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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

tooth problem

Hi everybody,
I have been helped here before and I really don't want to go to my dentist. One of my molars (last wisdom tooth) seems to be infected (feels like that). I have had cavity in it for a long timebut it never really bothered me except that occasionally food got stuck. Recently it feels like that cavity has gone bigger and I have had mild pain in that side of my head, face and ear. It has been a mild and I take Natrum mur and Natrum phos 12 X which helps. I'm wondering if Homeopathy has something which could take care of the possible infection and I can live with the cavity.......(I think.......?). First of all I don;t want to go to allopathic treatment/antibiotics/pain killers etc. And most importantly Dentists scare me. I know for sure that if I go to a Dentist he is going to suggest a root canal or pulling for the tooth.........

Please suggest.
Thanks a lot
  ruchika on 2007-07-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Acute Case Questionnaire

1. Describe the complaint in your own words--including whether it came on suddenly or gradually.

2. Etiology--meaning, what caused it, if you know. What was going on at, or around, the time of the occurrence?

3. Sensation--describe the pain or other feeling. Does it extend anywhere, does it shoot anywhere? For instance, 'It feels like there's a crumb in my throat, I'm constantly trying to swallow. The pain shoots to my left ear.'

4. Appearance--what does the person, or the part that's bothering the person, look like; anything remarkable? Red skin, droopy eyes, etc.?

5. Location--where on the body?

6. Modalities--what makes the complaint better or worse? Consider: heat or cold, bathing, warm rooms, fresh air, drafts, motion, time of day when person gets worse, what position is best/worse, stimuli--conversation, noise, light, touch, pressure, massage, music, company, consolation, etc.

7. Concomitants (additional symptoms that came with the main complaint)--for instance, complaint + crying; complaint + excessive salivation; complaint + chills, etc.

8. Discharges--color, odor, consistency. (A discharge is anything liquid that's coming out, oozing out, etc. So, for instance, runny nose, diarrhea, lacrymation and so on.)

9. Generals--these are all the 'I' symptoms: I'm hot, I'm cold, I'm thirsty, I'm tired, I'm sad, I'm irritable, I'm hungry, I want pickles, etc.

10. The mentals: Have the mentals changed from normal, in what way? What's different mentally and emotionally?

11. What does the person say? For instance: 'I'm fine, leave me alone.' 'Don't leave!' 'I wanna go home!' 'I want ice', etc.

12. Thirst--is the person thirsty, not thirsty, what temperature drinks, what kind of drinks, does he only want sips, or gulps, does he drink a little bit frequently or a lot infrequently, and so on.

13. Fever?

14. Sweating?

15. Odors? Are odors an issue, such as bad breath, foul odors of any sort?

16. What is most striking about the condition? What is most peculiar--for instance, the person can't lie still, the person is cold but heat and blankets aggravate; the person has burning pains but is better for hot drinks like tea.

17. Is there a diagnosis? For instance, flu, teething, etc.

18. Describe the patient's energy--is he quiet, restless, agitated, sleepy, prostrated, collapsed, stuporous, anguished, desperate, etc.

gavinimurthy last decade
Dear patient,
Please start with STAPHYSAGRIA-30 ( 5 drops in a little water per dose thrice a day) and report after a week.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
If you want to know the results of reperterisation, based on the few symptoms you gave, here it is.

Teeth, pain, molars : aesc., agar., all-c., alum., am-c., ambr., anac., ang., ant-t., arg-n., arn., asar., asc-t., aur., bar-c., bell., bism-ox., bor., bov., bry., calad., calc., camph., canth., carb-an., carb-v., cast., caust., cham., chin., clem., cocc., coff., colch., coloc., croc., cycl., dios., eupho., graph., guai., hell., hyos., ign., iod., kali-c., kali-n., kreos., laur., lyc., mag-arct., mag-c., mag-m., mang., merc., mez., mur-ac., nat-c., nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., olnd., par., petr., ph-ac., phos., plat., plb., puls., ran-s., rheum., rhod., rhus-t., sabad., sabin., sars., seneg., sep., sil., spig., spong., staph., stront., sul-ac., sulph., teucr., thu., verat., verb., zinc., zing.

