Treat the person who is sick by using the presenting symptoms.

(Individual similimum) and finish up the treatment with antipsoric.


There are excellent medicines in Homoeopathy to prevent/cure Corona Virus.

For Prevention*

ARSENICUM ALBUM LM1 daily morning 5ml and evening 5ml for 5 days

How to use?!

It is so simple…

Take an 150 ml size Amber glass bottle.

Fill it with 100 ml of water.

Put a single pill of Arsenic album l m1 homeopathic medicine,in that water.

Then Give 10 strong succussions (how to do succussions https://youtu.be/8CH_Ss4bUd8)

From this Take 1 tablespoon solution (15ml)

Pour into glass which contains 10 tablespoons (150 ml) of water

Give 10 strong stirs with the spoon.

Administer one teaspoon (5 ml) of this solution to the patient.

For Prevention & Cure *Precautions*

1.Take all the precautions about cleanliness and hygiene, like social (media) distancing.

2. Consume more Vitamin C and sunbathing to build natural immunity, Do not consume junk food , icy, packed foods and non-veg foods.

3.Kindly take medical help from nearby homeopathic doctor, when there is a need. Do not neglect.

One case of suspected corona treated successfully with homoeopathy (patient were in isolation, treated by tele communication)

On March 21st We had an opportunity to treat a corona suspected case (not confirmed with laboratory reports PCR) complaints with fevers and difficulties in respirations (mostly aggravations in midnight) with lot of fear and restlessness, (also she is an allopathic physician doing radiology DMRD in abroad).

Sir. This is Dr…. Yesterday night 8 pm Left eye retrobulbar pain for few minutes, followed by discomfort. Today morning woke up with increased left eye discomfort with photophobia, better by hot application and aggravated burning by cold application. Mild dull left temple and retrobulbar pain now obvious. Both ears got some flight take off landing feel, some minute crawling feel more on left side. Now 15 mins back few minutes of left ear pain. While woke up time, mild stitching pain in central chest, Trachea or bronchi…

Then and there flash of pain over few areas of chest

No fever other symptoms.

Advised Ars. alb. LM 4 re dynamized aqueous solutions

March 28th

She is absolutely fine now.

March 30

Nux vomica LM1 to finish treatment. (As per Hahnemann’s experiments)

Here master Hahnemann mentioned as ever increasing(modified doses aphorism ~247) doses of camphor for influenza as an invaluable palliative. Nux vomica as curative.

Since every epidemic/pandemics are different in its character.

We have to focus on finding what suits the present pandemic.

Homeopathy appeals, not only chiefly, but solely to the verdict of experience, “repeat the experiments, repeat them carefully and accurately, and you will find the doctrine confirmed at every step” -Samuel Hahnemann

Our appeal to our Prime Minister of India…

Dear Prime Minister, as we well knew, Homeopathy having great successful prophylactic history in many different epidemics and pandemics over 220 years.

In this current scenario homeopathy medicines having great prophylaxis and treatment as well. Homeopathy approaches covid 19 cases in 2 ways:

1. for prophylaxis *disease specific approach*,

2.for treatments to affected cases *individual specific* solutions

As i worked well with *disease specific approach for Covid-19*, as CCRH announced Arsenicum album, as a prophylactic medicine, my analysis also very similar with CCRH , Ars. alb. as prophylactic medicine.

As we all know well, that homeopathy is the safest and side effects free medicine, which is the second largest system of medicine practice’s all over the world.

As we are patriotic with our nation and homeopathy, we homeopaths dedicated ourselves in previous dengue epidemics with great successful prophylactic history.

We request our Prime Minister, to save our people’s, its very urgent to implement homeopathic prophylaxis at the earliest in India.


Dr A.A.P.sivakumaran
Genuine Homoeopathy Clinical Research Centre,
Tamil Nadu (India)
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
A Case Of Suspected Corona Treated Successfully With Homeopathy

Homeopathy having great history of prevention of many epidemics since 220 years, ~ why not in corona?

