Foeniculum Vulgare
Foeniculum, Foeniculum, Fennel, Foen.Not available to buy through our store.

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Foeniculum Vulgare in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
Foeniculum vulgare, Gaertn.
Natural order, Umbelliferae. Common names, Fennel; (Germ.), Fenchel; (Fr.), Fenouil.
Preparation, Tincture of the seeds.
Authority. Dr. Demeures, effects of 1 drop of tincture, Journ. de la Soc. Gall., 1 ser., 4, iii, 1853.
Pressure in the left upper jawbone, which soon ceases (immediately).
Pungent pain in the right elbow-joint; it recurs often during several days (after half an hour).
Foeniculum vulgare, Gaertn.
Natural order, Umbelliferae.
Common name, Fennel.
Authority.2, C. G. Mitscherlich, Pharm. Journ., vol. ix, 1849, p. 233, effects of large doses of the volatile oil.
Increased secretion of urine,
Excites the vascular system and the respiratory organs,
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