Teeth, pain, extending, ear : alum., am-c., ammc., anac., aphis., arn., ars., bar-c., bell., bor., brach., bry., calc-ars., calc., caust., cham., chel., chin., chr-ac., clem., cocc-s., coloc., con., hep., indg., kali-ar., kali-c., kreos., lach., lyss., mag-c., mang., meph., merc., mez., nat-m., nicc., nux-m., nux-v., ol-an., petr., plan., puls., ran-s., rat., rhod., rhus-t., sabad., sang., sep., staph., sulph., thu., viol-o.

Teeth, pain, extending, face : alum., am-c., bry., caust., cham., coloc., gels., glon., hyos., kali-c., kreos., lyss., mag-c., merc., nux-v., phos., puls., rhus-t., sabad., sil., staph., sulph., tarax.

Teeth, pain, extending, head : alum., ant-c., apis., ars., bar-c., bor., bry., calc., caust., cham., clem., cupr., glon., grat., hyos., kali-ar., kali-c., kreos., mag-c., merc., mez., nux-m., nux-v., ph-ac., phos., psor., puls., rhus-t., sang., staph., sulph.

Teeth, sensitive, hollow tooth : aloe., caps., card-m., cham., staph.

There are two medicines covering all the symptoms.

Staph and Cham.

To decide on which one will suit you, the conditions of aggravation and amelioration are required.

Without the modalities, Staph can at best be an educated guess.

gavinimurthy last decade
1. Describe the complaint in your own words--including whether it came on suddenly or gradually.
It has come gradually over months. Every now and then I was feeling mild pain in left side of my face/eye/ear (very mild, would properly call it discomfort rather than pain).

2. Etiology--meaning, what caused it, if you know. What was going on at, or around, the time of the occurrence?

I think the cavity just got bigger with time and got infected

3. Sensation--describe the pain or other feeling. Does it extend anywhere, does it shoot anywhere? For instance, 'It feels like there's a crumb in my throat, I'm constantly trying to swallow. The pain shoots to my left ear.'

Its just like a discomfort specially in the left eye and little bit in the ear.

4. Appearance--what does the person, or the part that's bothering the person, look like; anything remarkable? Red skin, droopy eyes, etc.?

nothing really

5. Location--where on the body?
left last molar

6. Modalities--what makes the complaint better or worse? Consider: heat or cold, bathing, warm rooms, fresh air, drafts, motion, time of day when person gets worse, what position is best/worse, stimuli--conversation, noise, light, touch, pressure, massage, music, company, consolation, etc.

Don't know....somedays I feel too tired and little pain on left side of my face, some days I don't even feel anything.

7. Concomitants (additional symptoms that came with the main complaint)--for instance, complaint + crying; complaint + excessive salivation; complaint + chills, etc.

tiredness/less energy

8. Discharges--color, odor, consistency. (A discharge is anything liquid that's coming out, oozing out, etc. So, for instance, runny nose, diarrhea, lacrymation and so on.)

9. Generals--these are all the 'I' symptoms: I'm hot, I'm cold, I'm thirsty, I'm tired, I'm sad, I'm irritable, I'm hungry, I want pickles, etc.

I'm less energetic than I want to be..

10. The mentals: Have the mentals changed from normal, in what way? What's different mentally and emotionally?


11. What does the person say? For instance: 'I'm fine, leave me alone.' 'Don't leave!' 'I wanna go home!' 'I want ice', etc.

12. Thirst--is the person thirsty, not thirsty, what temperature drinks, what kind of drinks, does he only want sips, or gulps, does he drink a little bit frequently or a lot infrequently, and so on.

a little bit frequently, hot drinks and room temperature water.

13. Fever?

14. Sweating?


15. Odors? Are odors an issue, such as bad breath, foul odors of any sort?


16. What is most striking about the condition? What is most peculiar--for instance, the person can't lie still, the person is cold but heat and blankets aggravate; the person has burning pains but is better for hot drinks like tea.

Just one day I had hard time leaving my eyes open and work. There was significant pain on the left side of my face. Usually it's bearable and just some discomfort.