As We all know well, the effectiveness of homeopathy in different epidemics and pandemics in the past, with great successes...

(Aphorism 101&241)

The carefully observing physician can, however, from the examination of even the first and second patients, often arrive so nearly at a knowledge of the true state as to have in his mind a characteristic portrait of it, and even to succeed in finding a suitable, homoeopathically adapted remedy for it.

§ 241

Epidemics of intermittent fever, in situations where none are endemic, are of the nature of chronic diseases, composed of single acute paroxysms; each single epidemic is of a peculiar, uniform character common to all the individuals attacked, and when this character is found in the totality of the symptoms common to all, it guides us to the discovery of the homoeopathic (specific) remedy suitable for all the cases, which is almost universally serviceable in those patients who enjoyed tolerable health before the occurrence of the epidemic, that is to say, who were not chronic sufferers from developed psora.


Here are four situations…

We can discuss, what is the procedure to be followed in each situation?

Also we can think which principle of Hahnemann was followed for each case?

*Situation 1*

Person who is healthy (i.e. he/she does not have visible corona virus symptoms) and also does not have any psoric symptoms.

In above situation, are preventive remedies required. If yes, what is the preventive remedy to be given


Write yours… Then Check with right answer mentioned at the end of this article.

*Situation 2*

Person who is healthy (i.e. he/ she does not have corona virus symptoms), but has one or more psoric symptoms.

In this situtation, what should be the treatment approach. Can preventive medicine still be adminstered in this situtaion?

If answer is yes, which are the preventive remedies?

If answer is no, then what will be the remedies in this situation and in what order should these remedies be administered?

*Situation 3*

Who is suffering with corona virus symptoms, but does not have a history of psoric symptoms.

In this situation, what should be the treatment approach? Will you still give preventive remedies?

If no, then what will be the remedies in this situation, and in what order should these remedies be administered?

*Situation 4*

Person who is suffering with corona virus symptoms, and also has a history of psoric symptoms.

In this situation, what should be the treatment approach?

What will be the remedies in this situation and in what order should these remedies be administered?

Answers for each individual situations are here…

Situation 1

If there is exposure give medicine.

Situation 2

Give preventive medicine if there is exposure.

We are sure at this time Ars. alb. LM1 medicine can be used successfully.

Situation 3

Treat the person who is sick by using the presenting symptoms.

(Individual similimum)

Situation 4

Treat the person who is sick by using the presenting symptoms.

(Individual similimum) and finish up the treatment with antipsoric.


There are excellent medicines in Homoeopathy to prevent/cure Corona Virus.

For Prevention*

ARSENICUM ALBUM LM1 daily morning 5ml and evening 5ml for 5 days

How to use?!

It is so simple…

Take an 150 ml size Amber glass bottle.

Fill it with 100 ml of water.

Put a single pill of Arsenic album l m1 homeopathic medicine,in that water.

Then Give 10 strong succussions (how to do succussions https://youtu.be/8CH_Ss4bUd8)

From this Take 1 tablespoon solution (15ml)

Pour into glass which contains 10 tablespoons (150 ml) of water

Give 10 strong stirs with the spoon.

Administer one teaspoon (5 ml) of this solution to the patient.

For Prevention & Cure *Precautions*

1.Take all the precautions about cleanliness and hygiene, like social (media) distancing.

2. Consume more Vitamin C and sunbathing to build natural immunity, Do not consume junk food , icy, packed foods and non-veg foods.

3.Kindly take medical help from nearby homeopathic doctor, when there is a need. Do not neglect.

One case of suspected corona treated successfully with homoeopathy (patient were in isolation, treated by tele communication)

On March 21st We had an opportunity to treat a corona suspected case (not confirmed with laboratory reports PCR) complaints with fevers and difficulties in respirations (mostly aggravations in midnight) with lot of fear and restlessness, (also she is an allopathic physician doing radiology DMRD in abroad).

