The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Dr Rishimbha or Nawaz Khan whoever is available for my poplys, cyst case Page 13 of 15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Nawazji. Not getting pulls 1X. I have lowest 6x and then 30 and 200 at home.
Ordering will take another 7 days.
What do you suggest?
My temperament is little better. I am slightly better. Thanks for your prayers.
Yes I agree with every word you said
Thanks a ton
Many prayers for u
Ordering will take another 7 days.
What do you suggest?
My temperament is little better. I am slightly better. Thanks for your prayers.
Yes I agree with every word you said
Thanks a ton
Many prayers for u
Nitz7 8 years ago
Dear Nita, Please be brave.
" I have lowest 6x"
Please start with the above asap, 3 times a day, for 5 days.
Stop, if the mother nature's process start?
Please never sit on the problems, always address them without any hesitation by posting here or emailing.
Many prayers for you and your family.
" I have lowest 6x"
Please start with the above asap, 3 times a day, for 5 days.
Stop, if the mother nature's process start?
Please never sit on the problems, always address them without any hesitation by posting here or emailing.
Many prayers for you and your family.
♡ nawazkhan 8 years ago
Dear Nawaz ji,
I am at the doctors clinic now. My ultrasound came back. The ovarian Dermoid cyst had increased by another 1.5 Plus inches plus since before. . They are recommending surgery.
And prayers
I am at the doctors clinic now. My ultrasound came back. The ovarian Dermoid cyst had increased by another 1.5 Plus inches plus since before. . They are recommending surgery.
And prayers
Nitz7 8 years ago
Dear Nita Jee, Sorry to know this. It is really due to your current problems that are going on for several months now. Remedies are weaker than your big issues.
Of-course, the allopathic world will recommend surgery, a local treatment, not to cure the root cause. So, it is really up to you and your family.
Many prayers for your good health and a happy life.
Of-course, the allopathic world will recommend surgery, a local treatment, not to cure the root cause. So, it is really up to you and your family.
Many prayers for your good health and a happy life.
♡ nawazkhan 8 years ago
Dear Nawazji
As you know my mental health isn't great at the moment and hence I am not as prompt as before. The results of the tumor increasing gave me more hopelessness. I am praying to God and that's all I got. Ofcourse people like you are in my life who genuinely help.
I know you said my issues are not helping the medicine work. But I always update you on my current mental and physical state. Is there anything you can suggest to calm my Brain , my temper , my sadness , sleepless and racing mind? I know you have tried many things with me. For small amounts of time they felt like it worked for sometime.
Currently my lower back on the spine I have bad pain (sort of tingling pain ) spreading down to both sides of the buttocks. I feel very puffy in the body. I always sense a feeling of flem in the throat that I can sort of swallow but no discomfort due to it. My skin is pale and getting acne. My mind is calmer than before. I am able to think more positively. But it dosent feel permanent. I have mild vaginal whitish discharge without itching. Missed July and this months periods. My sweet cravings compared to before are much much lesser. That's a good thing. I feel no ENERGY to work or do chores.
Thanks Nawaji for the patience.
I am still waiting for my next doctors appointment. Only then I can know what's the next step. She ordered some blood work. So will wait.
Prayers for you and your family
As you know my mental health isn't great at the moment and hence I am not as prompt as before. The results of the tumor increasing gave me more hopelessness. I am praying to God and that's all I got. Ofcourse people like you are in my life who genuinely help.
I know you said my issues are not helping the medicine work. But I always update you on my current mental and physical state. Is there anything you can suggest to calm my Brain , my temper , my sadness , sleepless and racing mind? I know you have tried many things with me. For small amounts of time they felt like it worked for sometime.
Currently my lower back on the spine I have bad pain (sort of tingling pain ) spreading down to both sides of the buttocks. I feel very puffy in the body. I always sense a feeling of flem in the throat that I can sort of swallow but no discomfort due to it. My skin is pale and getting acne. My mind is calmer than before. I am able to think more positively. But it dosent feel permanent. I have mild vaginal whitish discharge without itching. Missed July and this months periods. My sweet cravings compared to before are much much lesser. That's a good thing. I feel no ENERGY to work or do chores.
Thanks Nawaji for the patience.
I am still waiting for my next doctors appointment. Only then I can know what's the next step. She ordered some blood work. So will wait.
Prayers for you and your family
Nitz7 8 years ago
Dear Nita,
Please take Pulsatilla Q, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days.
Please stop the remedy, if period start?
Please be brave, positive, hopeful and patient at all times. Pray more and more....
Many many prayers for you and your family.
Please take Pulsatilla Q, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days.
