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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Classical Homeopathy and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Hi there.

I have been in a pretty awful CFS relapse since 2006. I have been seeing a classical homeopathist since July 2006 for this condition.

I have several concerns about the treatment that I hope someone may have an opinion on. I have been treated up until December 2008 on an LM dosage in liquid dose of Ars. I am very sensitive and get quite strong reactions to remedies which is why we started this way. I had this a drop each day, gradually each month going up the LM dosage scale. At LM8 and LM9 I wasn't getting any benefit so I have them gone on to ARS 200c and Ars 1M. Three years into the treatment I am still not fully recovered. Should recovery been quicker than this and is there anything more that homeopathy could do for me to get me better more quickly? I am feeling a little diappointed by it all.

My second greater concern is that I feel that I am not inching forward in my health. For example, if I feel awful and have a lot of symptoms because maybe I have done a little too much physically, my homeopathist tells me to take a Ars 1M. This gives me some relief, but then I find it hard to know how to pace myself and determine if I am doing to much. Invariably, after about 4 days or so I feel awful again as I have over done things on this dose or just runout of energy. NOw is this doing my body long-term harm, or making me more ill by following this cycle of symptoms and treatment? In some ways I am now wondering if I would be feeling a lot better if I had never started the homeopathic treatment as it seems that the homeopathic remedy gives me a 'false' sense of feeling better which allows me to do more at the time, but then feel worse afterwards.

Can anyone shed any light on my comments please? I am quite close to stopping the treatment, but am scared at how I will slip back without it. Without it, I am unable to sleep at night due to pains in my legs and arms.

Any suggestions at all owuld be so gratefully received.


  ClareW on 2009-03-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Well there can be two things at play here,

a) Ars may have done all it could
b) There might be another disease layer blocking the way of Ars, and that will have to taken out before Ars is administered again
c) Ars is only partially homeopathic to the case

Whatever be the case among the three above, a 1M should not be repeated every 4 days (with or without sucussions, and no matter how small the 'amount' of the dose is). It is a fairly aggressive potency , and its response should last for WEEKS and not days, when the remedy has been chosen correctly.

Repeating a 1M every 4 days will ivariably implant accessory symptoms on your constitution as you claim to be on the sensitive side.

Most definitely though, you should have felt SIGNIFICANTLY better within 4-5 months of treatment, had Arsenic been the correct choice.

Hope this helps,

sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer.

Thank you for your advice. Maybe I should look for another homeopath. Your comments about the Ars 1M are a bit worrying. Is there a register for classical homeopaths on the internet do you know? I was living in the UK, but have recently moved to New Zealand, North Island.

Many thanks.

ClareW last decade
A professional degree certificate is an over-rated thing in homeopathy, especially in countries like NZ and US, as most of the formal education out there in these countries in this field is any way a whole lot of crap. With the level of teachers in some of the homeopathic educational institutes there, it gets to a point where blind are leading the blind. To complicate things further, a lot of the degree holders in homeopathy are people with absolutely no 'actual' success. They build a lot of good packaging material around themselves, get certificates through one year of distance learning, and then claim to state some things with a certain degree of 'confidence' and become the vogue thing in homeopathy.

Consequently, finding a good classical homeopath is very hard to do in some countries.
sameervermani last decade

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