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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

3 year old with fever

My three year old son began feeling warm tonight around supper. When he went to bed, his temp was around 99 F but now at 10:00 is 101 F.

The fever seems to be sudden--no other symptoms leading up to it that I can think of.

While eating supper, he wasn't interested in anything offered, but kept asking for something sweet and sour. After eating a little bit of supper, I gave him some yogurt which he ate two helpings of.

He asked to sit on my lap while eating, which is not a typical thing for him. He was very tired and almost falling asleep. He complained of being very cold.

I gave him Belladonna before bed and again just now at 10:00. He is sleeping pretty soundly but once in a while makes a small whimpering kind of noise.

He is breathing like his nose may be stuffed up.

Should I stick with Belladonna? There really are few symptoms other than the fever.
  lmhoopes on 2005-12-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Any infection at start with no specific symptoms - use Fer Phos 30c every 3 or 4 hrs . See if symptoms emerge and then start specific medication.
new2town last decade
Since I just gave him the Belladonna a half hour ago, should I wait to give him the Ferr phos for a couple of hours?
lmhoopes last decade
You can alternate bell with ferrum Phos.
sajjadakram635 last decade
I didn't give my son anymore remedies until tonight before bed, because his fever left last night and there were no symptoms all day.

Tonight he has a fever again. It was about 101 F when he went to bed. I gave him Ferr phos.

He woke up shortly after falling asleep with a nightmare or something and I spent about 15 minutes getting him calmed back down. He had done this one night recently before he got sick too.

It looked like he was pulling his ear and I pressed in on the front of his ear and he seemed to become more upset. I asked him if it hurt and he said no, but I think he was asleep. He had an ear infection recently, so I am wondering if this is it returning?

If he wakes up tomorrow with no further symptoms having developed over night, should I hold any remedies again to see if he is better? Or should I keep alternating Bell and Ferr Phos?
lmhoopes last decade
I also want to ask what anyone thinks of using vaporizers. Since his nose is stuffed up seeming, I put the vaporizor.

I always have mixed feelings about it even though it has a new filter because I think it is still putting allergens into the air. It has a funny smell especially when I first put it on. Kind of an alcohol kind of smell.
lmhoopes last decade
When the fever is over,coninue ferrum phos and bell alternately less frequently for atleast a week to avoid reoccurance.This is necessary.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Thanks sajjad. And by alternating, is it Ferr phos and bell alternating in one day's time or ferr phos for one day and bell for the next day?
lmhoopes last decade
One medicine in the morning the other at night.
sajjadakram635 last decade
I have been alternating the Bell and Ferr phos for a few days now. Last night my son had a dry cough in the middle of the night and was okay today.

Now tonight he woke up coughing at about 10:30. He also had woken up earlier around 9:30 or 10:00 crying and yelling, not really awake.

He doesn't have a fever anymore.

He often comes over to our bed around 3 or 4 in the morning. We are not sure if he is cold or not so have put a space heater in his room before he goes to bed to warm up the room, but have to remove it for safety purposes after he is in there. This has been a very common occurrence for the last 6 months. In the summer, we thought it was because he was too hot and woke up. When the temps are more mild, he does sleep better and stays in his bed. However, his reasons for coming over to our bed (that he says anyway) vary from seeing shadows to being cold. This is kind of off the topic but I wonder if it is important information for you to have about him.

Should I continue the Bell and Ferr Phos?
lmhoopes last decade
I should also add that since the fever started he has been breathing loudly at night, almost snoring.
lmhoopes last decade
You can stop Bell and Ferrum phos ,now give him Natrum Mur 3x,3tablets twice or thrice daily.He will be alright i hope so.
sajjadakram635 last decade
I never gave my son the Natrum Mur 3x because I only have it in 12c and while I was deciding what to do, he seemed to get better as far as the disturbed sleep and cough were concerned.

He was fine for several days and then on Jan 1, he had a fever again for just a night. He had some restless nights of sleep after that, but still not as he was before.

On about Tuesday, he started scratching his head a lot. I hadn't thought a lot of it because I get dry skin in the winter and often itch all over my body, not so much my head. I think this may be what it is but I'm not sure. I checked for head lice but am not sure really what I am looking for. I found something that was black, but it didn't look so much like a bug as it did a scab from itching. He has scabs and red marks on his scalp. Some of the red marks are little pinpoint circles and some are from his fingernails.

Then last night around 5:30 he told us he had a fever and he did. It was about 101.5 F under the arm at it's highest point. I gave him Belladonna. It seems to be not getting higher than that. It is now about 5 am and his forehead seems cooler if not normal.

He has been very sensitive to touch and noise during his fever.