Please stop the remedy, if period start?
Please be brave, positive, hopeful and patient at all times. Pray more and more....
Many many prayers for you and your family.
♡ nawazkhan 8 years ago
Dear Nawaz ji,
I wanted to tell you that I am still not in a place to order new meds that is why I didn't take any pulls Q since I didn't have.
I wanted to say I still want to be treated by you. Just need some time
I hope and pray and remember you always.
Thanks for everything
I wanted to tell you that I am still not in a place to order new meds that is why I didn't take any pulls Q since I didn't have.
I wanted to say I still want to be treated by you. Just need some time
I hope and pray and remember you always.
Thanks for everything
Nitz7 8 years ago
Hello Nita Madam, Not a problem at all. Please take your time. Do, what is required.
Many prayers for you.
Many prayers for you.
♡ nawazkhan 8 years ago
Hi nawazji
After a long time. How are you ?
I finally had my ovarian cyst surgery today morning. Laproscopic.
Last time during my appendicitis you gave staphsagria for post surgery. So I wanted to ask what I can have. I took hypericum 200 one dose till now on grandmas advice. Thought you should know. I am taking nat sulp 6 tissue Salt as I am getting little cough and lungs seems full.
Currently due to catheter during surgery having severe pain to pass urine. On heavy pain Med.
Please advise what I need to take.
Thanks a lot for your ongoing support and moral help.
After a long time. How are you ?
I finally had my ovarian cyst surgery today morning. Laproscopic.
Last time during my appendicitis you gave staphsagria for post surgery. So I wanted to ask what I can have. I took hypericum 200 one dose till now on grandmas advice. Thought you should know. I am taking nat sulp 6 tissue Salt as I am getting little cough and lungs seems full.
Currently due to catheter during surgery having severe pain to pass urine. On heavy pain Med.
Please advise what I need to take.
Thanks a lot for your ongoing support and moral help.
Nitz7 8 years ago
Please stay with the medicines prescribed by your surgeon at this time. Address all issues with him or her.
You are always welcome and many prayers for your speedy recovery.
Please stay with the medicines prescribed by your surgeon at this time. Address all issues with him or her.
You are always welcome and many prayers for your speedy recovery.
♡ nawazkhan 8 years ago
Ok thanks. I Understsnd you are not willing to treat because i am doing allopathy. I just wanted the drug you suggest to help side effects of surgery.
Please let me know if you are willing to treat in future. I was always hopeful that you would treat me as we had such a good understanding of each other.
Due to depression issues I went off and I kept you informed about it. I thought you would understand.
But it's ok. You know best.
Please let me know if you are willing to treat in future. I was always hopeful that you would treat me as we had such a good understanding of each other.
Due to depression issues I went off and I kept you informed about it. I thought you would understand.
But it's ok. You know best.
Nitz7 8 years ago
Dear Nita Ji, This is not you. Might be victim of current circumstances.
"I Understsnd you are not willing to treat because i am doing allopathy."
This statement is million times false.
Please please forgive. None of my fault.
Many prayers for you.
"I Understsnd you are not willing to treat because i am doing allopathy."
This statement is million times false.
Please please forgive. None of my fault.
Many prayers for you.
♡ nawazkhan 8 years ago
"I Understsnd you are not willing to treat because i am doing allopathy."
"This statement is million times false"
Does this mean you will treat me ???.
"Please please forgive. None of my fault. --/ "
I am no one to forgive anyone. I am petty. I didn't understand what you are meaning about fault. I never blamed you. I am just hurt that you didn't suggest Med.
"This statement is million times false"
Does this mean you will treat me ???.
"Please please forgive. None of my fault. --/ "
I am no one to forgive anyone. I am petty. I didn't understand what you are meaning about fault. I never blamed you. I am just hurt that you didn't suggest Med.
Nitz7 8 years ago
"Does this mean you will treat me ???. "
Yes, of course. Please never think of this non-existent thing that I will not treat you.
"I didn't understand what you are meaning about fault."
Any of my human error, mistake or miscommunication.
"I never blamed you."
"I am just hurt that you didn't suggest Med."
No remedy may have worked at that time, because of the allopathic medicine you were taking at that time.
Many prayers for you.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Tue, 01 Nov 2016 04:06:16 UTC]
"Does this mean you will treat me ???. "
Yes, of course. Please never think of this non-existent thing that I will not treat you.
"I didn't understand what you are meaning about fault."
Any of my human error, mistake or miscommunication.
"I never blamed you."
"I am just hurt that you didn't suggest Med."
No remedy may have worked at that time, because of the allopathic medicine you were taking at that time.