17. Is there a diagnosis? For instance, flu, teething, etc.


18. Describe the patient's energy--is he quiet, restless, agitated, sleepy, prostrated, collapsed, stuporous, anguished, desperate, etc.

none really. Would like to be more energetic. .

ruchika last decade
Thank you so much,
I think I have Staph at home and I will try that. I'm just curious is it really possible to get rid of the infection with homeopathy? I have seen wonders happening before and I won't be surprised but this one will be a really big one.......Even if I do, the cavity is going to stay there and there will always be a room for bacterial infection???
I'm just holding off going to the dentist but I'm also apprehensive of the infection spreading to other teeth....
I guess I can wait for one week for sure.....
ruchika last decade
What happens when you drink cold water?

Wht happens when you take hot tea?

Does it pain while chewing?

What normally is done to reduce the pain?

Any specific thing which you avoid to do because it increases the pain?

Any specific thing you do, to reduce the pain?

What is the effect of pressing the affected area from outside?

gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Murthy,

What happens when you drink cold water?
- doesn't feel good in the effected molar. usually I can hold it from touching it the affected tooth since its the last molar. but if I take it to that tooth, it hurts...very unpleasent feeling. room temperature drinks are fine.

Wht happens when you take hot tea?
- nothing different. As with the cold drink it doesn't usually go that far in the mouth while its still hot.....

Does it pain while chewing?
I haven't had any pain while chewing yet....I try to avoid chewing from that side b/c food will get stuck there but even if I did, there is no pain .

What normally is done to reduce the pain?
- not bad pain yet......taking nat mur and nat phos 12x
although it has started to hurt little more in the eye specially if I'm tired or working at the computer.

Any specific thing which you avoid to do because it increases the pain?
- none so far .

Any specific thing you do, to reduce the pain?
nat mur, nat phos

What is the effect of pressing the affected area from outside -
nothing happens

I also ordered Staph from abc homeopathy today...
much thanks
ruchika last decade

Chamomilla is amelioration cold water.Now, as per the modalities Staphysagria is confirmed.

I hope you ordered the liquid form. We can repeat the liquid potency frequently, by succussing it before taking each time.

Please confirm. If you have ordered pellets, see if you can change it to liquid form.

Let me know, when you have the liquid medicine in hand. The method of administration is as important as selection of the remedy.

I will give you clear guidelines on how to use it.

gavinimurthy last decade
murthy thanks for confirmation of steph as advised by me.

dear patient,
Please go ahead with the prescription.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
If a single medicine is prescribed, and if it happens to be correct after proper analysis, I have no hesitatiion in supporting it.

I may still have some reservations on the way the remedy is administered though. I normally advise split doses, as that will drastically reduce the time taken for cure, has less scope for unnecessary aggravations, and there is no worry of antidoting.

gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Sir,
I have ordered the liquid form only. It will probably take couple more days for it to arrive.

ruchika last decade
Good. Let me know after you receive it.

gavinimurthy last decade
Hi Dr. Gavinimurthy,
I received the drug yesterday. pl guide me on how to take it. I also want to mention that my neck has been relly stiff lately . I don't know if it is anyhow related to tooth but currently I'm having negligible pain in tooth. Just every now and then I feel like something is wrong on that side of my face. I genereally have a tendency to have Vata problem (stiff body) etc.......and mild hypertension.
Much Thanks
ruchika last decade
Whenever you need advice for homeopathic medicine, please make it a habit to give more details.

What is the actual discomfort you are having due to stiff neck?

Is it paining while turning the head? Or, perhaps while looking up or down?

Or, is it just a feeling of discomfort in the neck area?

Does lying down reduce the stiffness? When is it worst? When is it better?

Since you have negligible pain in tooth, we will wait on Staph, and try to cover this stiff neck too.

