The ABC Homeopathy Forum
3 year old tooth decay
Hello,Looking for advice please and thank you.
Some advice on my child
3 year old female
Had epstein pearls on gums as infant (Calcium deposits)
Front teeth erupted matte and white along gumline and yellow/brown staining which turned into darker chunks out of teeth like divots. Darkness behind teeth as well. Shows sensitivity at times.
Stool alternates with diarrhea and often smells sour with undigested food.
She is sweaty on her head and back with and prefers cold water to bathe.
Had eczema as a baby. Chin was covered and coin sized piece on cheek by ear. It was unfortunately suppressed with topical steroids but has had no vaccines.
She is bothered by loud noises
Has a pink birth mark on the side of her bum
Aversion to eating any animal products
Likes to make messes and color on herself
White coated tongue
Gets car sick and throws up
And has intermittent extropia that shows up maybe once a week especially when tired.
I hope this information helps. Please let me know if you have more questions
[Edited by Sophrosyne on 2023-09-24 21:23:27]
Sophrosyne on 2023-09-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Calc Carb 30 Two pellets three times a day
Calc Phos 3x and Kali Mur 3x Two tabs of each three times.
Feedback after 4 days.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2023-09-25 04:01:52]
Calc Phos 3x and Kali Mur 3x Two tabs of each three times.
Feedback after 4 days.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2023-09-25 04:01:52]
♡ anuj srivastava last year
Hi Anuj,
I have completed 4 days and so far all is well. Nothing too noticeable. Shall I keep it going?
I have completed 4 days and so far all is well. Nothing too noticeable. Shall I keep it going?
Sophrosyne last year
Make sure the child brushes teeth before bed and then has only water until morning. Milk, snacks etc will sit on teeth while sleeping and cause decay..
♡ simone717 last year
Yes, thank you. Although other children did not have this issue, there is clearly a calcium utilization issue. We must address adequate calcium going to the proper area.
Sophrosyne last year
Hi there.
Childs teeth may look slightly better. Hard to tell. Stool is still sour smelling.
Thank you
Childs teeth may look slightly better. Hard to tell. Stool is still sour smelling.
Thank you
Sophrosyne last year
I was able to get a photo. They are black behind and have pits like layers coming off. Thank you
[Edited by Sophrosyne on 2023-10-11 15:09:22]
[Edited by Sophrosyne on 2023-10-11 15:09:22]
Sophrosyne last year
♡ anuj srivastava last year
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