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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

2.5 years old cold

is there any remedy to help a 2.5 years old get over his cold faster?

this is his second cold in 2 months.
it starts with a closed sound cough, then turns into a regular dry cough with sneezing and runny nose.

I usually give him Echinacea, saline nasal spray and Kali Mur.
is this the right remedy?
it take anywhere from 3-7 days to get over it.

  bluesky77 on 2015-06-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
nobody? how do I stop his runny nose, it's like a faucet. clear.
bluesky77 9 years ago
his mood is normal, not tired, not sad.
bluesky77 9 years ago

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