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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

19 month old son with fever and other

I am still very new to homeopathy.
Here is our stats:
19 month old son, brown hair, very fair skin, bright blue eyes, very loving and sweet natured, was breastfed for 11mos, had bronchiolitis as infant and was on nebulizer with albuterol--I ceased those treatments when symptoms subsided.
OK currently-- a week ago Thursday he started rejecting his food but wanted only chocolate milk to drink. That night he had a low-grade fever of about 100.5 the next day he was fine-no fever, no symptoms but not eating. Next day fever came back and still not eating. A few days went by and he did not have a fever but did have an elevated temp of 99.7. This Friday he was find (still not eating much), he took a 4 hour nap and woke up with a temp of 104. I immediately gave tylenol and took his clothes off and started wiping him down. Within an hour his temp went down to 102. This whole time (the past week) he has been very grouchy, and extremely clingy-wanting me to hold him the whole day. Sat. night all three of my children were running fevers of 102-103. I was up all night checking temps adjusting humidity of rooms and giving tylenol if needed (it was the only thing I had)...my son was snoring very loudly while sleeping but sleeping soundly, and started sweating. Now today all three children have nasal congestion but only my son still has a fever of 101. I have an appt with pediatrician today to check for bacterial infection. Now to my question...what can I give him to treat infection as alternative to penicillin that dr will prescribe? What can I give all three children to speed up healing of congestion? (other two are daughters, one is 9 other is 3..the 3yr old is very energetic and strong-willed....and we have never done vaccinations, eldest daughter is much like my son as described above.)
Thanks for any help,
  mayfloweracademy on 2007-05-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Also he was pulling on his left ear.
I put a drop of olive oil mixed with tea tree oil in ears in case of infection, he seemed happy then and left them alone.
Thanks again,
mayfloweracademy last decade
An update, we went to the dr and he has an ear infection in the right ear, she said it was very red. The left ear is fine. She gave amoxicillan and that night the fever was gone (he has had 4 doses of the med now...didn't know what else to do)....now what should I give to FIX his immune system from the amoxicillan? I am getting some probiotic for the digestive system. What else? I really don't want a recurring problem.
Also he is still not eating well, only ate a nibble of breakfast and a nibble at lunch, but wants to drink milk or sweet drink...trying to offer more water, and did purchase the pediasure drink to help give him some calories and fats (he has lost 3 pounds since first symptoms). He is emotionally better now too, and started his playful growling and laughing again. Still cuddly and loving, he did say this 'eye hurt' and pointed at his right eye last night at bedtime...could that be a side effect of the meds?
Ok, waiting for some replies please.
Thank you,
mayfloweracademy last decade
Another thing I noticed is that he has been getting bruises from just bumping into things on his legs. My daughter (3years old) has this same problem and now that I think about it, it started after getting sick when she was two.
And my 3yo daughter is super hyper and 'free like the wind' , I love her spirit but at the same time she is always getting hurt because she always leaps before she looks. Don't suppose there is a remedy for this?
Thanks again,
mayfloweracademy last decade
I know that nobody is responding, but I know that everyone has busy lives.
Anyway an update: my son rejected the amoxicillin yesterday, so I quit giving it to him (I don't like that stuff anyway, I am very scared to give it to him--but also scared that someone will accuse me of bad mothering if I don't treat his maladies....). He still pulls his ears and was even digging into them like they were itchy or something, but is getting more like his normal self. Still little appetite. And the congestion has gone for the most part, he has a stuffy nose when sleeping on his back and some snoring, but when he rolls onto his side or sucks the mucus down his throat then he breathes normal again, he will not let me suction out the mucous so I leave him alone.
I ordered an otoscope so that I can see if the infection has cleared up. Also I am ordering some homeopathic books so that I can figure this all out without always bugging everyone here.
Thanks for any advice,
mayfloweracademy last decade
I too am a recent user, but have had pretty good success with ear infections for my kids. Belladonna (red, inflammed ear, high fever)and Ferrum Phos (anti-inflammatory) match the symptoms. In addition, you can give pulsatilla for congestion and ear infections where symptoms keep changing. For bruises, try Arnica. Please post back.
lanar last decade
Thanks! I just ordered some remedies, I hope that they get here by this week!
My two daughters are now VERY sick, both spiking fevers of 104+
mayfloweracademy last decade
You presented your detail is ok but it is not enough or fit for homoeopathic treatment I request you present your sign & symptoms with your expression / sensation / Feeling / Event / so Gesture are required for homeopathic treatment. So please send me your following details given below.

