Solanum Arrebenta
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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Solanum Arrebenta in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
Pain in the pectoralis major.
Glandular swelling in the right breast.
Lancinations in the breasts.
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Pale-green color of the skin (after a few days).
Superficial ulcer below the left nipple.
Painful boil under the right axilla.
Suppuration of the boils.
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Loss of appetite.
Constant thirst.
Swelling of the stomach.
Difficult digestion.
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Solanum rebenta, Vell.
Natural order, Solanaceae.
Common name (Brazilian), Arrebenta cavallos.
Preparation, Trituration of the leaves.
Authority. Murex Mure, Pathogénésie Brésilienne.
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Solanum Arrebenta is not available to buy over the counter.