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Posts about Depression

Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6Anxiety, loose self confidence, fear, Bipolar, depression2Severe Depression, Extreme Fatigue & Laziness, Severe Depression1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Endogenous depression: Could a skilled homeopath advise me? Page 3 of 11

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear kitfire,

These are chronic problems, which will not vanish in a few days. Your body is trying to fight with the disease.

Right now, it would be best to wait.

No more doses, as the last dose is working, update me in 1 week from now.

sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

I have a lot more energy than I did when I began the remedy. I'm continuing to eat healthily, jog, and have started seeing old friends again. I'm also continuing to enjoy reading and music.

I'm starting to get a little more anxious now over how I sort things out that I'd neglected before, but I guess that was always going to be the case. I'm starting to smile a lot.

All this from 3 little pills!

What should I do now?
kitfire last decade
Dear kitfire,

Please continue to wait.

Aurum is a wonderful remedy, and can cure the deepest disorders of the mind. We should let it do its wonderful work without any interference.

Update me in 1 week.

sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

Not quite such good news this week I'm afraid. I've experienced a return of the tide of negative thoughts I used to have before I took Aurum. The joy I started to experience in the last week of September has gone, so I'm not able to be cheery with people as I was. It's difficult to get up again, and I've again begun to ruminate over things that went wrong in the past. I've become reclusive again, and I miss the uplifting feelings much more this time, as I actually know they're still possible. Any depressing news story I see, my mood drops right down.
kitfire last decade
Dear kitfire,

Please take a single dose of Aurum Metallicum 200c, making sure nothing enters your mouth 1 hr before and after the dose, and report in 1 week from now.
sameervermani last decade
Thanks Sameer...

I will order the 200C bottle, but I was wondering if it might be ok to try another dose of 30C x 3 first. The reason I ask: I have a bottle of 30C at home at the moment, whereas the 200C will take until next week to be delivered.
kitfire last decade

Never repeat the same potency once the body has responded to it , and we are taking dry doses so all repetition of same potency is strictly forbidden
sameervermani last decade
Oh... ok thanks.

Suppose the 200C were to work and then its effect eventually wear off. Would Aurum 1M be the next logical step? I'm just thinking I could order that in advance so it would be on hand as soon as it became necessary, without the delivery delays.
kitfire last decade
Yes, that is correct.
sameervermani last decade

What would happen if someone were to have the highest potency of a remedy wear off? As they couldn't take another dose, would they have to try a different remedy altogether?
kitfire last decade
Yes, if the complaint keeps returning again and again, that would mean there is a cause for it, and that would need to be addressed through a different remedy. Under the correct remedy , the disease should not return the same after application of a high potency like 200c.
sameervermani last decade
What is the highest potency possible? I thought it was 10M, but then heard of something called 'LM'.
kitfire last decade
LMs are not higher (or lower) than 10M as it is a completely different scale of potencies, and has a special method of administration using dilution glasses and sucussions.

We will go to LM if that is necessary. But right now, 200c is the best thing to do.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Kitfire,
I have chronic depression (have been diagnosed with PTSD and manic depression) and am currently trying homeopathy. I've followed your posts and am wondering what happened? Did you get any lasting relief from your mood disorder? (I'm feeling a bit sceptical at the moment.) Please let me know - it's hard to find people like you to talk to. I think my email address is on my profile.
Thanks, ZeldaZonk.
zeldazonk last decade
Hi Sameer,

Aurum 200C has not lifted my symptoms at all. I don't understand this as the 30C worked beautifully.

If 1M is the next stop, what would be the prospective one after that? 10M Aurum?
kitfire last decade
And, there was absolutely no change whatsoever ?

Did you take care about not eating in the vicinity of the dose ?
sameervermani last decade
Yes, absolutely. I followed the instructions very carefully.
kitfire last decade
No change.
kitfire last decade
Dear kitfire,

How many days has it been since the 200c dose ?

sameervermani last decade
kitfire last decade
Let us repeat a 200c dose today, to be sure, dissolve 2 pellets in a little water, and sip it slowly.