Sir. This is Dr…. Yesterday night 8 pm Left eye retrobulbar pain for few minutes, followed by discomfort. Today morning woke up with increased left eye discomfort with photophobia, better by hot application and aggravated burning by cold application. Mild dull left temple and retrobulbar pain now obvious. Both ears got some flight take off landing feel, some minute crawling feel more on left side. Now 15 mins back few minutes of left ear pain. While woke up time, mild stitching pain in central chest, Trachea or bronchi…

Then and there flash of pain over few areas of chest

No fever other symptoms.

Advised Ars. alb. LM 4 re dynamized aqueous solutions

March 28th

She is absolutely fine now.

March 30

Nux vomica LM1 to finish treatment. (As per Hahnemann’s experiments)

Here master Hahnemann mentioned as ever increasing(modified doses aphorism ~247) doses of camphor for influenza as an invaluable palliative. Nux vomica as curative.

Since every epidemic/pandemics are different in its character.

We have to focus on finding what suits the present pandemic.

Homeopathy appeals, not only chiefly, but solely to the verdict of experience, “repeat the experiments, repeat them carefully and accurately, and you will find the doctrine confirmed at every step” -Samuel Hahnemann

Our appeal to our Prime Minister of India…

Dear Prime Minister, as we well knew, Homeopathy having great successful prophylactic history in many different epidemics and pandemics over 220 years.

In this current scenario homeopathy medicines having great prophylaxis and treatment as well. Homeopathy approaches covid 19 cases in 2 ways:

1. for prophylaxis *disease specific approach*,

2.for treatments to affected cases *individual specific* solutions

As i worked well with *disease specific approach for Covid-19*, as CCRH announced Arsenicum album, as a prophylactic medicine, my analysis also very similar with CCRH , Ars. alb. as prophylactic medicine.

As we all know well, that homeopathy is the safest and side effects free medicine, which is the second largest system of medicine practice’s all over the world.

As we are patriotic with our nation and homeopathy, we homeopaths dedicated ourselves in previous dengue epidemics with great successful prophylactic history.

We request our Prime Minister, to save our people’s, its very urgent to implement homeopathic prophylaxis at the earliest in India.


Dr A.A.P.sivakumaran
Genuine Homoeopathy Clinical Research Centre,
Tamil Nadu (India)
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2020-04-15 05:20:11]
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Good evening readers,;in this quarantine period I had a thought, what might be the relationship between cinchona officinalis in homoeopathy with hydroxychloriquinine used in modern medicine for treatment of COVID-19. Which is an antimalarial drug.

China officinalis was the first remedy to be proved by Dr Samuel Hahnemann. It is therefore a very important remedy in the history of homeopathy, and consequently it is one of the first that aspiring homeopaths study.

“As long ago as the year
1790 I made the first pure
trial with cinchona bark
upon myself…
With this first trial broke
upon me the dawn that
has since brightened into
the most brilliant day of
the medical art…”
Samuel Hahnemann*

The remedy comes from the Peruvian bark cinchona, which was used in the treatment of malaria in Hahnemann’s time. It was named in 1742 by the Swedish botanist, physician and zoologist Carolus Linnaeus after the Countess of Chinchon, the wife of a Spanish envoy who was reputed to have been cured of malaria in about 1640.

While translating a medical text by the Scottish physician William Cullen, Hahnemann found himself disagreeing with the author’s explanation as to how it worked. Cullen postulated that it worked because it produced a tonic effect on the stomach. Hahnemann thought this to be highly unlikely, because other astringents had no effect against malaria. Accordingly, he began dosing himself with the drug in his famous cinchona experiment. He found that he experienced symptoms not unlike those that occurred in cases of malaria. From this came the gem of an idea that was eventually to become homeopathy.

China is an extremely effective remedy. Indeed, in my experience, when it is well indicated, its results have usually been quite dramatic.