Many prayers for you.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Tue, 01 Nov 2016 04:06:16 UTC]
♡ nawazkhan 8 years ago
Dear Nawaz
I am back ! Yes to trouble you again. Waited this long Because I didn't know where to begin and how to put things across. Still don't know how to start. Please tell me you are in good health ? And also your family ?
I have told every family member possible about how nice you are and how wonderfully you would prescribe me. They are the ones also who keep on telling me to write to you. I am glad I gathered strength today.
Last I left off was when I got operated for the left ovarian dermoid/tumor I was diagonised for. Then lot happened. May be you sensed that this wasn't going to be good. And that's what happened. The gynach operated and said she found nothing and that all was clear. we got puzzled and went to further research with our physician and she did an MRI and found that the tumor was intact STILL THERE.
Leaving us so confused , we had a visit to India and took all scans and showed some reputed doctors there. They also saw the tumor still present and said the opeRation was done too early and they should have waited for tumor to have grown atleast to 5-6inch (currently around 3) and may be so they couldn't see. They advised to do 3 monthly monitoring to check growth that's all.
Now that's that. But I'm suffering since surgery with other things. I got a lung infection after surgery due to anesthesia. I feel I never really cured from it. I went to India for entire December and kept feeling breathless and weak. I came back I got affected with cold and doctor checked and said heavy tightness in chest and put me on 10 day low dose steroids. I got better but never fully better. I suffer still from my asthama and take inhaler and here the allergens are heavy in air which doesn't help. Now my breathing with inhalers is still little heavy.
Something I'm suffering from majorly since 10-15 days is left lower stomach light occasional ache , goes to my back also. Feels heavy at lower abdomen and I have extreme aversion to 95%foods (except apple) Since I have a history of degenerative disc disease I thought back pain is related to that. But now I feel it's coming from lower stomach. I feel like my urine isn't completing fully and is more frequent than I'd like. I am getting a white odorless discharge from the vagina everyday . Not itchy ( the itching initially it was for couple days then went away).
Due to everything I have no whatsoever stamina to carry household or outside work.
I need to get my life back and help my husband and make a family. I am 33 and getting older. I have mental eagerness to comeplete tasks no physical strength. Tongue is mostly clear little white at back side.
Nawaz ji, I have diligently followed your medication till the surgery happened. I will do so in future. I hope you can help.
Wish you happiness and loads of prayers your way.
UPDATE :- my husband got me UTI strips to test and it tested positive. I have an UTI (considering these OTC tests are good)
[message edited by Nitz7 on Tue, 21 Feb 2017 07:33:05 UTC]
I am back ! Yes to trouble you again. Waited this long Because I didn't know where to begin and how to put things across. Still don't know how to start. Please tell me you are in good health ? And also your family ?
I have told every family member possible about how nice you are and how wonderfully you would prescribe me. They are the ones also who keep on telling me to write to you. I am glad I gathered strength today.
Last I left off was when I got operated for the left ovarian dermoid/tumor I was diagonised for. Then lot happened. May be you sensed that this wasn't going to be good. And that's what happened. The gynach operated and said she found nothing and that all was clear. we got puzzled and went to further research with our physician and she did an MRI and found that the tumor was intact STILL THERE.
Leaving us so confused , we had a visit to India and took all scans and showed some reputed doctors there. They also saw the tumor still present and said the opeRation was done too early and they should have waited for tumor to have grown atleast to 5-6inch (currently around 3) and may be so they couldn't see. They advised to do 3 monthly monitoring to check growth that's all.
Now that's that. But I'm suffering since surgery with other things. I got a lung infection after surgery due to anesthesia. I feel I never really cured from it. I went to India for entire December and kept feeling breathless and weak. I came back I got affected with cold and doctor checked and said heavy tightness in chest and put me on 10 day low dose steroids. I got better but never fully better. I suffer still from my asthama and take inhaler and here the allergens are heavy in air which doesn't help. Now my breathing with inhalers is still little heavy.
Something I'm suffering from majorly since 10-15 days is left lower stomach light occasional ache , goes to my back also. Feels heavy at lower abdomen and I have extreme aversion to 95%foods (except apple) Since I have a history of degenerative disc disease I thought back pain is related to that. But now I feel it's coming from lower stomach. I feel like my urine isn't completing fully and is more frequent than I'd like. I am getting a white odorless discharge from the vagina everyday . Not itchy ( the itching initially it was for couple days then went away).
Due to everything I have no whatsoever stamina to carry household or outside work.
I need to get my life back and help my husband and make a family. I am 33 and getting older. I have mental eagerness to comeplete tasks no physical strength. Tongue is mostly clear little white at back side.
