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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

2 years old with a cold, pls help?

I posted 10 days ago and nobody helped :(
I'll try again.

My 2.5 years old has had a runny nose for 10 days now.
Weather keeps on getting warm and cold which does not help.

Any remedy to stop his faucet nose from running? Every 10 minutes he asks me to blow his nose.

It was clear, now between light yellow/clear. Still runny.
[message edited by bluesky77 on Wed, 10 Jun 2015 14:31:58 UTC]
  bluesky77 on 2015-06-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Where are you from? How is the weather right now?

What remedies have been taken for the last 10 days?

Please tell me more about your child?
nawazkhan 9 years ago
is it boy or girl? you can give only one dose sulphur 30 during the day but not at night. update 2 days after medicine .
telescope 9 years ago
I tried the following:
Kali mur
Hylands sniffles n sneezes
Similasan kids cold and mucus

None particularly helped.

He is a boy.
He feels good otherwise, he just has this runny nose but it's not allergies as it started with a closed sounded cough (it always starts like that with him) then the cough sound "opens up" and his sneezing and runny nose starts.
He has no cough currently, mostly runny nose, with a little sneezing.

I want to stop the runny nose.

bluesky77 9 years ago
We live in NYC, weather has been crazy, we had some cold June days now its hot again, weather is totally out of whack.

My son is active and happy, he likes to joke.
The cold is not affecting his mood nor stopping him from playing.
bluesky77 9 years ago

Give him Belladonna 30C 2 doses. If he improves with first dose do not repeat the dose otherwise give him second dose after 5-6 hours.

Report back with changes.
homeodr 9 years ago
Thank you all for replying... Now I am a little confused ... Which remedy should I try? Try the first, then if it didnt work, the second?

bluesky77 9 years ago

You can try the first one. if it doesn't help try another one....
homeodr 9 years ago
Ok great, will start with sulphur, how many pellets is 1 dose?

I need to melt them in water as my son doesnt know to keep them under his tongue.

Also, can I repeat 1/day if minor improvement?

bluesky77 9 years ago
what's 1 dose in pellets in water please?
bluesky77 9 years ago

. If the remedy is available in liquid form add 2-3 drops in 10 teaspoon of water and give only 1teaspoon out of that.
If it is in pellets form add 3-4pellets in 10teaspoon of water, let it dissolve and then give 1 teaspoon..thats d 1dose..

Do not repeat the dose of sulphur even if there is minor improvement. You can report back the changes after the first dose...
homeodr 9 years ago
thank you so much
bluesky77 9 years ago
looks like sulphur helped with the runny nose, now he has an occasional dry cough, not barking kind, regular dry cough. any remedies for that?
bluesky77 9 years ago
you can give him another dose after 5 or more days of the last dose.
telescope 9 years ago
Thanks! Will try
bluesky77 9 years ago
runny nose congestion started again ... what should I do?
also, the weather here is crazy, 1 day hot, 1 day cold.
bluesky77 9 years ago
did you give him the second dose of Sulphur?
telescope 9 years ago
No, I didnt, first dose was Monday (or Tuesday) cant recall.
bluesky77 9 years ago
give him another dose.
telescope 9 years ago
help!! now he has white discharge from his eyes!!
took him to the Dr who said he has a "cold of the eyes" ...mucus coming out of the eyes .... any homeopathic remedies for this?
I didn't end up giving sulphur again.
bluesky77 9 years ago
there is a saying never leave a remedy that benefitted without trying it at least once in a higher potency. homeopathy treats the patient not the disease. it simply does not matter whether the cold is affecting the nose or the eyes or the ears. the medicine is the same. if you are trying to find a remedy to cure the eyes without reference to the person suffering you are on allopathic line of thinking.
telescope 9 years ago

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