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Posts about Depression

Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6Anxiety, loose self confidence, fear, Bipolar, depression2Severe Depression, Extreme Fatigue & Laziness, Severe Depression1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Endogenous depression: Could a skilled homeopath advise me? Page 4 of 11

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
1/. Is the patient very profoundly affected by thunderstorms, and other natural phenomenon?

Yes, in a good way. I really love them.

2/. Does the patient have a 'cafe au lait' (milky coffee) type colour to their complexion? Any moles on the skin or spots on skin ?

Milky, yes, I think. No moles and usually no spots, but a few tiny warts on the face.

3/. Is the patient very emotional, and particularly, empathic towards others? Do they worry over relatives etc?

Yes. Completely.

4/. Is the patient very independent? Obstinate? Are they very sensitive to reprimand?

Independent in mind, I think, although I'm not as independent as I'd like to be when I get ill. Yes to obstinacy and sensitivity to reprimand.

5/. Is the patient VERY profoundly affected by music? with a great love of dancing, and keen sense of rythm?


6/. Does the patient suffer from a kind of 'intellectual torpor', which makes intellectual thought difficult?

Not sure.... I don't have problems with intellectual work per se, but when Ihave a very heavy workload I get stressed and find it difficult to think, so my thinking becomes sluggish.

7/. Do they feel as if they have suffered from some kind of great loss?

Yes... Not sure what though! But that feeling is there nonetheless.

8./)Are you a perfectionist ?


9./) Are you improved from consolation ?

Yes, if I feel the person consoling really knows me. Otherwise it feels uncomfortable.

10./)Are you prone to head sweats during sleep ?

Not sure.

11./) Do you sleep with your knees close to her chest ?

I don't know.

12./) Do you have some what of an eye for detail especially when it comes to sense of beauty ?


13./) Are you very creative ? If yes, what creative hobby do you have ?

Yes - writing, violin and guitar.

14./) Were you burdened with any extra ordinary responsibility at a young age ?


15./) Do you have or ever have in the past a bluish tinge to the usually white portion of the eye ?


16./) Do you tend to read medical literature a lot ?

Only when there's a medical condition I want to find out about. In that instance, I try to read everything I can find about it.

17./) Do you have a passion for reading in general ?

kitfire last decade
Dear kitfire,

Please take 3 doses of CARCINOSIN 30c equally spaced for 1 single day only.

Order the 5 ml oral liquid from here


and 2 drops of this oral liquid dissolved in a little water (about 30 ml) sipped slowly is 1 dose.

Update me in 1 week after this.

Good luck,
sameervermani last decade
Thankyou Sameer,

I've been ordering from Ainsworths, as I prefer to order over the phone than the internet. Would their brand of Carcinosin be ok?

And does it have to be the liquid rather than the dry dose?
kitfire last decade
Sure, that is fine. I just gave the link because people find it difficult to procure this remedy.

Liquid is better, otherwise you can dissolve 2 pellets in a little water, and then take that as 1 dose.
sameervermani last decade
One question about dissolving the pellets....

Is it ok to stir the water? I thought it might interfere with their action, but it was the only way I could get the aurum pellets to dissolve.
kitfire last decade
If you leave the pellets in water for 30 mins, they dissolve by themsleves and after that just gentle stirring to spread them evenly is ok.
sameervermani last decade
Oh... maybe there was something wrong with my aurum batch. I left the tablets overnight and they still didn't dissolve.
kitfire last decade
Try getting the liquid from Helios, they are the most reliable of remedy sources.
sameervermani last decade
Thanks once again.
kitfire last decade
Hmm. There's been no change, I'm afraid.
kitfire last decade
Please take a single dose of Sulphur 200c, dissolve 2 pellets directly on the tongue.

Report in 1 week.
sameervermani last decade
Thanks very much, Sameer.

Best wishes
kitfire last decade
Sam: I've read a little on Suplhur and the lit say Sulphur patients are extrovert. Would my being an intovert contraindicate a suplhur diagnosis?
kitfire last decade
Also, would 30c x 3 (2 pellets each time) be acceptable to start with (available here over the counter)?
kitfire last decade
No kitfire, Sulphur can have both extroverted and introverted states.

If you look up in any repertory and look up the rubric 'aversion to company', Sulphur will be mentioned in 'italics' there.

Sulphur was picked due to following symptoms:
-confidence low
-despair on waking
-feeling as if 'done something wrong'
-feeling like a failure
-love for furry animals
-craving for both salt and sour
sameervermani last decade
Sure, 3 doses of 30c would be a fair enough start.
sameervermani last decade
Sameer, what is the minimum time that must elapse between the taking of two different homeopathic remedies?
kitfire last decade
If there is no response from a 30c dose, moving to the next remedy after a week should be fine.

However, if one applies higher potencies like 1M, one should wait at least 2 weeks before making an assessment.
sameervermani last decade
Sameer, if nothing else works, do you think it might be worth trying 1M aurum metallicum? Or does the fact the 200C failed to work mean that aurum is no longer appropriate in this case?

What is the danger of taking homeopathic remedies too close together?

Hope you're having a great day.
kitfire last decade
It might be worth trying Aurmum Metallicum 1M, just one dose, but the absolute lack of any reaction to the 200c is making me feel it will not cure.

But, this can be still be tried to make sure.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

There doesn't appear to be a reaction from the suplhur. I wondered if I could inquire what might be the next logical step. I'm asking in case it is something I could order in advance.
kitfire last decade
Ignatia Amara 30c should be our next step, and your inner most layer seems to be Phosphorus or Carcinosin.

I am very surprised that there was no reaction with Carcinosin. You took 3 doses of 30c Carcinosin right ?

So, you do have a feeling of 'having done something wrong' ?
sameervermani last decade
No, no reaction at all. I took the drops religiously. The drops were very tiny, like tear drops, but that is how the bottle was designed. So I took six of those in total. The one reaction I had was a slightly prickly sensation in my mouth, then nothing.

Having read the Carcinosin personality descriptions, I was very surprised there was no effect on mood too.

Having done something wrong... It's like a feeling that being depressed is somehow divine punishment. I know it's irrational and not objective. A feeling of 'maybe I should have done something differently', then I wouldn't be in this position'.
kitfire last decade
Please read this about Ignatia and let me know what you think

ign.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://homepage.ntlworld.com/homeopathy_advice/Remedies/POLY...
sameervermani last decade
The mind section sounds as though it would be a good fit.
kitfire last decade
Sameer, my fingernails have not been growing properly for about five years. They reacha certain point and then break off. My physician told me this was fungal infection.

Are there any homeopathic remedies which might help with this?
kitfire last decade

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