Nawaz ji, I have diligently followed your medication till the surgery happened. I will do so in future. I hope you can help.
Wish you happiness and loads of prayers your way.
UPDATE :- my husband got me UTI strips to test and it tested positive. I have an UTI (considering these OTC tests are good)
[message edited by Nitz7 on Tue, 21 Feb 2017 07:33:05 UTC]
Nitz7 8 years ago
Hi Nita G, Surgery must never be an option. I am pretty confident that you can get cure with homeopathy.
Yes, I can help with full dedication, loyalty and hard work.
Please start with Staphysagria 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days. This will also remove the bad effects of surgery.
Then, you are going to need Borax 30c for other issues.
Many prayers for you.
Yes, I can help with full dedication, loyalty and hard work.
Please start with Staphysagria 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days. This will also remove the bad effects of surgery.
Then, you are going to need Borax 30c for other issues.
Many prayers for you.
♡ nawazkhan 8 years ago
Dear Nawazji,
I am beyond glad and happy that you responded. Means a lot really !
I will get going with staphsagria and update you in 3 days
Again thanks a lot.
Prayers for your good life.
I am beyond glad and happy that you responded. Means a lot really !
I will get going with staphsagria and update you in 3 days
Again thanks a lot.
Prayers for your good life.
Nitz7 8 years ago
Dear Nawazji
As you said I am taking staphsagria. It's been 2 days. But like I have mentioned before I am having this intermittent lower left abdomen pain which radiates to the back. Today we went out to eat and I hardly ate but the pain increased a lot . It doesn't help to keep warm pad or anything. I even went to check with doctor to diagonise the problem as it's very bothering. Can't sit or lay on back easily. She gave a vaginal swab test for culture and did pelvic ultrasound. Results will take time. I am worried, the symptoms are similar to lot of things like pancreatis or gall stones etc.
list of my symptoms are
- lower abdomen pain (intermittent and increases after Fatty foods or long gap of foods )
- light clay/yellow color stools since 15 plus days
- aversion to most foods
- nausea
- heaviness of lower stomach.
- left back pain (lower and middle)
- vaginal discharge
- breathlessness ( has reduced recently to almost normal though)
Just thought of asking if I need to take anything else to help with the pain. It's quite unbearable.
Thanks a lot
Nita -- love and prayers.
As you said I am taking staphsagria. It's been 2 days. But like I have mentioned before I am having this intermittent lower left abdomen pain which radiates to the back. Today we went out to eat and I hardly ate but the pain increased a lot . It doesn't help to keep warm pad or anything. I even went to check with doctor to diagonise the problem as it's very bothering. Can't sit or lay on back easily. She gave a vaginal swab test for culture and did pelvic ultrasound. Results will take time. I am worried, the symptoms are similar to lot of things like pancreatis or gall stones etc.
list of my symptoms are
- lower abdomen pain (intermittent and increases after Fatty foods or long gap of foods )
- light clay/yellow color stools since 15 plus days
- aversion to most foods
- nausea
- heaviness of lower stomach.
- left back pain (lower and middle)
- vaginal discharge
- breathlessness ( has reduced recently to almost normal though)
Just thought of asking if I need to take anything else to help with the pain. It's quite unbearable.
Thanks a lot
Nita -- love and prayers.
Nitz7 8 years ago
Hello, Please take Hypericum 200C as needed for pain.
Also, start Borax 30C, 3 times a day, when you are done with Staphysagria 200C.
When were the antibiotics taken?
Many prayers for you.
Also, start Borax 30C, 3 times a day, when you are done with Staphysagria 200C.
When were the antibiotics taken?
Many prayers for you.
♡ nawazkhan 8 years ago
Antibiotics were given long back in October after operation. Not after that.
Thanks should I mix Borax in mineral water ?
Thanks should I mix Borax in mineral water ?
Nitz7 8 years ago
Dear Nawazji,
I am done ke with borax 30 3 times for 3 days
My vaginal culture they had given came back two days shob and it is normal. But I still guy discharge and feel swelling inside
My main problem of feeling pain in lower left abdomen to back side is still there. It comes and goes. Increases with oily foods and sitting or working for long. Doctor is testing to see if it's diverticulitis or IBS. Will let you know.
Thanks a lot.
Many prayers your way.
I am done ke with borax 30 3 times for 3 days
My vaginal culture they had given came back two days shob and it is normal. But I still guy discharge and feel swelling inside
My main problem of feeling pain in lower left abdomen to back side is still there. It comes and goes. Increases with oily foods and sitting or working for long. Doctor is testing to see if it's diverticulitis or IBS. Will let you know.