Vithoulkas thought towards cinchona officinalis
It has been determined that a solution of Quinine of one part to ten thousand acts destructively on infusoria. Thus it will destroy the poisons that propagate many of the contagious" diseases, as puerperal fever, scarlatina, etc.

The use you may make of this property is this: When going from one case of puerperal disease to another, you may bathe your hair and whiskers in a solution of Quinine in bay-rum. This will destroy all danger of carrying contagion and will not prove a source of annoyance to yourselves. On the contrary, it will aid the growth of the hair and beard.

Quinine also has a destructive effect on amoeboid motion, which form of motion has been observed in the white corpuscles of the blood, or leucocytes. This is one reason why allopathic physicians have used it to prevent inflammation. Quinine also retards change of tissue. That is one explanation of its tonic effect. You will see that this property of retarding waste is still more marked in COFFEA.

Quinine also acts upon the heart substance, weakening that structure. Thus there is impaired circulation.

Another effect of Quinine when experimented with by subcutaneous injections is that large quantities destroy the ozonizing powers of the blood.

It also tends to act on the spleen, producing congestion, inflammation and enlargement of that viscus.

There is still one other property of Quinine which it may be well to remember, and that is its power of abolishing reflex action when taken in large quantities.

Now let me give you the symptoms of cinchonism, that is, the symptoms which follow the excessive use of Cinchona. You will find quite prominent among all the other symptoms an increase of appetite from stimulation of digestion. Soon nausea and vomiting show themselves and even diarrhoea may be added to the gastric disturbances. Then the head becomes affected. There is a peculiar sensitiveness to external impressions, to noises, to bright lights or to anything that is apt to render the patient irritable. There is experienced a peculiar form of headache, which is characterized by dull aching and at other times by throbbing in the head. There are well-marked ringing or roaring sounds in the ears, a very characteristic effect of Cinchona. Vertigo still further complicates the case. If the use of the drug is still persisted in, deafness follows.

In other cases there appears a sort of Cinchona intoxication which is not unlike that produced by alcohol. This is followed by delirium, dilated pupils, then complete stupor with difficult respiration and finally convulsions, these convulsions arising from anaemia of the nerve centres and not from congestion as is the case with Belladonna. In extreme cases, collapse and death from paralysis of the heart end the patient's life. These, then, are the general effects of Cinchona, when that drug is given persistently in increasing doses and at short intervals. They may vary in severity from a simple ringing in the ears to all the symptoms of complete poisoning.

Hahnemann has taught us that the anaemia which the Cinchona causes renders it useful only when debility or anaemia comes from loss of fluids. In the allopathic school it is used in all forms of debility, given either alone Or in combination with iron or sherry wine. But, as I have said before, we have learned from Hahnemann that it is only useful in the anaemia which results from, loss of fluids. Hence, we may use it for the results of haemorrhage, whether it be from the mouth, lungs, or uterus. You may use it when long-lasting diarrhoea has exhausted the patient. It may even be used when the condition has proceeded further than a simple debility, and that horrible disease known as hydrocephaloid has developed.

In such cases, when Cinchona is the remedy, the child has these symptoms: After violent or long-lasting cholera infantum, it becomes drowsy, the pupils may be quite large, the breathing is very rapid and superficia); the diarrhoea may have ceased, or the movements may be involuntary; the surface of the body is rather cool, especially the prominent features about the face; thus, the ears, nose, and chin are cold. In just such cases as this, Cinchona will, if there is any vitality remaining, restore the patient to health.

so why not homoeopathy can be used to treat Corona virus or atleast as interactive treatment along with modern Medicine In emergency situations.

Because ;rapid spread and complete cure is possible only by homoeopathy.

Homoeopathy is scientific evidence Medicine which stands with its efficacy of homoeopathy at any stage of diseases might be epidemic or pandemic.

Dare to be wise. Thanks to hahnemann.
Dr.Bhuvaneswari jayashankar
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2020-04-18 04:28:01]
anuj srivastava 4 years ago

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