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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

please help my dog

my dog is suffering with pus filled uterus for the past 2 weeks. it has become lean and thin.
Veterinary doctor has suggested to try homeopathy as he can't perform surgery to remove uterus due to it old age & anemic, name of the disease in allopathy terms is PYOMETRA(pus filled uterus).
i had started using Myristica 30c thrice a day for the past 2 days . pus is oozing out continually from vagina, am also using chelidonium 30 .it really helped her a lot in apatite restoration ,for the past few days she is not eating anything but after single dosage of this wonderful homeopathy medicine it started eating food in small quantity.
please give your valuable suggestion to improve it condition of rapid pus formation in uterus & continuous discharge of pus.sometimes the colour of pus coming out is yellow & sometimes the colour is blood mixed pus(reddish brown) probably .
Thank you.
  coolbreeze on 2012-05-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give her Pyrogenium 200 in the morning and evening for 3 days and see how that affects.
kadwa last decade

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