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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help Needed for Suffering Dog

My dog was the unfortunate victim of an attack last Tuesday while I was not home. She is home from the vet now, but has subcutaneous emphysema/ air under the skin and multiple broken ribs. Of course, the emergency vet clinic is allopathic and she is on 5 different medications (3 are antibiotics.) On the Tuesday night that I found her, I gave her Calendula 30C to help with the bleeding until we were able to get to the vet. I gave her Symphytum 30C on Wednesday for her broken ribs. Is there anything I can do for her/give her for the air trapped under her skin? Any info anyone can give me will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.
  penzancepony on 2009-02-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give her Arnica-200 one dose daily and

Sympytum and Calc. Phos-6x (three times a day) and report after a week

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
The subcutaneous emphysema appears to have gone away and Zooey(the dog) is becoming more and more herself everyday.
Her left front leg appears to have some sort of nerve damage. There was a bite would in that shoulder, but I'm not sure if it is the cause of her limping (there is no heat or swelling and while standing, she either holds the leg off the ground or it knuckles over.)
Also, Zooey seems itchy and has dry skin, particularly on that leg and she bites/pulls the hair out. I can find no cause. She seems to get cold easily and shivers upon breathing in. She sneezes when out in open air.
penzancepony last decade

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