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The ABC Homeopathy Forum



A lower left molar, had a mercury filling that cracked and cracked the tooth. A root canal was performed. Tooth never really healed.

A few months later, an abscess formed at the root of the tooth. Shortly thereafter, pus came about.

Went to the dentist who tried to clear out the gutta percha to releive the pressure as the pus had pushed up through the base of the tooth.

Antibiotics are not possible for various reasons, nor are they wanted.

Now, part of the gutta percha is out, not all could be taken out due to pain so dentist put eucalyptol into the space and took some of the gutta percha and some of the pus out.

Now a lot of pressure up through the gums, feels like the tooth will burst, but not a pain, just pressure.

Thinking hepar sulph may cause more harm than good as the pus has already burst a bit and the tooth is closed off. Unsure if staph or merc would help or if I should just go with an external calendula or tea tree tincture.

Thanks, Satya
  panther7 on 2007-04-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Myrestica-200c one doze at morning and one doze at night. It it is in liquid form then 3 drops in a litte water if pills then 3-5 pills per dose. and come back after one week.

Dr. Mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
In case the above medicine fails then try Hekla Lava 6c,5 drops thrice daily for a week or so.

sajjadakram635 last decade
Silicia 1M : One dose weekly will cure you.
drprodip last decade

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