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Rhus Glabra

Smooth Sumac, Rhus-g, Rhus-g.
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HPUS indication of Rhus Glabra: Fatigue
Common symptoms: Fatigue, Diarrhea, Headache, Wheezing.

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Rhus Glabra in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Epistaxis and Occipital headache. fetid flatus. Ulceration of mouth. Dreams of flying through the air ( Sticta Pulmonaria Sticta.) Profuse perspiration arising from debility ( China China.) It is claimed that Rhus Glabra will so disinfect the bowels that the flatus and stools will be free from odor. It acts well in Putrescent conditions with tendency to ulceration.


Tincture. Usually locally to soft, spongy gums, aphthae, pharyngitis, etc. Internally, first potency.

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Pain, headache; physical exertion

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Scurvy; nursing sore mouth ( Veronica.) Aphthous stomatitis.

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Weakness (see lethargic, weariness); evening

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