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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic abscess

Hi everyone,

I have posted this topic before on the forum. My roomate, has a reocurring abscess on his inner thigh, right where the buttox and thigh meet, directly across from the anus. Pankaj recommended Berberis Aqui. and it did resolve the abscess. My friend said it opened, drained, and felt as if glass came out of it.

3 months later, abscess is back and he is back on the above remedy. Kuldeep, should I put him on the homemade SILICEA? Hepar sulph? Or should I stick with the Berberis Aqui.?

He lives a very sedentery lifestyle and I am sure his unhealthy ways contribute to this problem. He also has chronic acne, and many scars from it as well.

He is short, blonde, worse from heat, sleeps with fan on and cold bedroom, loves sweets, hates confrontation,

uses humor to win people over, chronic smoker with bronchitis and asthma,

skinny arms and legs with little muscle tone to them, bloated belly, and quick to anger, not all the time, but likes to slam doors or throw things when he is at his wits end. And he sleeps anywhere from 10-16 hours per day, with little energy to do much of anything.

Any advice from anyone is much appreaciated. Whenever this abscess errupts, he is unable to work and that means my husband and I have to come up with even more money to pay the bills.

  Namaste27 on 2005-03-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Where is he now?
kuldeep last decade
How far is the abscess from anus and any history of abscesses in the past.
kuldeep last decade
He lives in Southern USA. He has had this abscess at least once or twice before I moved in with him. He had it lanced or cut out of him. It has come back 4 times since I have lived with him. He had it drained 3 months ago, it came back and that is when he finally went on that remedy. He also has a cyst on the back of his neck and is prone to cysts on his back.

Abscess is 2 inches or so from anus. Directly across from it, where butt cheek meets thigh. To show me it, he has to hold his privates, that is how close it is to them.

Namaste27 last decade
Go ahead and Hepar Sulphur and Safi is sure shot for his abscess. Also Silica which will prevent more abscess coming.

He seems like Nux Vomica personality so later on tell him to try Nux Vomica 6X.
kuldeep last decade
Thanks Kuldeep. What is Safi?

Should I alternate the Hepar Sulph and Silicea. What strength Hepar Sulph and how often?

thanks for the nux recom. I had a feeling that was his remedy.

Namaste27 last decade
Kuldeep, is Safi available in the States? (Safi, Namaste, is a blood purifier available in India).
I think calc sulph might be a better remdy to use, since it works deeper than Hepar.
Minsa last decade
Safi is available in Indian/Pakistani grocery stores and also on the web.

Few web sites are




Safi is a Unani (Greek) medicine but mostly prepared and used in East Asia.
kuldeep last decade
I have an abcess on the base of my spine about and inch below the crease of my but.

It is kind of painful and makes it hard to sit down for too long of a time.

I started to take an antibiotic that the doctor recommended but it didnt help so I went to the doctor and he recommended drainage.

I scheduled an appointment with the surgeon and just before I went to the surgeon the skin broke and most of the abcess drained.

The surgeon of course wanted to do the surgery anyway and told me there is only a 20% chance that the abcess will heal.

I am a big chicken when it comes to needles and certainly dont want any uneccesary surgery regardless of how simple it is.

At the worst the abcess was about the size of a med sized acorn. It was so uncomfortable that I had a problem tying my shoe.

At this point it is a little bigger than a pea and not very painful. It was draining for most of the night but it appears that the hole closed.

I left the surgeons office and did not get the sugery ...
I felt uncomfortable with the doctor and felt like he was a used car salesman high pressure selling me to get the surgery.

My mother ( 75 years old ) mentioned that in the "old days" they would bathe in epsom salt and use black sauve.

I am currently trying this approach.

I am bathing in very hot water for 20 -30 minutes 4 times a day in the bath I put about 2 cups of epsom salt

after the bath I dry off and apply black sauve with a sterile gauze.

I am rescheduled on monday for surgery. I left the doctors office and he said that he would like to see me on monday to either confim that the abcess is better or that the surgery needs to be done. I would like to try everything I can to avoid the surgery on monday.

I fould your forum and this thread and was wondering if the stuff you are talking about could help my condition.

I am still taking the antibiotics.

I am overweight and have high blood pressure. Drink more than moderately and dont have the greatest eating habits.