1. Name
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Married/Unmarried
5. weight
6. Height ….
7. country
8. climate
9. List of your complain first 1. 2.. 3 ……
10. Since how long you are suffering for each complain
11. Diabetic or non Diabetic
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt
13. Thirst
14. Tongue
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)
16. What exactly is happening ?
17. How do you feel ?
18. How does this affect you ?
19. How does it feel like ?
20. What comes to your mind ?
21. One situation that had a big effect on you ?
22. How did that feel like ?
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?
24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand.(habits or Action) ?
25. current medicine you are taking
26. family back ground
27. qualification of patient
28. Nature of working
29. desire or like and dislike of food
30. Name of foods which increase your problem
31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behavior, love and affection.
32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)
33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (optional)
deoshlok last decade
Hello mayfloweracademy

If you are going to treat your childrens' fever with homeopathic medicines then don't forget to purchase sulphur 30 and pyrogenium 30. These two will be required intercurrently for such high fevers along with indicated remedy say Belladonna/FP.
maheeru last decade
1. Name = Lily & Olivia

2. Age = 9 & 3

3. Sex = female

4. Unmarried

5. weight = 72pounds & 29pounds

6. Height …. no idea

7. country = USA

8. climate = warm/mild/currently dry with lots of grass pollen

9. List of your complain first 1. 2.. 3 ……
fever recurring since two weekends ago. Stopped up noses, sore throats, difficulty swallowing and breathing due to stuffy noses. 3yo has ear infection, both are believed to have sinus infection.

10. Since how long you are suffering for each complain
three weeks on and off

11. non Diabetic

12. Desire sweets/sour/salt

13. Thirst

14. Tongue
fuzzy feeling and slightly puffy in 3yo dd

15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)
don't know

16. What exactly is happening ?
see above

17. How do you feel ?
they feel like crap
tired, lethargic, weak, sore and crampy all over

18. How does this affect you ?
Me personally--very tired from staying up all night offering comforts. Children--tired, lethargic, weak, sore and crampy all over

19. How does it feel like ?
see above

20. What comes to your mind ?
I don't know what is in their minds other than they don't feel good and just want to feel better.

21. One situation that had a big effect on you ?
death of grandfater on 9yo at age 2.5, birth of baby brother when 3yo was only 18mos--lots of temper tantrums and jealousy at first....bronchiolitis two years ago.


22. How did that feel like ?

23. What sensation do you experience in that situation ? ??

24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand.(habits or Action) ?
3yo pulling on tongue as if to remove a hair on it, slightly shakey, both tired and worn out from fever, she tries to stroke my (mommy's) face when lying down to rest and being comforted, very sweet and loving now just not feeling good. 9yo just lays around and says she is cold now and then.

25. current medicine you are taking
Tylenol or Motrin for fever
not yet taking but prescribed Amoxicillin for ear/sinus infections (prefer to avoid this though)

26. family back ground= generally healthy mother, very few infections as child, had first child age 19, breastfed all three children, low blood pressure very normal for mother (thats me), hardly ever get sick & when I do it is bad and fierce and short lived. Father has childhood asthma due to mold/dusty living conditions in older house, no asthma now and hardly ever gets sick. Grandparents= grandfather died at 68 from heart failure also had hernia in throat causing him to choke often, grandmother with low blood pressure but generally healthy at age 68, grandmother with cervical cancer at age 40 but otherwise healthy and no other troubles--had first child at age 16, grandfather with high blood pressure & history of kidney stones.

27. qualification of patient
Children ??

28. Nature of working
none..children..homeschooled and involved in homeschool group, softball, karate, park days, etc.

29. desire or like and dislike of food
favorite foods= homemade pizza, lentils, ice cream