Thanks a lot.
Many prayers your way.
Nitz7 8 years ago
Dear Nawaz ji
Hope you are doing good.
Here are my current symptoms
1. Still getting uncomfortable pain in lower left side abdomen radiating to back (intermittent). When doctor was pressing stomach it was hurting a lot. She said it seems like a combination of muscular and internal pain (IBS or similar thing ). Did CT scan of abdomen today and will let you know results.
2. After eating I start to feel v sick. Getting burps, bloating , it's the feeling like we get before or during loose motions like we are loosing energy or sinking. The feeling persist for 4-5 hours
3. Any food -seems like I have aversion. Hating to eat anything. But feel hungry. And if I don't eat on time, I start trembling like my sugar is dropping. My glucose levels are fine in tests but I have had such feeling since I was 20 yrs old in phases.
4. Vaginal discharge seems in control.
5. Tongue is clean
6. Stomach seems bloated like a balloon and is uncomfortable
7. Sitting and laying on back is increasing pain back and stomach pain.
Thanks will update test results in two days.
P:S- my latest ultrasound of pelvis did still show the left ovarian tumor of about 1cm radius
2:30 pm march 3 2017
UPDATING here instead of new post since you didn't prescribe yet. I got some bad news again today from CT scan abdomen reports. They found a simple cyst Bosniac catergory 1 on my left kidney (on the inferior pole ) . Doctor said it's of no worry and should be monitored only after a year.
Also , my blood sugar came 200 which is v high and she gave orders to test for pre diabetic
I am feeling so dejected now. Waiting for your orders. Thanks.
- regards and prayers
[message edited by Nitz7 on Fri, 03 Mar 2017 03:49:29 UTC]
[message edited by Nitz7 on Fri, 03 Mar 2017 21:16:29 UTC]
[message edited by Nitz7 on Fri, 03 Mar 2017 21:17:58 UTC]
Hope you are doing good.
Here are my current symptoms
1. Still getting uncomfortable pain in lower left side abdomen radiating to back (intermittent). When doctor was pressing stomach it was hurting a lot. She said it seems like a combination of muscular and internal pain (IBS or similar thing ). Did CT scan of abdomen today and will let you know results.
2. After eating I start to feel v sick. Getting burps, bloating , it's the feeling like we get before or during loose motions like we are loosing energy or sinking. The feeling persist for 4-5 hours
3. Any food -seems like I have aversion. Hating to eat anything. But feel hungry. And if I don't eat on time, I start trembling like my sugar is dropping. My glucose levels are fine in tests but I have had such feeling since I was 20 yrs old in phases.
4. Vaginal discharge seems in control.
5. Tongue is clean
6. Stomach seems bloated like a balloon and is uncomfortable
7. Sitting and laying on back is increasing pain back and stomach pain.
Thanks will update test results in two days.
P:S- my latest ultrasound of pelvis did still show the left ovarian tumor of about 1cm radius
2:30 pm march 3 2017
UPDATING here instead of new post since you didn't prescribe yet. I got some bad news again today from CT scan abdomen reports. They found a simple cyst Bosniac catergory 1 on my left kidney (on the inferior pole ) . Doctor said it's of no worry and should be monitored only after a year.
Also , my blood sugar came 200 which is v high and she gave orders to test for pre diabetic
I am feeling so dejected now. Waiting for your orders. Thanks.
- regards and prayers
[message edited by Nitz7 on Fri, 03 Mar 2017 03:49:29 UTC]
[message edited by Nitz7 on Fri, 03 Mar 2017 21:16:29 UTC]
[message edited by Nitz7 on Fri, 03 Mar 2017 21:17:58 UTC]
Nitz7 8 years ago
Hello Nita Gee, Sorry for the late reply due to Annual Exams at school and some internet issues over here in Pakistan.
Please take Only One dose of Thuja 1m asap.
Many prayers for you.
Please take Only One dose of Thuja 1m asap.
Many prayers for you.
♡ nawazkhan 8 years ago
Thanks Nawazji. Glad to know you are fine. Didn't know you were not in Usa currently.
I will order the med today and update you once I take it.
Appreciate you replying in middle of so much and bad internet
Prayers for you and your school
I will order the med today and update you once I take it.
Appreciate you replying in middle of so much and bad internet
Prayers for you and your school
Nitz7 8 years ago
Fortunately I Had THUja 1M at home. It must be a bottle from 2009/2010. I took one dose. It was an unopened bottle. Hope it's ok that it's so old??
It had a strong taste which homeo meds usually have.
It had a strong taste which homeo meds usually have.
Nitz7 8 years ago
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