The Metal Thallium, Thallium Metallicum, Thal.Not available to buy through our store.
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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Thallium in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
Thallium seems to influence the endocrines, especially the thyroid and Adrenalinum Adrenalin. Most horrible neuralgic, spasmodic, shooting pains. Muscular atrophy. Tremors. Relieves the violent pains in locomotor ataxia. Paralysis of lower limbs. Pain in stomach and bowels, like electric shocks. Paraplegia. Alopecia following acute, exhausting diseases. Night sweats. Polyneuritis. Dermal trophic lesions.
Lower trituration to thirtieth potency.
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Compare: Lathyrus Sativus Lathyr.; Causticum Caust.; Argentum Nitricum Arg. Nit.; Plumbum Metallicum Plumbum.
⥄ Show reverse lookup of Thallium relationships from all sources▲ ABDOMEN
with paralysis of lower limbs
Stomach; pain; piercing, stabbing
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Extremities, limbs
paralytic feeling
Lancinating pains, like electric shocks
Very tired
Chronic myelitis
Numbness in fingers and toes, with extension up lower extremities, involving lower abdomen and perineum
Paralysis of lower limbs
Cyanosis of extremities
Formication, beginning in fingers and extending through pelvis, perineum and inner thighs to feet.
lower limbs
lower limbs; with lightning like pains in abdomen
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