Do you have any other problems, in any other area/part of the body, other than the head part?

gavinimurthy last decade
Hi Dr. Murthy,
I am in overall reasonably good health but there are some things in the body which bother a little bit and some days they don't bother at all. So, those few days I was suffering more from tooth discomfort, I almost forgot about the neck. If I talk about my overall health, I have these major issues,
1. mild/occasional hypertension
2. stiffness in neck/shoulder area. This is worse some days and better other days. The days I have it, I mostly have it when I wake up. I do have slight pain while turning different directions but mostly its the discomfort. A feeling of pressure in the head/neck area is more prominent some days. I will have to check tonight if lying down decreases the stiffness. Sometimes exercise makes it better, sometimes it doesn't help. I do have vata problems and my body does get stiffness when its raining or is humid. I also can't tolerate banana, rice, soybean, strawberries. All these produce pain/stiffbody. That is since I was born but neck stiffness is recent (3 months or so on and on. Cal Flour seemed to help for few days but it's not anymore. or may be not as much ......Nat mur/Nat phos probably help a little.
3. my third problem is teeth related. I have bleeding gums when I brush. I've tried Nat phos and Nat mur which seemed to help initially but it's not working any more. Another things which you already know in detail about it the cavity in the last left upper molar. For few days I was suffering from discomfort in eye/face/teeth. It was never a bad pain but feeling of discomfort. If you ask me today.......I don't have those symptoms at all.....cavity is still there which I do want to get rid of.....and I'm pretty sure that symptoms will come back one day...

It's just so hard. Every few days I suffer from a different discomfort!! but it mainly rotates b/w above 3

I hope I can be helped b/c I do take care of my health. I eat very healthy, exercise most days, take vitamins and few other supplements and want to be very active and healthy.

Thank you so much Dr. Murthy for your help
ruchika last decade
Mouth, bleeding, gums, easily : alum., am-c., anac., ant-c., apis., arg-n., ars., arum-m., asc-t., aur., berb., bov., carb-an., carb-v., cist., con., crot-h., gran., ham., hep., iod., kali-chl., kali-p., kreos., lach., lyc., mag-m., merc-c., merc., nat-m., ph-ac., phos., rob., ruta., sep., sul-ac., tell., zinc.

Back, stiffness, cervical region, turning head, on : alum., am-c., am-m., aur., bry., calad., calc., chel., coloc., dulc., kali-n., par., rat., tarent.

The only medicine that covers both these problems are Aur,Amm.carb and alumina.

Since you seem to be familiar with homeopathy, read about these three medicies and see which one fits you more closely.

Click on the following url, to aceess the index.


If you are unable to decide, come back.

gavinimurthy last decade
Hello Dr. Murthy,
Sorry for delayed reply....I had been really busy in my job and home and as you can guess neither my tooth nor the neck has really bothered. But I still want to read about these three medicines and come back to ask you about the dilution.
ruchika last decade
Dr. Mahfooz has already advised as under:-

'Dear patient,
Please start with STAPHYSAGRIA-30 ( 5 drops in a little water per dose thrice a day) and report after a week.

dr. mahfooz'
Rajendra last decade
Yes. I too confirmed it.

But the subsequent additional symptoms given changed the totality, and Staph no longer covers it.

If he uses staph now, it may help him in his tooth complaints alone, but that is not what we homeopaths should aim at.

That is why I insist on trying to get all symptoms together.

gavinimurthy last decade
Mr. Murthy's observations:-

'Click on the following url, to aceess the index.

http://www.homeoint.org/books3/kentmm/ '

What is there in it excepting a list of 180 medicines and the lectures thereon.

How it will help the patient?
Rajendra last decade
Selective copy and paste. :-)

This is what I said.

'Since you seem to be familiar with homeopathy, read about these three medicies and see which one fits you more closely.

Click on the following url, to aceess the index.'

I think the above is self explanatory.

gavinimurthy last decade
Hope the patient will be able to decypher.
Rajendra last decade
One has to make a beginning somewhere. I learnt homeopathy that way only.

The internet is my teacher.:-)

gavinimurthy last decade
I am waiting to learn as to which medicine out of these sggested brings relief to the patient.
Rajendra last decade
Dear Murthy,

I am trying to learn Homeopathy in my spare time. I would like to learn from you the methodology you follow for selecting a medicine.

When I read Kent's lectures,iam totally lost, because he emphasize more on the mental symptoms and i dont think that (to my limited knowledge)we can find anybody with that type of mental extremes in our day to day life.

At the most only one or two physical symptoms agree with the description . But is it not needed that the patient should fit to the overall drug picture?

If you can spare some time , please explain in detail the methodolgy in prescribing a medicine. Because it may help many others in this forum. ( a separate thread also can be started.)
Daniel Iype last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.