What more could you recommend for me?

Do you need more info?

Please help!!!

tommac last decade
Could this be a pilonidal cyst? Check the archives for suggested remedies. One person said their cyst came back even after surgery so it wouldn't seem like that is a sure cure.

Silica will help expel the pus out of the body. Hepar Sulph is indicated when it is extremely painful to touch and you said it wasn't that painful any longer. There are others mentioned in the previous postings.
ruth45 last decade
I just went to the pharmacy and they never heard of Hepar sulphur and they were unsure if the silica was to be applied topically or in pill form all they had was a powder and said I would need a perscription to get it.

Where do I get these items.
tommac last decade
Also is hepar sulphur the same as hepar sulphuris calcareum I was able to buy a bottle of small tablets make = boiron 30 c

it says to disolve 5 tablets in my mouth 3 times a day.

Was I supposed to be eating the Hepar sulphur or rubbing it on the cyst ...

and yes it is a pylonydal cyst
tommac last decade
hepar sulphuris calcareum is Hepar sulphur. you need to take this not put it on the cyst....
To take it put the pill/tablet under your tongue and allow it to dissolve. Do not eat, drink, clean teeth or smoke etc. for 15 mins or so before and after taking the remedy. 1 tablet 2-3 times daily. If it does not help or the cyst gets worse let us know so that we can advise on dosage, do not just carry on taking it. If it improves the situation reduce the dose.
erika last decade
The tablets I have are very small ... they are 30c

The label says to take 5 a day but somewhere else on this forum it said to take 200c

3-4 times a day.
tommac last decade
30c is fine. Even if it says 5 tablets each dose on the label believe me - 1 tablet is enough no matter what size it is...
erika last decade
Stop taking antibiotics !!!

Use a homeopathic remedy - these do not drive symptoms deep into the body where they may create chronic conditions.
passkey last decade
I suffer from a cronic skin disorder that causes cysts to form and wonder if there is a drawing sauve I could use to draw out the cysts insted of getting them cut out or wait for them to break open and drain on there own. I'm so sick of Dr's pumping me full of antibiotics.
And to Bless, Has your roomate broken out with red patches on his back or palms of hands? Not to worry you or anything but the skinny arms and legs with little muscle tone to them, bloated belly, and mood swings you talking about I seen that all before with my dad and your friend needs to be checked for Krones disease. He has A LOT of the simptoms
Kat3470 last decade
high potencies 1m to 10m stops it 2x will bring it out
it sound like his ammune system is compromised
he also needs to get a back brush and scrub very lightly and bring the oxygen to the skin
alangail1 last decade
Hi, I'm new to this forum but I am desperately seeking advise please.

My Husband has suffered from abscesses since Dec 2007, since this time, he has had 6 abscesses, one in particular (only last month) on his chest was approx 4cm x 4cm and was 2.5' deep when removed. He now has another one on his cheek that has swollen so much that his eye could not open. He has been put on anti-biotics for each one he has had and is once again on yet another course of this dreaded medication. The GP's say that nothing can be done and he has to live with this awful condition.

He is a Triathlete and is an extremely fit guy, he has a fairly balanced diet but these abscesses are making him a completely different person, he is getting very depressed & angry every time he gets one. PLEASE help us.
2411fairy last decade
from what i have read lower potencies like 2x or 3x will cause it to puss up and 1m will drain through you body,you will need to eat plenty of veges and fruit leave the fast food alone. drink herbal teas diluted fruit juices
alangail1 last decade
Thank you very much for your response. You mentioned about the lower potencies, can you please confirm which particular remedies you are referring to. The 'plug' has now been removed from the abscess on his cheek and the swelling and pus is decreasing and apart from the frustration that they keep reoccuring, he copes with the pain fairly well.

Thanks again 'alangail1'.

Does anybody also know what remedies he should be taking to prevent these abscesses happening again? Surely there must be a way of ridding them from your system!
2411fairy last decade
sorry,hepar sulf
alangail1 last decade
2411fairy: please start a separate thread and write more about your husband (like diet, his likes and dislikes in anything...etc)
Astra2012 last decade
Hi, I have started a new thread titled 'Triathlete with recurrent abscesses'.

Thanks for suggesting a new thread. I have written more about him as a person. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
2411fairy last decade

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