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Posts about Depression

Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6Anxiety, loose self confidence, fear, Bipolar, depression2Severe Depression, Extreme Fatigue & Laziness, Severe Depression1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Endogenous depression: Could a skilled homeopath advise me? Page 6 of 11

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Ok, I have emailed you.

kitfire last decade
Dear kitfire,

I have received your mail and analyzed it.

Please take 3 doses of Calcarea Carb 30c spaced by 30 mins and report in 5 days.

sameervermani last decade
Thanks, Sameer. All three doses should be taken within an hour and a half?

Also, is it ok to take aurum met 1M if there is no effect from the calcarea, and if so, how should I do this?
kitfire last decade

We will think about Aurum later. First, please take the Calc doses, and report back.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

5 day report: no change from Calc Carb :(. I was quite surprised. Could you advise me what to try next?
kitfire last decade
Hi kitfire,

Can you please tell me if you have a fear that people will observe your mental condition/distress ?

And, you still have a feeling of 'having done something wrong' ?

And, you get irritated from noises ?
sameervermani last decade
Can you describe this in more detail ?

'Feeling of being 'in a bubble', of being different from everyone else'
sameervermani last decade

I have emailed my responses to you.

Though not for depression, the calc carb seems to have done wonders for my cold feet. They stay at a normal body temperature now, instead of becoming ice cold.

kitfire last decade
Dear kitfire,

Please read about a remedy named

Ambra Grisea

and let me know your thoughts. See links below

ambra.asp " rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.hpathy.com/materiamedica/kent-lectures/ambra.asp ...



sameervermani last decade
Also, this ambr.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://homepage.ntlworld.com/homeopathy_advice/Remedies/MATE...
sameervermani last decade
Hmmm.... I think I have the brain fag, definitely, and my mind feels tired, also the extreme apathy. Not so sure about the profuse bleeding....

Definitely yes for inhibition, difficulty with self-expression, self-consiousness, dwelling on past experiences, mind blanking in company, feeling worn out, with feelings of failure.

I don't have numbness, and I love music though.
kitfire last decade
Your symptoms should be covered by the remedy but not every symptom of the remedy will be found in a single patient.

The main points of Ambra Grisea are

--Dread of people, and desire to be alone, because they feel people will pick up on their mental distress. Ambra patients do not want to be 'exposed'

--Cannot do anything in presence of others.

--Intensely shy, blushes easily.

--Despair, loathing of life.

--Dwells upon unpleasant things.

--Intensely dirty feeling about herself

--feeling of tremendous embarrassment

-- Love for animals

-- AILMENTS FROM - reproaches

-- FEAR - opinion of others, of

-- Dream like state

How does this sound ? Does this describe you accurately ?
sameervermani last decade
Yes, I believe it does.
kitfire last decade
Okay, then, when it has been 10 days from the Calcarea doses, and if there is no change in mental state at that time, please take 3 doses of AMBRA GRISEA 30c equally spaced by 1 hour.

Report after 5 days.
sameervermani last decade
Sameer, does the pathology mean that a relatively young ambra grisea patient gets depressed because their brain is getting old too quickly? I'm confused...

Also, is nux vomica effective for detox after drinking too much tea and eating too much food? Can I take this at some point?

Many thanks.
kitfire last decade
No, feeling old too quickly is just a symptom , and not every patient will have it. Don't worry about it.

Nux-v is not your remedy by the wildest stretch of any imagination.
sameervermani last decade
Do you think anacardium or hepar sulph might be part of the picture?

(Sorry - don't mean to be a back seat driver)
kitfire last decade
Anacardium is indicated for loss of self confidence through ABUSE mainly.

Hepar, this remedy is extremely irritable, violently angry, impulsive and irascible. It can have depressive states too, but then there would have been some other symptoms of the remedy too. I do not see much indications of it, unless of-course we have missed some aspect of your case completely.
sameervermani last decade
Oh no, no I had a very caring upbringing. I wrote you an email to say why I thought Anacardium might be relevant even so.

Happy christmas, Sameer.
kitfire last decade
Hi kitfire,

I do not quite think Anacardium is indicated.

We can try solving this the other way around. Let me ask a few questions:

What are your primary fears ?

Any food cravings/aversions ?

Any physical complaints/sensations felt in the body ? Describe any physical symptom that you might have noticed ?

Any general tendencies towards something apart from the brittle nails ?
sameervermani last decade
What are your primary fears ?

Poverty, failure, family deaths, spiders, people being duplicitous.

Any food cravings/aversions ?

Yes: noodles, fried potatoes, akee and saltfish, tea.

Any physical complaints/sensations felt in the body ? Describe any physical symptom that you might have noticed ?

The calc carb seemed to improve my cold feet for a bit, but they are still ice cold if cold at all. I have had an unexplained cramp in my right calf from time to time. I sneeze violently if I catch cold, and am often blocked up. Sometimes I get slight mastits before menstruation, although the sepia and pulsatilla greatly improved it. I sometimes stoop slightly when I walk, and the small of my back sometimes feels stiff. I sometimes feel sluggish.

Any general tendencies towards something apart from the brittle nails ?

Yes - cracks on the soles of my heels. I did have tendencies toward ear infection and conjunctivitis but these have improved greatly since I started taking homeopathic remedies. When I catch colds they are so violent that I can scarcely stand up and keep my balance. They carry on for days sometimes and leave me exhausted.

I have a tendency toward overweight around my backside area and sometimes my thighs.
kitfire last decade
Ambra Grisea 5 day report: No change.

kitfire last decade
I will analyze this again tonight.
sameervermani last decade
Thankyou very much.
kitfire last decade
Happy new year.

Do you think I should try another remedy?

kitfire last decade
Happy new year, I just did not get the time to analyze this yet.

Will do this as soon as possible.
sameervermani last decade

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