30. Name of foods which increase your problem
currently not eating, low appetite, only drinking fluids

31. Mind-behavior, ==
grouchy, tired, sore, wanting comfort but not continuously, not liking to move around a lot.

32. Aggravation
All day long is bad except about an hour after fever medicine then act more alert and less grouchy for about two hours before medicine begins to wear off and symptoms return, at night is able to sleep but restless due to stuffy nose/sinus infection...have vaporizer in room to help humidity level.
mayfloweracademy last decade
try arsenic alb 6 three times in a day for a week and report me.
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Is that 6c or 6x?
mayfloweracademy last decade
Would the goal of using the ars alb be to expectorate the mucous out (make them vomit some out)?
I just remembered, that when they got hot it got worse--our air conditioner went out and then they got higher fevers, and it lingered even after air conditioner was fixed. Sorry, I know that is an important detail, I am so stressed out it is difficult to remember everything.
Another thing is when their fevers go up they think they are very cold with chills, and when the fever is high, their feet feel very cold even while the rest of their whole bodies are burning hot-I start massaging them to help the circulation not knowing what else to do.
They shiver if I touch them with my bare hands when the fever is high as if my hands are too cold, my 3yo will cry if I try sponging her off with a warm cloth and she is feverish.
Last night I gave children's Motrin and it brought the fever all the way down, today it is down to 100.5-102.8 with the motrin, and way higher without it.
I am ordering the remedies, but don't know if they will get here in time to help.
This morning my 9yo dd threw up a bit of mucous & stomach acid and felt better afterwards. They are not eating anything, do not feel hungry. And it is difficult for me to make them drink fluids because they say they do not feel thirsty either, but their eyes are dark underneath so I am making them drink fluids to keep them hydrated.
Any other things to help?
Thank you,
mayfloweracademy last decade
not the 6x I require 6ch

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
First if I were you I would have my children vacinated and you probably wouldnt be haveing all the problems your having, but that is your decision...second it sounds like your 3 year old needs to see a ENT doctor thats Ear-Nose-and Throat doctor and the others may have allergies... there is a non precription called aller-chrol sold at the drug store that works better that claritin.. good luck
downdixie last decade
FYI--my children have ALL been extremely healthy compared to their vaccinated friends--my eldest has only had one ear infection in her whole life! My other two are dealing with only their third cold in life! Whereas their (many) vaccinated friends accumulate at least 10 colds/viruses/bacteria/pneumonia in a year. Do you know how much damage that does to their immune systems?
They all have loads of allergy problems, skin problems, attention problems and the list goes on and on.
Children get sick regardless of how well we 'protect' them, it is the nature of being a human. Vaccines do not prevent or protect anything! If they did then there would be no need for 'booster shots.'
Also, I do not believe in vaccinations, either religiously, ethically, morally or physically for health. Those things CAUSE more problems than they solve. NO THANKS!
I would rather my children deal with a simple malady as this than to face death at the hands of a fatal virus. Have you even bothered researching those things? Did you know they have a special program to pay-off families whose children have DIED from vaccines? I personally have a friend whose child nearly died last year from a vaccine that contained a very trace amount of chemical which she was allergic to, she was in the hospital for MONTHS recuperating! That is the WORST advice I have ever heard, if you want to talk vaccine garbage then please don't come to my thread and post it. It is against everything I believe--including my religion (Hebraic), most vaccines are grown/cultivated in unclean animals such as rats, pigs & monkeys and those animals carry their own diseases which attach themselves to the strain and that is how the vaccines become contaminated with things like the smallpox vaccine being contaminated with monkeypox. You really must research that before advising anyone to do such an atrocity. If I could post the links here for you, I could post about a hundred for you to just get started researching the TRUTH behind those vaccines, but they don't allow links to be posted.
mayfloweracademy last decade
And by the way...in case you didn't notice I am trying to AVOID modern contaminated medicine as much as I can.
Thanks but only post if you have advice related to NATURAL healing alternatives to modern pharmaceutacals.
They are already getting better as I write, their fevers dropped last night.
mayfloweracademy last decade
Ok an update-- all 3 children are doing better.
(the medicine did not get here in time to benefit them though).
Only my 9yearold daughter still has a very low (barely even) a fever of 100.4.
And she still has a stuffed up nose with no discharge coming out. Also she talks softer like her throat is swollen and to me it looks like her face is a little bit swollen down to just below her jaw.
My 2yearold daughter has no fever at all, she does still have some nasal stuffiness and I am able to suction out some of the mucous with a bulb syringe-- it is mostly clear but very very thick almost like jelly, with an occasional streak of whitish in it.
My 20month old son is completely better but now he has a few small round spots on both his legs (2-3 spots on each leg) that are dry/scaly and light pink--you wouldn't notice them except from touch, and they are round (I am suspecting a fungal infection due to the amoxicillin...it is listed as a side effect.) The last time that happened it spread into bigger patches on his thighes and tops of feet and took a very long time to go away but I let it go away on it's own and only kept his skin moisturized with vaseline....I am hoping it doesn't spread like that this time...I refuse to treat him with steriodal creams...that does way more harm than good so please don't suggest any steroidal creams--only homeopathic or natural remedies.
mayfloweracademy last decade
Does he grinds his teath while in sleep.?
Rajendra last decade
Mayfloweracademy, I just read your post of 5-14-07, did you ever find out why your daughter pulled at her tongue? My granddaughter is doing that and I can't figure out why. Want to be sure there isn't a problem. Thanks!
healthygranny last decade

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