Report as necessary.
sameervermani last decade
Bless you, Sameer.

Will do.
kitfire last decade
Hmm. It doesn't seem to be taking effect. It's only been 24 hours since I took the 2 pellets, but I think the successful dose of aurum appeared to start working straightaway.

Sameer, what is the longest time I should give it to work?

Many thanks.
kitfire last decade
Okay, then there is something else blocking the way. I just repeated this dose to take out the possibility of a dud pellet.

I will go through the case again from the very beginning and get back to you.

sameervermani last decade
Dear kitfire,

Please answer these about yourself :

1/. Is the patient very profoundly affected by thunderstorms, and other natural phenomenon?

2/. Does the patient have a 'cafe au lait' (milky coffee) type colour to their complexion? Any moles on the skin or spots on skin ?

3/. Is the patient very emotional, and particularly, empathic towards others? Do they worry over relatives etc?

4/. Is the patient very independent? Obstinate? Are they very sensitive to reprimand?

5/. Is the patient VERY profoundly affected by music? with a great love of dancing, and keen sense of rythm?

6/. Does the patient suffer from a kind of 'intellectual torpor', which makes intellectual thought difficult?

7/. Do they feel as if they have suffered from some kind of great loss?

8./)Are you a perfectionist ?

9./) Are you improved from consolation ?

10./)Are you prone to head sweats during sleep ?

11./) Do you sleep with your knees close to her chest ?

12./) Do you have some what of an eye for detail especially when it comes to sense of beauty ?

13./) Are you very creative ? If yes, what creative hobby do you have ?

14./) Were you burdened with any extra ordinary responsibility at a young age ?

15./) Do you have or ever have in the past a bluish tinge to the usually white portion of the eye ?

16./) Do you tend to read medical literature a lot ?

17./) Do you have a passion for reading in general ?
sameervermani last decade
1/. Is the patient very profoundly affected by thunderstorms, and other natural phenomenon?

Yes, in a good way. I really love them.

2/. Does the patient have a 'cafe au lait' (milky coffee) type colour to their complexion? Any moles on the skin or spots on skin ?

Milky, yes, I think. No moles and usually no spots, but a few tiny warts on the face.

3/. Is the patient very emotional, and particularly, empathic towards others? Do they worry over relatives etc?

Yes. Completely.

4/. Is the patient very independent? Obstinate? Are they very sensitive to reprimand?

Independent in mind, I think, although I'm not as independent as I'd like to be when I get ill. Yes to obstinacy and sensitivity to reprimand.

5/. Is the patient VERY profoundly affected by music? with a great love of dancing, and keen sense of rythm?


6/. Does the patient suffer from a kind of 'intellectual torpor', which makes intellectual thought difficult?

Not sure.... I don't have problems with intellectual work per se, but when Ihave a very heavy workload I get stressed and find it difficult to think, so my thinking becomes sluggish.

7/. Do they feel as if they have suffered from some kind of great loss?

Yes... Not sure what though! But that feeling is there nonetheless.

8./)Are you a perfectionist ?


9./) Are you improved from consolation ?

Yes, if I feel the person consoling really knows me. Otherwise it feels uncomfortable.

10./)Are you prone to head sweats during sleep ?

Not sure.

11./) Do you sleep with your knees close to her chest ?

I don't know.

12./) Do you have some what of an eye for detail especially when it comes to sense of beauty ?


13./) Are you very creative ? If yes, what creative hobby do you have ?

Yes - writing, violin and guitar.

14./) Were you burdened with any extra ordinary responsibility at a young age ?


15./) Do you have or ever have in the past a bluish tinge to the usually white portion of the eye ?


16./) Do you tend to read medical literature a lot ?

Only when there's a medical condition I want to find out about. In that instance, I try to read everything I can find about it.

17./) Do you have a passion for reading in general ?

kitfire last decade

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