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Fabiana Imbricata, Pichi pichi, Pichi.

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Pichi in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



A South American shrub cultivated in Southern California. It is a terebinthine diuretic. It has also tonic and cholagogue properties, used in the treatment of nasal catarrh, jaundice, dyspepsia and to increase the secretion of bile (Albert Schneider). Useful in the uric acid diathesis, cystitis, gonorrhoea, Prostatitis, dysuria, vesical catarrh with suppurative prostatic conditions; post-gonorrhoeal urinary conditions; cholelithiasis and liver affections. Vesical tenesmus and burning after urination. Excoriating urine and calculi.


Ten to twenty drops of the tincture.

Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Pichi

Pareir > relationships
Compare: Parietaria (renal calculi; nightmare, patient dreaming of being buried alive); Chimaphila (chronic catarrhal congestion following cystitis; acute prostatitis; feeling of a ball in perineum when sitting); Fabiana, see Pichi (dysuria; post-gonorrhoeal complications; gravel; vesical catarrh); Uva.; Hydrang.; Berber.; Ocim.; Hedeom.

Pichi is not available to buy over the counter.
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