The ABC Homeopathy Forum
hi my daughter is 5 years old l. she is having a sore throat with 102 temperature right now. kindly suggest me medicine. Her tonsils image is also attached. She has no cough no flu.(This post contains an image. To view the image, please log on.)
Sanam16261 on 2021-04-27
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
[Edited by Sanam16261 on 2021-04-27 17:23:22]
Sanam16261 3 years ago
Fever any kind
You need three things
Chirayta botanical name chirata Gentiana available on Amazon
Ajwain ( Carom seeds)
Black salt
Take a teaspoonful of each and soak in half a cup of water overnight TWIGS to be soaked too
Stir strain and have it first thing in the morning
CAUTION very bitter
Soak the above in boiling water for 20 minutes stir cool and have
soak for four doses
Repeat one dose every 45 minutes till fever is down
Chirayta keeps you
Off from fever for a year if taken for seven days
Cures Typhoid completely within 72 hours
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
Baryta carb. 200 c twice a day
Belladonna 200c. Twice a day
My senier docter told me this formula which 100% cure gurrenty if symptoms matches
Use only if symptom matches
I am not professional homeopath
If you triend then please share your experience
[Edited by Hameedjan on 2021-11-17 11:56:50]
♡ Hameedjan 3 years ago
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