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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Can i take Heper sulp 200,Apic 200,& Thuja 200 same days 3 times 2-2 drops each with 20 minutes gap, because I have pain on Penis Glans since day before yesterday due to herpes problem I noticed little redness patch type on Glans I understood it's due to herpes so I applied Betadin cream and started taking Aciclovir 400 mg 4 times a days for sudden relief.somebody told me to take these medicines to reduce and cure the symptom.
  Yiew on 2021-03-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yiew said Can i take Heper sulp 200,Apic 200,& Thuja 200 same days 3 times 2-2 drops each with 20 minutes gap, because I have pain on Penis Glans since day before yesterday due to herpes problem I noticed little redness patch type on Glans I understood it's due to herpes so I applied Betadin cream and started taking Aciclovir 400 mg 4 times a days for sudden relief.somebody told me to take these medicines to reduce and cure the symptom.
one thing more that I there is a little urine in my bladder then it pains on Glans and urethera. But after urination feelss relief.if wearing even little tight cloths it hurts & pain on glans.
Yiew 3 years ago

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