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, Vera.

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Veratrinum in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Increased vascular tension. It relaxes it and stimulates the elimination of toxins by skin, kidneys, and liver. It is an alkaloid of Sabadilla, NOT of Veratrum, locally in neuralgias, and for removal of dropsy. Five grains to two drams. Lanolin, rubbed on inside of thighs, causes diuresis. Alkaloid from seed of Sabadilla. — Electric pains, electric shocks in muscles, fibrillary twitchings

Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Veratrinum

Verat > relationships
Compare: Veratrinum - alkaloid from seed of Sabadilla. - (electric pains, electric shocks in muscles, fibrillary twitchings); Cholos terrapina (cramps in calves); Camph.; Cupr.; Ars.; Cuprum Ars ( Intermittent, cold, clammy sweat); narcissus poeticus (gastro-enteritis with much griping and cutting pain in bowels. Fainting, trembling, cold limbs, small and irregular pulse); Trichosanthes - (diarrhoea, pain in liver, dizziness after every stool); Agaric. Emetic ( Vertigo; longing for ice-cold water; burning pains in stomach); Agaric Phalloides (cholera, cramps in stomach, cold extremities, urine suppressed). Veratrine (Increased vascular tension. It relaxes it and stimulates the elimination of toxins by skin, kidneys, and liver).

Ang > appendix
Galipea cusparia, St. Hil. (Bonflandia trifoliata, Willd. Angostura vera). Nat. order, Rutaceae. Preparation, Trituration and tincture of the bark.

Gale > general
Galega, as its name implies, has an ancient reputation as a milk-gland stimulant. The Galegae are nearly related to Glycyrrhiza, the well-known source of liquorice. Carron de la Carrière (H. W., xxvii. 79) tested its action on the milk glands of nursing women and found it rapidly increased the quantity and quality of the milk and increased the woman's appetite. Dorretta (H. W., xxix. 177) gave Galega (he calls it "Galega vera," but doubtless it is Goat's-rue), in liquid extract of the leaves, for a common form of backache, which he located in the kidneys, though it is unaccompanied by any sign of kidney disease. The medicine he says is also a most excellent reconstructive in cases of anaemia and impaired nutrition.

Ars > general
the cuticle of scrotum peeled off entirely, leaving the cutis vera exposed, inflamed, and bleeding.

Veratrinum is not available to buy over the counter.

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