The ABC Homeopathy Forum
The fact that the temperature of the body is raised above normal is usually an indication of increased activity on the part of the body's defence functions. This is frequently in response to infection of one kind or another and is a good sign as evidencing ability on the part of the individual to react.A high temperature is, therefore, not in itself a symptom to be dealt with by drastic anti-pyretic (fever-reducing) drugs. Such treatment may indeed add to the strain on the body's vital functions and still further embarrass the heart and circulation. The fever will abate when the infection has been overcome or brought under control, and treatment should be aimed at assisting the body in its total task and not merely in relation to the one item of elevated temperature.
Apart from exceedingly high temperature of the range of 106 107 degrees F. which call for cold sponging, the treatment should
be aimed at combatting infection, giving the body rest, and main¬taining fluid balance. The best way to combat infection is to boost the body's own defences and this can be done effectually by the use of homoeopathic remedies, but if a response is not rapid expert medical opinion will need to be sought, and this will equally be the case if the fever is accompanied by untoward signs or symptoms suggesting serious illness.
The following remedies have been found of value in febrile states, according to the indications present (30 repeated at four to eight hour intervals till better, or 6 three times daily):
ACONITUM skin dry and burning; face red but pale on sitting up; chills which pass from the extremities to the chest and head; intense thirst; great restlessness and agitation; fear of death; WORSE in evening and before midnight.
APIS absence of thirst; WORSE heat in any form; skin alter¬nately dry and moist, but no heavy sweats; local patches of rosy swelling with burning and stinging sensation (red hot needles pierc¬ing flesh); frequent chills; possibly delirium or patient lies inert, face and eyes suffused, head rolled from side to side, body shaken at intervals by spasms, meningitic cry uttered in sleep.
ARSENICUM ALBUM excessively restless and agitated; anguish and fear of death; WORSE after midnight; prostration rapid and extreme; burning pains, but wants warmth (except to head); hot and cold alternately, and thirsty when hot for small amounts; possibly violent delirium with hallucinations.
BAPTISIA rapidly becomes gravely ill; temperature very irregular; highest at 11 a.m.; bruised battered sensation, as if in pieces all over the bed; dusky face, mentally confused, torpid, drops to sleep while replying to a question; tongue streaked down centre with white or brown. This remedy has proved of great value in both enteric and typhus fevers.
BELLADONNA high temperature; skin burning hot; face blazing red; pulse bounding; belligerent delirium; severe chills; general sweats; hallucinations; variable thirst.
BRYONIA shivery, sweating, thirsty for large amounts of cold water at long intervals; severe pains. WORSE least movement; face dusky red; tongue coated white; severe headache, WORSE by false step, moving head, or coughing; painful cough; delirium at night, lies with eyes closed, dwells on business affairs, asks to be taken home when in own bed all the time.
CHINA three-phase fever; chills and severe shaking give way to great heat, and this is followed by profuse sweating accompanied by intense thirst and prostration; bitter taste in mouth.
EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM useful in the 'influenza type' of fever; temperature highest at 7 to 9 a.m.; severe chills; terrific thirst; muscles ache and bones feel as if they would break; sweats, but not during the chill.
FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM fever of rather indeterminate type; pulse rapid and full, but soft and compressible; moderate thirst; frequent sweats which afford no relief; shivery; red face; throbbing head; wants head cool.
GELSEMIUM absence of thirst; chills up and down spine; head feels hot and full; headache WORSE least movement, light or noise; wants to lie in dark and be quiet; torpor, trembling, possibly violent to the extent of wanting to be held down to stop the shaking; great heaviness of eyes and limbs.
IPECACUANHA a short chill accompanied by thirst; this is followed by heat all over except in the extremities which are icy cold and covered with clammy sweat; intense nausea, unrelieved by vomiting which causes great exhaustion; tongue clean.
MERCURIUS of special value at the onset of influenza-type fever associated with naso-pharyngeal symptoms; fever brought on by change to humid weather; creeping chills; chilliness alternates with burning heat; cold in patches; profuse sweats which give no relief; symptoms WORSE at night; breath foul, tongue flabby, pale, in¬dented by teeth, and coated yellow; extreme thirst despite the moist mouth.
PHOSPHORUS fever and chills alternate; thirsty during hot spells, hungry during chills; sweats at night or in early hours, especially on head, hands and feet; chest involvement; delirium associated with exhaustion and apathy.
PYROGENIUM fevers of septic type, with swinging irregular tem¬perature, and frequent chills and rigors; pulse weak and rapid, even when temperature falls; aches and pains all over; extreme restless¬ness despite the weakness; tongue dry, red, as if varnished; all secretions have a foul odour; coldness and pallor of surface.
RHUS TOXICODENDRON fever with great weakness and prostration, but nevertheless restless in the extreme; constantly turns and tosses in vain search for ease; mental confusion; tongue thickly coated, but red at tip; great thirst.
STRAMONIUM very high temperature; furious delirium; red face; staring eyes; terrible hallucinations; desire to escape; WORSE in dark, but cannot stand bright light.
siloutec on 2010-11-04
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