He said that his head hurts and I tried to find out if it is a headache or his scalp. I asked if it hurts inside or outside and he said inside, but I don't know if he really understood what I was asking.

He also said that the area between his ribs above his abdomen hurts. His respiratory rate was fine but he did seem uncomfortable with breathing for a while until his fever went down. I don't know if he just has general achiness or if there really was a breathing problem.

He had a bit of a runny nose before falling asleep last night too. His nose has consistently been stuffed up over the last several weeks. It is winter and the heater is on.

I don't really think the itchy head and the fever are related, but want you to know about it and if there is anything that can help both, that would be great.

lmhoopes last decade
It turns out that my son does have head lice. We are treating it with olive oil on his head. He is complaining of it hurting so I gave him ledum. I think it helped for a while.

Would the fever be related to this?

Any suggestions?
lmhoopes last decade
'He has been very sensitive to touch and noise during his fever'. This is the leading symptom of Bell,if it occured before giving Bell then your prescription is right and if after Bell then stop giving Bell. Bell is proving.
Regarding lice in the head.Give him internally Staphysagria in high potency and for external use put some drops of tincture of staphysagria in a little hair oil,mix it thoroughly and rub it on his head.It will solve the problem.
If you consider that fever is related to his coming to your bed then he needs a few doses of Phosphorous.
sajjadakram635 last decade
sajjad, my son's fever is gone this morning. He complained that his ear hurt so I gave him Bell again anyway. Should I just continue this for a while again?

Also, can you explain more what you mean about his fever being related to his coming to our bed?

And do I alternate Staphysagria with Bell? And at what frequency?

I have another question about my daughter who is also sick but I am going to put it on a separate post.
lmhoopes last decade
sajjad, I posted again this morning, but have a question about getting the staphysagria tincture. I couldn't find it on the ABC homeopathy website to purchase in tincture form, unless I am misunderstanding what I look at. Another website said that it is available only by prescription. How may I acquire some?
lmhoopes last decade
If staphysagria tincture is only available without prescription,you can present them the print out of this discussion if they accept it.
Staphysagria in high potency say 200c in infrequent doses.
Whenever needed you can alternate bell with staph.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Please read if staphysagria tincture is only available on prescription.
sajjadakram635 last decade
My son has a fever again, starting late yesterday afternoon. It was sudden and he had a flushed face. It went to about 102.5 F under the arm. I used Bell and it didn't seem to be taking it away.

Today I switched him to Ars Alb. He was in a good mood most of the day and played quietly. I considered Pulsatilla but he isn't normally Puls and he wasn't clingy.

After taking the Ars Alb his fever went down for a while. He began to get a little possessive with his toys. I don't know if it was the wrong remedy or if he was just feeling better and acting more like he usually does. But now his fever is back up to 101.7 F under the arm.

He has few other symptoms again. He did vomit last night after drinking a lot of water in the middle of the night and laying down. His fever was pretty high at that point. It was mostly water that he vomited.

I called the doctor today and they are unconcerned that this is a recurring fever. Is this normal in young children? Also, what should I be giving my son for the fever?
lmhoopes last decade
My son got better Saturday night after I kept giving him Ars Alb. Last night he had a temp under 100F and I gave him more Ars Alb.

Now again tonight, early evening, he started getting a higher fever again. It is 101.2 F under the arm now. He is complaining of his eye hurting. His right eye is kind of puffy. He says his nose hurts. He is a little stuffed up.

When he woke up from a nap that he took this evening he was very cranky, partly I think because I was taking his temperature. He finally settled down and is now eating some supper.

He says he wants to be well again. He is weepy and, although I hate the word, whiny, and this is not like him.

What can I give him? This time it seems to be more than just a fever and it is not going away.
lmhoopes last decade
Now, just a few minutes after my last post, my son became very upset and says his head hurts in the back and top. He continues to say he just wants to be better. I suspect he may hurt all over. Would Gelsemium help with this?
lmhoopes last decade
Dear imhoopes,
I will cure you this problem if you will send me the current position and I request you to please submit your complain in this following format in detail for getting a good prescription.
I required blood report of CRP Test.

1. Name
2. Age
3. Sex
4. country
5. climate
6. Chief Complain-from how many days-(time of aggravation and amelioration)
7. current medicine you are taking
8. sign & Symptom of disease
9. Slight back history
10. family back ground
11. qualification of patient
12. Nature of working
13. desire and aversion of food
14. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatientÂ…and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behavior, love and affection. If any secret thing or can not want to discus at forum then you can share your talk directly to email by clicking on your any forum doctor. For a good prescription mental detail is must be and try to email of photographs of the diseases part.
15. Aggravation & Amelioration

Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
deoshlok last decade

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